Official 2023 Ticket Lottery Results Thread



  • CopperTomCopperTom Posts: 3,080
    10C management has fallen so, so far since the departure of Kelly Curtis
  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,595
    PJNB said:
    baldog27 said:
    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost
    2.  Chi 1 Lost
    3.  Noble Lost
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost
    5.  Austin 1 Lost
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost

    7.  Austin 2 WON

    Let me fix this for you.

    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    2.  Chi 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    3.  Noble Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost  -- LOST LOTTERY 
    5.  Austin 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 

    7.  Austin 2 WON -- WON LOTTERY

    You have to win the lottery for the show you selected FIRST to even be in the ticket pool.

    If you do win , thats when priority and seniority applies. 

    Been this way since 2020 tour. 

    Some shows are higher in demand then others, thus the reason you won seats with 7th priority.

    The only way to fix this and to erase all the confusion is to make the lottery selection a separate process and send the emails to everyone win or lose. Then everyone knows if they won or lost for that show. Then those that won, priority and seniority would then apply to the seat you get.

    Yeah its an extra step, but maybe Pearl Jam could convince TM to do it in the future.
    Is there a source for this? It would explain a lot if that's actually been publicly stated at some point. 
    No it is a completely made up fallacy.

    Go down to the how do tickets work for 10c members?  It factually states tickets are randomized with consideration based on priority. Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth.
    It says "To level the playing field, ticket requests are fulfilled in a randomized selection process while still considering show priority." 
    "Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth" definitely does not follow from that statement. In fact they leave it deliberately vague. 

    Consider Person A, Person B, and shows GG, OK, LY. Priorities highest to lowest: 
    Person A: GG, LY, OK. 
    Person B. GG, OK, LY. 

    GG and LY have greater demand than supply. OK does not. 

    Person A gets chosen for GG, Person B does not. 

    Person B gets chosen for OK and LY. Person A does not. 

    Now, person B has gotten a ticket for OK at #3, whereas A did not get it at #2. According to your theory, that's definitely B A D. Furthermore, person B got two shows and Person A only got one!

    On the other hand, Person A got their first choice, and Person B didn't. So maybe it all balances out? People will have different opinions, and those are the kinds of factors that go into trying to design a process for this scenario. 

    If the people designing the solution make different choices, there's a world where Person A gets GG and LY, Person B gets only OK. Now Person A has their first pick (B doesn't), and more shows than B, but B has OK even though they had a lower priority on it than Person A did. Is that Bad and Wrong and Person A should definitely have gotten that seat instead, making for a clean sweep? 
    I think you have some of this messed up with your example but in no way should LY hit for Person B and Person A misses. Thats not how this has ever worked or should work. 
    It may be true that it hasn't worked that way before. Dunno. I respect your opinion that this isn't how it should work, I also disagree. Reasonable people can have a different opinion on that. Personally, I think that since Person A already got their first choice *and* third choice, and Person B didn't, it's more than reasonable for Person B to hit LY while Person A doesn't. And I'm not saying this exact thing is happening here. I'm just trying to illustrate that different people can reasonably have different opinions about what is most "fair", and you can't please everybody, and with a matrix of three different inputs (show, priority, GA/Reserve vs. only Reserve) across thousands of people, a lot of people are going to be unhappy and think it makes no sense no matter what you do. 

    It's also possible that their selection process is entirely unfair and idiotic -- but I don't think we have the evidence to say that, and I think people are far underestimating how difficult a problem this is to solve when one requirement is a futile hope to have at least a veneer of "fairness" across the opinions of tens of thousands of people. 
    Explain to me how 8 people I know put Chicago night 2 as a first and only pick. They have not heard anything yet and others put it as a 3rd pick and won. Also the people that put it as a 3rd pick won 4 other shows. 
  • Fly2AMSFly2AMS Posts: 38
    Won a pair for both Austin shows. Sec 117 & 108. First time visit to Austin. Should be fun seeing my 22st & 22nd PJ shows since 1993
  • I had to look back at previous lotteries… it just a confirmation email if we got tickets, correct?

    There’s no ‘sorry, you did not get tickets’ email.
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 11,470
    Is there any detail on the fan to fan exchange?...can you send and/or swap with your friends or just put them back into the pool?
    You have to put them back in the TM pool. You can't specify a person to sell them to (except for Chicago - where you can just transfer them to whomever you want).

  • JW657002JW657002 PA Posts: 3
    npool77 said:
    JW657002 said:
    No luck Austin#1 and Chicago. Gonna just hope GVF tours with their new album because they light shit on fire. Lol
    Seeing GVF In Portland August 5th 
    Saw both PJ and GVF at Bourbon and Beyond and would love to see either band again. Would really like to see PJ full concert this year,. I’m a little heartbroken on this lottery so far but it’s not officially over yet  
  • CopperTomCopperTom Posts: 3,080
    PJNB said:
    marra2312 said:
    tylerj said:
    PJNB said:
    tylerj said:
    CopperTom said:
    tylerj said:
    All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed  any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone. 

    I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise. 
    No.  First priority are drawn first.  If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries.  A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win. 
    That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets. 
    That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
    All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number. 
    People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important. 

    Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
    Lol right it is so simlple

    5000 pairs to go out for 10C

    Priority 1 is drawn

    3000 people have it as a first pick. All win

    Priority 2 is drawn

    2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose. 

    Everyone after priority 2 loses 

    This is not hard. 

    True.  This is how the system is supposed to work.
  • Spurs14Spurs14 Buffalo Grove, IL Posts: 275

    This was the response I got when I asked for more clarification on how the lottery would work the other day.

    Based off of this response, today is exactly how I should have expected things to go lol
    If that’s the case, then what is the point of priority?
  • iwasatpj20iwasatpj20 Rockford, IL Posts: 3,427
    PJNB said:
    PJNB said:
    baldog27 said:
    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost
    2.  Chi 1 Lost
    3.  Noble Lost
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost
    5.  Austin 1 Lost
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost

    7.  Austin 2 WON

    Let me fix this for you.

    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    2.  Chi 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    3.  Noble Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost  -- LOST LOTTERY 
    5.  Austin 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 

    7.  Austin 2 WON -- WON LOTTERY

    You have to win the lottery for the show you selected FIRST to even be in the ticket pool.

    If you do win , thats when priority and seniority applies. 

    Been this way since 2020 tour. 

    Some shows are higher in demand then others, thus the reason you won seats with 7th priority.

    The only way to fix this and to erase all the confusion is to make the lottery selection a separate process and send the emails to everyone win or lose. Then everyone knows if they won or lost for that show. Then those that won, priority and seniority would then apply to the seat you get.

    Yeah its an extra step, but maybe Pearl Jam could convince TM to do it in the future.
    Is there a source for this? It would explain a lot if that's actually been publicly stated at some point. 
    No it is a completely made up fallacy.

    Go down to the how do tickets work for 10c members?  It factually states tickets are randomized with consideration based on priority. Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth.
    It says "To level the playing field, ticket requests are fulfilled in a randomized selection process while still considering show priority." 
    "Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth" definitely does not follow from that statement. In fact they leave it deliberately vague. 

    Consider Person A, Person B, and shows GG, OK, LY. Priorities highest to lowest: 
    Person A: GG, LY, OK. 
    Person B. GG, OK, LY. 

    GG and LY have greater demand than supply. OK does not. 

    Person A gets chosen for GG, Person B does not. 

    Person B gets chosen for OK and LY. Person A does not. 

    Now, person B has gotten a ticket for OK at #3, whereas A did not get it at #2. According to your theory, that's definitely B A D. Furthermore, person B got two shows and Person A only got one!

    On the other hand, Person A got their first choice, and Person B didn't. So maybe it all balances out? People will have different opinions, and those are the kinds of factors that go into trying to design a process for this scenario. 

    If the people designing the solution make different choices, there's a world where Person A gets GG and LY, Person B gets only OK. Now Person A has their first pick (B doesn't), and more shows than B, but B has OK even though they had a lower priority on it than Person A did. Is that Bad and Wrong and Person A should definitely have gotten that seat instead, making for a clean sweep? 
    I think you have some of this messed up with your example but in no way should LY hit for Person B and Person A misses. Thats not how this has ever worked or should work. 
    It may be true that it hasn't worked that way before. Dunno. I respect your opinion that this isn't how it should work, I also disagree. Reasonable people can have a different opinion on that. Personally, I think that since Person A already got their first choice *and* third choice, and Person B didn't, it's more than reasonable for Person B to hit LY while Person A doesn't. And I'm not saying this exact thing is happening here. I'm just trying to illustrate that different people can reasonably have different opinions about what is most "fair", and you can't please everybody, and with a matrix of three different inputs (show, priority, GA/Reserve vs. only Reserve) across thousands of people, a lot of people are going to be unhappy and think it makes no sense no matter what you do. 

    It's also possible that their selection process is entirely unfair and idiotic -- but I don't think we have the evidence to say that, and I think people are far underestimating how difficult a problem this is to solve when one requirement is a futile hope to have at least a veneer of "fairness" across the opinions of tens of thousands of people. 
    Explain to me how 8 people I know put Chicago night 2 as a first and only pick. They have not heard anything yet and others put it as a 3rd pick and won. Also the people that put it as a 3rd pick won 4 other shows. 
    For the 202 shows, I put in one ticket request for Nashville, Phoenix, and St. Louis.  I received three separate emails saying I won a ticket to the three cities.
    2000 - Chicago, IL
    2003 - Champaign, IL
    2006 - Chicago, IL 1 & 2
    2007 - Chicago, IL Lollapalooza
    2009 - Chicago, IL 1 & 2
    2010 - St. Louis, MO
    2011 - East Troy, WI 1 & 2 (PJ20 Destination Weekend)
    2012 - Atlanta, GA, Missoula, MT
    2013 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field), Dallas, TX, Oklahoma City, OK
    2014 - St. Louis, MO, Tulsa, OK, Moline, IL (No Code, IL), Saint Paul, MN, Milwaukee, WI (Yield, WI)
    2016 - Greenville, SC (Vs, SC), Raleigh, NC, Columbia, SC, Boston, MA (Fenway Park 1), Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field 1 & 2)
    2018 - Seattle, WA (Safeco Field 2), Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field 1 & 2), Boston, MA (Fenway Park 2)
    2020 - Nashville, TN, St. Louis, MO, Oklahoma City, OK, Phoenix, AZ, ??
    2022 - Nashville, TN, St. Louis, MO, Oklahoma City, OK, Phoenix, AZ, Las Vegas, NV
    2023 - St. Paul, MN 2, Fort Worth, TX 2, Austin, TX 1, and Austin, TX 2
    2024 - Portland, OR and Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field 1 & 2)
    2025 - Pittsburgh, PA1 & Pittsburgh PA2

    2012 - Temple of the Dog East Troy, WI (PJ20 Destination Weekend)
    2014 - Soundgarden Tinley Park, IL (with Nine Inch Nails)
    2014 - Alice in Chains Davenport, IA
    2016 - Chris Cornell Solo Madison, WI and Peoria, IL (official hometown show)
    2016 - Temple of the Dog San Francisco, CA (both shows)
    2017 - Soundgarden Dallas (cancelled) RIP Chris Cornell
    2018 - Smashing Pumpkins Chicago, IL (first show)
    2019 - Alice in Chains Milwaukee, WI
    2022 - Jerry Cantrell Chicago, IL
    2023 - Jerry Cantrell Milwaukee, WI

    RIP Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, and Chris Cornell

    RIP Mom (may your star shine the brightest in the sky, our family loves and misses you very much, we'll meet again)

  • JB127779JB127779 Posts: 43
    Only show I put in for was Fort Worth night 2 and only marked GA/Reserved box.  Ended up with Floor section 1, Row 26.  Would have preferred one of the side sections but happy to get tickets. 

    10.21.00 - Phoenix, AZ
    04.18.03 - Nashville, TN
    06.07.03 - Phoenix, AZ
    06.10.03 - Little Rock, AR
    10.28.09 - Philadelphia, PA
    05.04.10 - St. Louis, MO
    11.15.13 - Dallas, TX
    11.16.13 - Oklahoma City, OK
    10.14.14 - Memphis, TN
    09.16.22 - Nashville, TN
    09.22.22 - Oklahoma City, OK
  • Daughter got Austin 2 pit. That was her #1 priority. Her BF & his sister both won seats for it, too!
    2003 Spectrum, Camden 2, Holmdel 2004 Reading, PA 2005 Philly 2006 Hartford, Camden 1&2, E. Rutherford 1&2 2008 Camden 1&2, MSG 1&2  2009 Spectrum 1,2,3,4  2010 Hartford, Newark, MSG 1&2 2013 Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Brooklyn 1&2, Philly 1&2,  Baltimore 2014 Leeds, Cincinnati  2015 GCF  2016 Sunrise, Miami, Hampton, Philly 1&2, MSG 1&2, Fenway 1&2  2017 RHoF Induction 2018 Seattle 1&2 Fenway 1&2 2021 Sea Hear Now 2022 Hamilton, Toronto, MSG, Camden 2023 Indy 2024 Indy, MSG 1&2, Philly 1&2, Baltimore

  • CO278952CO278952 Orlando, FL Posts: 1,371
    PJ1973 said:
    Got a pair for Austin 2. No word yet on Austin 1. Section 112 so I'm thinking this is on the opposite side from the stage.
    Yes I will join you there!  Waiting on Austin 1 which was my first priority. Seems there are some extras being awarded. 
    4.17.94 Paramount 9.28.96 Randall's Island 8.25.00 Jones Beach 4.28.03 Spectrum 7.5.03 Camden 7.6.03 Camden 07.08.03 MSG 07.09.03 MSG 7.12.03 Hershey 7.14.03 Holmdel 6.12.08 Tampa 10.19.13 Brooklyn 4.11.16 Tampa 5.1.16 MSG 5.2.16 MSG 8.7.16 Fenway 9.2.18 Fenway 9.4.18 Fenway 9.11.22 MSG 9.16.22 Nashville 9.18.23 Austin 9.19.23 Austin 9.3.24 MSG 9.4.24 MSG Fenway 9.15.24 Fenway 9.17.24
  • Oceans 98Oceans 98 Posts: 232
    Are people still getting emails saying they got tickets?
    St. Louis 07/02/98, St. Louis 10/11/00, New York 07/08/03, New York 07/09/03, Chicago 05/16/06, Chicago 05/17/06, Bridge School 10/21/06, Bridge School 10/22/06, Chicago 07/05/07, Chicago 07/24/09, Kansas City 05/03/10, St Louis 05/04/10, PJ20 09/03/11, PJ20 09/04/11, Chicago 07/19/13, St. Louis 10/03/14, Ohana 09/24/21 (EV/Earthings), Ohana 09/25/21 (EV/Earthlings), Ohana 09/26/21, Nashville 09/16/22, Louisville 09/17/22, St. Louis 09/18/22, Oklahoma City 09/20/22

  • JbabbingtonJbabbington Huntington WV Posts: 151
    Still holding out for Chitown N1, and if that fails hopefully I can strike F2F. And if that fails... well.. shit, at least I get to see The Lumineers the week before.
  • setlist41setlist41 Posts: 567
    Someone on facebook,  just got a Chicago email 
  • npool77npool77 Portland, OR Posts: 13
    JW657002 said:
    npool77 said:
    JW657002 said:
    No luck Austin#1 and Chicago. Gonna just hope GVF tours with their new album because they light shit on fire. Lol
    Seeing GVF In Portland August 5th 
    Saw both PJ and GVF at Bourbon and Beyond and would love to see either band again. Would really like to see PJ full concert this year,. I’m a little heartbroken on this lottery so far but it’s not officially over yet  
    That sounds like an epic concert. Agreed. Austin debacle killing my hope to see them this year but fingers crossed on night one still 
    Chicago, Illinois 07-11-1995 East Troy, Wisconsin 06-27-1998 Portland, Oregon 11-02-2000 Seattle, Washington 12-09-2002 Portland, Oregon 07-20-2006 Seattle, Washington 09-22-2009 Portland, OR 09-26-2009 East Troy, Wisconsin 09-03-2011 East Troy, Wisconsin 09-04-2011 Chicago, IL 07-19-2013 Portland, OR 11-29-2013 Moline, IL 10-17-2014 Milwaukee, WI 10-20-2014 EV Portland, OR 07-14-2011 Seattle, Washington 07-15-2011
  • setlist41setlist41 Posts: 567
    There's still a shot
  • CO278952CO278952 Orlando, FL Posts: 1,371
    You have to win this lottery first, and then they apply the priorities to all of the winners.
    If you are not chosen as a lottery winner then priorities mean nothing.

    When you get chosen as a lottery winner and there are multiple shows in that city, you get all of the shows you requested in that city, unless they are already sold out, based on how you ordered your priorities.

    The proof of this is people winning tickets to multiple shows (both Chicago) and getting the congrats emails one minute apart for each show.
    Waiting on Austin 1 first priority and won Austin 2 second priority?
    4.17.94 Paramount 9.28.96 Randall's Island 8.25.00 Jones Beach 4.28.03 Spectrum 7.5.03 Camden 7.6.03 Camden 07.08.03 MSG 07.09.03 MSG 7.12.03 Hershey 7.14.03 Holmdel 6.12.08 Tampa 10.19.13 Brooklyn 4.11.16 Tampa 5.1.16 MSG 5.2.16 MSG 8.7.16 Fenway 9.2.18 Fenway 9.4.18 Fenway 9.11.22 MSG 9.16.22 Nashville 9.18.23 Austin 9.19.23 Austin 9.3.24 MSG 9.4.24 MSG Fenway 9.15.24 Fenway 9.17.24
  • DragonsAfter3or4DragonsAfter3or4 Bluegrass Posts: 339
    Just happy to keep my membership current to be shut out of every lottery! Yeeee fkn haaaw🤘
  • Doug87Doug87 Posts: 442
    setlist41 said:
    Someone on facebook,  just got a Chicago email 
    did they happen to say their ten club number lol
  • Tix Update

    9:05am PST Fri Sept 15 Dickies Arena - Fort Worth, TX  GA/PIT   (1st choice)

    2:50pm PST Tues Sept 19 N2 
    Moody Center - Austin, TX  SEC 214 Row  (3rd choice)

    Have no heard about N1 in Austin (2nd Choice)

    Hmmm, not sure about section 214.... eek. 

    November 5, 1993 - Indio, CA, Polo Fileds
    July 4, 1998 - Los Angeles, The Forum
    November 23, 2013 - Los Angeles, Sports Arena
    September 26, 2021 - Dana Point, Ohana Festival
    October 2, 2021 - Dana Point, Ohana Festival
    May 3, 2022 - San Diego, Aztex Bowl
    May 6 & 7, 2022- Los Angeles, The Forum
    May 16, 2022 - Fresno, Save Mart Center
    September 13 & 15, 2023 - FT. Worth, Dickies 
    September 18 & 19, 2023 - Austin, Moody Center
    May 10, 2024 - Portland, Moda Center
    May 16, 2024 - Las Vegas, MGM Garden Arena
    May 21 & 22, 2024 - Los Angeles, Forum
    May 25, 2024 - Napa Valley, Bottlerock 
    May 30, 2024 - Seattle, Climate Pledge Arena 
    Jun 22, 2024 -  Dublin, IEMarlay Park
  • KAHallerKAHaller New York Posts: 4
    I have put in for Indiana have not heard anything.  I am totally hoping for this as I reserved air bnb and some other things assuming they said a majority for 10c was GA Field…I have zero emails.  I’m dying 
  • kaw753kaw753 Posts: 883
    I am not a smart man, but this is not making much sense. I got nice 100 level seats to FW1 as my 6th choice and I probably won't be there. So-So seats to FW2 as 5th choice. The worse seats ever to AUS2 as #2 that I will be praying someone buys off F2F. No word yet on AUS1 as my #1 choice. 

    What is the point of this when I know I can go on Ticketmaster and grab better seats then these off F2F with a few F5s?
  • Hurls15Hurls15 Posts: 182
    PJNB said:
    PJNB said:
    baldog27 said:
    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost
    2.  Chi 1 Lost
    3.  Noble Lost
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost
    5.  Austin 1 Lost
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost

    7.  Austin 2 WON

    Let me fix this for you.

    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    2.  Chi 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    3.  Noble Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost  -- LOST LOTTERY 
    5.  Austin 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 

    7.  Austin 2 WON -- WON LOTTERY

    You have to win the lottery for the show you selected FIRST to even be in the ticket pool.

    If you do win , thats when priority and seniority applies. 

    Been this way since 2020 tour. 

    Some shows are higher in demand then others, thus the reason you won seats with 7th priority.

    The only way to fix this and to erase all the confusion is to make the lottery selection a separate process and send the emails to everyone win or lose. Then everyone knows if they won or lost for that show. Then those that won, priority and seniority would then apply to the seat you get.

    Yeah its an extra step, but maybe Pearl Jam could convince TM to do it in the future.
    Is there a source for this? It would explain a lot if that's actually been publicly stated at some point. 
    No it is a completely made up fallacy.

    Go down to the how do tickets work for 10c members?  It factually states tickets are randomized with consideration based on priority. Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth.
    It says "To level the playing field, ticket requests are fulfilled in a randomized selection process while still considering show priority." 
    "Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth" definitely does not follow from that statement. In fact they leave it deliberately vague. 

    Consider Person A, Person B, and shows GG, OK, LY. Priorities highest to lowest: 
    Person A: GG, LY, OK. 
    Person B. GG, OK, LY. 

    GG and LY have greater demand than supply. OK does not. 

    Person A gets chosen for GG, Person B does not. 

    Person B gets chosen for OK and LY. Person A does not. 

    Now, person B has gotten a ticket for OK at #3, whereas A did not get it at #2. According to your theory, that's definitely B A D. Furthermore, person B got two shows and Person A only got one!

    On the other hand, Person A got their first choice, and Person B didn't. So maybe it all balances out? People will have different opinions, and those are the kinds of factors that go into trying to design a process for this scenario. 

    If the people designing the solution make different choices, there's a world where Person A gets GG and LY, Person B gets only OK. Now Person A has their first pick (B doesn't), and more shows than B, but B has OK even though they had a lower priority on it than Person A did. Is that Bad and Wrong and Person A should definitely have gotten that seat instead, making for a clean sweep? 
    I think you have some of this messed up with your example but in no way should LY hit for Person B and Person A misses. Thats not how this has ever worked or should work. 
    It may be true that it hasn't worked that way before. Dunno. I respect your opinion that this isn't how it should work, I also disagree. Reasonable people can have a different opinion on that. Personally, I think that since Person A already got their first choice *and* third choice, and Person B didn't, it's more than reasonable for Person B to hit LY while Person A doesn't. And I'm not saying this exact thing is happening here. I'm just trying to illustrate that different people can reasonably have different opinions about what is most "fair", and you can't please everybody, and with a matrix of three different inputs (show, priority, GA/Reserve vs. only Reserve) across thousands of people, a lot of people are going to be unhappy and think it makes no sense no matter what you do. 

    It's also possible that their selection process is entirely unfair and idiotic -- but I don't think we have the evidence to say that, and I think people are far underestimating how difficult a problem this is to solve when one requirement is a futile hope to have at least a veneer of "fairness" across the opinions of tens of thousands of people. 
    Explain to me how 8 people I know put Chicago night 2 as a first and only pick. They have not heard anything yet and others put it as a 3rd pick and won. Also the people that put it as a 3rd pick won 4 other shows. 
    I have Chicago night 2 as my first pick (with night 1 as my second). No other picks. Have not heard a thing.

    I would be willing to bet that the majority of them selected GA or RES only. 
  • jwc6160jwc6160 Posts: 356
    so it appears that the only show I put in for is jacked (Austin) and I still may have a chance sine I haven't been notified of anything or is it time to step away and hope to get lucky either friday or with F2F in May?
    KC 2010
    Lincoln 2014
    New York 2016
    Seattle 2018
    St Louis 2022
    Austin 2023
    EV@ Innings Festival Arizona 2023
    Lisbon 2024

  • ms127664ms127664 Posts: 15
    1st - Chicago N1 - Won - GA PIT - 736am pt
    2nd - Chicago N2 - Won - Sec 109 - 1151am
    3rd - Austin N1 - 
    4th - Austin N2 - Won - Sec 110 - 157pm

    28x xxx
  • BloodMeridian80BloodMeridian80 Seattle Posts: 699
    edited April 2023
    PJNB said:
    baldog27 said:
    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost
    2.  Chi 1 Lost
    3.  Noble Lost
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost
    5.  Austin 1 Lost
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost

    7.  Austin 2 WON

    Let me fix this for you.

    I got a good one (All Selections were GA/Res Option)
    1.  Chi 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    2.  Chi 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    3.  Noble Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    4.  St Paul 1 Lost  -- LOST LOTTERY 
    5.  Austin 1 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 
    6.  St Paul 2 Lost -- LOST LOTTERY 

    7.  Austin 2 WON -- WON LOTTERY

    You have to win the lottery for the show you selected FIRST to even be in the ticket pool.

    If you do win , thats when priority and seniority applies. 

    Been this way since 2020 tour. 

    Some shows are higher in demand then others, thus the reason you won seats with 7th priority.

    The only way to fix this and to erase all the confusion is to make the lottery selection a separate process and send the emails to everyone win or lose. Then everyone knows if they won or lost for that show. Then those that won, priority and seniority would then apply to the seat you get.

    Yeah its an extra step, but maybe Pearl Jam could convince TM to do it in the future.
    Is there a source for this? It would explain a lot if that's actually been publicly stated at some point. 
    No it is a completely made up fallacy.

    Go down to the how do tickets work for 10c members?  It factually states tickets are randomized with consideration based on priority. Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth.
    It says "To level the playing field, ticket requests are fulfilled in a randomized selection process while still considering show priority." 
    "Ergo, priority 1 should always trump priority 2 and so forth" definitely does not follow from that statement. In fact they leave it deliberately vague. 

    Consider Person A, Person B, and shows GG, OK, LY. Priorities highest to lowest: 
    Person A: GG, LY, OK. 
    Person B. GG, OK, LY. 

    GG and LY have greater demand than supply. OK does not. 

    Person A gets chosen for GG, Person B does not. 

    Person B gets chosen for OK and LY. Person A does not. 

    Now, person B has gotten a ticket for OK at #3, whereas A did not get it at #2. According to your theory, that's definitely B A D. Furthermore, person B got two shows and Person A only got one!

    On the other hand, Person A got their first choice, and Person B didn't. So maybe it all balances out? People will have different opinions, and those are the kinds of factors that go into trying to design a process for this scenario. 

    If the people designing the solution make different choices, there's a world where Person A gets GG and LY, Person B gets only OK. Now Person A has their first pick (B doesn't), and more shows than B, but B has OK even though they had a lower priority on it than Person A did. Is that Bad and Wrong and Person A should definitely have gotten that seat instead, making for a clean sweep? 
    I think you have some of this messed up with your example but in no way should LY hit for Person B and Person A misses. Thats not how this has ever worked or should work. 
    It may be true that it hasn't worked that way before. Dunno. I respect your opinion that this isn't how it should work, I also disagree. Reasonable people can have a different opinion on that. Personally, I think that since Person A already got their first choice *and* third choice, and Person B didn't, it's more than reasonable for Person B to hit LY while Person A doesn't. And I'm not saying this exact thing is happening here. I'm just trying to illustrate that different people can reasonably have different opinions about what is most "fair", and you can't please everybody, and with a matrix of three different inputs (show, priority, GA/Reserve vs. only Reserve) across thousands of people, a lot of people are going to be unhappy and think it makes no sense no matter what you do. 

    It's also possible that their selection process is entirely unfair and idiotic -- but I don't think we have the evidence to say that, and I think people are far underestimating how difficult a problem this is to solve when one requirement is a futile hope to have at least a veneer of "fairness" across the opinions of tens of thousands of people. 
    What you’re suggesting is that one’s priority shifted based on the order they pulled tickets for shows… this would be idiotic and unfair
  • TheMooksterTheMookster Posts: 100
    seane2430 said:
    I had to look back at previous lotteries… it just a confirmation email if we got tickets, correct?

    There’s no ‘sorry, you did not get tickets’ email.
     In the 2022 lottery I got an email from TicketsToday with the subject "An Update On Your Ticket Request for Pearl Jam" and listing all my requests and showing them all as a status Unfulfilled. So I'm expecting a similar email if I lose out today. 

    For 2023, I have requested:
    #1 Chicago N2 GA/Res
    #2 Chicago N1 GA/Res
    #3 St. Paul N2 GA/Res
    #4 St. Paul N1 GA/Res

    and so far have not received any emails. 

    Given the current time and the way things are going, I'm now sadly expecting one of the above "update" emails at close of play today 

    On balance I would say I've been reasonably fortunate to have won the tickets in the lottery a few times in the past when it was run by Ten Club but as you can see from the above, I don't feel very lucky since it has been in the hands of TicketsToday. 
    Finsbury Park '92 | Brixton 1 '93 | Wembley 2 '96 | Wembley 1&2 '00 | Reading, Paris '06 | Munich, Wembley '07 | Shepherds Bush, Berlin, Manchester, London '09 | Dublin, Belfast, Hyde Park '10 | Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1, Copenhagen, Atlanta '12 | Brooklyn 2, Philly 1&2, LA 1&2 '13 | Amsterdam 1&2, Vienna, Berlin '14 | Central Park, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City '15 | Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto 1&2, Wrigley 1&2 '16 | London 1, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, London 2, Fenway 2 '18 | Oakland 1&2, Berlin, Zurich, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London 1&2, Budapest, Krakow, Amsterdam '22 | St. Paul 1&2, Chicago 1&2 '23 |
  • machinehummachinehum Posts: 166
    edited April 2023
    Post edited by machinehum on
  • Got reserved for Austin (show 2 6th pick)
    Reaerved for both Fort Worth shows (8th and 9th). 
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