All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
With respect, you're very wrong because you're oversimplifying the problem space. Your example doesn't have 9 events with people ranking subsets of them. A forum post isn't the place to get into it, but for some enlightening lay-audience-oriented discussion take a look for example here: or google "ranked matching", "preference matching", "stable matching", "bipartite graphs", etc.
What their (and other people are not getting) is that one has to be picked in the lottery first before priorities mean anything. Not picked in the lottery, and it doesn't matter what your priority is.
Chicago, Aug 24, 2009 Noblesville, May 7, 2010 PJ20 Night 1, 2011 Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 2014 Milwaukee, Oct. 20, 2014 Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2016 Wrigley Field, Aug 22, 2016 Wrigley Field, Aug 18, 2018 Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2018 St. Louis, Sept. 18, 2022 Chicago, Sept. 5, 2023 Chicago, Sept. 7, 2023
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
This is what I've always thought. Not sure how the hell the lottery and priority rankings work. And now people are getting multiple pairs for same show in Austin?? What a mess.
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
With respect, you're very wrong because you're oversimplifying the problem space. Your example doesn't have 9 events with people ranking subsets of them. A forum post isn't the place to get into it, but for some enlightening lay-audience-oriented discussion take a look for example here: or google "ranked matching", "preference matching", "stable matching", "bipartite graphs", etc.
What their (and other people are not getting) is that one has to be picked in the lottery first before priorities mean anything. Not picked in the lottery, and it doesn't matter what your priority is.
If that is how it works that is a new way of running the lottery imposed by TM
I do not think anyone can explain what is happening today. There too many anomalies and differences from what we are used to (other than these sales being a shitshow on several occasions). Sending out extra pairs, priority 6 getting tix, low numbers at the back of the floor is definitely unusual.
Scored both Chicago shows section 200's. Taking my step-son to his first PJ show and taking my brother Thursday night. Thank You Ten Club and PJ!!!! See you all in September!
I took my son to his first PJ concert last Sept in OKC. He wanted to go up to the front about 1/2 way thru the show. He came back at the end with a tamborine from Ed, a handful of picks from Mike and Jeff's wristband. Honestly, I was a little disappointed with Matt for not completing his collection, but kids today are a little spoiled.
Has anyone used the Fan to Fan thing before? If you want to get rid of a ticket does just it just go up for the first random person to snag or can you specify a recipient?
You place it up for sale and anyone can buy it.
As someone who put in for four shows and have been skunked, I’m very interested in the fan to fan… is there more info about it somewhere? I think I read that starting in May is when tickets can become listed. Thanks in advance!
Wait a minute—people are getting tickets they didn’t even put in for? And many of us are sitting here with none? Who do we tag to get this looked into?
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
Except there's people here saying that they missed tickets for STP with it as priority 1.
And there's people with priority 3 and lower winning for STP (myself included).
So it can't be quite as simple as you are suggesting (either that or we have a bunch of unreliable narrators here).
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
With respect, you're very wrong because you're oversimplifying the problem space. Your example doesn't have 9 events with people ranking subsets of them. A forum post isn't the place to get into it, but for some enlightening lay-audience-oriented discussion take a look for example here: or google "ranked matching", "preference matching", "stable matching", "bipartite graphs", etc.
What their (and other people are not getting) is that one has to be picked in the lottery first before priorities mean anything. Not picked in the lottery, and it doesn't matter what your priority is.
If that is how it works that is a new way of running the lottery imposed by TM
It is new and I believe it's been that way now since TM took over the lottery, which was maybe a tour or 2 ago.
Chicago, Aug 24, 2009 Noblesville, May 7, 2010 PJ20 Night 1, 2011 Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 2014 Milwaukee, Oct. 20, 2014 Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2016 Wrigley Field, Aug 22, 2016 Wrigley Field, Aug 18, 2018 Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2018 St. Louis, Sept. 18, 2022 Chicago, Sept. 5, 2023 Chicago, Sept. 7, 2023
seems like something is wrong with Austin night 1 ticket distribution
My friend just told me his buddy got 2 sets of tickets for Austin night 1, so yes, something is wrong......I put in for Fort Worth night 2 and Austin 1 and 2, I got Fort Worth and Austin night 2, but no word on Austin night 1 yet.
Wait a minute—people are getting tickets they didn’t even put in for? And many of us are sitting here with none? Who do we tag to get this looked into?
Yes. This seems to be the case.
Austin, TX - 9/16/95 ~ Charleston, SC - 10/5/96 ~ Dallas, TX - 7/5/98 ~ San Antonio, TX - 4/5/03 ~ Denver, CO - 7/2/06 ~ EV - LA #2 - 4/13/08 ~ Austin, TX - 10/4/09 ~ Los Angeles, CA #1 - 11/23/13 ~ Los Angeles, CA #2 - 11/24/13 ~ Seattle, WA - 12/6/13 ~ NYC #1 - 5/1/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 8/5/16 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 8/7/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/2/18 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/4/18 ~ Louisville, KY - 9/17/22 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #1 - 9/13/23 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #2 - 9/15/23 ~ Austin, Texas #1 - 9/18/23 ~ Austin, Texas #2 - 9/19/23 ~ NYC #2 - 9/4/24 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/15/24 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/17/24
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
With respect, you're very wrong because you're oversimplifying the problem space. Your example doesn't have 9 events with people ranking subsets of them. A forum post isn't the place to get into it, but for some enlightening lay-audience-oriented discussion take a look for example here: or google "ranked matching", "preference matching", "stable matching", "bipartite graphs", etc.
What their (and other people are not getting) is that one has to be picked in the lottery first before priorities mean anything. Not picked in the lottery, and it doesn't matter what your priority is.
Agreed. The lingering question (at least for Chicago) is whether or not people who chose GA or RES only (ie not RES) were in the pile of entries that were drawn after GA was chosen. I have been following along all day and I don't recall seeing a single post where someone who chose GA or RES only was successful in getting a RES ticket.
Noblesville, May 7, 2010
PJ20 Night 1, 2011
Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 2014
Milwaukee, Oct. 20, 2014
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 22, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 18, 2018
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2018
St. Louis, Sept. 18, 2022
Chicago, Sept. 5, 2023
Chicago, Sept. 7, 2023
Show up on Friday night and start partying lol. Sometimes the camping out part turned out to better than the concert lol.
Kind of feel sorry for those who weren't around for the days before the explosion of cell phones and windows '98.
'94 Boston 04.10
'95 DC 01.15
'96 Columbia 09.24, NYC 09.29, Hartford 10.02
'98 DC 06.14, Camden 08.28, Camden 08.29, E. Rutherford 09.08, NYC 09.10, NYC 09.11, Hartford 09.13, Columbia 09.18
'00 Camden 09.01, Camden 09.02, Columbia 09.04
'03 Philly 04.23, Camden 07.05, Camden 07.06, NYC 07.09, Hershey 07.12, Holmdel 07.14
'04 Reading 10.01, DC 10.11
'05 Atlantic City 09.30, Atlantic City 10.01, Philly 10.03, Chicago 10.05
'06 NYC 05.05, Camden 05.27, Camden 05.28, DC 05.30, E. Rutherford 06.03
'08 Camden 06.19, Camden 06.20, DC 06.22, NYC 06.24, NYC 06.25
'09 Philly 10.27, Philly 10.28, Philly 10.30, Philly 10.31
'10 Hartford 05.15, Newark 05.18, NYC 05.20, NYC 05.21
'12 Philly 09.02
'13 Philly 10.21, Philly 10.22
'16 Philly 04.28, Philly 04.29
'18 Boston 09.02
'21 Asbury Park 09.18
'22 Camden 09.14
'24 Philly 09.07 Philly 09.09 Baltimore 09.12
2010 - Bridge School | 2012 - EV Austin | 2013 - Dallas | 2018 - Rome | 2022 - Oakland Night 1
03-San Antonio
18-Seattle x 2
Noblesville, May 7, 2010
PJ20 Night 1, 2011
Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 2014
Milwaukee, Oct. 20, 2014
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 22, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 18, 2018
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2018
St. Louis, Sept. 18, 2022
Chicago, Sept. 5, 2023
Chicago, Sept. 7, 2023
1. Chi 2 Lost
2. Chi 1 Lost
3. Noble Lost
4. St Paul 1 Lost
5. Austin 1 Lost
6. St Paul 2 Lost
7. Austin 2 WON
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
My friend just told me his buddy got 2 sets of tickets for Austin night 1, so yes, something is wrong......I put in for Fort Worth night 2 and Austin 1 and 2, I got Fort Worth and Austin night 2, but no word on Austin night 1 yet.
4/5,6/9/2003, 9/1/05, 12/7/2005, 7/15,16,18/2006, 8/5/2007
9/21,22/2009, 10/4/2009
5/6,7,9/2010, 9/3/2011 9/4/2011, 11/15/2013,
11/16/2013, 12/8/2013, 10/5/2014, 10/12/2014,
4/23, 5/10, 5/12, 8/20, 8/22 2016,
8/8, 8/10, 8/18, 8/20 2018, 5/12, 5/13, 9/20 2022
2013-10-30 - Charlotte, NC
2016-04-16 - Greenville, SC
2016-04-20 - Raleigh, NC
2016-04-21 - Columbia, SC
2016-05-01 - New York, NY
2022-09-16 - Nashville, TN
2022-09-17 - Louisville, KY
2023-09-10 - Noblesville, IN
2023-09-13 - Fort Worth, TX
2023-09-15 - Fort Worth, TX
2024-08-26 - Noblesville, IN
Priority 2 Fort Worth Night 2
Scored night one at 3:27 Section 122 Row 1
Scored night two at 3:41 Section 120 Row 11
Member number 719***
Noblesville, May 7, 2010
PJ20 Night 1, 2011
Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 2014
Milwaukee, Oct. 20, 2014
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 22, 2016
Wrigley Field, Aug 18, 2018
Wrigley Field, Aug 20, 2018
St. Louis, Sept. 18, 2022
Chicago, Sept. 5, 2023
Chicago, Sept. 7, 2023
Email came in at 5:30pm eastern
"...I changed by not changing at all..."