Has anyone used the Fan to Fan thing before? If you want to get rid of a ticket does just it just go up for the first random person to snag or can you specify a recipient?
Ok I opened my mouth to early! I just got confirmation of scoring tickets to Chicago 2nd night! The seats are not what I expected for my seniority number 27xxx section 205 row 8 not sure how that works but I’m in the building and my daughter gets to see the band for the 1st time! She’s so damn happy and that makes me happy 😃
Couldn’t read all 700 posts, but from what I skimmed through it seems several people have won Chicago with 2nd, 3rd and even 4th priorities.
As of 4:05 CST I have zero ticket confirmations. Chicago N1 and N2 were my only selections. Both GA/Reserved and Reserved options were chosen.
Yes I read every detail to enter and have done this many times before. Yes my credit card is up to date on TM. Yes I received a confirmation email for my request.
Something seems seriously broken here.
There is a working theory that only selecting GA/Res might have been somewhat broken, and that people who didn't win GA were not actually moved into the reserved lotto as advertised
I did not select only GA/ Reserved though. I selected the GA/ Reserved AND Reserved Seating options. Both boxes were checked and confirmed in the email I received the day I submitted the request (Thursday). I only did this based on the very explicit direction to do so by Ten Club.
My wife has exact same thing as you Biggs and it’s been radio silence on her end too.
Sorry to hear bud. I’m cool and composed, but I have to say it’s very frustrating and I think it is something that will need to be addressed if it results in unfulfilled requests.
Has anyone used the Fan to Fan thing before? If you want to get rid of a ticket does just it just go up for the first random person to snag or can you specify a recipient?
You can’t control who gets it. You can try to coordinate, but if someone else is faster, they’ll snatch it up.
Seattle 8-8-18 Chicago 8-18-18 Chicago 8-20-18 St. Louis 4-4-20 Denver 4-9-20 Denver 9-22-22 Noblesville 9-10-23 Vancouver 5-6-24 Seattle 5-30-24 Nashville 5-6-25
Has anyone used the Fan to Fan thing before? If you want to get rid of a ticket does just it just go up for the first random person to snag or can you specify a recipient?
You place it up for sale and anyone can buy it.
This show, another show, a show here and a show there.
You have to win this lottery first, and then they apply the priorities to all of the winners. If you are not chosen as a lottery winner then priorities mean nothing.
When you get chosen as a lottery winner and there are multiple shows in that city, you get all of the shows you requested in that city, unless they are already sold out, based on how you ordered your priorities.
The proof of this is people winning tickets to multiple shows (both Chicago) and getting the congrats emails one minute apart for each show.
Ok well if so this is literally never how it has worked before this drawing
Has anyone used the Fan to Fan thing before? If you want to get rid of a ticket does just it just go up for the first random person to snag or can you specify a recipient?
I haven't used it, but my understanding is once it's posted, it's first come first serve. i have heard of people that tried to coordinate with each other and try to get it to a specific person, but not sure how well that worked out.
I really think everybody’s gonna get tickets. My second choice for Austin. I got reserve seating section 116 row P not bad. I think my number is two 66,000 somewhere. I’m assuming I’m going to get my first choice if I got my second choice also, I still don’t understand the logic of if you pick GA somehow you’re not gonna get reserved. I love the new format which allows you to go for both if you don’t get GA they move you over to reserve with everybody else. Anybody see a different? Anyways, loving how many tickets to 10 club got for us Michels are really going to be like 10 club only
put in for both shows at FW and ATX, got all but night 1 ATX, so it may be a lag thing as other are commenting on. all mine came through an hour ago w/20 min laps between each email. had thought i was completely SOL and living in Houston, that would of sucked.
San Diego Sports Arena - Oct 25, 2000 MGM Grand - Jul 6, 2006 Cox Arena - Jul 7, 2006 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival - May 1, 2010 Alpine Valley Music Theater - Sep 3-4 2011 Made In America, Philly - Sep 2, 2012 EV, Houston - Nov 12-13, 2012 Dallas-November 2013 OKC-November 2013 ACL 2-October 2014 Fenway Night 1, August 2016 Wrigley, Night 1 August 2018 Fort Worth, Night 1 September 2023 Fort Worth, Night 2 September 2023 Austin, Night 1 September 2023 Austin, Night 2 September 2023
So people are getting thier 2nd priority for shows before people get their 1st priority for the same show?
People are getting their sixth and seventh choice before others first
I put in for both CHI shows - member since 2010 (yes I realize that a 457xxx member number isnt low...) nothing yet - but I hit for Denver on the last leg
Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024
I still haven’t gotten an email but my card was charged for 2 tickets total. They are not in my tickets yet. How do I know which date it’s for and when will I find out if I get the other date. Put in for both St. Paul’s dates
All, it's not totally confusing as to why someone who listed any show as 2nd priority would get a ticket and someone with 1st priority wouldn't. My understanding is they group those in 1st priority, run the randomizer/lottery and issue tickets to those who get picked. Once that's done they do that again for 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority etc until all the allotment is gone.
I could be wrong. Someone let me know if they know otherwise.
No. First priority are drawn first. If tickets remain, they move on to second priority entries. A first priority person should never lose and a second priority person win.
That's not how it's worked for the last few tours I don't believe. Been multiple past examples of 2nd, 3rd priority ppl getting tickets and 1st priority ppl getting nothing. it's caused a lot of butthurt for some folks. My first priority was Chicago N1. Haven't received an email yet. Yet some people at 2nd priority have reported getting reserved tickets.
That is the reason we put priority down. It makes no sense to have priority for pics if it was random as you said. In no way should someone that picked a show as a 2nd get it over someone that put it as a first. That is a broken system
All I'm saying is there was a person here who said they got St Paul tickets for both nights at 5th and 6th priority and then there are people who put those as 1st and/or 2nd priority and haven't heard back yet. I guess they could still get tickets if they're sending out the emails by 10c number.
People are thinking about "priority" wrong here. This has *nothing* to do with who has "priority" to get drawn, it is *only* and *strictly* your own personal prioritization of your preference of shows to attend. How to translate those personal rankings into something that looks fair across a matrix of multiple people ranking multiple instances is an entire field of study and there are a thousand ways to do it depending on what factors are considered more important.
Then what is the point of them asking it? Not looking for a fight, just seems to needlessly complicate things if it doesn't have any impact on what order people get drawn.
Lol right it is so simlple
5000 pairs to go out for 10C
Priority 1 is drawn
3000 people have it as a first pick. All win
Priority 2 is drawn
2500 people have it as a second pick. 2000 win. 500 lose.
Everyone after priority 2 loses
This is not hard.
With respect, you're very wrong because you're oversimplifying the problem space. Your example doesn't have 9 events with people ranking subsets of them. A forum post isn't the place to get into it, but for some enlightening lay-audience-oriented discussion take a look for example here: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/372916/ranked-preference-matching-algorithm or google "ranked matching", "preference matching", "stable matching", "bipartite graphs", etc.
His example is literally how it has worked before today, certainly before TM got involved in the lottery
Couldn’t read all 700 posts, but from what I skimmed through it seems several people have won Chicago with 2nd, 3rd and even 4th priorities.
As of 4:05 CST I have zero ticket confirmations. Chicago N1 and N2 were my only selections. Both GA/Reserved and Reserved options were chosen.
Yes I read every detail to enter and have done this many times before. Yes my credit card is up to date on TM. Yes I received a confirmation email for my request.
Something seems seriously broken here.
There is a working theory that only selecting GA/Res might have been somewhat broken, and that people who didn't win GA were not actually moved into the reserved lotto as advertised
I did not select only GA/ Reserved though. I selected the GA/ Reserved AND Reserved Seating options. Both boxes were checked and confirmed in the email I received the day I submitted the request (Thursday). I only did this based on the very explicit direction to do so by Ten Club.
My wife has exact same thing as you Biggs and it’s been radio silence on her end too.
Sorry to hear bud. I’m cool and composed, but I have to say it’s very frustrating and I think it is something that will need to be addressed if it results in unfulfilled requests.
Some clarity on the process would definitely be appreciated. Hope the emails show up soon for all of us waiting.
Chicago 1 (August 20, 2016)
Chicago 2 (August 22, 2016)
Ft. Worth 1 (September 13, 2023)
Ft. Worth 2 (September 15, 2023)
pit size
section 205 row 8 not sure how that works but I’m in the building and my daughter gets to see the band for the 1st time! She’s so damn happy and that makes me happy 😃
Chicago 8-18-18
Chicago 8-20-18
St. Louis 4-4-20
Denver 4-9-20
Denver 9-22-22
Noblesville 9-10-23
Vancouver 5-6-24
Seattle 5-30-24
Nashville 5-6-25
Chicago 2-9-22
Tempe 2-26-23
Ticket Master be like....
MGM Grand - Jul 6, 2006
Cox Arena - Jul 7, 2006
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival - May 1, 2010
Alpine Valley Music Theater - Sep 3-4 2011
Made In America, Philly - Sep 2, 2012
EV, Houston - Nov 12-13, 2012
Dallas-November 2013
OKC-November 2013
ACL 2-October 2014
Fenway Night 1, August 2016
Wrigley, Night 1 August 2018
Fort Worth, Night 1 September 2023
Fort Worth, Night 2 September 2023
Austin, Night 1 September 2023
Austin, Night 2 September 2023