


  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,946
    edited February 2022
    Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,576
    mace1229 said:

    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    This poll was a month ago, before the invasion. I’ve been taking about who supports the invasion.
    Also, the difference between Republican and democrats is relatively small. 15% of Rs viewed him favorably and 8% of Ds. If 15% is lots and alarming, you should also be concerned about the 8%.
    I would think both those numbers would be lower if that poll was taken today.  Viewing him “favorably” a month ago doesn’t mean you support and invasion today.
    Fox has lots of misinformation, I’ve never denied that. I just like to call out the ridiculousness is see. Just in the last hour or so it was posted here that everyone who voted for Trump supports Putin. Ridiculous. That Americans in this thread cheer for Putin. Ridiculous.

    Im sure if you dig through Twitter you can be find some crazies who applaud Putin. I could find some who think Elvis is alive too. But the vast majority of all Americans don’t support Putin, don’t want him to invade Ukraine or anywhere else, and view this as a real threat everywhere.
  • "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • FiveBelowFiveBelow Posts: 1,309
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,257
    FiveBelow said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
    Considering the favorability by Democrats for Trump and Putin are about equal, I think it's clear that these are not actual Democrats, or people who actively vote for Democrats.  They are either people who have historically registered as D's or people who lie to pollsters.  

    The more important metric is that Putin is viewed far more favorably than Biden in the R party.  That's a problem.  And the opinion piece by Tucker is exactly how it gets there.  He asks why should he hate Putin?  Does he call me racist, cancel me, teach my kid CRT?  That's a problem.  

    What is not represented here is whether Putin is viewed favorably by D's compared to Trump.  That would be the same problem as the R's have.  

    Regarding the "strong leader", that means nothing.  I think Putin is a strong leader for his country, but I think he's a criminal.  He's criminally strong.  That's not support. 
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    mickeyrat said:
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    Can you post a picture of the walrus mustache guy just for old times sake?


    I thought you meant Bolton.
    Bulton, Durham what's the difference!?
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    WWIII probably.  It would suck, but would be good for the defense industry.
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • static111 said:
    WWIII probably.  It would suck, but would be good for the defense industry.

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 42,229
    static111 said:
    mickeyrat said:
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    Can you post a picture of the walrus mustache guy just for old times sake?


    I thought you meant Bolton.
    Bulton, Durham what's the difference!?

    one commits foreign policy crimes the other, in theory, investigates and prosecutes crimes.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • FiveBelowFiveBelow Posts: 1,309
    mrussel1 said:
    FiveBelow said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
    Considering the favorability by Democrats for Trump and Putin are about equal, I think it's clear that these are not actual Democrats, or people who actively vote for Democrats.  They are either people who have historically registered as D's or people who lie to pollsters.  

    The more important metric is that Putin is viewed far more favorably than Biden in the R party.  That's a problem.  And the opinion piece by Tucker is exactly how it gets there.  He asks why should he hate Putin?  Does he call me racist, cancel me, teach my kid CRT?  That's a problem.  

    What is not represented here is whether Putin is viewed favorably by D's compared to Trump.  That would be the same problem as the R's have.  

    Regarding the "strong leader", that means nothing.  I think Putin is a strong leader for his country, but I think he's a criminal.  He's criminally strong.  That's not support. 
    I’m not arguing for republicans, just pointing out that if I were tied to a party I wouldn’t ignore the same issues I’m trying to pin on the other side. I also found the choice to not ask dems their favorability of putin vs trump was done so to hide that it really just comes down to party bias, in most instances. I agree that “strong leader” does not equal support and that chart is useless.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,318
    fuck it.

    if putin is not stopped right now, this is going to have global implications. part of me just wants to say fuck it and let's get it on and let's get it overwith. seems like it is inevitable right now.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,946
    edited February 2022
    Clock is ticking. The climate's getting fucked. People aren't turning vegan fast enough. We do not have time with wars.

    Fucking shun and freeze out any country completely that in 2022 do not strive to NOT attack other countries, not being democracies and not having an aggressive plan for a sustainable planet. 

    If that means the US have to stop gerrymandering and reach a level of democracy that is needed, and learn to fucking warm up their houses without oil like in medieval times - then, so be it. I think Biden can fix that during his second term.


    How do we untangle Volvo and swedens biggest cinema chain from the chinese?
    Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,576
    mrussel1 said:
    FiveBelow said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
    Considering the favorability by Democrats for Trump and Putin are about equal, I think it's clear that these are not actual Democrats, or people who actively vote for Democrats.  They are either people who have historically registered as D's or people who lie to pollsters.  

    The more important metric is that Putin is viewed far more favorably than Biden in the R party.  That's a problem.  And the opinion piece by Tucker is exactly how it gets there.  He asks why should he hate Putin?  Does he call me racist, cancel me, teach my kid CRT?  That's a problem.  

    What is not represented here is whether Putin is viewed favorably by D's compared to Trump.  That would be the same problem as the R's have.  

    Regarding the "strong leader", that means nothing.  I think Putin is a strong leader for his country, but I think he's a criminal.  He's criminally strong.  That's not support. 
    To the bold, more Ds found Trump unfavorable than Putin too. So that pretty much went the same both ways.

    The problem with ignoring that 8% is then you’re basically saying there’s an 8% margin of error. Which then eliminates all of the differences they are concerned about. 
    Using this pill you have 2 choices. 1- be almost equally as concerned with the number of Ds who wrote in favorably for Putin a month ago and believe that means they support a muderous tyrant. Or 2- factor in that 8% margin of error since people lie on polls and all of the differences between the Rs and Ds are now gone.

    The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I’m sure some people view him favorable and I’m sure some lie. I’m also sure many would answer differently today than they did a month ago. But it’s when we label everyone who voted for trump, or lots of Rs just want to make America white again off of essentially 7% of the group, that’s where the problem lies.
  • It's just so laughingly "accepted" to play blatant theatre on the world stage. Look at what Trump was doing. Or Putin now. It's like - it wouldn't be believable in political satire. It's fucking embarassing.

    UNITED NATIONS, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Ukraine appealed to the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday to stop Russia's "aggressive plans," while Russia said it could not ignore "the blatant genocide" of Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and disparaged U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

    Guterres and the United States have dismissed Moscow's claims of genocide.

    The General Assembly held its annual meeting on Ukraine, which coincided with increasing tensions over U.S. accusations that Russia has deployed more than 150,000 troops near Ukraine's borders and is ready to invade. Russia has denied it wants to invade Ukraine and accuses Washington and allies of hysteria.

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273
    what the hell got the biden thread locked?
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    what the hell got the biden thread locked?
    Same thing I wondered
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    Probably me but I didn’t even post in it
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,257
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    FiveBelow said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
    Considering the favorability by Democrats for Trump and Putin are about equal, I think it's clear that these are not actual Democrats, or people who actively vote for Democrats.  They are either people who have historically registered as D's or people who lie to pollsters.  

    The more important metric is that Putin is viewed far more favorably than Biden in the R party.  That's a problem.  And the opinion piece by Tucker is exactly how it gets there.  He asks why should he hate Putin?  Does he call me racist, cancel me, teach my kid CRT?  That's a problem.  

    What is not represented here is whether Putin is viewed favorably by D's compared to Trump.  That would be the same problem as the R's have.  

    Regarding the "strong leader", that means nothing.  I think Putin is a strong leader for his country, but I think he's a criminal.  He's criminally strong.  That's not support. 
    To the bold, more Ds found Trump unfavorable than Putin too. So that pretty much went the same both ways.

    The problem with ignoring that 8% is then you’re basically saying there’s an 8% margin of error. Which then eliminates all of the differences they are concerned about. 
    Using this pill you have 2 choices. 1- be almost equally as concerned with the number of Ds who wrote in favorably for Putin a month ago and believe that means they support a muderous tyrant. Or 2- factor in that 8% margin of error since people lie on polls and all of the differences between the Rs and Ds are now gone.

    The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I’m sure some people view him favorable and I’m sure some lie. I’m also sure many would answer differently today than they did a month ago. But it’s when we label everyone who voted for trump, or lots of Rs just want to make America white again off of essentially 7% of the group, that’s where the problem lies.
    I don't see unfavorability ratings by D's in this chart.  Am I missing it?  I see favorable.  
  • 09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Out of nowhere a few days back, it just attacked me out of nowhere -- that when I visited New York in 2013 for "the most boring band in the world" I missed to visit Rupert Jees Hello Deli. And now I can't stop thinking of how fucking stupid I am that I didn't think about it back then. FUCK.
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,318
    what the hell got the biden thread locked?
    my bet is the last post. that was gonna set off a shitstorm if the thread was left open. 
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Out of nowhere a few days back, it just attacked me out of nowhere -- that when I visited New York in 2013 for "the most boring band in the world" I missed to visit Rupert Jees Hello Deli. And now I can't stop thinking of how fucking stupid I am that I didn't think about it back then. FUCK.
    What about Mujibur and Surajil? Did you forget about them?
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    Video from a week ago in the front lines of Ukraine.  Crazy to see what it all is like
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,576
    edited February 2022
    mrussel1 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    FiveBelow said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    The only good thing I see in any of this concerning China is that they’re up to their balls in omicron from the virus they themselves created right now, so the timing isn’t ideal for them to invade Taiwan.  I don’t think that means they won’t, but maybe it hampers their plans a bit?
    Yikes for the second time in 24h
    Yikes, sorry I agree with the majority of Americans. You do know that most Americans believe that it leaked from a lab right? Count me in with the rest of them. 

    But for thread integrity, i just watched the tucker thing you guys are talking about, and he’s not siding with Putin, he’s just anti democrat/Biden the whole time.

     “If you’ve been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Biden’s family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden’s favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine’s borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That’s how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.”

    He’s saying the narrative that we need to protect Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy isnt true, as the Ukrainian president has a habit of arresting his political opponents and shutting down news outlets that are critical of him. By all accounts, Ukraine is a tyrannical state, but because Biden is linked with them, the narrative is that they need protection.

    IMO, he’s saying it might be good for Biden but bad for Americans, and while Biden has admitted this fact, we’re being told that denying Putin Ukraine on moral grounds is the greater victory:

     Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You’re about to become measurably poorer. That’s not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this. 

    On the other hand, you’re going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let’s see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That’s not a bargain.”

    What pizza pie you coming up with to celebrate Russian aggression again? 
    C'mon guys.. Rollmodels is playing fair.  Let's keep the debate going. 
    Ok ok so maybe an antipasto 🤣🤣 ok I’ll bow out of the thread that somehow finds Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship!
    Who is cheering for a killer dictatorship?
    Lots of republicans. 
    The comment said he will bow out of a thread that has Americans cheering for a killer dictatorship. I took that to mean people in this thread, so I wanted to know who in this thread is cheering for Putin?
    But what republicans? I’ve seen criticism on Biden, but not anyone cheering for Putin. Not even Trump from what I’ve seen believes that, so I don’t know where all this Trumplicans cheer for Putin comes from. Can you provide names and quotes beyond just “lots of republicans” gwhere they cheer for Russia? And that’s a serious question, I would like to know who in office wants to support Putin and how they plan to.

    What republicans? The majority of them favor Putin over their own president. Disinformation spread by Fox and Trump allies have led us to this point. Only going to get worse.

    Republicans view Putin more favorably than they do leading Democrats

    President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021. (Denis Balibouse/AFP/Getty Images)
    Image without a caption
    National correspondent
    Today at 10:01 a.m. EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin operates within a well-established political framework. He is an autocrat with near-unilateral control over his country. Russia has elections, but no one is under the impression that the results will be allowed to pose a threat to Putin’s power. Personal freedoms are constrained significantly; opponents of Putin’s regime have a habit of succumbing to sudden illness and accidents.

    Yet American Republicans view him slightly more positively than they do leading Democratic officials. Between Putin and President Biden, it’s a toss-up that leans in Putin’s favor.

    Polling from YouGov conducted for the Economist in January provides an apples-to-apples comparison between Putin and various American leaders. Overall, Putin is much less positively viewed than Biden, Vice President Harris or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- Calif.), for example. Those officials and the parties are all viewed with some favorability by about a third of the public, as is former president Donald Trump. Only Barack Obama stands out from the crowd here, with a third of Americans viewing him very favorably.

    I added a dashed line there to indicate where Putin’s approval stands with the group.

    That’s a more useful indicator when we look at the views held by Republicans. With Republicans, Putin is viewed far less positively than is Trump — but more positively than sitting Democratic leaders. Interestingly, only Obama matches Putin’s favorability among Republicans, certainly in part a function of his being out of office.

    When we see poll results like this, the appropriate question is whether the difference between Biden and Putin is significant. In other words, the difference between the two presidents might simply be an artifact of the margins of uncertainty built into the poll. But it’s very clear that Republicans aren’t significantly more likely to approve of Biden. It’s just a question of whether they’re significantly more likely to approve of Putin.

    One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats.

    Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable. About two-thirds of Democrats view Putin very unfavorably, about the same as they view the Republican Party. Four in five view Trump very unfavorably.

    In the same poll, YouGov asked respondents whether they thought that Putin and Biden were strong leaders. Overall, Americans were twice as likely to say that Putin was a very or somewhat strong leader as they were to say the same of Biden. Among Democrats, both Putin and Biden were seen equivalently. Republicans were 10 times as likely to describe Putin as strong as they were Biden.

    This appreciation of Putin’s strong-arm leadership certainly helps moderate Republican views of him. Trump’s own description of Putin as “savvy” and as purportedly being emboldened by Biden’s weakness is rooted in his long-demonstrated appreciation of Putin’s perceived strength.

    It’s the sort of strength that probably seems more appealing from afar.

    It appears there are also plenty of democrats, according to these polls and what must be your argument that any favorability towards putin is "cheering for a killer dictatorship". I know its hard to look inward when you have sworn your allegiance to either fraternity, but if you do, where is the outrage? I just see the typical support for the party of choice and disapproval for the rival party, same old shit, no pretty charts needed.
    Considering the favorability by Democrats for Trump and Putin are about equal, I think it's clear that these are not actual Democrats, or people who actively vote for Democrats.  They are either people who have historically registered as D's or people who lie to pollsters.  

    The more important metric is that Putin is viewed far more favorably than Biden in the R party.  That's a problem.  And the opinion piece by Tucker is exactly how it gets there.  He asks why should he hate Putin?  Does he call me racist, cancel me, teach my kid CRT?  That's a problem.  

    What is not represented here is whether Putin is viewed favorably by D's compared to Trump.  That would be the same problem as the R's have.  

    Regarding the "strong leader", that means nothing.  I think Putin is a strong leader for his country, but I think he's a criminal.  He's criminally strong.  That's not support. 
    To the bold, more Ds found Trump unfavorable than Putin too. So that pretty much went the same both ways.

    The problem with ignoring that 8% is then you’re basically saying there’s an 8% margin of error. Which then eliminates all of the differences they are concerned about. 
    Using this pill you have 2 choices. 1- be almost equally as concerned with the number of Ds who wrote in favorably for Putin a month ago and believe that means they support a muderous tyrant. Or 2- factor in that 8% margin of error since people lie on polls and all of the differences between the Rs and Ds are now gone.

    The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I’m sure some people view him favorable and I’m sure some lie. I’m also sure many would answer differently today than they did a month ago. But it’s when we label everyone who voted for trump, or lots of Rs just want to make America white again off of essentially 7% of the group, that’s where the problem lies.
    I don't see unfavorability ratings by D's in this chart.  Am I missing it?  I see favorable.  
    It was in the link he posted where the charts came from. Was 81 to 88% dislike for Putin and Trump respectively if I remember right.
    It was also 400 pages of the entire poll, but just use the index to click on the questions you want to see the results for.
    Post edited by mace1229 on
  • Out of nowhere a few days back, it just attacked me out of nowhere -- that when I visited New York in 2013 for "the most boring band in the world" I missed to visit Rupert Jees Hello Deli. And now I can't stop thinking of how fucking stupid I am that I didn't think about it back then. FUCK.
    What about Mujibur and Surajil? Did you forget about them?
    I don't know about those characters in Thor. But it's not my favorite Marvel movies.
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273
    what the hell got the biden thread locked?
    my bet is the last post. that was gonna set off a shitstorm if the thread was left open. 
    they don't usually preemptively lock threads, but I guess we'll find out at some point. 
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Mar-A-Lago Posts: 21,378
    what the hell got the biden thread locked?
    my bet is the last post. that was gonna set off a shitstorm if the thread was left open. 
    It's like that Tom Cruise movie...crime hasn't been committed yet
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)
    The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
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