Primary Care Doctor has given me a release back to work. Cardiologist has done the same.
It looks like I will be back behind the wheel February 14th.
Anyone want to guess what my Bill was for my emergency room visit, stent surgery, a couple nights in intensive care, and medication? Think BIG, dont be shy! hahahahahaha
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Opened or still unread, medical bills frighten me.
My medication is surprisingly dirt cheap. I now have a boatload of prescriptions, and they are basically a little less than $50 a month. Yeah I opened that "main bill" and I damned near had another heart attack. I have 2 more minor bills staring me in the face.
Between the doctors bills, the surgery bill, and the 2 months of lost wages? YIKES!!!!!!!
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Opened or still unread, medical bills frighten me.
My medication is surprisingly dirt cheap. I now have a boatload of prescriptions, and they are basically a little less than $50 a month. Yeah I opened that "main bill" and I damned near had another heart attack. I have 2 more minor bills staring me in the face.
Between the doctors bills, the surgery bill, and the 2 months of lost wages? YIKES!!!!!!!
Yeah, it’s the visits, treatments and procedures that get me. Scrips are either no charge or super inexpensive (except for one of my anti nausea drugs — $250!!).
Oh yeah, and you're goddam right I had a heart attack at a PJ show and didn't leave. How many people can say THAT?
The whole suffering a heart attack 2 days prior, and still functioning, kind of amazes me. When my left hand went ice cold, it really didnt dawn on me exactly what was happening. Then 5-10 minutes later, when the most incredible discomfort one can imagine settled in? I knew damned well that not only was I having a heart attack, but I was going to be dead in a very short time. I mean, I JUST KNEW IT. And I was correct.
Talk of walking around for 2 days after having a heart attack, just blows my mind. I knew I would be lucky if I survived 20 minutes.
I knew immediately I was having a heart attack while I was swimming all alone at the beach nearest hospital is 10 minute drive, I didn’t call 911 I got in my car like a dumb ass and drove to that hospital walked into emergency room and told them I was having a heart attack! I sometimes think if I just got in my car locked the doors and just sat there and didn’t drive!!
So I was a T-Bird in a production of Grease and an assistant stage manager. It was a recurring nightmare from first read to final curtain. So maybe that’s why every time I see this thread title, I sing in my head to the tune of “Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee”: “Won’t go to bed ’til I’m clinically dead.”
Just thought I’d share that here.
Glad to hear you’re clear for takeoff, Speedy. Not so glad to hear about the bills, though. That sucks.
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Happy for you(?). No really, be proud of how far you’ve come. Glad you’re getting better ❤️🩹
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Excellent news, Speedy! I'm gonna throw down another hockey rink chicken bomb this weekend in your honor.
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Happy for you(?). No really, be proud of how far you’ve come. Glad you’re getting better ❤️🩹
Thank you
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Excellent news, Speedy! I'm gonna throw down another hockey rink chicken bomb this weekend in your honor.
Damn, that was a good looking sandwich!
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical! Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
GREAT to hear !!
Good LUCK !!
Thank you
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I hope nobody here ever has to go take their blood pressure reading, with their entire life depending on those numbers to be low. Let me tell you, that was not a pleasant experience to say the least.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I hope nobody here ever has to go take their blood pressure reading, with their entire life depending on those numbers to be low. Let me tell you, that was not a pleasant experience to say the least.
I don't know, Speedy. With all of your recent lifestyle changes, you probably could've made one hell of a G-string diva if you had not passed your physical. Making it rain until the end of your days.
Glad to hear you passed. Hope the new lifetime diet doesn't suck too much.
Thank you my friend!
Oh, it is exactly what you would expect. Salads, veggies, chicken, fish, lean meats, no processed crap. etc. etc. Basically what every healthy person on the planet eats. And basically everything I wasnt eating! hahahahahahaha
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Glad to hear you passed. Hope the new lifetime diet doesn't suck too much.
Thank you my friend!
Oh, it is exactly what you would expect. Salads, veggies, chicken, fish, lean meats, no processed crap. etc. etc. Basically what every healthy person on the planet eats. And basically everything I wasnt eating! hahahahahahaha
Good for you dude. Happy to hear you're getting back to normal.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Glad to hear you passed. Hope the new lifetime diet doesn't suck too much.
Thank you my friend!
Oh, it is exactly what you would expect. Salads, veggies, chicken, fish, lean meats, no processed crap. etc. etc. Basically what every healthy person on the planet eats. And basically everything I wasnt eating! hahahahahahaha
Good for you dude. Happy to hear you're getting back to normal.
Thank you. I have done SO MUCH research the last 2 months on recovery, life expectancy, the entire healing process of a heart attack, what happens when you suffer cardiac arrest, and the healing process of that. It's pretty damned terrifying when you look at the cardiac arrest facts and figures. I truly am a very lucky man to still be here chatting with you folks.
I am thinking it's going to take another 6 months to really get back to almost normal. But I have certainly taken big steps in the last 60 days.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Glad to hear you passed. Hope the new lifetime diet doesn't suck too much.
Thank you my friend!
Oh, it is exactly what you would expect. Salads, veggies, chicken, fish, lean meats, no processed crap. etc. etc. Basically what every healthy person on the planet eats. And basically everything I wasnt eating! hahahahahahaha
Good for you dude. Happy to hear you're getting back to normal.
Thank you. I have done SO MUCH research the last 2 months on recovery, life expectancy, the entire healing process of a heart attack, what happens when you suffer cardiac arrest, and the healing process of that. It's pretty damned terrifying when you look at the cardiac arrest facts and figures. I truly am a very lucky man to still be here chatting with you folks.
I am thinking it's going to take another 6 months to really get back to almost normal. But I have certainly taken big steps in the last 60 days.
my father in law had a massive heart attack at age 44. he had 3 more since (but not in the last 20 or so years). he's 83 and still ticking, going to the gym, eating right, etc.
I need to follow you on this path (skipping the heart attack part, of course). Down 30 lbs so far in the last couple months (all I did was quit drinking and snacking in the evening). Many, many more to go.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
How the hell are you doing!??!
Yeah, my 2022 is already a disaster! But Im alive! haha
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Cardiologist has done the same.
It looks like I will be back behind the wheel February 14th.
Anyone want to guess what my Bill was for my emergency room visit, stent surgery, a couple nights in intensive care, and medication?
Think BIG, dont be shy! hahahahahaha
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
And yes Blue Cross covered a ton of that, but my little "nest egg" just took a huge kick in the ass!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Yeah I opened that "main bill" and I damned near had another heart attack. I have 2 more minor bills staring me in the face.
Between the doctors bills, the surgery bill, and the 2 months of lost wages? YIKES!!!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
to bed ’til I’m clinically dead.”
Just thought I’d share that here.
Glad to hear you’re clear for takeoff, Speedy. Not so glad to hear about the bills, though. That sucks.
After taking off 2 months from work, today was the day to go take my physical to be recertified by the Department OF Transportation. Meaning if I don't pass this physical, I will not be allowed to drive my semi. Meaning if I am not qualified to drive, I will have to pursue another career at the age of 56. Let's just say I have been a little bit stressed about this situation.
Over the last 2 months there have been visits to doctors, cardiologists, more visits, etc. There has been a TON OF PAPERWORK that has been collected and forwarded to my employer. There have been requests made by me, for medical records that I had to forward to the right people.
All the time I have been making sure to follow my new stricter than hell "lifetime diet" along with spending 30-40 minutes a day on the exercise bike. Basically, making myself crazy checking my blood pressure all day every day. Failing this physical would have been devastating, to say the least. But my wife and I realized, if I were to not be certified, then we would just have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Well I was up at 4am today, went to the clinic at 7am when they opened, and 3.5 hours later, I passed the physical!
Meaning at some point next week I guess I will be returning to work.
FUCK WORK!!! hahahahahahaha
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Good LUCK !!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I hope nobody here ever has to go take their blood pressure reading, with their entire life depending on those numbers to be low.
Let me tell you, that was not a pleasant experience to say the least.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
What song would Speedy grind the pole to?
I'm going with "Groove Is in the Heart."
It's been a wild ride the last 60 days, that's for damn sure!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Oh, it is exactly what you would expect. Salads, veggies, chicken, fish, lean meats, no processed crap. etc. etc.
Basically what every healthy person on the planet eats.
And basically everything I wasnt eating! hahahahahahaha
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
I have done SO MUCH research the last 2 months on recovery, life expectancy, the entire healing process of a heart attack, what happens when you suffer cardiac arrest, and the healing process of that. It's pretty damned terrifying when you look at the cardiac arrest facts and figures. I truly am a very lucky man to still be here chatting with you folks.
I am thinking it's going to take another 6 months to really get back to almost normal. But I have certainly taken big steps in the last 60 days.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I need to follow you on this path (skipping the heart attack part, of course). Down 30 lbs so far in the last couple months (all I did was quit drinking and snacking in the evening). Many, many more to go.
-EV 8/14/93