Trail running is amazing! So much easier on the knees but watch out for the roots sticking out and rainy or wet mornings. Very easy to slip or fall if you are not paying attention.
There is a hike called the Fundy Footpath where I live. My sister has asked me to run/hike it with her in September all in one day. It is 48km's long and lots of elevation ups and downs. I did it 10 years ago and lost both of my big toe nails because the downs were so punishing with very little switchbacking going on. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done with over 2700m in elevation gain. It took me 17 hours last time I did it with a 35lb backpack. I am thinking of doing it again but much lighter with no need to campout. This is my real passion in life and envy anyone that lives near some mountains with fantastic views.
It just hit me my wife and I were supposed to be in Zurich right now. We were going to do 3 hikes in 3 days. Fingers crossed next year is a go.
Sounds amazing! Hiking is my biggest passion. Too bad I live in Northern Germany with not a single mountain in sight. it’s definitely the wrong area for me 😄 I‘d be in Zürich as well
Post edited by JPPJ84 on
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
Not looking forward to running over the next few days in what my local weather man is calling “oppressive heat and humidity”. Heat index will be approaching 100
Not looking forward to running over the next few days in what my local weather man is calling “oppressive heat and humidity”. Heat index will be approaching 100
Yeah I run early but when they spoke on the news about the heat index being over 100 for the next two or three days they cautioned about exercise outside. Get out there early!
Not looking forward to running over the next few days in what my local weather man is calling “oppressive heat and humidity”. Heat index will be approaching 100
Yeah I run early but when they spoke on the news about the heat index being over 100 for the next two or three days they cautioned about exercise outside. Get out there early!
I will try. Not a super early bird. If I can’t get up early enough to beat the heat I will do a much shorter run.
Listened to: WTF pod interview with Jerry Seinfeld
Nice run! Scenic at all?
Hah. No, not really. But it's most convenient and not much people.
In the other direction there is a lake and some woods/trail. Will run there after my vacation with a friend. But that is popular. So you will have to be around other people.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Not looking forward to running over the next few days in what my local weather man is calling “oppressive heat and humidity”. Heat index will be approaching 100
I know, it's the same way here in southern Indiana. Heat indices in the low 100s. I've been running in the mornings before work for that reason, really don't want to deal with the afternoon heat.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
Just finished a nice 6 miles, easy pace, still absolutely drenched (and still pouring) with sweat as i sit for cool down. Get out there early, folks, be safe.
Just finished a nice 6 miles, easy pace, still absolutely drenched (and still pouring) with sweat as i sit for cool down. Get out there early, folks, be safe.
Nice.I about to leave for a similar run, I will be drenched when finished. Tomorrow is my long day, goal is at least 10 miles, but not looking forward to it with the humidity
So damn hot and humid out there. I ran at 7 pm last night and the air was so heavy I had to take a couple 30 second walk breaks. I was running at a faster pace than normal, so that contributed too. Bottom line...too damn hot to run today. Be safe.
Do any of you have a Fitbit watch? My sister just bought one with integrated GPS and the first impression is good. I‘d never take my mobile on a run so it may be a good alternative
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
Polar watch but pretty much the same thing. Mobile strapped to my arm for tunes.
I got a later start this morning than I would have liked. Managed a slow and steady 4 miles. Instead of running along the East River which has a nice view but no shade, I stuck to the bike path which is parallel to the river path. Lots of trees and shade so that helped quite a bit. But it was still obnoxious out there. I did a mile cool down walk after and it was not very cool.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
Excellent work! Pool time is pretty much the only reason to be outside in this heat at this point.
Excellent work! Pool time is pretty much the only reason to be outside in this heat at this point.
Yes. Excellent work to everyone who plowed through today. You are so lucky to have that pool. Do you ever just come back all sweaty from a run and jump right in?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
No....but I have finished mowing before and popped in.
We have fog where I live. Natures air conditioner right at my doorstep. Makes it easy to pick days to do longer workouts. Sucks when biking though since the glasses get so wet you can not see.
I envy you guys and gals that can get up early in the a.m. before work to do a run. I get up at 5am and put a 13hr day in all said and done and there is no way I am doing any exercising before or after that.
I just did a fast 5km for me yesterday. Down to 22:36 shaving a minute off. Any increase in bettering my time from here is going to really hurt. That last 0.5 miles was hell. I went for an hour bike ride today and felt a lot better on the hills. I am finally starting to feel like my old self again.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,553
Very fast!
Covid makes this part of my life easier....I am not traveling. Last year I would get up at 3 am, run, go to the airport, fly to meetings, take people out to dinner and drink with them, get up ass crack of dawn the next day and do it again. Getting up at 5+ is easy, now. is light out Not so easy when dark.
Covid makes this part of my life easier....I am not traveling. Last year I would get up at 3 am, run, go to the airport, fly to meetings, take people out to dinner and drink with them, get up ass crack of dawn the next day and do it again. Getting up at 5+ is easy, now. is light out Not so easy when dark.
Very true about the light. That is some dedication getting up at 3am for sure! There is a lot of mental toughness needed to keep at this for the long haul like it sounds that you and others here have done. Sometimes I can stick with it other times I just fold and eat like shit/not train anymore.
I‘d be in Zürich as well
I will have to get into that once I cross off the 50 by 50 goal.
Listened to: WTF pod interview with Jerry Seinfeld
Get out there early!
Can't help but see "BeerGarden" in the northern part of your run
In the other direction there is a lake and some woods/trail. Will run there after my vacation with a friend. But that is popular. So you will have to be around other people.
Get out there early, folks, be safe.
Nice.I about to leave for a similar run, I will be drenched when finished. Tomorrow is my long day, goal is at least 10 miles, but not looking forward to it with the humidity
Mobile strapped to my arm for tunes.
Pool time is pretty much the only reason to be outside in this heat at this point.
I envy you guys and gals that can get up early in the a.m. before work to do a run. I get up at 5am and put a 13hr day in all said and done and there is no way I am doing any exercising before or after that.
I just did a fast 5km for me yesterday. Down to 22:36 shaving a minute off. Any increase in bettering my time from here is going to really hurt. That last 0.5 miles was hell. I went for an hour bike ride today and felt a lot better on the hills. I am finally starting to feel like my old self again.
Covid makes this part of my life easier....I am not traveling. Last year I would get up at 3 am, run, go to the airport, fly to meetings, take people out to dinner and drink with them, get up ass crack of dawn the next day and do it again.
Getting up at 5+ is easy, now. is light out
Not so easy when dark.