Biden vs Trump 2020 - vote now and discuss!



  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    dignin said:
    Jason P said:
    dignin said:
    Jason P said:
    I don't know why people try to re-write history of how the coronavirus started and how they would have reacted.  No one here took it seriously before PJ cancelled their tour.  Which means no democrat was taking it seriously at the time or their would be records of it in this forum.  Did Trump start the travel bans before or after the tour was cancelled?  I do not know offhand.  
    Bullshit. This thread is proof that you are absolutely wrong.

    Edit: thought I was in the coronavirus thread. Go there to find out how wrong you are.
    I went to go find how wrong i was!  went to dairy queen instead.  
    Its okay to admit you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Hope you enjoy your banana split.

    that wasn't very nice
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,972
    I'm sitting this one out
    static111 said:
    OnWis97 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    I think what we learned in the primaries is that  millennial white liberals are FAR more sensitive than average people and minorities.  His resiliency shows that.  And look at Northams approval rate with minorities in Virginia for further proof.  Im sure black people all appreciate your concern though. 
    You got us all wrong. Not concerned for black people. Concerned for Biden botching simple interviews when he's polling just fine when not saying anything at all. 
    Like I said,  his numbers aren't going down with minorities for this. 
    Well there ya have it; his number aren't going down with minorities for this. 

    And really, they shouldn't. Black people need to know that..

    1) The democratic party looks out of them, and republicans are racist.
    2) Trump is the biggest racist of them all.
    3) Trump's so racist, that if you vote for him, you ain't black.

    They know this right? 
    Did you watch any of that interview other than the final 10 seconds?

    Yes, and he was great! That's the problem. How do you botch it at the end like that and end on such a stupid soundbyte? In jest or not?

    You and mrussel get so defensive of Joe, but speaking for my own posts like this about him, I'm not looking for anything to take him down like you suggested in your last post ("Sorry folks...but this ain't taking him down."). It's concern over this aging gaffe machine that has a pretty good lead in the polls, maintaining until November and winning. 
    This is how I feel.  I’m not against joe.  I just think people are way too secure that the decision between any breathing human and trump is a guaranteed victory.  I also think it is ridiculous how defensive some are of Joe. Clearly the guy is human and has flaws.  But winning the election based solely on trump being horrible while campaigning from his bunker doesnt make me feel secure in a dem victory. And before anyone says it, no I don’t think Bernie, Warren, Yang would be doing any better at campaigning during the pandemic. I’m sure they would all make gaffes from time to time as well.  I just can’t wrap my head around how sure some people on the board are of a Biden victory.  Of course that is if there is an election at all which I’m not convinced the current administration will allow.
    I actually don't think it's a gaffe, to be honest.  I like this Joe Biden.  I like politicians that aren't too conservative with their words.  Trump is over the top, obviously.  Part of Sanders appeal is that he would say things similar to this, while others won't.  
    The problem here is that the fact that the rest of the interview was great will be overlooked by a sound byte that you couldn’t have scripted better for an attack ad. I mean since lately we are all about what iffing the recent past, how hard would it have been to say yeah I would love to come on your show again and discuss my plan for the black community. If this does nothing else it produces an attack ad that Trumps people have been dreaming of.
    In the world of 'first, do no harm', yes that's true.  But Clinton played it safe.  I really don't think Trump is going to spend a real dollar on going after the black vote, especially with unemployment rocketing.  He's going to his HIllary bag of tricks and focus on the base.  There's no chance of an expanded coalition at this point.  

    I agree that Trump's not going to get much of the black vote because of this or anything else.  I just hope you're right that Biden's not going to lose any because of this.  A good black turnout would have won it for Hillary.  And Biden needs it now.

    Biden's not dumb like Trump. But sometimes he's not very wise.
    Looks like he has already got in front of it and apologized which is a good move in my opinion.  
    Why would he apologize? I just spent 3 pages reading about how this is Good, Actually. Lol.
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,043
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,972
    I'm sitting this one out
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,915
    mrussel1 said:
    From the NYT:

    Biden-Warren: Really?

    There is a long history of bad feelings between Joe Biden’s inner circle and Elizabeth Warren.

    She accused Biden of protecting banks rather than ordinary families during debates over bankruptcy legislation in the 1990s. Later, Obama administration officials regularly bad-mouthed Warren for criticizing their response to the financial crisis.
    And yet Warren has emerged as a serious candidate to be Biden’s vice president, as Adam Nagourney and Jonathan Martin explain.

    To understand why, I think it helps to look at political history. As strange a pair as Biden and Warren might seem, they also might be the ticket that most closely matches successful previous tickets.
    When pundits talk about the selection process, they often imagine that a vice-presidential nominee can excite voters from the same state or demographic group. But there is little evidence that’s true.

    In 2016, Tim Kaine didn’t seem to help Hillary Clinton win more white men. In 2012, Paul Ryan didn’t help Mitt Romney win Wisconsin, and John Edwards didn’t win North Carolina in 2004 for John Kerry.

    Only one strategy has a long track record of success: ticket balancing. Winning presidential candidates have often chosen running mates with obviously different political personas — who shore up weaknesses at the top of a ticket.
    Consider: Donald Trump, a divorced reality-television star, chose a religious conservative. Barack Obama and George W. Bush, both worried about seeming inexperienced, chose party elders. Ronald Reagan, who was labeled a radical conservative, chose an establishment figure: George H.W. Bush. (Bush’s harsh earlier criticism of Reagan — for “voodoo economics” — is reminiscent of the Biden-Warren history, Adam Nagourney told me.)

    Biden’s biggest weakness among the Democratic coalition is young, progressive voters. And many of them are Warren fans. Stan Greenberg, a top Democratic pollster who has pushed for Warren, recently told the Biden campaign that such voters were “dangerously not” united behind Biden.

    Biden has multiple options for vice president (and in future newsletters, I’ll focus on others, like Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar). If anything, though, the candidate who seems most different from him may be the one who’s historically most typical.

    For more: The Times story has details on the latest conversations between Biden and Warren. Jamelle Bouie, a Times Opinion columnist, has made a case for Warren as the vice president who could get the most done. And a 2019 Politico story had details on the long-running feud between Obama’s team and Warren .

    Maybe I'm confused, but MA has a Republican governor.  If a Biden/Warren ticket wins, the gov appoints the replacement, right?  Or do they go straight to a special election? Considering the Senate is up for grabs and every vote matters, I don't know how the party goes that way.  
    I think they go to a special election depending upon when the seat is up or how close they are to the election for that seat. Governor appoints someone if it’s less than X amount of time and/or in interim.

    MA is a dem state that likes country club repubs and the dems have a deeper bench so depending on when the seat is up and how long the appointment would be, the fear of losing a dem senate seat might not be a concern.

    Anyway, speculation on NYT part and I don’t think it’ll be Warren. Although it wouldn’t bother me to have a Native American in the White House.

    Mass- The interim senator is appointed by the governor.

    “Special election- 145-160 days after vacancy occurs. If a vacancy occurs after April 10 but on or before the 70th day before the regular state primary, the office shall appear on the regular state primary ballot. If a vacancy occurs after that time, the office shall appear on the state election ballot that November.”

    So by picking Warren,  Biden would be handing a senate seat to the republicans for nearly half a year. As it’s likely the senate majority could be decided by one vote this November that would be one of the stupidest things Biden could do. But then again, Dems suck at politics. 

    Warren does not resonate with the democratic base, nor did she do well in the primaries nor does she relate well to independents. I’m perplexed why anyone would think Warren does anything other than hurt Biden’s chances to beat trump

    Biden should never let a day go by without thinking why he has a chance to be president.


    When is Warren’s seat up?

    2024. If Biden wins and Warren is VP (or any cabinet position) a republican governor would appoint an interim senator in-her seat and the special election would take close to half a year. Since the senate is expected to be very close, one seat could be the difference in Biden being able to move budgetary bills and Supreme Court nominations  thru Congress or getting shut down by the gop. And if the interim senator is popular there is a chance a sitting senator could actually win the seat. Why take that chance. 

    6 months may not sound like a lot, but the midterms are only 22 months after inauguration. Then we have all the breaks they take, summer and the holidays, it’s almost like congress are kiddies in school. Long point long, six months is an eternity in the time from general election to midterms. 

    Plus the democratic base is not warm with warren. South Carolina is a great example of what Biden should be thinking about when he makes his pick. Someone who energizes the base without raising socialist alarms. 
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,915
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    I think what we learned in the primaries is that  millennial white liberals are FAR more sensitive than average people and minorities.  His resiliency shows that.  And look at Northams approval rate with minorities in Virginia for further proof.  Im sure black people all appreciate your concern though. 
    You got us all wrong. Not concerned for black people. Concerned for Biden botching simple interviews when he's polling just fine when not saying anything at all. 
    Like I said,  his numbers aren't going down with minorities for this. 
    Well there ya have it; his number aren't going down with minorities for this. 

    And really, they shouldn't. Black people need to know that..

    1) The democratic party looks out of them, and republicans are racist.
    2) Trump is the biggest racist of them all.
    3) Trump's so racist, that if you vote for him, you ain't black.

    They know this right? 
    Did you watch any of that interview other than the final 10 seconds?

    Yes, and he was great! That's the problem. How do you botch it at the end like that and end on such a stupid soundbyte? In jest or not?

    You and mrussel get so defensive of Joe, but speaking for my own posts like this about him, I'm not looking for anything to take him down like you suggested in your last post ("Sorry folks...but this ain't taking him down."). It's concern over this aging gaffe machine that has a pretty good lead in the polls, maintaining until November and winning. 
    This is how I feel.  I’m not against joe.  I just think people are way too secure that the decision between any breathing human and trump is a guaranteed victory.  I also think it is ridiculous how defensive some are of Joe. Clearly the guy is human and has flaws.  But winning the election based solely on trump being horrible while campaigning from his bunker doesnt make me feel secure in a dem victory. And before anyone says it, no I don’t think Bernie, Warren, Yang would be doing any better at campaigning during the pandemic. I’m sure they would all make gaffes from time to time as well.  I just can’t wrap my head around how sure some people on the board are of a Biden victory.  Of course that is if there is an election at all which I’m not convinced the current administration will allow.

    I think you are right, it is going to be a very nervous night for democrats on Election Day. Trump could easily win. Biden +6 is not too far from where Hilary was 4 years ago. If covid never happened, trump may have had a 70% chance of reelection.

    Dems are terrible at National politics. Trump will say he built the best economy ever and Biden will have no clue how to counter attack. He’ll blame trump for not being black.

    Because republican economic policy pushes most of the money to the wealthy, the masses live paycheck to paycheck with no margin of error or strong safety net like much of the world has. One bad event, like a pandemic, can swipe many to the bread lines.

    And that’s what happened. I do not hear much from democrats explaining why the trump economy was set up for failure in a crisis. Trump could easily get re-elected 
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Stupid comment,  I'm sorry.  He's debated how many times? And all he did was earn votes.  Maybe one day he can show the political courage of Justin Amash and drop out after a week. 

    And he should not have apologized. I would not have.  Coming out and saying... "I was being a wise ass, sorry if you took it the wrong way", is as far as I would go.   
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    edited May 2020
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

    Well ackshually no one is disallowing.  More like pj44 said, a lot of finger wagging and self satisfactory downsplaining, and As of today brushing off micro aggressions as something that only a politically uninformed newb millennial would/could be offended by. As if the main point was who would be offended not that that it is a completely moronic statement for an old white guy to say to any person of color.  Which is why apologizing was the right move and I’m glad he did.
    Post edited by static111 on
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 40,176
    edited May 2020
    Fucking snowing on Memorial Day Weekend. Must be global warming.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    Fucking snowing on Memorial Day Weekend. Must be global warming.
    If only someone on AMT could tell us what Greta thinks about it.
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,758
    I'm sitting this one out
    static111 said:
    Fucking snowing on Memorial Day Weekend. Must be global warming.
    If only someone on AMT could tell us what Greta thinks about it.
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    edited May 2020
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

    Well ackshually no one is disallowing.  More like pj44 said, a lot of finger wagging and self satisfactory downsplaining, and As of today brushing off micro aggressions as something that only a politically uninformed newb millennial would/could be offended by. As if the main point was who would be offended not that that it is a completely moronic statement for an old white guy to say to any person of color.  Which is why apologizing was the right move and I’m glad he did.
    I don't speak millennial,  so I don't know what "downsplaining" is.  And I generally think that "micro aggressions" are excuses for white liberals to get upset,  enabling their habitual "virtual signaling".  But if I hurt anyone's feelings by not worrying about Biden's comments,  then I apologize for not falling into line with the twittersphere and those here.
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,972
    I'm sitting this one out
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Yeah, I don't find this in and of itself to be a big deal, but it's Biden so you know there will be a bunch more between now and election day. If you're supporting him, you just hold your breath and hope that many aren't too bad. The fear of giving an inch crosses into absurdity. Just shake your head, say "ooph, that was rough" and carry on.
  • lindamarie73lindamarie73 Posts: 491
    static111 said:
    Fucking snowing on Memorial Day Weekend. Must be global warming.
    If only someone on AMT could tell us what Greta thinks about it.
    Brilliant stuff there.  Still laughing thinking about it.   
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,915
    Fucking snowing on Memorial Day Weekend. Must be global warming.
    Not in the US?

  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

    Well ackshually no one is disallowing.  More like pj44 said, a lot of finger wagging and self satisfactory downsplaining, and As of today brushing off micro aggressions as something that only a politically uninformed newb millennial would/could be offended by. As if the main point was who would be offended not that that it is a completely moronic statement for an old white guy to say to any person of color.  Which is why apologizing was the right move and I’m glad he did.
    I don't speak millennial,  so I don't know what "downsplaining" is.  And I generally think that "micro aggressions" are excuses for white liberals to get upset,  enabling their habitual "virtual signaling".  But if I hurt anyone's feelings by not worrying about Biden's comments,  then I apologize for not falling into line with the twittersphere and those here.
    Once I was clueless about micro aggressions and also thought they were excuses.  Then I had a multiracial daughter And learned from my experiences parenting as well as from her mother that it isn’t as simple as white people virtue signaling.  Basically for me it boils down to do I think it is ok for someone that is not black to tell my daughter what is and isn’t black.  A lot of people like to explain away micro aggressions as if they are nothing, because then they can justify they never did anything bad or ‘racist’. When my daughter was afraid to wear her hair down and didn’t tell us for a year because another well meaning white parent made a comment about things sticking in her hair that was a micro aggression that hurt her developing character.  That is one in a long list of learning experiences I have had.  I could go on but I won’t because it pisses me off.

    Yeah I’m sure the guy won’t lose votes but it is ludicrous to think there is nothing wrong with saying what he said from the position he was in.

    downsplaining=talking down to others as if you are from a privileged higher position and that your knowledge or viewpoints are superior.
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

    Well ackshually no one is disallowing.  More like pj44 said, a lot of finger wagging and self satisfactory downsplaining, and As of today brushing off micro aggressions as something that only a politically uninformed newb millennial would/could be offended by. As if the main point was who would be offended not that that it is a completely moronic statement for an old white guy to say to any person of color.  Which is why apologizing was the right move and I’m glad he did.
    I don't speak millennial,  so I don't know what "downsplaining" is.  And I generally think that "micro aggressions" are excuses for white liberals to get upset,  enabling their habitual "virtual signaling".  But if I hurt anyone's feelings by not worrying about Biden's comments,  then I apologize for not falling into line with the twittersphere and those here.
    Once I was clueless about micro aggressions and also thought they were excuses.  Then I had a multiracial daughter And learned from my experiences parenting as well as from her mother that it isn’t as simple as white people virtue signaling.  Basically for me it boils down to do I think it is ok for someone that is not black to tell my daughter what is and isn’t black.  A lot of people like to explain away micro aggressions as if they are nothing, because then they can justify they never did anything bad or ‘racist’. When my daughter was afraid to wear her hair down and didn’t tell us for a year because another well meaning white parent made a comment about things sticking in her hair that was a micro aggression that hurt her developing character.  That is one in a long list of learning experiences I have had.  I could go on but I won’t because it pisses me off.

    Yeah I’m sure the guy won’t lose votes but it is ludicrous to think there is nothing wrong with saying what he said from the position he was in.

    downsplaining=talking down to others as if you are from a privileged higher position and that your knowledge or viewpoints are superior.
    You misunderstand me.  White people virtue signaling through micro is what im speaking of.  The Northam situation was a perfect example.  And what im tired of is people on the left going after Biden,  doing the gop dirty work. 
    Where is the Intercept on all the Tara Reade stories?  Not one article about her what NPR, Politico,  CNN and others learned through real journalism.   Intercept launched this through lazy,  agenda journalism.  And it was left to the real news to discover she is a lunatic and quite probably a perjuror.   It's infuriating.  
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    pjl44 said:
    I look forward to the first debate when Biden shits his pants.

    "But did you watch the first 90 minutes when his pants went unshat?"
    "I think it shows bold confidence that he finished his point."
    "He was making a powerful statement about our health care system."

    Also, don't let anyone bully you by wagging their finger about when you can or can't post. If you don't want to deal with the verbal abuse that comes with holding a contrary opinion and just want to pop in for a windmill dunk when Biden does something dumb...go for it.
    Lol.  It is weird that one is not even allowed to criticize the candidate they will be voting for.  Being over confident in Biden is weakness in my opinion.
    Strange comment.  Who is disallowing you? 

    Well ackshually no one is disallowing.  More like pj44 said, a lot of finger wagging and self satisfactory downsplaining, and As of today brushing off micro aggressions as something that only a politically uninformed newb millennial would/could be offended by. As if the main point was who would be offended not that that it is a completely moronic statement for an old white guy to say to any person of color.  Which is why apologizing was the right move and I’m glad he did.
    I don't speak millennial,  so I don't know what "downsplaining" is.  And I generally think that "micro aggressions" are excuses for white liberals to get upset,  enabling their habitual "virtual signaling".  But if I hurt anyone's feelings by not worrying about Biden's comments,  then I apologize for not falling into line with the twittersphere and those here.
    Once I was clueless about micro aggressions and also thought they were excuses.  Then I had a multiracial daughter And learned from my experiences parenting as well as from her mother that it isn’t as simple as white people virtue signaling.  Basically for me it boils down to do I think it is ok for someone that is not black to tell my daughter what is and isn’t black.  A lot of people like to explain away micro aggressions as if they are nothing, because then they can justify they never did anything bad or ‘racist’. When my daughter was afraid to wear her hair down and didn’t tell us for a year because another well meaning white parent made a comment about things sticking in her hair that was a micro aggression that hurt her developing character.  That is one in a long list of learning experiences I have had.  I could go on but I won’t because it pisses me off.

    Yeah I’m sure the guy won’t lose votes but it is ludicrous to think there is nothing wrong with saying what he said from the position he was in.

    downsplaining=talking down to others as if you are from a privileged higher position and that your knowledge or viewpoints are superior.
    You misunderstand me.  White people virtue signaling through micro is what im speaking of.  The Northam situation was a perfect example.  And what im tired of is people on the left going after Biden,  doing the gop dirty work. 
    Where is the Intercept on all the Tara Reade stories?  Not one article about her what NPR, Politico,  CNN and others learned through real journalism.   Intercept launched this through lazy,  agenda journalism.  And it was left to the real news to discover she is a lunatic and quite probably a perjuror.   It's infuriating.  
    I assume you mean Gov Northam? What happened there?  As far as Tara Reade I personally never took that story seriously from the get go.  I think a problem that is just as big on our side is that as much as we sometimes do the GOP dirty work asking questions and trying to get the best candidates that there are also those that can’t take honest criticisms of our sides candidates or think that such criticism somehow equates with dislike or not supporting t candidate.  I mean do we really want to be like the other side and unfailingly support our team at all costs.  Look what that has gotten them, a group of politicians so bad that many keep going along because they are too proud/stupid to admit that they have elected monsters.
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    The problem is that the democrats are hunting a bear and Donald Trump is a big fat drunk bear that seems like it should be easy to catch, so they set a bunch of bear traps in logical spots to catch the big dumb drunk bear.  But the big dumb drunk bear can't feel pain and is walking willy-nilly thru all the traps and then goes eats some honey and takes a nap.  Then the democrat hunters forget where they placed the remaining live bear traps that didn't get set off and are stepping on them on their way back to the lodge.

    Granted I just smoked a jay before coming up with that analogy, but it will make sense to me for at least 15 more minutes ...

    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,972
    I'm sitting this one out
    Jason P said:
    The problem is that the democrats are hunting a bear and Donald Trump is a big fat drunk bear that seems like it should be easy to catch, so they set a bunch of bear traps in logical spots to catch the big dumb drunk bear.  But the big dumb drunk bear can't feel pain and is walking willy-nilly thru all the traps and then goes eats some honey and takes a nap.  Then the democrat hunters forget where they placed the remaining live bear traps that didn't get set off and are stepping on them on their way back to the lodge.

    Granted I just smoked a jay before coming up with that analogy, but it will make sense to me for at least 15 more minutes ...

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165

    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    Jason P said:

    Ditto.  Now having a vodka with sparkling Ice
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,248
    And it actually makes sense
  • FiveBelowFiveBelow Posts: 1,309
    I'm sitting this one out
    Jason P said:
    The problem is that the democrats are hunting a bear and Donald Trump is a big fat drunk bear that seems like it should be easy to catch, so they set a bunch of bear traps in logical spots to catch the big dumb drunk bear.  But the big dumb drunk bear can't feel pain and is walking willy-nilly thru all the traps and then goes eats some honey and takes a nap.  Then the democrat hunters forget where they placed the remaining live bear traps that didn't get set off and are stepping on them on their way back to the lodge.

    Granted I just smoked a jay before coming up with that analogy, but it will make sense to me for at least 15 more minutes ...

    I smoke to help me sleep after my daily responsibilities have been taken care of. This makes perfect sense, goodnight.
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,915
    Jason P said:

    The problem is willy-nilly 

    Granted I just smoked a jay before coming up with that 
    Are you you didnt come up with that after listening to Chuck Schumer?
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,972
    I'm sitting this one out
    Jo Jorgensen wins the LP nomination. VP gets selected today.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,522
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,915
    edited May 2020

    Trump voters dont care so it doesn't matter.

    Right about now.
    Post edited by Lerxst1992 on
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