Media Bias website rates as a “ questionable” news source.
“A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence. Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.”
*** Local news and Newsweek have both posted story now.
The site screamed biased, but still contained a video of the WH confirming and claims that the FBI has also confirmed. So I'm guessing its true.
Do you normally get news from people like Katie Pavlich and websites like Townhall though? How many times has Trumped praised her? She is not a journalist. And, I mean, it says this at the bottom of the article:
Regardless, it's a blatantly politically motivated thing designed to help Trump to state who the ballots were cast for. Ironically, Luzerne County happens to be in the middle of the state which is as red as Alabama. Don't get me wrong though, it should be investigated. But we're talking about 9 ballots here.
I think, this time around, these stories of Trump trying to steal the election in the courts are going to motivate dems in to come out in droves, especially in my area of Pennyslvania (suburban Philly) which came through in 2018.
No I don’t, that’s why I never heard of that site like I said. My brother texted me and asked if I’d heard about the ballots, and when and did a Google search to check for myself it was only right wing sites like that that popped up with info at the time with the story in the search results. So I shared it, you can decide for yourself if you believe the comments from the FBI and WH or not.
I believe there is an investigation, sure. I googled it too but I found a much more reliable source than Townhall, which just parrots talking points from the White House. I mean do you consider Kayliegh McKenney a reliable source? I sure as hell don't.
There are reports today that Trump was talking about this on some radio show prior to this story becoming public. Personally, I think that the fact that the president is having his DOJ do this and announce who the ballots were for is much more of an issue than 9 ballots being tampered with in a deep red county of PA.
I had about 5 minutes to look at the time, maybe if I searched through pages I could have found more acceptable resources. But even today, doing a google search of "9 trump ballots in trash" on Google (my browser actually defaults to Bing, not Google), the entire first page of results are from sites I'm unfamiliar with but can easily tell they are not unbiased, with names like "coalregioncanary" "americanmilitarynews" and so on. If I add CNN to the search it comes up empty, although I'm sure they have mentioned it, it just isn't a big story they are pushing, and so they aren't among the top search results. I bet if it was 9 Biden ballots they would though. Not sure why the source on a story like this is an issue. I posted a link, said I questioned the source but story seems real, and said decide for yourself. If the story is true, why does the source still matter at this point? I do believe right sources are happy to push the idea mail voting can't be trusted, but that's irrelevant when just sharing information.
Dude. You're talking about nine ballots. Do you think this deserves national news coverage? Drudge Report doesn't even have anything on it. I don't even see it on Trump's twitter feed.
And again, I think the fact that the president knew about what is supposed to be an independent investigation, and the fact that this independent investigation blatantly said who the votes were cast for is the bigger story than nine fucking ballots. It's essentially a campaign ad for him to claim there is massive voting fraud happening when there is not. It's actually scary if you think of how he has the government actively working to advance his dangerous rhetoric. But Katie Pavlich and Townhall are not going to objectively tell you that.
9 ballots is nothing. I thought it was worth mentioning and I shared a link, some seemed to agree given that this could potentially be used to fuel the mail ballot debate. You asked if I always get my news from that site, I said no and explained that was just the top search result and didn’t feel like digging further. You asked if it should be national news, and now here we are. Still not sure why it even matters. I shared a link, prefaced it with it’s a biased source. Believe the source or not.
All good. Check the link Mickey posted above for the full story though
Probe into ‘discarded’ ballots becomes campaign outrage fuel”
This is an interesting topic. Just watched Bill Maher and he was all about what will the Dems do. They don’t have any power to fight back. And nobody brings up what I have researched, that Pelosi does have extraordinary powers if trump tries to bully his way to steal a contested election
Trumpublicans are feeling their oats with a 6-3 Court and control of most swing state legislatures, which they believe, GUARANTEES them victory because they can play mail in ballot games in all the close states. All challenges go to the Court, which locks it in for them. And if not, the constitution says state legislatures name the electors sent to Congress. Depressing.
Ive been reading a lot about this and I think many know the House, as per the constitution, picks the president. Usually it’s a rubber stamp of the actual vote. But in contested elections, the House is directed by the constitution to vote for president, but its one state one vote, and republicans hold 26 states, so they win again if trump does his manipulations.
The constitution ALSO says the House decides WHO votes. It would be a ballsy move by Pelosi, but the majority has the power who to seat and can refuse to seat any representative-elect in a close election, and can even delay seating a gerrymandered district. This would be a perfect way to fight trumps effort to get this settled in Court. It’s in Article I, Section 5. NOBODY is talking about this.
This would be on a level of McConnell rule manipulation, but what choice do Dems have? Are the Dems are willing to fight for the presidency? We know what the gop would do.
they stole Gore’s election. They bullied RBG into not retiring with constant Obama filibustering. They stole Merrill Garlands seat.
When will Dems fight for power like McConnell does?
Biden is +1.9 over 2016 in the aggregate swing state rcp aggregate, and trump needed less than 1% margin there to win. It’s close.
But this comment is addressing the gop continually bending the rules to their benefit, as the Dems worry about “for the good of the country.“ While trump tells us he needs to appoint this judge (from another stolen seat because RBG wouldn’t retire facing constant GOP filibusters) to secure his 5th vote to counter the democrats election crimes that we all see, we worry about playing nice and pretending we are “ahead.”
Joe Biden is repeating the same mistakes that cost Hillary Clinton the election
Biden is trying to woo unhappy Republicans, when he should be mobilizing hundreds of thousands of Democrats
I'm trying to understand why the author believes that he isn't or can't do both. Why is it a binary choice between appealing to white working class and black working class? And looking at the vote total in 16 compared to 12 is disingenuous considering Obama is not on the ticket. The 16 levels dipped back to the 2004 levels, if I'm not mistaken. Biden put Harris on the ticket precisely to try and increase the levels back closer to 12. He won't get there, but he improving the number is definitely the goal.
True, M, doing both makes sense. I think this article concerns me because it is one of a couple I have seen recently that bring up the same concern. And why I am concerned, of course, is related to my intense worry that Trump could be re-elected. I want everything legal that could possibly be done to see to it that Biden wins.
I hear you, but don't stress yourself out. People on both sides write these type of articles to get published. Being critical is how they make their money. I'm not saying that he isn't being true to his feelings, but people write articles to get clicks too.
Good point and thanks for the reminder! A for not stressing out- I'll let you know how that's going in about 5 1/2 weeks!
Ask yourself how the democrats won the house in 2018.
The trump base clearly was not energized like it is now.
This is now in my safe blue state not very far from my home town , we have never ever had a political parade like this, and have had a Democratic congressperson for as long as I can remember,
“A parade and rally in support of President Donald Trump is scheduled Sunday in the Town of Huntington.
"Let the silent majority be silent No more, and show the world We Will Stand Tall and proud that Donald J. Trump is our President and we will NOT BE SILENCED!," the event information reads. "GOD Bless the President of The United States!"
Probe into ‘discarded’ ballots becomes campaign outrage fuel”
This is an interesting topic. Just watched Bill Maher and he was all about what will the Dems do. They don’t have any power to fight back. And nobody brings up what I have researched, that Pelosi does have extraordinary powers if trump tries to bully his way to steal a contested election
Trumpublicans are feeling their oats with a 6-3 Court and control of most swing state legislatures, which they believe, GUARANTEES them victory because they can play mail in ballot games in all the close states. All challenges go to the Court, which locks it in for them. And if not, the constitution says state legislatures name the electors sent to Congress. Depressing.
Ive been reading a lot about this and I think many know the House, as per the constitution, picks the president. Usually it’s a rubber stamp of the actual vote. But in contested elections, the House is directed by the constitution to vote for president, but its one state one vote, and republicans hold 26 states, so they win again if trump does his manipulations.
The constitution ALSO says the House decides WHO votes. It would be a ballsy move by Pelosi, but the majority has the power who to seat and can refuse to seat any representative-elect in a close election, and can even delay seating a gerrymandered district. This would be a perfect way to fight trumps effort to get this settled in Court. It’s in Article I, Section 5. NOBODY is talking about this.
This would be on a level of McConnell rule manipulation, but what choice do Dems have? Are the Dems are willing to fight for the presidency? We know what the gop would do.
they stole Gore’s election. They bullied RBG into not retiring with constant Obama filibustering. They stole Merrill Garlands seat.
When will Dems fight for power like McConnell does?
Biden is +1.9 over 2016 in the aggregate swing state rcp aggregate, and trump needed less than 1% margin there to win. It’s close.
But this comment is addressing the gop continually bending the rules to their benefit, as the Dems worry about “for the good of the country.“ While trump tells us he needs to appoint this judge (from another stolen seat because RBG wouldn’t retire facing constant GOP filibusters) to secure his 5th vote to counter the democrats election crimes that we all see, we worry about playing nice and pretending we are “ahead.”
just like last time.
Is it, though? Main difference is how steady Biden's lead is.
Looking at RCP, you can see he has maintained his edge and has actually built upon it since April. It spiked up during the riots and when Corona was raging. But, big picture? Biden's is up 1% from April.
In contrast, HRC started up 4% in April, gradually decreased to 2% before the conventions, bumped up to 4.8% in early September, and then back down. Clinton was 3% less than where she was in April at this point. This is because Trump had a much easier time defining her than he is having with Biden because Hillary was an awful candidate who was disliked by the vast majority of the electorate--not the case with Joe.
Right now Biden is leading by 3.6% in these swing states, per RCP, 1% higher than where he started, and 1% higher than where he was a month ago. At the same point in 2016, HRC was leading by 1.7%, about 1.5% lowerthan where she was about a month ago.
Also, as has been pointed out repeatedly, Biden is consistently polling around 50% while HRC barely got over 45%, meaning most people have made up their minds and fewer people will be swayed by late surprises which cost HRC the election.
Joe Biden is repeating the same mistakes that cost Hillary Clinton the election
Biden is trying to woo unhappy Republicans, when he should be mobilizing hundreds of thousands of Democrats
I'm trying to understand why the author believes that he isn't or can't do both. Why is it a binary choice between appealing to white working class and black working class? And looking at the vote total in 16 compared to 12 is disingenuous considering Obama is not on the ticket. The 16 levels dipped back to the 2004 levels, if I'm not mistaken. Biden put Harris on the ticket precisely to try and increase the levels back closer to 12. He won't get there, but he improving the number is definitely the goal.
True, M, doing both makes sense. I think this article concerns me because it is one of a couple I have seen recently that bring up the same concern. And why I am concerned, of course, is related to my intense worry that Trump could be re-elected. I want everything legal that could possibly be done to see to it that Biden wins.
I hear you, but don't stress yourself out. People on both sides write these type of articles to get published. Being critical is how they make their money. I'm not saying that he isn't being true to his feelings, but people write articles to get clicks too.
Good point and thanks for the reminder! A for not stressing out- I'll let you know how that's going in about 5 1/2 weeks!
Ask yourself how the democrats won the house in 2018.
The trump base clearly was not energized like it is now.
This is now in my safe blue state not very far from my home town , we have never ever had a political parade like this, and have had a Democratic congressperson for as long as I can remember,
“A parade and rally in support of President Donald Trump is scheduled Sunday in the Town of Huntington.
"Let the silent majority be silent No more, and show the world We Will Stand Tall and proud that Donald J. Trump is our President and we will NOT BE SILENCED!," the event information reads. "GOD Bless the President of The United States!"
Joe Biden is repeating the same mistakes that cost Hillary Clinton the election
Biden is trying to woo unhappy Republicans, when he should be mobilizing hundreds of thousands of Democrats
I'm trying to understand why the author believes that he isn't or can't do both. Why is it a binary choice between appealing to white working class and black working class? And looking at the vote total in 16 compared to 12 is disingenuous considering Obama is not on the ticket. The 16 levels dipped back to the 2004 levels, if I'm not mistaken. Biden put Harris on the ticket precisely to try and increase the levels back closer to 12. He won't get there, but he improving the number is definitely the goal.
True, M, doing both makes sense. I think this article concerns me because it is one of a couple I have seen recently that bring up the same concern. And why I am concerned, of course, is related to my intense worry that Trump could be re-elected. I want everything legal that could possibly be done to see to it that Biden wins.
I hear you, but don't stress yourself out. People on both sides write these type of articles to get published. Being critical is how they make their money. I'm not saying that he isn't being true to his feelings, but people write articles to get clicks too.
Good point and thanks for the reminder! A for not stressing out- I'll let you know how that's going in about 5 1/2 weeks!
Ask yourself how the democrats won the house in 2018.
The trump base clearly was not energized like it is now.
This is now in my safe blue state not very far from my home town , we have never ever had a political parade like this, and have had a Democratic congressperson for as long as I can remember,
“A parade and rally in support of President Donald Trump is scheduled Sunday in the Town of Huntington.
"Let the silent majority be silent No more, and show the world We Will Stand Tall and proud that Donald J. Trump is our President and we will NOT BE SILENCED!," the event information reads. "GOD Bless the President of The United States!"
Hey @mrussel1 I’ve replied that 45% vs 50% is as much to do with having a quality 3rd party choice such as a former governor last time. And we don’t know if there is a big underpolling of non college whites that would make Biden actually below 50%. We will have to agree to disagree.
the point of my comment last night was about contested elections, the House and Article I. It was not intended to regurgitate my theories that the polling is really close, I’m sure the regulars here expect that from me by now.
Rather, my point was to foster a discussion, as McConnell has manipulated congressional rules to leverage two Supreme Court seats, as Gore caved easily for the good of the country, as trump tells us he needs a “5th” justice to take care of this election for himself, that the constitution is actually very interesting regarding contested elections.
The intent was to discuss how trumps aggressive use of the courts can be countered, without the fruitless hope of finding “the right judge to rule the right way.” I thought that might present an interesting new angle to this election. Maybe I should have started a new topic, but would only do that if there is real interest for a continuing discussion and for members to do a little digging on it, as it’s very possible this is the route trump will try.
@Halifax2TheMax did reply we weren’t that close, so I went back (perhaps in error) to the it’s closer than you think comment, but I was hoping interested politicos may want to brush up on contested elections in the constitution and consider if democrats are as strong as republicans when there is a chance to manipulate rules to gain power.
Probe into ‘discarded’ ballots becomes campaign outrage fuel”
This is an interesting topic. Just watched Bill Maher and he was all about what will the Dems do. They don’t have any power to fight back. And nobody brings up what I have researched, that Pelosi does have extraordinary powers if trump tries to bully his way to steal a contested election
Trumpublicans are feeling their oats with a 6-3 Court and control of most swing state legislatures, which they believe, GUARANTEES them victory because they can play mail in ballot games in all the close states. All challenges go to the Court, which locks it in for them. And if not, the constitution says state legislatures name the electors sent to Congress. Depressing.
Ive been reading a lot about this and I think many know the House, as per the constitution, picks the president. Usually it’s a rubber stamp of the actual vote. But in contested elections, the House is directed by the constitution to vote for president, but its one state one vote, and republicans hold 26 states, so they win again if trump does his manipulations.
The constitution ALSO says the House decides WHO votes. It would be a ballsy move by Pelosi, but the majority has the power who to seat and can refuse to seat any representative-elect in a close election, and can even delay seating a gerrymandered district. This would be a perfect way to fight trumps effort to get this settled in Court. It’s in Article I, Section 5. NOBODY is talking about this.
This would be on a level of McConnell rule manipulation, but what choice do Dems have? Are the Dems are willing to fight for the presidency? We know what the gop would do.
they stole Gore’s election. They bullied RBG into not retiring with constant Obama filibustering. They stole Merrill Garlands seat.
When will Dems fight for power like McConnell does?
Biden is +1.9 over 2016 in the aggregate swing state rcp aggregate, and trump needed less than 1% margin there to win. It’s close.
But this comment is addressing the gop continually bending the rules to their benefit, as the Dems worry about “for the good of the country.“ While trump tells us he needs to appoint this judge (from another stolen seat because RBG wouldn’t retire facing constant GOP filibusters) to secure his 5th vote to counter the democrats election crimes that we all see, we worry about playing nice and pretending we are “ahead.”
just like last time.
Is it, though? Main difference is how steady Biden's lead is.
Looking at RCP, you can see he has maintained his edge and has actually built upon it since April. It spiked up during the riots and when Corona was raging. But, big picture? Biden's is up 1% from April.
In contrast, HRC started up 4% in April, gradually decreased to 2% before the conventions, bumped up to 4.8% in early September, and then back down. Clinton was 3% less than where she was in April at this point. This is because Trump had a much easier time defining her than he is having with Biden because Hillary was an awful candidate who was disliked by the vast majority of the electorate--not the case with Joe.
Right now Biden is leading by 3.6% in these swing states, per RCP, 1% higher than where he started, and 1% higher than where he was a month ago. At the same point in 2016, HRC was leading by 1.7%, about 1.5% lowerthan where she was about a month ago.
Also, as has been pointed out repeatedly, Biden is consistently polling around 50% while HRC barely got over 45%, meaning most people have made up their minds and fewer people will be swayed by late surprises which cost HRC the election.
Not to quote myself but I just wanted to add that the national polling seem to have reflected the same sort of swings Hillary saw in the swing states in 2016, whereas Biden has been remarkably consistent. Trump actually had the lead a few times back then. He hasn't sniffed it this year. So for those who insist national polling doesn't mean anything, well, there ya go.
Just another indicator that differentiates 2020 from 2016.
Probe into ‘discarded’ ballots becomes campaign outrage fuel”
This is an interesting topic. Just watched Bill Maher and he was all about what will the Dems do. They don’t have any power to fight back. And nobody brings up what I have researched, that Pelosi does have extraordinary powers if trump tries to bully his way to steal a contested election
Trumpublicans are feeling their oats with a 6-3 Court and control of most swing state legislatures, which they believe, GUARANTEES them victory because they can play mail in ballot games in all the close states. All challenges go to the Court, which locks it in for them. And if not, the constitution says state legislatures name the electors sent to Congress. Depressing.
Ive been reading a lot about this and I think many know the House, as per the constitution, picks the president. Usually it’s a rubber stamp of the actual vote. But in contested elections, the House is directed by the constitution to vote for president, but its one state one vote, and republicans hold 26 states, so they win again if trump does his manipulations.
The constitution ALSO says the House decides WHO votes. It would be a ballsy move by Pelosi, but the majority has the power who to seat and can refuse to seat any representative-elect in a close election, and can even delay seating a gerrymandered district. This would be a perfect way to fight trumps effort to get this settled in Court. It’s in Article I, Section 5. NOBODY is talking about this.
This would be on a level of McConnell rule manipulation, but what choice do Dems have? Are the Dems are willing to fight for the presidency? We know what the gop would do.
they stole Gore’s election. They bullied RBG into not retiring with constant Obama filibustering. They stole Merrill Garlands seat.
When will Dems fight for power like McConnell does?
Biden is +1.9 over 2016 in the aggregate swing state rcp aggregate, and trump needed less than 1% margin there to win. It’s close.
But this comment is addressing the gop continually bending the rules to their benefit, as the Dems worry about “for the good of the country.“ While trump tells us he needs to appoint this judge (from another stolen seat because RBG wouldn’t retire facing constant GOP filibusters) to secure his 5th vote to counter the democrats election crimes that we all see, we worry about playing nice and pretending we are “ahead.”
just like last time.
But that’s to assume the vote totals will be too close, leading to contention and that the dems won’t have an army of lawyers to counter the repubs’ frivolity. Will it be ugly? Sure. Is it all doom and gloom? Time will tell.
SWJBB needs to run as if he’s 23 down. Let’s see how or if the polling moves after Tuesday night’s debate.
Yeah I will be really interested to see if anything changes after the debate. Not expecting much since so many have their minds made up though...
Unless we have a fainting moment like Hilary had with Biden this time or a total gaffe in the debates it is Biden's to lose right now. Trump will not lose any voters no matter what he does at this point. Biden on the other hand can and that will decide this election.
a candidate for president, Donald Trump used to promise cheering crowds
at stop after stop on the campaign trail that if he won the election he
would be too busy to play golf or visit his properties. “I love golf,”
Trump told supporters in Portsmouth, N.H., in February 2016, “But if I
were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again. I
don’t think I’d ever see Doral again — I own Doral in Miami. I don’t
think I’d ever see any of the places that I have… I just want to stay in
the White House and work my ass off, make great deals.”
To the contrary, President Trump has
found time to visit his properties hundreds of times while in office,
with time left over to lavish them with praise in official remarks, and
to reward his paying customers with privileged access to and positions
in his administration. For nearly four years now, President Trump has
made it abundantly clear that any claim of separation from his business
was a lie, and coupled with his unprecedented decision not to divest his
business empire before entering office, this empty promise has led to
some of the most egregious examples of presidential corruption and
conflicts of interest ever raised by a modern president.
Since day one, CREW has been tracking President Trump’s conflicts of interest,
showing how the line between the Trump Organization and the Trump
administration has blurred so much that it is unclear where President
Trump’s public responsibilities end and his private financial interests
begin. Unlike any other modern president, Trump has forced the American
people to ask if the decisions and policies his administration is
implementing are because they’re the best policies for the nation, or
because they personally benefit him — either by helping his businesses directly or the special interests spending money there.
The numbers are truly staggering. As
of September 21, President Trump has racked up 3,403 conflicts of
interest. The list reads like an instruction manual for how not to drain
the swamp:
Trump has visited his businesses 503 times, and 303 of these visits have
been made to golf courses. This year alone he has visited 7 properties
74 times in total. The days that he has spent visiting properties
account for a third of his presidency;
individual executive branch officials have visited Trump properties 885
times. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have visited Trump properties more
than any other executive branch officials besides the president — 39
and 36 times, respectively. Following them are Vice President Mike
Pence, Former Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, and Secretary
of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin;
individual Members of Congress have visited Trump properties 344 times.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham tops this list with
27 visits, followed by Sen. Rand Paul, and Reps. Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan,
and Kevin McCarthy. The majority of these visits (284) have been to the
Trump Hotel in D.C.;
foreign officials from 75 governments have visited Trump properties.
More Turkish officials have visited than representatives of any other
69 state
officials from 34 states have visited Trump properties, including 18
governors. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida tops the list;
In total,
public officials from Congress, the executive branch, and foreign and
state governments have made 2,014 visits to Trump properties;
located just blocks away from the White House, the Trump International
Hotel in Washington, D.C. is the most popular property for federal,
state, and foreign government officials to visit. Public officials have
visited the property 973 times. Mar-a-Lago is next with 385 visits,
followed by Trump National Bedminster with 181 visits, Trump National
Golf Club in Virginia with 138, and Trump National Golf Club West Palm
Beach with 110 visits from public officials;
President has taken many opportunities to use his office for free
advertising for his many properties. White House officials including
Trump have used their platform to promote Trump businesses 426 times,
often in their official capacities. Trump specifically has mentioned his
properties in speeches and interviews 338 times;
interest groups, political groups, and foreign governments have held a
combined 231 events at Trump properties during Trump’s presidency.
Special interests have hosted or sponsored 130 events at Trump
properties during Trump’s presidency. Trump administration officials and
Republican members of Congress often attend special-interest events at
Trump properties, granting these interests invaluable access, often
behind closed doors, in exchange for a large payment to President
Trump’s businesses. Forty-eight administration officials, including 13
Cabinet members, have attended a special interest event at a Trump
property, and 41 members of Congress have gone to one;
groups have hosted 88 events at Trump properties since Trump took
office. Whereas prior to his run for president, Trump businesses were
never paid more than $100,000 by political groups in a single year, they
have taken in millions of dollars in political spending each year since
he ran. The president’s businesses have raked in $23.2 million from
political groups since Trump announced his run for office in 2015 and
$9.7 million since he took office. Political groups have paid $3.2
million to the Trump hotel in Washington, $2 million to the Trump
National Doral, and $1.2 million to Mar-a-Lago. The top spenders are
Trump’s own campaign, the RNC, and a joint fundraising entity that
raises money to those two groups, which, together, have spent more than
$20 million. None of these totals include untold amounts spent by dark
money groups that generally don’t have to report such spending;
many of Trump’s best customers are his own political groups and those in
his immediate orbit, political spending at Trump properties is
widespread. More than 200 conservative and Republican political groups
have made a payment to one, and more than three dozen of those have paid
more than $10,000. These giant payments to the president’s businesses
have afforded groups that sponsor events at Trump properties access to
high ranking officials. President Trump himself has attended 31 of them,
and Vice President Pence has gone to another 15. Eight cabinet
officials have attended 22 political events at the president’s
properties, and 67 members of Congress have attended one or more;
governments or foreign government-linked groups have hosted 13 events at
the president’s hotels and resorts during the Trump presidency. These
events have brought 67 foreign officials and 20 Trump administration
officials to the president’s properties;
Trump’s promise that there would be a separation between the White House
and Trump Organization during his administration, the president has
continued to be involved with the Trump Organization. He has apparently
retained the power to make decisions for his businesses while in office
and has persistently given his paying customers privileged access and
information. Meanwhile, the Trump Organization has sought to highlight
its proximity to power as a marketing tool;
Trump swore against pursuing foreign deals while in office, 67
trademarks have been granted to the Trump Organization from foreign
governments. China has granted 46 trademarks to Trump’s company, more
than any country.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Bloomby dear savior ought to buy 40 million of those and airdrop them at night in all those red districts. Let people find them on their dog walks and getting into their trucks in the morning. Might move the needle by a vote.
Bloomby dear savior ought to buy 40 million of those and airdrop them at night in all those red districts. Let people find them on their dog walks and getting into their trucks in the morning. Might move the needle by a vote.
Unfortunately, this is a positive to his voters. To them, it shows that he is a smart business man who knows how to avoid over taxation. They think by having him as president he will share his good fortunes and help them avoid taxes as well. Many Trump supporters are in favor of payments off the record so the government doesn't get a hold of their money. I've had first hand interactions with these people. While I agree, taxes should be commensurate upon your wealth, I don't think paying nothing is a good thing either.
Bloomby dear savior ought to buy 40 million of those and airdrop them at night in all those red districts. Let people find them on their dog walks and getting into their trucks in the morning. Might move the needle by a vote.
Unfortunately, this is a positive to his voters. To them, it shows that he is a smart business man who knows how to avoid over taxation. They think by having him as president he will share his good fortunes and help them avoid taxes as well. Many Trump supporters are in favor of payments off the record so the government doesn't get a hold of their money. I've had first hand interactions with these people. While I agree, taxes should be commensurate upon your wealth, I don't think paying nothing is a good thing either.
Most smart business people write off $700 million in losses.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
So Trump owes more than $300M? Seems like an enormous conflict of interest. Pity for him this news comes out right before the debates.
Folks, you see, most people are sitting around dreading an October surprise that will damage Biden.....they're forgetting that Trump has more skeletons in his closet than most in Washington combined. I'd expect more of this to to come. Biden should really pounce on it tomorrow night.
I also saw a report that the Durahm thing might not come out until after the election.
So Trump owes more than $300M? Seems like an enormous conflict of interest. Pity for him this news comes out right before the debates.
Folks, you see, most people are sitting around dreading an October surprise that will damage Biden.....they're forgetting that Trump has more skeletons in his closet than most in Washington combined. I'd expect more of this to to come. Biden should really pounce on it tomorrow night.
I also saw a report that the Durahm thing might not come out until after the election.
2020 is not 2016.
nothing seems to stick to don, though. we have what seems to be scandal exhaustion, so everything that would singularly take any other politician down, we are so used to it with him, it won't.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
So Trump owes more than $300M? Seems like an enormous conflict of interest. Pity for him this news comes out right before the debates.
Folks, you see, most people are sitting around dreading an October surprise that will damage Biden.....they're forgetting that Trump has more skeletons in his closet than most in Washington combined. I'd expect more of this to to come. Biden should really pounce on it tomorrow night.
I also saw a report that the Durahm thing might not come out until after the election.
2020 is not 2016.
nothing seems to stick to don, though. we have what seems to be scandal exhaustion, so everything that would singularly take any other politician down, we are so used to it with him, it won't.
It does stick though. That's why his numbers are terrible, amongst plenty of other reasons.
But this comment is addressing the gop continually bending the rules to their benefit, as the Dems worry about “for the good of the country.“ While trump tells us he needs to appoint this judge (from another stolen seat because RBG wouldn’t retire facing constant GOP filibusters) to secure his 5th vote to counter the democrats election crimes that we all see, we worry about playing nice and pretending we are “ahead.”
just like last time.
This is now in my safe blue state not very far from my home town , we have never ever had a political parade like this, and have had a Democratic congressperson for as long as I can remember,
“A parade and rally in support of President Donald Trump is scheduled Sunday in the Town of Huntington.
"Let the silent majority be silent No more, and show the world We Will Stand Tall and proud that Donald J. Trump is our President and we will NOT BE SILENCED!," the event information reads. "GOD Bless the President of The United States!"
Looking at RCP, you can see he has maintained his edge and has actually built upon it since April. It spiked up during the riots and when Corona was raging. But, big picture? Biden's is up 1% from April.
In contrast, HRC started up 4% in April, gradually decreased to 2% before the conventions, bumped up to 4.8% in early September, and then back down. Clinton was 3% less than where she was in April at this point. This is because Trump had a much easier time defining her than he is having with Biden because Hillary was an awful candidate who was disliked by the vast majority of the electorate--not the case with Joe.
Right now Biden is leading by 3.6% in these swing states, per RCP, 1% higher than where he started, and 1% higher than where he was a month ago.
At the same point in 2016, HRC was leading by 1.7%, about 1.5% lower than where she was about a month ago.
Also, as has been pointed out repeatedly, Biden is consistently polling around 50% while HRC barely got over 45%, meaning most people have made up their minds and fewer people will be swayed by late surprises which cost HRC the election.
Can Trump win? Sure? Can Trump steal the election? Sure. But make no mistake, Biden is still in a good position right now.
This is not 2016, folks.
I feel like we've been through this already
the point of my comment last night was about contested elections, the House and Article I. It was not intended to regurgitate my theories that the polling is really close, I’m sure the regulars here expect that from me by now.
Rather, my point was to foster a discussion, as McConnell has manipulated congressional rules to leverage two Supreme Court seats, as Gore caved easily for the good of the country, as trump tells us he needs a “5th” justice to take care of this election for himself, that the constitution is actually very interesting regarding contested elections.
Just another indicator that differentiates 2020 from 2016.
SWJBB needs to run as if he’s 23 down. Let’s see how or if the polling moves after Tuesday night’s debate.
As a candidate for president, Donald Trump used to promise cheering crowds at stop after stop on the campaign trail that if he won the election he would be too busy to play golf or visit his properties. “I love golf,” Trump told supporters in Portsmouth, N.H., in February 2016, “But if I were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again. I don’t think I’d ever see Doral again — I own Doral in Miami. I don’t think I’d ever see any of the places that I have… I just want to stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals.”
To the contrary, President Trump has found time to visit his properties hundreds of times while in office, with time left over to lavish them with praise in official remarks, and to reward his paying customers with privileged access to and positions in his administration. For nearly four years now, President Trump has made it abundantly clear that any claim of separation from his business was a lie, and coupled with his unprecedented decision not to divest his business empire before entering office, this empty promise has led to some of the most egregious examples of presidential corruption and conflicts of interest ever raised by a modern president.
Since day one, CREW has been tracking President Trump’s conflicts of interest, showing how the line between the Trump Organization and the Trump administration has blurred so much that it is unclear where President Trump’s public responsibilities end and his private financial interests begin. Unlike any other modern president, Trump has forced the American people to ask if the decisions and policies his administration is implementing are because they’re the best policies for the nation, or because they personally benefit him — either by helping his businesses directly or the special interests spending money there.
The numbers are truly staggering. As of September 21, President Trump has racked up 3,403 conflicts of interest. The list reads like an instruction manual for how not to drain the swamp:
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Well, being half Amish, this pisses me off more than it would most people. What a jerk that guy is. No class.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Folks, you see, most people are sitting around dreading an October surprise that will damage Biden.....they're forgetting that Trump has more skeletons in his closet than most in Washington combined. I'd expect more of this to to come. Biden should really pounce on it tomorrow night.
I also saw a report that the Durahm thing might not come out until after the election.
2020 is not 2016.
-EV 8/14/93