Agree somewhat, not into the Trump bashing and I'm by no means a fan of Trump. I remember when ed's lyrics/thoughts were more focused on the corrupt system and corporate influence in general. We've just been through this with President's too many times and really you can plug and play and it is the same crap over and over.
I like the higher level, more thoughtful criticism of the system. It is really just too easy just to bash a President. Kinda like picking the the low hanging fruit.
Ofcourse, maybe after a several listens ed will persuade me otherwise.
96 - Ft Lauderdale
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
Agree somewhat, not into the Trump bashing and I'm by no means a fan of Trump. I remember when ed's lyrics/thoughts were more focused on the corrupt system and corporate influence in general. We've just been through this with President's too many times and really you can plug and play and it is the same crap over and over.
I like the higher level, more thoughtful criticism of the system. It is really just too easy just to bash a President. Kinda like picking the the low hanging fruit.
Ofcourse, maybe after a several listens ed will persuade me otherwise.
Well, considering he doesn't mention him by name, it could be applied to whomever the president is at anytime now, then and in the future.
Agree somewhat, not into the Trump bashing and I'm by no means a fan of Trump. I remember when ed's lyrics/thoughts were more focused on the corrupt system and corporate influence in general. We've just been through this with President's too many times and really you can plug and play and it is the same crap over and over.
I like the higher level, more thoughtful criticism of the system. It is really just too easy just to bash a President. Kinda like picking the the low hanging fruit.
Ofcourse, maybe after a several listens ed will persuade me otherwise.
Well, considering he doesn't mention him by name, it could be applied to whomever the president is at anytime now, then and in the future.
my point still stands whomever is sitting in the is low hanging fruit
96 - Ft Lauderdale
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
though, ev has a pretty solid record of being prophetic and what happens over the next few months could have me thinking otherwise about the low hanging fruit .....i'm completely confused right now
96 - Ft Lauderdale
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
Man, this really isn't the album for you.
I hate this...
I’ll start by saying I am a DT supporter from NY. Is he right 100% no. Is the left right 100% no.
With respect to this band - we all know what we are getting. They haven’t changed for 30 years. They won’t change. We may have changed. From when I started to listen to now, my ways have changed. I can separate the two.
You hav folks that are looking for the bashing of 45. That’s fine. You have some that can listen to a song where he is clearly speaking on 45 take that and apply it somewhere else. I’m happy I can do that.
If I were Eddie Vedder, would you like me any better? - Local H
Love the song. I've seen a few comments regarding the political nature of some of the songs and how people don't like that or they disagree with PJs political lean. This absolutely blows my mind. To each their own when it it come to a political stance but these people must be the hardest core fans out there. With PJs political leanings comes their social issue leanings. I commend those that don't agree with the band but still buy the music and go to concerts. I for one could never give my money to a band that I knew was investing some of their profits into causes I disagree with (no matter how great the music).
I can disagree with their political views and still appreciate the art. Its not like they’re singing about Nazis or satan music or something. I’d probably draw the line there. Or maybe before that...
Love the song. I've seen a few comments regarding the political nature of some of the songs and how people don't like that or they disagree with PJs political lean. This absolutely blows my mind. To each their own when it it come to a political stance but these people must be the hardest core fans out there. With PJs political leanings comes their social issue leanings. I commend those that don't agree with the band but still buy the music and go to concerts. I for one could never give my money to a band that I knew was investing some of their profits into causes I disagree with (no matter how great the music).
I can disagree with their political views and still appreciate the art. Its not like they’re singing about Nazis or satan music or something. I’d probably draw the line there. Or maybe before that...
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
He also wisely said that we would have zero cases of the virus. And he suggested that we would be able to socialize by Easter....right about when we will be at peak infection.
Get a new hero...yours is an idiot. And his approval rating is going down the tubes.
Sixty percent and rising.
Meanwhile Biden is out there tripping through his dementia while being accused of sexual assault.
Interesting to see you raise those 2 issues with Biden while clearly excited about an approval rating (not of his presidency by the way) of a president who clearly has shown lack of mental capacity and had dozens of sexual assault/harassment accusations, of which multiple were settled by payments and NDAs. By all means keep that moral high ground.
Desperation is such a sad look. So basically it's okay if your guy is a sexual predator because "other guy done did it, too." You're going to have an awful week when Trump wins reelection in a landslide.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
Yeah, things are going so great here with the virus. The virus is here and it's spreading like crazy. Tell me how successful he has been again. What a joke.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
He also wisely said that we would have zero cases of the virus. And he suggested that we would be able to socialize by Easter....right about when we will be at peak infection.
Get a new hero...yours is an idiot. And his approval rating is going down the tubes.
Sixty percent and rising.
Meanwhile Biden is out there tripping through his dementia while being accused of sexual assault.
Interesting to see you raise those 2 issues with Biden while clearly excited about an approval rating (not of his presidency by the way) of a president who clearly has shown lack of mental capacity and had dozens of sexual assault/harassment accusations, of which multiple were settled by payments and NDAs. By all means keep that moral high ground.
Desperation is such a sad look. So basically it's okay if your guy is a sexual predator because "other guy done did it, too." You're going to have an awful week when Trump wins reelection in a landslide.
Who's desperate? I've already made it through 3+ years of this pile of garbage and 8 years of war mongering Bush + Cheney so I'll be fine, but good luck to you when your hero is out of office. Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about what you support. Why some feel the need to defend an individual they have no tie to is beyond me. Never will a worse human being be elected president.
Love the song. I've seen a few comments regarding the political nature of some of the songs and how people don't like that or they disagree with PJs political lean. This absolutely blows my mind. To each their own when it it come to a political stance but these people must be the hardest core fans out there. With PJs political leanings comes their social issue leanings. I commend those that don't agree with the band but still buy the music and go to concerts. I for one could never give my money to a band that I knew was investing some of their profits into causes I disagree with (no matter how great the music).
I can disagree with their political views and still appreciate the art. Its not like they’re singing about Nazis or satan music or something. I’d probably draw the line there. Or maybe before that...
Satan's Bed Red Mosquito
Assuming you’re being sarcastic. But just in case, mentioning satan/devil =/= devil music.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
He also wisely said that we would have zero cases of the virus. And he suggested that we would be able to socialize by Easter....right about when we will be at peak infection.
Get a new hero...yours is an idiot. And his approval rating is going down the tubes.
Sixty percent and rising.
Meanwhile Biden is out there tripping through his dementia while being accused of sexual assault.
Interesting to see you raise those 2 issues with Biden while clearly excited about an approval rating (not of his presidency by the way) of a president who clearly has shown lack of mental capacity and had dozens of sexual assault/harassment accusations, of which multiple were settled by payments and NDAs. By all means keep that moral high ground.
Desperation is such a sad look. So basically it's okay if your guy is a sexual predator because "other guy done did it, too." You're going to have an awful week when Trump wins reelection in a landslide.
Who's desperate? I've already made it through 3+ years of this pile of garbage and 8 years of war mongering Bush + Cheney so I'll be fine, but good luck to you when your hero is out of office. Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about what you support. Why some feel the need to defend an individual they have no tie to is beyond me. Never will a worse human being be elected president.
I don't even like him and would never vote for him, but folks like you are the very reason he got in office in the first place.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
Yeah, things are going so great here with the virus. The virus is here and it's spreading like crazy. Tell me how successful he has been again. What a joke.
Why don't you just say "I got nothin'?" LoL. Weak.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
Trump limited travel with China because it fit his agenda of villainizing people that look different from his base. The fact that it had an unintended benefit doesn’t make him bright.
1996: Randall's Island 2 1998: East Rutherford | MSG 1 & 2 2000: Cincinnati | Columbus | Jones Beach 1, 2, & 3 | Boston 1 | Camden 1 & 2 2003: Philadelphia | Uniondale | MSG 1 & 2 | Holmdel 2005: Atlantic City 1 2006: Camden 1 | East Rutherford 1 & 2 2008: Camden 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Newark (EV) 2009: Philadelphia 1, 2 & 4 2010: Newark | MSG 1 & 2 2011: Toronto 1 2013: Wrigley Field | Brooklyn 2 | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore 2015: Central Park 2016: Philadelphia 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Fenway Park 2 | MSG (TOTD) 2017: Brooklyn (RnR HOF) 2020: MSG | Asbury Park2021: Asbury Park 2022: MSG | Camden | Nashville 2024: MSG 1 & 2 (#50) | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore 2025: Raleigh
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
Trump limited travel with China because it fit his agenda of villainizing people that look different from his base. The fact that it had an unintended benefit doesn’t make him bright.
There’s melodies in this song that are incredible, best on the album, but the verses just feel so clunky to me. To me, Seven O’Clock is Gigaton’s Sirens.
You (and especially Eddie) need to grow up and stop the Trump bashing, you're embarrassing yourselves. The president has a 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. He wisely decided to enact a travel ban for people arriving from China VERY EARLY ON (Jan. 31 to be exact). He was branded a racist and xenophobe by the media and fools like Bernie and Biden. ALL experts NOW agree that Trump's bold decision gave the U.S. a head start in containing the virus and has saved countless Americans from contracting the virus, many of whom would be dead now. Besides, Trump WILL be President for 4 more years and 8 months so you might as well make the best of it - it's your life...
I cannot see how anyone can think Trump has done a good job handling this.
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
2. Didn't listen to the intelligence community about the possibility of a pandemic from this.
3. Downplayed this at the beginning (and is still downplaying it now), which is contributing to people not taking the stay at home orders seriously.
Wrong. Limited travel to and from China while everyone called him a racist for doing so. Had he not made that move, this virus would be much, much worse. Liberals care more about hurt feelings than they do about people's lives.
The US has handle this crisis terribly, I do not think a lot of people realise what is coming their way. Trump has been talking about having everything opened back up for Easter? If that is done he will cause tens of thousands or deaths, if not more!
I like the higher level, more thoughtful criticism of the system. It is really just too easy just to bash a President. Kinda like picking the the low hanging fruit.
Ofcourse, maybe after a several listens ed will persuade me otherwise.
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
my point still stands whomever is sitting in the is low hanging fruit
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
.....i'm completely confused right now
98 - ATL; WPB I & II
00 - WPB I & II
03 - Boston I; Detroit I & II
04 - Boston VFC I & II
05 - Borgata II
08 - WPB; NY MSG I & II
10 - CLE
12 - Music Midtown; EV Jax II; EV Orlando I&II
13 - BWI; CVille; CLT
14 - Memphis
16 - Jax; Gville; Cola; Fenway II
1. Got rid of the pandemic task force.
I’ll start by saying I am a DT supporter from NY. Is he right 100% no. Is the left right 100% no.
Its not like they’re singing about Nazis or satan music or something. I’d probably draw the line there. Or maybe before that...
Red Mosquito
Plus, don't you need to play the song instead of skipping, to have a chance to grow on you>