ISO - Apollo 1 Ticket



  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Roger Waters Us & Them concert came out today. I liked that one more than The Wall. I'll be interested how it sounds. The visuals were astonishing. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    So my optimism for the 2021 shows are fading fast. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    What's so cool about music these days are bands opening up their vaults. Unfortunately some of them are estates for deceased artists but not all. Maybe music is our commonality in these uncertain times. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Prince's 1999 a little too funky for me. But coming from 1982 makes it seem light years ahead of most artists. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    One of the more soothing hobbies I have (is running soothing? Writing? Not sure) is doing crossword puzzles. Until recently I haven't been doing them in Covid and it's a nice distraction. Not sure why I went away from it but man it's just mental exercise with no pressure. My only rule, you can't look up the answers you don't know. You go in clean and out. Those clues come later and eventually you figure them out. Just my own creed. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    As we wait for the vault (please don't be Godot) I wondered whether PJ would do what Springsteen does and release an Ed show for the selection? I know it's different for a few reasons (Springsteen is in control of his own vault and all the various iterations of his career and he releases one a month) but I just thought - huh, a good Ed show on wax? Could be cool
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Digging back into Wilco. I was lucky enough to live in Chicago when they were starting to gather a following. Their Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and Ghost is Born era is dynamite for their live show. I saw them so many times in a 3 year span and I regret nothing. They were amazing, and one of those bands on the cusp of being huge....these shows display why we should give them a bigger look. I was lucky enough to be at one of those shows (of the four) where they filmed Kicking Television - and it was top notch. Give it a listen. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    A few Bridge School shows on wax could be cool too. I wonder if you could do a few years or if that's more of a Recrod store day release. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I read a cool article that the band had planned on touring this fall. I used to hate fall tours, I loved the summer but at this point I'd love weeknight fall shows. Just something to spice up the week and the months ahead. One day I'll see a halloween show. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Did a long run today around Lake Geneva (in Wisconsin) and it was gorgeous, although truly eerie. I've never seen a lake city closing shop, and mostly closed. The leaves are changing and I couldn't help but think about the final chapter in The Great Gatsby...the death of something important. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Pretty excited that Tom Petty's expanded Wildflowers comes out this week. Mine will be on the way at some point. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Zoom fatigue is a thing. Just exhausting continuing to work like this. What if we just got it together and listened to doctors for a few months and squelched this thing? 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Zoom funk is for real. I need live music. I need people to rediscover logic. I'm exhausted. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Trying to find some music to get out of this funk but sometimes nothing sounds good. It's weird, cause some days everything sounds amazing. It's the irony of mental health isn't it?
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    New Tom Petty - Excited and miss him. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I had no clue that Rod Stewart's hit in the 90's "Leave Virginia Alone" was written by Tom Petty and originally planned for Wildflowers. What's fascinating is how many of the Wilderflower songs in the "All the Rest" section just don't fit in with the original. Maybe I'm biased. Despite being good songs they don't flow the way the original does.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Pixar understands so well how to entertain children. It's fascinating. Not sure if it's the animation, the characters, the story (probably not so much) but my kids love that stuff. I personally don't love it, they're cool but I think the movies are usually a tad too long. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Here's a blast from the past Rod Stewart Unplugged. Ronnie Wood accompanies on guitar and they play a ton of music from their time with The Faces. It's great. I grew with Stewart as an over hte hill punchline but when I dug into The Faces I understood why he was a bad ass. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Will this show happen in 2021 or 2020? It all feels dubious as to it can even happen at this point.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's been over a year since my dog passed and I can't think of anyone that would've loved pandemic life more than Penny. She would've hung out in the basement while I did my work and loved having everyone at home. The pandemic has hit me in weird ways and my wife finally said I need to get a dog. She didn't say therapy but let's just face it, it's a therapy dog. I'm excited about the prospect of starting again, but never forgetting the first creature in my life that I had to take care of more than myself. That's special. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    30 years ago today, Pearl Jam went to the Off Ramp to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, it sounds as bad with me singing along to SGT Peppers as it looks but still cool. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Listened to the Ten portion of Philly last night and it really is an amazing album! It's easy to lose that when you've heard the songs so much over 30 years. It's like when I step away from Zep IV, Sgt Pepper, Born to Run...and a dozen others that slip my mind this early in the morning but it's classic and iconic. It's also drastically different than the other music from the era. Sure it was born of the same scene but the classic nature of their sound is so different from anything in the era. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I watched the new season of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction and Letterman is just a master interviewer....I would love to see him interview presidential candidates. The dude knows how to bring out humanity and if the person doesn't show it, they don't have it. His newest ep with Chappelle is great. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    New Springsteen is solid. A solid listen from start to finish. I can't say that I've found any standouts but that's the beauty of an album you never feel out of, without any songs you want to skip, standouts are harder to come by.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Let this blow your mind the one hit wonder OMC's "How Bizzarre" came out the same year as Tom Petty's "Wildflowers." 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Today it hit me that this is going to be a long winter. I usually welcome fall and winter, I love the change of seasons but the prospect of staying inside for so much of the year is daunting and not a little bit scary.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Springsteen was Trevor Noah's guest on Monday and it was a stellar interview. His take on creating is fascinating and insightful, always connected in line with the human condition in a way few individuals, are able to do. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I've been listening to The Killers a lot. What's fascinating is if you asked me which band would have the most legs: Arcade Fire, Kings of Leon, The Strokes or The Killers - I'm pretty sure The Killers would've been dead last. But here they are, in regular rotation and fresh as ever. Sure, they never quite evolved but their good songs are just damn good. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I love seeing the activism going around. I love seeing Americans actually trying to do everything to vote. It's their voices for their choices. At the end of the day if every vote is counted and we have a record turn out that is a great day for America. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Somehow Halloween reaffirmed my faith in humanity. People were overly kind and careful; so many tables, individual bags...I was expecting my neighborhood to be a ghost town and it was quite the opposite. It was wonderful 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
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