ISO - Apollo 1 Ticket



  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    First big snow storm of the year and it's welcome. Maybe because we're shut ins and now there's actually a reason to be shut in. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I've never been a big New Years Eve guy, and not that I think midnight will change anything immediately but I have hope things will be better next year. Be well and be safe. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    May 2021 be better for all. Keep an eye on the corner cause we're turning it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I love movies (you know, from the comfort of my own home, even before Covid I couldn't find time to go) and I'll watch anything. I don't love it all but who can? I do most of my viewing from the treadmill (doesn't bode well for heavy hitting dramas or comedies - can't laugh and run) but I still watch and re-watch. I took a week to rewatch The Lord of the Rings, and they hold up. It's amazing how well those movies were filmed and how groundbreaking the technology was that it couldn't be done better today (after all, the hands of the director are key). 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    "Last Kiss" is a fun song. I remember it coming out but I wasn't on the boards at that point. I wonder whether the popularity was polarizing because it really isn't anything like any Pearl Jam song before or sing. They've done catchy but it's such a fascinating detour. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Until I had kids I totally forgot how great puzzles and coloring were....some things you just can't remember until it's jarred back into your consciousness. Kids have a way of doing, having you kindly look backwards and recollecting the simplicity of the world around us. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    The other day my daughter was asking me about presidents. I told her about a few and she asked me who the first girl president was..when I told her there hasn't been one, her jaw dropped...she couldn't conceive that we never had one, or why that was even possible. The untainted eyes of a child are fascinating and sometimes heart breaking. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Two posts yesterday? Accident. One can only bump so much for something that will only theoretically exist at some point. But I won't give up hope. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My son loves music, anything with a heavy guitar and drum beat is fair game but he's yet to get into Pearl Jam until last night when "Even Flow" came on. He was in the bath adn the kid just went crazy, it was awesome - he was jumping and splashing like a mad man in a mosh pit. It really made me re-evaluate the song and take in the nuances that I've forgotten or ignored for the past 20 years. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I'm revisiting the album shows and it's interesting I just don't know how much I'd love attending one. I went to see Springsteen do Born to Run and The River; cool shows but I love hte unpredictable nature of the live show. Now that being said, PJ never says they're playing an album, the possibility is neat which could make up for it but both bands play the album and hits to placate casual fans. It's a cool experience but I just don't know if it's something I need to see. That being said, I'd take any show of any kind at this point. All those shows are well paced nad the albums sound great, it's just song to song I love the anticipation. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Add "Whipping" & "Spin the Black Circle" to the list of songs my little guy loves. He likes hard PJ. I probably need to play "Lukin" just to see him go mad for 45 seconds. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My dream/delusion of a Bears v Bills Super Bowl is still alive but man I'm having a hard time seeing the Bears win today. Win today and I can get on board with any run but I'm having a hard time talking myself into a victory (and I never have a hard time). 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    RIP Chicago Bears....for now and for many years to come. Go Browns. Go Bills. Go Ravens. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I knew winter would be tough but the cold is bone chilling this year and maybe with so much time inside it makes the situation a little worse. Here's hoping to an early spring. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    The sun has been out the last two days, Pearl Jam is sound good again (you know the ebbs and flows of music) and that's a nice feeling. "Hard to Imagine" came on this morning and I realized, not only did this band teach me about the beauty of B-Sides but also the lost songs, the outtakes that didn't make albums and become something more fascinating. I don't know that the band has a better song that never made an album than "Hard to Imagine." I first discovered it on a bootleg copy of Vs called Five Against One and had a few songs along with Hard to Imagine that didn't make the album....but I'm always indebted to that album for showing me songs that didn't exist in the common vernacular. And man it's an astonishing song. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Some days you just feel like metal, some heavy guitars to fill in the quiet. Can't explain it but I do love it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My wife got me a ship in a bottle kit for Christmas and man it's a fun and difficult task. It's a fascinating hobby for someone who doesn't work with their hands a lot. Not at work at least. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Watched Moana for the 1000th time with the kids last night and man Lin Manuel Miranda is good. Funny enough I saw so many musical elements that he used in Hamilton come out on Moana. Probably a formula that my dumbs just doesn't know about. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I used to be a writer (failed mostly) but I wrote daily: stories, novels, screenplays...attempted to get them all published but didn't make it. I'd say overall I'm better than average and have excellent ideas but my execution leaves something to be desired (or so I've been told - like a lot). It's funny, it was always a hobby and my dream out. Now I can't bring myself to put the story on the pages like I used to. Age? Desire? Not sure. I've been working on a book for my little one since she was born. I've hammered out a good chunk but nothing in a long time. She asks me about it and that gets me motivated to get back into it. I have but I can't do hte volume I used to. I just want to get the ball rolling and have it for her. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Watching the Saints/Bucs game was a little sad, you just saw that Brees doesn't have it anymore. The guy defied injury and time (for a looooooooong time) and now it's over. It has to be hard to really feel that go south. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I haven't been in the classroom since March and today is the first day with kids. It's odd teaching behind plexi-glass, with a mask to a few students in person while the majority of them are on Zoom. Strange multi-tasking but also trying to regain the humanity in such a different environment. At least they seem happy to be in school. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I read the Cameron Crowe's forward to the PJ20 book (my kid took it off the shelf last night and I paged through it with him) but that forward is amazing. It's such a nuanced view of the band, their evolution (as people and musicians)....there's a comment about how Jeff has never gone through the motions that every time he takes the stage it's "pure stoke." How cool is that? 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • hihobibohihobibo Tampa, FL Posts: 1,116
    Is this thread your own facebook/twitter feed?  =) Hopefully you get your ticket, if the event ever happens!
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I've made it into one. I don't have any other social media and I figured I'd post daily with just positive vibes, affirmations, observations and possibly enough annoyances to get a ticket when the show happens. I guess I just miss all the other ISO's for tickets. Light at the end of the tunnel....
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's a Bob Dylan type mood today. I tried to listen to the Dead but they didn't jump out of the speaker like I hoped. Sometimes endless live shows don't do it. When that happens I dig into an old favorite's catalogue and Dylan definitely qualifies. When he goes does he rank as the greatest ever. Lyrics are unparalleled but I also go with his musical evolution as an impressive a fete as any other musician (except maybe Bowie). 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Been trying to find an artist that "sounds good to me right now," and oddly The Dave Matthews Band is doing it. I loved their first decade (I think a comment casual PJ fans would echo) but it's just my go to jam band. So musically talented. I've listened to the song "Seek Up" a million times but the line - "You seek up an emotion and your well runs dry," just kind of sums up so much of what and how I've been feeling. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Hank Aaron never played high school baseball. Couldn't. Wasn't allowed. And yet somehow he found a way to be one of the greatest players ever. I'm not shocked that he persevered through that part of his life but more so that an opportunity appeared for him in the years after. Those are the stories that are only told after one's death, they should be celebrated and used to as something greater in life. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I've been singing "Elderly Woman" to my kids for years. My oldest said tonight that she loved when I sang it and I said, "I can't carry a tune" and she comes back and says I love when you sing "Hearts and Thoughts." I thanked her and began to play my favorite version (the acoustic from the Go single) and after 20 seconds she said, "No, you're better," and did a slow shut of my laptop! She's wrong but it was cute as hell. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Is it the Super Bowl everyone wanted or no one? And why is Tampa the capital of pro sports: Lightning won the Cup, Devil Rays went to the World Series and now the Bucs are going to (well actually they're not going anywhere since they're hosting) the Super Bowl. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Gorgeous snow this morning. It's that kind that you loved as a kid; like a pillow. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
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