who said it was proven the virus doesn't spread in schools? all I've seen is anecdotal evidence (mine included).
Nobody did.
Nobody said it was proven, but it was stated with extreme confidence that transmission wasn't occuring in school. The point was that not having recorded cases of in school transmission is not the same as not having transmission. There are a ton of factors at play here and many, if not most, local health authorities are unable to conduct the contact tracing that would identify spread through asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and untruthful individuals.
The number of people who are quietly spreading and not getting tested is terrifying...people don't want the attention of a positive test and notifying people they've been in contact with and more than that, people don't want to quarantine when they didn't get very ill. Double that for teens in sports and their parents.
If I had a nickel for everyone in my community who tested positive but "always wore a mask and was not in close contact with anyone outside the home"...I'd have a nice little fortune.
No people were just stating current situations in the schools they knew. Takes some mental gymnastics to assume that means transmission doesn’t happen in schools
No, it doesn't. That was the implication...the ever insidious, "maybe happens somewhere else but not here" syndrome. That being said, I do think some districts are probably doing much better than others due to intelligent and conscientious populations, and I'm inclined to believe Canadians fit that condition more readily than Americans.
I'm inclined to think small, affluent, predominantly white districts are doing much better.
Yes, I would agree. I also think that they are having higher levels of undetected spread than they are willing to accept and admit, as well.
So you guys pondering about what you think may be happening is better than us sharing stories of what is actually happening in our communities.
I was super skeptical about sending our kids back to school. I thought it would be a disaster, but as I stated before, we really had no choice with our oldest son.
I've been blown away at how well the precautions that the schools have taken have worked so far. They are doing a phenomenal job in a very stressful circumstance. The virus is everywhere in my community, but mostly because of adults not listening to the experts and taking unnecessary risks. That's not what is happening in the schools here, they are taking the necessary precautions. I've seen it myself and the proof is in the numbers and limited spread within schools here.
Kids are getting the virus, but in almost all cases here they get it from home and take it to school, where it doesn't continue to spread because of the rules they have in place.
who said it was proven the virus doesn't spread in schools? all I've seen is anecdotal evidence (mine included).
Nobody did.
Nobody said it was proven, but it was stated with extreme confidence that transmission wasn't occuring in school. The point was that not having recorded cases of in school transmission is not the same as not having transmission. There are a ton of factors at play here and many, if not most, local health authorities are unable to conduct the contact tracing that would identify spread through asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and untruthful individuals.
The number of people who are quietly spreading and not getting tested is terrifying...people don't want the attention of a positive test and notifying people they've been in contact with and more than that, people don't want to quarantine when they didn't get very ill. Double that for teens in sports and their parents.
If I had a nickel for everyone in my community who tested positive but "always wore a mask and was not in close contact with anyone outside the home"...I'd have a nice little fortune.
No people were just stating current situations in the schools they knew. Takes some mental gymnastics to assume that means transmission doesn’t happen in schools
No, it doesn't. That was the implication...the ever insidious, "maybe happens somewhere else but not here" syndrome. That being said, I do think some districts are probably doing much better than others due to intelligent and conscientious populations, and I'm inclined to believe Canadians fit that condition more readily than Americans.
I'm inclined to think small, affluent, predominantly white districts are doing much better.
Yes, I would agree. I also think that they are having higher levels of undetected spread than they are willing to accept and admit, as well.
So you guys pondering about what you think may be happening is better than us sharing stories of what is actually happening in our communities.
You guys may want to rethink this.
I can say with confidence from the front lines that as of now things are going well in our huge school district.
I was super skeptical about sending our kids back to school. I thought it would be a disaster, but as I stated before, we really had no choice with our oldest son.
I've been blown away at how well the precautions that the schools have taken have worked so far. They are doing a phenomenal job in a very stressful circumstance. The virus is everywhere in my community, but mostly because of adults not listening to the experts and taking unnecessary risks. That's not what is happening in the schools here, they are taking the necessary precautions. I've seen it myself and the proof is in the numbers and limited spread within schools here.
Kids are getting the virus, but in almost all cases here they get it from home and take it to school, where it doesn't continue to spread because of the rules they have in place.
Bingo. I don’t know about other states but nj gave the option of sending your kid to school or keep them home and learn virtually. If you want to keep your kid home then by all means do it. To each their own.
who said it was proven the virus doesn't spread in schools? all I've seen is anecdotal evidence (mine included).
Nobody did.
Nobody said it was proven, but it was stated with extreme confidence that transmission wasn't occuring in school. The point was that not having recorded cases of in school transmission is not the same as not having transmission. There are a ton of factors at play here and many, if not most, local health authorities are unable to conduct the contact tracing that would identify spread through asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and untruthful individuals.
The number of people who are quietly spreading and not getting tested is terrifying...people don't want the attention of a positive test and notifying people they've been in contact with and more than that, people don't want to quarantine when they didn't get very ill. Double that for teens in sports and their parents.
If I had a nickel for everyone in my community who tested positive but "always wore a mask and was not in close contact with anyone outside the home"...I'd have a nice little fortune.
No people were just stating current situations in the schools they knew. Takes some mental gymnastics to assume that means transmission doesn’t happen in schools
No, it doesn't. That was the implication...the ever insidious, "maybe happens somewhere else but not here" syndrome. That being said, I do think some districts are probably doing much better than others due to intelligent and conscientious populations, and I'm inclined to believe Canadians fit that condition more readily than Americans.
I'm inclined to think small, affluent, predominantly white districts are doing much better.
Yes, I would agree. I also think that they are having higher levels of undetected spread than they are willing to accept and admit, as well.
So you guys pondering about what you think may be happening is better than us sharing stories of what is actually happening in our communities.
You guys may want to rethink this.
Much research has been documented about the health disparities between affluent white communities and low income communities of color. It doesn't take "mental gymnastics" to extrapolate that the data would extend to schools in those communities.
This is a far cry from saying "It's being proven that it can be done safely" when there is no reliably collected and reported evidence across the nation regarding school exposure. There are no consistent "safety" procedures in schools across America. There is practically no widespread testing of children in schools across America to see which are asympomatic carriers and spreaders. The research in schools does not exist. We cannot compare one district to another when school superintendents and principals have been left on their own to decide what constitutes an "outbreak" or how to report (or not report) cases in their communities. As with everything else about this virus, there is no national strategy. While we are in the middle of it, there is no way to know anything.
Talk to me in ten or twenty years about the school data when people have had years to study it and make sense of what is clearly a fucking national disaster. Right now, I will stand by my claim that it's all conjecture. At least I'm willing to openly admit that.
To be clear, I'm not arguing that all schools are equal on the issue of transmission, that they are all super spreading, or that all schools should be fully remote...I'm just stating the obvious, which is that the idea of "zero spread" is, frankly, ridiculous.
To be clear, I'm not arguing that all schools are equal on the issue of transmission, that they are all super spreading, or that all schools should be fully remote...I'm just stating the obvious, which is that the idea of "zero spread" is, frankly, ridiculous.
Yes, and even if the claim of LITERAL zero spread was tossed, some of you guys are talking with a confidence level that implies a figurative claim of zero spread. That confidence is dangerous, and it spreads like a virus to districts and regions that don't have a reason to claim it. Shit, this is the kind of confidence that's used all across the nation to justify letting these kids play their precious fucking sports games in a deadly pandemic. Schools like ours going remote learning, but in person sports still. 🤦♂️
who said it was proven the virus doesn't spread in schools? all I've seen is anecdotal evidence (mine included).
Nobody did.
Nobody said it was proven, but it was stated with extreme confidence that transmission wasn't occuring in school. The point was that not having recorded cases of in school transmission is not the same as not having transmission. There are a ton of factors at play here and many, if not most, local health authorities are unable to conduct the contact tracing that would identify spread through asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and untruthful individuals.
The number of people who are quietly spreading and not getting tested is terrifying...people don't want the attention of a positive test and notifying people they've been in contact with and more than that, people don't want to quarantine when they didn't get very ill. Double that for teens in sports and their parents.
If I had a nickel for everyone in my community who tested positive but "always wore a mask and was not in close contact with anyone outside the home"...I'd have a nice little fortune.
No people were just stating current situations in the schools they knew. Takes some mental gymnastics to assume that means transmission doesn’t happen in schools
No, it doesn't. That was the implication...the ever insidious, "maybe happens somewhere else but not here" syndrome. That being said, I do think some districts are probably doing much better than others due to intelligent and conscientious populations, and I'm inclined to believe Canadians fit that condition more readily than Americans.
I'm inclined to think small, affluent, predominantly white districts are doing much better.
Yes, I would agree. I also think that they are having higher levels of undetected spread than they are willing to accept and admit, as well.
So you guys pondering about what you think may be happening is better than us sharing stories of what is actually happening in our communities.
You guys may want to rethink this.
Much research has been documented about the health disparities between affluent white communities and low income communities of color. It doesn't take "mental gymnastics" to extrapolate that the data would extend to schools in those communities.
This is a far cry from saying "It's being proven that it can be done safely" when there is no reliably collected and reported evidence across the nation regarding school exposure. There are no consistent "safety" procedures in schools across America. There is practically no widespread testing of children in schools across America to see which are asympomatic carriers and spreaders. The research in schools does not exist. We cannot compare one district to another when school superintendents and principals have been left on their own to decide what constitutes an "outbreak" or how to report (or not report) cases in their communities. As with everything else about this virus, there is no national strategy. While we are in the middle of it, there is no way to know anything.
Talk to me in ten or twenty years about the school data when people have had years to study it and make sense of what is clearly a fucking national disaster. Right now, I will stand by my claim that it's all conjecture. At least I'm willing to openly admit that.
The difference here is that some of us were initially challenged for saying it has worked in our communities. The implication being either we are lying or have no idea what we are talking about.
Anyone involved in the schools here is prioritized for testing. Straight to the front of the line along with healthcare workers. There is no evidence that anyone is hiding anything.
Everyone's situation is different. If something is working in your community I say great, we should be happy for the places that can achieve some bit of normality. I see no reason to be upset with success stories.
That is about the only thing that is going right in my province. Our leadership has been terrible here. No mask mandate, the only province in Canada with none. We still have bars and churches open here, where major outbreaks have occurred, causing our provincial cases to skyrocket. I fear they will have to eventually close schools here because of that stupidity. That's where the problems are, not our schools.
Yes, and even if the claim of LITERAL zero spread was tossed, some of you guys are talking with a confidence level that implies a figurative claim of zero spread. That confidence is dangerous, and it spreads like a virus to districts and regions that don't have a reason to claim it. Shit, this is the kind of confidence that's used all across the nation to justify letting these kids play their precious fucking sports games in a deadly pandemic. Schools like ours going remote learning, but in person sports still. 🤦♂️
I don't see how us being confident in our schools is dangerous. If schools open in other places without following the necessary precautions, that not on us.
Also, I haven't seen anyone here claim there is zero spread in schools. Post it if I missed it.
I was definitely nervous about going into work in September but I got used to it and now when I go in I know what I need to do to be safe. Like anything else in life there is definitely risk but the lack of cases in our district (and we have a huge ass district) shows we are doing something right.
I was definitely nervous about going into work in September but I got used to it and now when I go in I know what I need to do to be safe. Like anything else in life there is definitely risk but the lack of cases in our district (and we have a huge ass district) shows we are doing something right.
I don't get why people are upset that so far your district has been a success. That somehow it's dangerous or a belief.
I have never been upset that people are staying healthy, alive, learning in school, or at home. I don't understand why people keep accusing me of that. At one point I even directly said, "I wish you continued success," and before I was told to F off by one poster, he accused me of being disingenuous, and now here we go again.
We are having a discussion about data. About science. All the science lovers on here should know that the data being reported from schools is, for lack of a better word, corrupt because every state, and in some states, every district, is collecting and reporting data differently, if they are even collecting it at all. Every school in America is implementing safety procedures differently. This is not how science is done. I guess I'm a fool for expecting that we have a unified, data driven approach to making decisions and judgments about the safety of in-person learning. In the absence of that, all we have are thoughts and prayers.
That was my point in the beginning. That is my point now. It's a head scratcher to me that people don't understand my point.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
How many NFL or NCAA games are allowing fans in the stands this weekend? (I don't know the answer but know a bunch are. This is needless.)
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
I work in facility services for a school board. I agree, schools can be super spreaders. We have an entire school on quarantine for 14 days.
I do not think many really understand how schools systems work and how staffing works...
School boards rely on replacement employees when regular employees are off. Most of these school boards pay replacement employee at lower wage than regular employees (I make $7.00/hour less per hour, no benefits and no sick time)...there are currently 60 of us replacement employees...now if we experience symptoms the right thing to do is stay home...I know I would. But I am under no allusion, many of my replacement colleagues need the pay and cannot afford to be off and I suspect many would show up if the symptoms are mild. Is that there fault or poor leader from our premier. In my opinion, the province should be demanding that the school boards extend those benefits to all employees and to suspend any disciplinary measures against replacement employees who stay home because of potential COVID illness.
And with winter coming on many of us will get colds, sore throats, the flu and winter fatigue.
Now mind you ... Canada has a federal sick pay of 10 days for COVID related illness including testing...but if it takes 4 or 5 days to get test done and results back, then those days are exhausted.
It’s not good enough to tell people to stay home if reliable support is not offered.
I think it’s only a matter of time before school boards in Ontario shut down...
I have never been upset that people are staying healthy, alive, learning in school, or at home. I don't understand why people keep accusing me of that. At one point I even directly said, "I wish you continued success," and before I was told to F off by one poster, he accused me of being disingenuous, and now here we go again.
We are having a discussion about data. About science. All the science lovers on here should know that the data being reported from schools is, for lack of a better word, corrupt because every state, and in some states, every district, is collecting and reporting data differently, if they are even collecting it at all. Every school in America is implementing safety procedures differently. This is not how science is done. I guess I'm a fool for expecting that we have a unified, data driven approach to making decisions and judgments about the safety of in-person learning. In the absence of that, all we have are thoughts and prayers.
That was my point in the beginning. That is my point now. It's a head scratcher to me that people don't understand my point.
what I find interesting is you claim there is no data, yet you and gambs seem to "know" something we don't. all I'm going by is the evidence I have in front of me: no evidence of major spread in the school system in the city where I live. that's all.
maybe you're right and there is massive spread in the schools and we just don't know about it because all the kids are magically asymptomatic and none of them are spreading it to their families at home. that would be, well, somewhat statistically highly improbable.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
That's the biggest risk period. Locker rooms, shared equipment, heavy breathing...forget about it. I'm sick of hearing about the "mental health" and how much kids are suffering and missing out on...wars, famine, depression, other pandemics... We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic. Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
That's the biggest risk period. Locker rooms, shared equipment, heavy breathing...forget about it. I'm sick of hearing about the "mental health" and how much kids are suffering and missing out on...wars, famine, depression, other pandemics... We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic. Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
There are no locker rooms. You come prepared to play and with a mask on and no contact allowed with other players. Who shares equipment that could spread coronavirus? What sports are we talking about here? Hey bud can I borrow your mouthguard I forgot mine!
You need to chill out with your whining and bitching comments too. Learn to have a discussion with someone that has a difference of opinion than you with out the emotions then maybe we can continue to have an adult conversation here.
Except for the ball/puck kids don’t share equipment. My son participated in fall baseball and it went off without a hitch. Now something like wrestling or ice hockey is definitely cause for concern. But yes, kids absolutely need sports and to many it is a necessity because it is such a big part of their life. I just passed a varsity football game in town, limited to 150 fans on each side, temp checks, change the football every so many downs. Again is their risk, absolutely but I don’t feel sports should be shut down.
And again it comes down to personal choice. You don’t want your kid participating in sports then keep them out. You don’t want to go eat indoors then don’t go. To each their own.
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
That's the biggest risk period. Locker rooms, shared equipment, heavy breathing...forget about it. I'm sick of hearing about the "mental health" and how much kids are suffering and missing out on...wars, famine, depression, other pandemics... We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic. Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
There are no locker rooms. You come prepared to play and with a mask on and no contact allowed with other players. Who shares equipment that could spread coronavirus? What sports are we talking about here? Hey bud can I borrow your mouthguard I forgot mine!
You need to chill out with your whining and bitching comments too. Learn to have a discussion with someone that has a difference of opinion than you with out the emotions then maybe we can continue to have an adult conversation here.
Lol. Basketball 🏀 and volleyball (they share the ball). Hockey 🥅 is a contact sport as is football...
In Canada those are 3 of the most popular sports that students play in winter...give us a solution. There are none.
you sounds like our useless PM. You can’t have your cake and eat it as well. This virus is going no where. North America has no leadership anymore...
5 million people have entered Canada since this pandemic started with no order to quarantine.
And you expect these same politicians to allow sports go ahead safely. It will not happen.
Give Peas A Chance…
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
That's the biggest risk period. Locker rooms, shared equipment, heavy breathing...forget about it. I'm sick of hearing about the "mental health" and how much kids are suffering and missing out on...wars, famine, depression, other pandemics... We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic. Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
There are no locker rooms. You come prepared to play and with a mask on and no contact allowed with other players. Who shares equipment that could spread coronavirus? What sports are we talking about here? Hey bud can I borrow your mouthguard I forgot mine!
You need to chill out with your whining and bitching comments too. Learn to have a discussion with someone that has a difference of opinion than you with out the emotions then maybe we can continue to have an adult conversation here.
Lol. Basketball 🏀 and volleyball (they share the ball). Hockey 🥅 is a contact sport as is football...
In Canada those are 3 of the most popular sports that students play in winter...give us a solution. There are none.
you sounds like our useless PM. You can’t have your cake and eat it as well. This virus is going no where. North America has no leadership anymore...
5 million people have entered Canada since this pandemic started with no order to quarantine.
And you expect these same politicians to allow sports go ahead safely. It will not happen.
-In basketball, players must sanitize the ball before passing to another player.
-No sucking on the hockey puck.
-In baseball, all players must wear gloves on both hands.
-Same in football for anyone handling the ball. Kickers must wear shoes.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I think its obvious kids can spread the virus therefore schools can be mega spreaders especially the schools that do not have strong guidelines in place to restrict the spread. I would be surprised if one person on this site would disagree with that statement.
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
That's the biggest risk period. Locker rooms, shared equipment, heavy breathing...forget about it. I'm sick of hearing about the "mental health" and how much kids are suffering and missing out on...wars, famine, depression, other pandemics... We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic. Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
There are no locker rooms. You come prepared to play and with a mask on and no contact allowed with other players. Who shares equipment that could spread coronavirus? What sports are we talking about here? Hey bud can I borrow your mouthguard I forgot mine!
You need to chill out with your whining and bitching comments too. Learn to have a discussion with someone that has a difference of opinion than you with out the emotions then maybe we can continue to have an adult conversation here.
Lol. Basketball 🏀 and volleyball (they share the ball). Hockey 🥅 is a contact sport as is football...
In Canada those are 3 of the most popular sports that students play in winter...give us a solution. There are none.
you sounds like our useless PM. You can’t have your cake and eat it as well. This virus is going no where. North America has no leadership anymore...
5 million people have entered Canada since this pandemic started with no order to quarantine.
And you expect these same politicians to allow sports go ahead safely. It will not happen.
Sports in my province is practice only as of yesterday and though we are going to blow up a lot here in the next couple of weeks still doing miles better than other provinces. This is mostly due to density of our population.
With regards to Basketball and Hockey there are plenty of drills that can be done that can limit the chances of spreading covid. Are basketball players going to be doing 1 on 1 drills where the defender is leaning in and trying to steal the ball from them? No they should not be. There are plenty of shooting drills and running drills that still can be done. Hockey is even easier to allow practices since there is no hands on with the puck and you can have no contact drills to limit the distance from the defence/forward. Volleyball would be a no go for me if it was my kids practices or not. There is no way to do that safely imo and still maintain a decent argument that it is worth anyones time.
All I am saying is there are ways to do this safely instead of cutting it out completely. Maybe I am just looking at what is going on in my province and not the rest of the world but safe practices make sense to me to keep people active.
You guys may want to rethink this.
I've been blown away at how well the precautions that the schools have taken have worked so far. They are doing a phenomenal job in a very stressful circumstance. The virus is everywhere in my community, but mostly because of adults not listening to the experts and taking unnecessary risks. That's not what is happening in the schools here, they are taking the necessary precautions. I've seen it myself and the proof is in the numbers and limited spread within schools here.
Kids are getting the virus, but in almost all cases here they get it from home and take it to school, where it doesn't continue to spread because of the rules they have in place.
This is a far cry from saying "It's being proven that it can be done safely" when there is no reliably collected and reported evidence across the nation regarding school exposure. There are no consistent "safety" procedures in schools across America. There is practically no widespread testing of children in schools across America to see which are asympomatic carriers and spreaders. The research in schools does not exist. We cannot compare one district to another when school superintendents and principals have been left on their own to decide what constitutes an "outbreak" or how to report (or not report) cases in their communities. As with everything else about this virus, there is no national strategy. While we are in the middle of it, there is no way to know anything.
Talk to me in ten or twenty years about the school data when people have had years to study it and make sense of what is clearly a fucking national disaster. Right now, I will stand by my claim that it's all conjecture. At least I'm willing to openly admit that.
That confidence is dangerous, and it spreads like a virus to districts and regions that don't have a reason to claim it.
Shit, this is the kind of confidence that's used all across the nation to justify letting these kids play their precious fucking sports games in a deadly pandemic. Schools like ours going remote learning, but in person sports still. 🤦♂️
Anyone involved in the schools here is prioritized for testing. Straight to the front of the line along with healthcare workers. There is no evidence that anyone is hiding anything.
Everyone's situation is different. If something is working in your community I say great, we should be happy for the places that can achieve some bit of normality. I see no reason to be upset with success stories.
That is about the only thing that is going right in my province. Our leadership has been terrible here. No mask mandate, the only province in Canada with none. We still have bars and churches open here, where major outbreaks have occurred, causing our provincial cases to skyrocket. I fear they will have to eventually close schools here because of that stupidity. That's where the problems are, not our schools.
Also, I haven't seen anyone here claim there is zero spread in schools. Post it if I missed it.
It's a head scratcher.
Personally, I'm very happy for you gruff.
We are having a discussion about data. About science. All the science lovers on here should know that the data being reported from schools is, for lack of a better word, corrupt because every state, and in some states, every district, is collecting and reporting data differently, if they are even collecting it at all. Every school in America is implementing safety procedures differently. This is not how science is done. I guess I'm a fool for expecting that we have a unified, data driven approach to making decisions and judgments about the safety of in-person learning. In the absence of that, all we have are thoughts and prayers.
That was my point in the beginning. That is my point now. It's a head scratcher to me that people don't understand my point.
(I don't know the answer but know a bunch are. This is needless.)
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Kudos to NJ for their transparency.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
With regards to community sports I think practices and drills should be allowed still. We can tailor certain activities towards the kids to allow them to stay active as well as do it in a safe manner.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Natural selection
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I do not think many really understand how schools systems work and how staffing works...
School boards rely on replacement employees when regular employees are off. Most of these school boards pay replacement employee at lower wage than regular employees (I make $7.00/hour less per hour, no benefits and no sick time)...there are currently 60 of us replacement employees...now if we experience symptoms the right thing to do is stay home...I know I would. But I am under no allusion, many of my replacement colleagues need the pay and cannot afford to be off and I suspect many would show up if the symptoms are mild. Is that there fault or poor leader from our premier. In my opinion, the province should be demanding that the school boards extend those benefits to all employees and to suspend any disciplinary measures against replacement employees who stay home because of potential COVID illness.
And with winter coming on many of us will get colds, sore throats, the flu and winter fatigue.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
maybe you're right and there is massive spread in the schools and we just don't know about it because all the kids are magically asymptomatic and none of them are spreading it to their families at home. that would be, well, somewhat statistically highly improbable.
-EV 8/14/93
We are so spoiled, as a civilization, that we can't tell the difference anymore between what's ideal and what's necessary. It's pathetic.
Sorry, not sorry, quit your whining and bitching, grow a pair, and realize it's all privilege, not necessity.
You need to chill out with your whining and bitching comments too. Learn to have a discussion with someone that has a difference of opinion than you with out the emotions then maybe we can continue to have an adult conversation here.
In Canada those are 3 of the most popular sports that students play in winter...give us a solution. There are none.
you sounds like our useless PM. You can’t have your cake and eat it as well. This virus is going no where. North America has no leadership anymore...
5 million people have entered Canada since this pandemic started with no order to quarantine.
With regards to Basketball and Hockey there are plenty of drills that can be done that can limit the chances of spreading covid. Are basketball players going to be doing 1 on 1 drills where the defender is leaning in and trying to steal the ball from them? No they should not be. There are plenty of shooting drills and running drills that still can be done. Hockey is even easier to allow practices since there is no hands on with the puck and you can have no contact drills to limit the distance from the defence/forward. Volleyball would be a no go for me if it was my kids practices or not. There is no way to do that safely imo and still maintain a decent argument that it is worth anyones time.
All I am saying is there are ways to do this safely instead of cutting it out completely. Maybe I am just looking at what is going on in my province and not the rest of the world but safe practices make sense to me to keep people active.