Team Trump Treason and his administration are responsible for most, if not all, of the misinformation out there as well as states and municipalities not doing what is necessary to understand, track, and deal with the spread.
WHO has been wrong multiple times and they have absolutely nothing to do with Team Trump Treason as you put it. How about China telling the world that there is nothing to worry about? Had China been up front about this from the get go, the world could be in a better situation right now. I'm sure there are countless examples around the world. China is interfering with our election yet the only concerns I see are about Russia. Did Russia cause a world wide pandemic?
In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic. Many leaders are guilty of this from both sides of the aisle. Governors could have shut down states in January or February but they didn't. I'm in Washington state. We had the first confirmed cases in the United States. Our Democratic Governor took this as serious as the president did. He could've shut down the state but he waited until mid-March when we were in a full blown pandemic. Our numbers are higher than ever. Why isn't he doing more to stop COVID? I could ask these questions all day long.
The reason why I chimed in was because of the Bob Woodward article. These interviews were from January and February. If Trump's COVID response was so bad 8 months ago, why did Bob wait until now to talk about it? If Bob Woodward's intentions were pure, he would've released this information the day he had it. Instead he has to write a book to make money. Don't you think the timing is questionable? A true journalist wouldn't be concerned about writing a book and releasing this information 8 months too late!
so instead of discussing the substance, you attack the author's intentions.
I did address it but you decided to look the other way, "In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic." Trump is an idiot but had Bob Woodward come out months ago, would that have saved lives? Would there have been more push back against Trump to do more? Yes, I do question his intentions just as you question Trump's.
How many other countries that were successful in their initial response are now having an uptick in cases? Are you blaming them the same as you blame Trump? This virus is not something a world leader can just stop.
no, it wouldn't have because woodward isn't the president with 30 million twitter followers and fox news won't give 2 seconds to this book for the rest that don't have the internets.
every country that was successful is having an expected uptick in cases because that's what happens when you reopen the economy. you can't keep the economy closed forever. the difference is, trump didn't do one goddamn thing except downplay it. it's all about mitigating disaster on a medical front.
had trump actually closed the border to china as he keeps lying about doing, yes, the deaths would be cut in at least half, if not more.
You are more like Trump than you want to admit. You call groups of people idiots because you don't agree with them. You complain about divisiveness yet you are nothing but divisive spewing out false information. Trump didn't do 1 thing except downplay? He may not have done as much as you wanted him to but he did do more than downplay. You must be a psychic if you knew that the deaths would be cut in half if Trump banned closed the border to China. By the time China and WHO admitted there was an issue, COVID was world wide. Half is not an accurate number.
They are called idiots not because someone doesn’t agree with their opinions but because...
Science is not an opinion.
Science tells us social d and masks save lives. Columbia University said it’s 80% less. Stop trying to dissect an educated guess at what the precise percentage is and listen to the science. Social d and masks saves lives. Closing China did crap because the virus was already here by the time he shut it down and 40,000 got here from China afterwards.
And trump knew social D was the way to save lives on FEBRUARY 7 and lied to the public about it. That’s why he gets the blame.
Team Trump Treason and his administration are responsible for most, if not all, of the misinformation out there as well as states and municipalities not doing what is necessary to understand, track, and deal with the spread.
WHO has been wrong multiple times and they have absolutely nothing to do with Team Trump Treason as you put it. How about China telling the world that there is nothing to worry about? Had China been up front about this from the get go, the world could be in a better situation right now. I'm sure there are countless examples around the world. China is interfering with our election yet the only concerns I see are about Russia. Did Russia cause a world wide pandemic?
In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic. Many leaders are guilty of this from both sides of the aisle. Governors could have shut down states in January or February but they didn't. I'm in Washington state. We had the first confirmed cases in the United States. Our Democratic Governor took this as serious as the president did. He could've shut down the state but he waited until mid-March when we were in a full blown pandemic. Our numbers are higher than ever. Why isn't he doing more to stop COVID? I could ask these questions all day long.
The reason why I chimed in was because of the Bob Woodward article. These interviews were from January and February. If Trump's COVID response was so bad 8 months ago, why did Bob wait until now to talk about it? If Bob Woodward's intentions were pure, he would've released this information the day he had it. Instead he has to write a book to make money. Don't you think the timing is questionable? A true journalist wouldn't be concerned about writing a book and releasing this information 8 months too late!
so instead of discussing the substance, you attack the author's intentions.
I did address it but you decided to look the other way, "In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic." Trump is an idiot but had Bob Woodward come out months ago, would that have saved lives? Would there have been more push back against Trump to do more? Yes, I do question his intentions just as you question Trump's.
How many other countries that were successful in their initial response are now having an uptick in cases? Are you blaming them the same as you blame Trump? This virus is not something a world leader can just stop.
no, it wouldn't have because woodward isn't the president with 30 million twitter followers and fox news won't give 2 seconds to this book for the rest that don't have the internets.
every country that was successful is having an expected uptick in cases because that's what happens when you reopen the economy. you can't keep the economy closed forever. the difference is, trump didn't do one goddamn thing except downplay it. it's all about mitigating disaster on a medical front.
had trump actually closed the border to china as he keeps lying about doing, yes, the deaths would be cut in at least half, if not more.
You are more like Trump than you want to admit. You call groups of people idiots because you don't agree with them. You complain about divisiveness yet you are nothing but divisive spewing out false information. Trump didn't do 1 thing except downplay? He may not have done as much as you wanted him to but he did do more than downplay. You must be a psychic if you knew that the deaths would be cut in half if Trump banned closed the border to China. By the time China and WHO admitted there was an issue, COVID was world wide. Half is not an accurate number.
He LIED. He didn't just downplay something. HE FUCKING LIED. He lied to you, he lied to me, he lied to every single person in this country. He called it a hoax and said it would go away. Your normalization of this behavior is exactly what has caused this country to be in the shitter right now. Quit being an apologist for abhorrent behavior. It isn't a good look.
Governor Inslee admitted that he waited to shut down Washington State until COVID was more wide spread because he knew that he had to do this for everyone to buy in to the shut down. You are from Washington State but I don't see having the same complaints against your own governor.
Team Trump Treason and his administration are responsible for most, if not all, of the misinformation out there as well as states and municipalities not doing what is necessary to understand, track, and deal with the spread.
WHO has been wrong multiple times and they have absolutely nothing to do with Team Trump Treason as you put it. How about China telling the world that there is nothing to worry about? Had China been up front about this from the get go, the world could be in a better situation right now. I'm sure there are countless examples around the world. China is interfering with our election yet the only concerns I see are about Russia. Did Russia cause a world wide pandemic?
In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic. Many leaders are guilty of this from both sides of the aisle. Governors could have shut down states in January or February but they didn't. I'm in Washington state. We had the first confirmed cases in the United States. Our Democratic Governor took this as serious as the president did. He could've shut down the state but he waited until mid-March when we were in a full blown pandemic. Our numbers are higher than ever. Why isn't he doing more to stop COVID? I could ask these questions all day long.
The reason why I chimed in was because of the Bob Woodward article. These interviews were from January and February. If Trump's COVID response was so bad 8 months ago, why did Bob wait until now to talk about it? If Bob Woodward's intentions were pure, he would've released this information the day he had it. Instead he has to write a book to make money. Don't you think the timing is questionable? A true journalist wouldn't be concerned about writing a book and releasing this information 8 months too late!
so instead of discussing the substance, you attack the author's intentions.
I did address it but you decided to look the other way, "In regards to Trump downplaying COVID-19, he said he was downplaying this because he didn't want to cause panic." Trump is an idiot but had Bob Woodward come out months ago, would that have saved lives? Would there have been more push back against Trump to do more? Yes, I do question his intentions just as you question Trump's.
How many other countries that were successful in their initial response are now having an uptick in cases? Are you blaming them the same as you blame Trump? This virus is not something a world leader can just stop.
no, it wouldn't have because woodward isn't the president with 30 million twitter followers and fox news won't give 2 seconds to this book for the rest that don't have the internets.
every country that was successful is having an expected uptick in cases because that's what happens when you reopen the economy. you can't keep the economy closed forever. the difference is, trump didn't do one goddamn thing except downplay it. it's all about mitigating disaster on a medical front.
had trump actually closed the border to china as he keeps lying about doing, yes, the deaths would be cut in at least half, if not more.
You are more like Trump than you want to admit. You call groups of people idiots because you don't agree with them. You complain about divisiveness yet you are nothing but divisive spewing out false information. Trump didn't do 1 thing except downplay? He may not have done as much as you wanted him to but he did do more than downplay. You must be a psychic if you knew that the deaths would be cut in half if Trump banned closed the border to China. By the time China and WHO admitted there was an issue, COVID was world wide. Half is not an accurate number.
They are called idiots not because someone doesn’t agree with their opinions but because...
Science is not an opinion.
Science tells us social d and masks save lives. Columbia University said it’s 80% less. Stop trying to dissect an educated guess at what the precise percentage is and listen to the science. Social d and masks saves lives. Closing China did crap because the virus was already here by the time he shut it down and 40,000 got here from China afterwards.
And trump knew social D was the way to save lives on FEBRUARY 7 and lied to the public about it. That’s why he gets the blame.
Someone in this thread said they were ok with protesters risking their lives and putting others in danger for their cause. Does that make them an idiot too? Both types of people are spreading the virus, but one is labeled idiot.
I unfortunately live in a state with a piece-of-shit governor who kisses presidential ass. He is against a statewide mask mandate and insists schools should be open. Luckily we have a mask mandate in my city and the local public schools are 100% virtual.
His house is on one of my regular running routes. I have been know to stop in front of his house where I know the security cameras are on me and put on a mask. Stand for a few seconds and resume my run. On my return I stop and repeat.
I unfortunately live in a state with a piece-of-shit governor who kisses presidential ass. He is against a statewide mask mandate and insists schools should be open. Luckily we have a mask mandate in my city and the local public schools are 100% virtual.
His house is on one of my regular running routes. I have been know to stop in front of his house where I know the security cameras are on me and put on a mask. Stand for a few seconds and resume my run. On my return I stop and repeat.
How do you feel about New York's governor wanting to reopen schools? Funny how when Trump says we need schools to reopen he gets accused of wanting to kill kids but I haven't heard that same criticism against Governor Cuomo.
I unfortunately live in a state with a piece-of-shit governor who kisses presidential ass. He is against a statewide mask mandate and insists schools should be open. Luckily we have a mask mandate in my city and the local public schools are 100% virtual.
His house is on one of my regular running routes. I have been know to stop in front of his house where I know the security cameras are on me and put on a mask. Stand for a few seconds and resume my run. On my return I stop and repeat.
How do you feel about New York's governor wanting to reopen schools? Funny how when Trump says we need schools to reopen he gets accused of wanting to kill kids but I haven't heard that same criticism against Governor Cuomo.
Probably not concerned based on the stipulations put in place and how that decision was made. Planning and communication matter. Quit trying to act like people are picking on Trump. He's an idiot who doesn't learn from anything.
But Mr. Cuomo’s announcement does not guarantee that school buildings in the state’s more than 700 local districts will actually reopen in the coming weeks. It is now up to local politicians and superintendents to decide whether to reopen, and how to do so. Their in-person reopening plans must also be approved by the state’s education and health departments in the coming weeks.
Under the governor’s announcement, schools can decide to open as long as they are in a region where the average rate of positive coronavirus tests is below 5 percent over a two- week period. That threshold was recommended by the World Health Organization to begin general reopening and has recently been adopted by some school districts.
“All schools should be making plans to resume in-person classes as soon as possible,” Trump said.
The president has tried to force re-openings by saying that half the money for schools in the next round of stimulus legislation should be reserved for those that open their doors.
Trump has asserted that children are “virtually immune” to the coronavirus. The president appears to be referring to the notion that children are less likely to become ill from the virus, even though they can spread it to adults.
I unfortunately live in a state with a piece-of-shit governor who kisses presidential ass. He is against a statewide mask mandate and insists schools should be open. Luckily we have a mask mandate in my city and the local public schools are 100% virtual.
His house is on one of my regular running routes. I have been know to stop in front of his house where I know the security cameras are on me and put on a mask. Stand for a few seconds and resume my run. On my return I stop and repeat.
How do you feel about New York's governor wanting to reopen schools? Funny how when Trump says we need schools to reopen he gets accused of wanting to kill kids but I haven't heard that same criticism against Governor Cuomo.
I am a democrat in NY who is furious with Cuomo about schools reopening. I do agree it’s worth a try, but he is doing it without requiring random covid testing. But cuomo will monitor the situation and shut down the schools when there is an outbreak. Even though I think his plan has danger to it, at least cuomo is willing to trust science and monitor the risk.
The difference between me and you is I will publicly criticize cuomo. The problem with trump supporters is they feed into his constant lying. If trump wins because he lies about Biden being a socialist or Biden being on drugs, it further invalidates the legitimacy of his Presidency and his followers. You can’t destroy what America stands for and legitimately call yourself an American patriot. You are not.
if y’all are so good for the earth why don’t y’all come live in the section of it governed by facts, truth and science?
^^ Pipsqueak came home from the first exciting day of grade 4 and mentioned her teacher gave out sour rings. I cringed and, on the down low, grilled the poor kid on the process, which the teacher passed.
Anyone catch the play last week with Ed on the air talking about covid death dreams? Maybe I had a scary one during start but nothing I recall in detail.
I really feel for all of you with extreme weather and fires compounding the troubling times of the pandemic.
And, Nicky, glad you're hanging in there.
Be well.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
^^ Pipsqueak came home from the first exciting day of grade 4 and mentioned her teacher gave out sour rings. I cringed and, on the down low, grilled the poor kid on the process, which the teacher passed.
Anyone catch the play last week with Ed on the air talking about covid death dreams? Maybe I had a scary one during start but nothing I recall in detail.
I really feel for all of you with extreme weather and fires compounding the troubling times of the pandemic.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
So word on the street is that Trump held a super spreader event last night.
He is now undeniably actively trying to kill people.
Waiting for the Trump defenders to come here with the usual defense that no matter who was or is the president, the results would be the same.
America is a dumpster fire right now.
and it's in violation of nevada's indoor gatherings law. but trump won't pay the price, the owner of the building will (and has before-they also own some hotel in vegas that held some evangelical gathering that was also fined).
had this been a democrat, the political fallout would be ENORMOUS.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
So word on the street is that Trump held a super spreader event last night.
He is now undeniably actively trying to kill people.
Waiting for the Trump defenders to come here with the usual defense that no matter who was or is the president, the results would be the same.
America is a dumpster fire right now.
and it's in violation of nevada's indoor gatherings law. but trump won't pay the price, the owner of the building will (and has before-they also own some hotel in vegas that held some evangelical gathering that was also fined).
had this been a democrat, the political fallout would be ENORMOUS.
i think the fallout against dems would be more because we expect more from democrats. like we expect them to make the right choices. we expect them to take the high road and not do the things that trump is doing. we have all come to expect the gop to do the indecent things ahead of anything else these days.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
So word on the street is that Trump held a super spreader event last night.
He is now undeniably actively trying to kill people.
Waiting for the Trump defenders to come here with the usual defense that no matter who was or is the president, the results would be the same.
America is a dumpster fire right now.
and it's in violation of nevada's indoor gatherings law. but trump won't pay the price, the owner of the building will (and has before-they also own some hotel in vegas that held some evangelical gathering that was also fined).
had this been a democrat, the political fallout would be ENORMOUS.
i think the fallout against dems would be more because we expect more from democrats. like we expect them to make the right choices. we expect them to take the high road and not do the things that trump is doing. we have all come to expect the gop to do the indecent things ahead of anything else these days.
these days, yes, but pre trump, i think the fallout would have been equal regardless of party.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
So word on the street is that Trump held a super spreader event last night.
He is now undeniably actively trying to kill people.
Waiting for the Trump defenders to come here with the usual defense that no matter who was or is the president, the results would be the same.
America is a dumpster fire right now.
and it's in violation of nevada's indoor gatherings law. but trump won't pay the price, the owner of the building will (and has before-they also own some hotel in vegas that held some evangelical gathering that was also fined).
had this been a democrat, the political fallout would be ENORMOUS.
a state order based on cdc guidelines no less.....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I’m on a flight for work. Have to use company approved travel. United. Completely packed plane and very lax mask enforcement. Unfortunately I need the money too badly to refuse the trip. Good thing Trumps administration has handled the virus so well that things are back to normal in the friendly skies....
I’m on a flight for work. Have to use company approved travel. United. Completely packed plane and very lax mask enforcement. Unfortunately I need the money too badly to refuse the trip. Good thing Trumps administration has handled the virus so well that things are back to normal in the friendly skies....
stay safe my friend. incredible that united has no mask rules they are enforcing. unreal.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Science is not an opinion.
Science tells us social d and masks save lives. Columbia University said it’s 80% less. Stop trying to dissect an educated guess at what the precise percentage is and listen to the science. Social d and masks saves lives. Closing China did crap because the virus was already here by the time he shut it down and 40,000 got here from China afterwards.
His house is on one of my regular running routes. I have been know to stop in front of his house where I know the security cameras are on me and put on a mask. Stand for a few seconds and resume my run.
On my return I stop and repeat.
-EV 8/14/93
But Mr. Cuomo’s announcement does not guarantee that school buildings in the state’s more than 700 local districts will actually reopen in the coming weeks. It is now up to local politicians and superintendents to decide whether to reopen, and how to do so. Their in-person reopening plans must also be approved by the state’s education and health departments in the coming weeks.
Under the governor’s announcement, schools can decide to open as long as they are in a region where the average rate of positive coronavirus tests is below 5 percent over a two- week period. That threshold was recommended by the World Health Organization to begin general reopening and has recently been adopted by some school districts.
Compared to:
“All schools should be making plans to resume in-person classes as soon as possible,” Trump said.
The president has tried to force re-openings by saying that half the money for schools in the next round of stimulus legislation should be reserved for those that open their doors.
Trump has asserted that children are “virtually immune” to the coronavirus. The president appears to be referring to the notion that children are less likely to become ill from the virus, even though they can spread it to adults.
Presidency and his followers. You can’t destroy what America stands for and legitimately call yourself an American patriot. You are not.
if y’all are so good for the earth why don’t y’all come live in the section of it governed by facts, truth and science?
I am envious. Living is a sane country sounds like heaven!
Anyone catch the play last week with Ed on the air talking about covid death dreams? Maybe I had a scary one during start but nothing I recall in detail.
I really feel for all of you with extreme weather and fires compounding the troubling times of the pandemic.
And, Nicky, glad you're hanging in there.
Be well.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
By Kimberly Kindy
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
He is now undeniably actively trying to kill people.
Waiting for the Trump defenders to come here with the usual defense that no matter who was or is the president, the results would be the same.
America is a dumpster fire right now.
had this been a democrat, the political fallout would be ENORMOUS.
-EV 8/14/93
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
-EV 8/14/93
a state order based on cdc guidelines no less.....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
-EV 8/14/93