i got called in to cover a surgery tuesday morning. i had not been in a hospital or a surgery center in 11 days. it is insane that some of these hospitals are still doing elective procedures. it is going to get hospital staff sick, and potentially patients, and ancillary staff like me.
we had a conference call yesterday saying that kansas and missouri will be the last two states to resume elective surgeries, sometime in late june. as a surgical sales rep in missouri and southern illinois, i could be fucked for awhile.
Sorry to hear, here there’s only a few cases being done none are elective we went from over 65 elective cases a day to basically zero..
that is crazy. hope you all can stay afloat.
i just got an email that they are adding one on for Wed. they are using our graft that will expire the following week. i hate taking risks like this.
Yeah it’s nerve racking to say the least wishing you the best !
thanks dude. you too. stay safe out there and thanks for keeping us all updated.
My guess is that Fauci would LOVE to tell the world what he thinks of Trump but doesn't because it would cost him his job- an important one in thees time of COVID-19. Trump should stay off the air and just let Fauci do the press conferences. But, of course, that won't happen because Trump is the expert on everything!
I disagree- I think he’d like to tell everyone how good trump has been on all of this and how shocked he is at the gall of the reporters/media during those press conferences every day. He’s seen how they spin things and ask those “gotcha” kind of questions all the time to try to “get” trump. He shut down the idea that trump was trying g to silence him the other day- I’m sure he’s just sick of the attempts to spin hard work into a failure.
Look out my friend, you are now labeled in this safe space and your opinion means nothin here in this “all accepting forum”....
yeah, they don’t scare me though, I know what I’m getting into when I post in here. I’s another liberal tank of tears. Cool people, but they’ve bought the media narrative hook line and sinker even though they’ve been proven wrong for years now. Happily spending their money on muellers waste of time and lapping up impeachment hearings as if they held any truth, to this virus- denying it’s china’s fault, hoping for economic collapse, prompting socialist and communist and anti USA rhetoric, blah blah blah. As they have said for a long time, “you’ll be on the wrong side of history.” They’ll look bck and shrug, but as with the Russia narrative, deep down they know they were all for something that only got proven to be their own side (doj/fbi) was colluding by attempting a coup the whole time.
I take sollace in knowing the tsunami of red votes that will come in November. We stand stoic and win, they cry horror and lose. Watching it all go down and the Facebook and forum meltdowns make the nonsense in between all worthwhile.
Speaking VERY broadly, I think there are 3 distinct phases to getting back to life. Each comes with more stuff opening back up, but the rub is that each actually needs to materialize. Short Term: Testing and tracing, face covering, distancing Medium Term: Effective treatment Long Term: Vaccine
totally agree but getting everyone to buy in won’t happen. Too many people that will make a statement by not wearing a mask because they think the virus is a hoax used to take down the trump economy.
I just wish we could get the mass testing going for everyone all across the country. I think what we would find is that many people have had it and recovered and may even be immune or at least less impacted if a second round occurs. I have been working the entire time and I have contact with dozens of people while observing physical distancing because my role is to manage the restricted access of everyone who comes to the College I work at. We have basically closed down all operations besides one wing for those who absolutely need some type of resource they can't get at home. None of my team or anyone we work with has been tested or confirmed as having COVID even though 2 did exhibit minor illnesses with similar symptoms at times in the last month and self quarantine for 2 weeks.
Ultimately, the lack of testing is really what is holding everything back. If we had adequate testing and were able to trace, we could start slowly moving towards loosening restrictions and identifying those that could return to work in some way.
Agree 100%. Between press conferences and articles, I don’t feel like any of these questions are being addressed thoroughly:
- When can we expect wide availability of testing for most citizens? Antibody testing, included. - Is there any plan to allow the sale of home tests? - How do states/localities plan to compile and use that data once available?
I don't feel like all that much progress has been made almost a month into lockdown. At least around me, you still need to satisfy enough criteria to get tested. We seem to be stagnating on this.
Testing will be an important part but the tests need to get a lot better before they are a useful indicator of community immunity and spread. The swabs have a very high false negative rate and the antibody tests currently available are not looking like the have high enough validity and reliability to be the basis of these decisions around reopening.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
My guess is that Fauci would LOVE to tell the world what he thinks of Trump but doesn't because it would cost him his job- an important one in thees time of COVID-19. Trump should stay off the air and just let Fauci do the press conferences. But, of course, that won't happen because Trump is the expert on everything!
I disagree- I think he’d like to tell everyone how good trump has been on all of this and how shocked he is at the gall of the reporters/media during those press conferences every day. He’s seen how they spin things and ask those “gotcha” kind of questions all the time to try to “get” trump. He shut down the idea that trump was trying g to silence him the other day- I’m sure he’s just sick of the attempts to spin hard work into a failure.
Look out my friend, you are now labeled in this safe space and your opinion means nothin here in this “all accepting forum”....
yeah, they don’t scare me though, I know what I’m getting into when I post in here. I’s another liberal tank of tears. Cool people, but they’ve bought the media narrative hook line and sinker even though they’ve been proven wrong for years now. Happily spending their money on muellers waste of time and lapping up impeachment hearings as if they held any truth, to this virus- denying it’s china’s fault, hoping for economic collapse, prompting socialist and communist and anti USA rhetoric, blah blah blah. As they have said for a long time, “you’ll be on the wrong side of history.” They’ll look bck and shrug, but as with the Russia narrative, deep down they know they were all for something that only got proven to be their own side (doj/fbi) was colluding by attempting a coup the whole time.
I take sollace in knowing the tsunami of red votes that will come in November. We stand stoic and win, they cry horror and lose. Watching it all go down and the Facebook and forum meltdowns make the nonsense in between all worthwhile.
These 2 bring more insightful knowledge to a discussion than your stick it to anyone with critical thinking skills approach, but carry on. I'm sure you'll have some more insightful words of wisdom for all of us in November.
Deaths in retirement homes are counted differently in different countries
Several countries have not included deaths in elderly housing in the statistics of deceased in covid-19. The death toll is therefore expected to rise sharply later.
- It shows how difficult it is to make comparisons between countries, says Johan Giesecke, former state epidemiologist.
According to a survey conducted by Sweden's Radio Ekot, several countries are reporting on the corona crisis mainly on deaths that occurred in hospitals.
Those who die in elderly homes are often not included in the statistics, unlike the accounts in Sweden. It probably accounts for thousands of people.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Anders Tegnell says that about 50 percent of the population needs to be immune to reach a status quo, where there are no waves of ups and downs in the number of infected.
- I think we will reach that level through people getting sick before we get a vaccine, he says.
In parts of the country, Sweden has begun to see some effects of herd immunity.
When Anders Tegnell visited Norwegian NRK on Thursday evening, he said that he believes that flock immunity can be achieved in Stockholm in May, according to the Swedish Public Health Authority's mathematical models.
- Our modelers believe in somewhere in May. Mathematical models are as good as the input data that is provides. We'll see if they're right or not. We are measuring the immunity of the population this week and then we will continue to measure it, he says.
He goes on to say that the reduced spread can be partly explained by the fact that so many can be infected.
- If we continue in this way as we do today with the restrictions we have made in various different ways and with the development we see of the number of infected, they expect that we will reach such a high level of immunity in Stockholm in May that The spread of infection can go down to a fairly low level.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Too much talk of when to reopen and not enough about HOW to reopen. Without a massive increase in testing capacity, which it's painfully obvious Trump and his administration are incapable of producing, we are just going to be going in circles. Sucks.
Too much talk of when to reopen and not enough about HOW to reopen. Without a massive increase in testing capacity, which it's painfully obvious Trump and his administration are incapable of producing, we are just going to be going in circles. Sucks.
Yep it certainly does , just make sure you & loved ones stay safe it’s about surviving this mess ughh man
Australia looking better each day. Testing has only just been encouraged for people in areas where community transmission has been detected. I live in one of those hot spot areas and already had pneumonia 2 weeks ago but didn't fit the criteria to be tested then but now I'm better anyway. Another month of isolation laws and I think they are assessing it monthly and will decide whether to relax our restrictions based on what the health professionals advice on data collected. We have had 63 deaths in total with 1/3 of those from the ruby princess cruise ship. Its devastating to hear what is happening in other countries and feel really lucky that i live in Australia right now. Stay safe people 🙏 thinking of you all
That is ridiculous that you had pneumonia and couldn't get tested. I'm glad you're better now. I guess you'll find out if you had it once we can get antibody tests.
Just watched the coronavirus briefing. I find it odd that the data provided was for "influenza like illness." Can we not get the hard data on Covid-19? It's not the same as influenza. Waste of 20 minutes I'll never get back.
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
i am no economist, but why is the stock market doing as well as it is with 22 million people now on unemployment? how has it not tanked with everyone getting $1200 checks? How is it not tanking with all the the money being sent to businesses? None of this can be good for the economy, yet how are the stock markets doing this well?
One thing to remember with the 22 million number, that is the number of people that have filed for unemployment. That doesn’t necessarily mean their jobs are lost for good.
Example, a friend of mine is a surgical tech at a hospital. Being that the hospital has stopped elective surgeries for the time being, she is laid-off and collecting unemployment. Once the hospital gears back up, she’ll be back to work. The state agency I work for temporarily furloughed some employees whose positions didn’t meet essential status. They are on unemployment, and will be back on the job, probably mid June. My neighbor is collected unemployment this and last week cause his hours were reduced by over 50%. Next week he has OT scheduled.
With this, I don’t think the traders on Wall Street are too concerned with the current unemployment numbers at this time. The street is also banking on people going out and spending like drunk sailors once restrictions are lifted and people start getting out of the house.
As for the stimulus money being dumped in the traders love it. If the stimulus wasn’t happening the markets would be fucked.
i do feel for people in the hospitality/tourism industries. That is going to take a while to get back on it’s feet.
Bottom line: don’t put to much thought into what’s happening in the markets. Except to see massive swings in it the next year.
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
lol...this garbage again?
What, pray tell, conservative paradise do you hail from?
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
It was interesting in the store today. Probably about 200 shoppers and I’d say about 20% were wearing masks. I had a mask, gloves, and wiped down my cart. I didn’t really like wearing the mask in the store and had this “I’m overdoing it” feeling. It is strange, especially if you’re in the minority, and honestly, if it weren’t for some of the stories and things I read in here, I don’t know if I would. Reading from those working in hospitals or live in New York, I feel like I’m doing those precautionary things out of respect to them, not necessarily because I’m concerned for my own safety. I don’t think a lot of people in rural areas have the understanding or respect of how it is in more densely populated cities.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
How those Republicans Deep South states been doing?
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
"Democrats are so terrible that one of the largest cities in the world has been reelected them for 80 years."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
edited April 2020
It isn't the fault of any political party. No in this country anyway.
Post edited by brianlux on
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
Where are you thinking of moving?
The 1950s?
Yeah, what they refer to every time they talk about the good old days. When America was Great.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II Audioslave 2005 MSG
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
Dear Linda,
I'm one hungry little bastard. I'll chew through the lungs of anyone, be they Democrat or Republican. I love 'em all! Yummy yummy!
That is disgusting and totally inappropriate. Was that supposed to be some sort of joke?? What the heck is wrong with you?? I hope nobody else on here knows someone who has died from this virus like me....He was a Fireman too.
I was thinking about the impact this will have on the state that I live in (IL). We were at, or near, the bottom for the entire country in terms of budget deficit prior to the virus. One of the highest taxed states in the country. Hard to imagine how bad it will get from here.
Hey, me too.....And Guess who runs Illinois, and everything in Shitcago (80 years worth) who controls that state??? DEMOCRATS....Go Figure. People are moving away from Illinois in record numbers....we are not far behind.
Dear Linda,
I'm one hungry little bastard. I'll chew through the lungs of anyone, be they Democrat or Republican. I love 'em all! Yummy yummy!
That is disgusting and totally inappropriate. Was that supposed to be some sort of joke?? What the heck is wrong with you?? I hope nobody else on here knows someone who has died from this virus like me....He was a Fireman too.
How dense are you, exactly?
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II Audioslave 2005 MSG
Deaths in retirement homes are counted differently in different countries
Anders Tegnell says that about 50 percent of the population needs to be immune to reach a status quo, where there are no waves of ups and downs in the number of infected.
Example, a friend of mine is a surgical tech at a hospital. Being that the hospital has stopped elective surgeries for the time being, she is laid-off and collecting unemployment. Once the hospital gears back up, she’ll be back to work. The state agency I work for temporarily furloughed some employees whose positions didn’t meet essential status. They are on unemployment, and will be back on the job, probably mid June. My neighbor is collected unemployment this and last week cause his hours were reduced by over 50%. Next week he has OT scheduled.
With this, I don’t think the traders on Wall Street are too concerned with the current unemployment numbers at this time. The street is also banking on people going out and spending like drunk sailors once restrictions are lifted and people start getting out of the house.
As for the stimulus money being dumped in the traders love it. If the stimulus wasn’t happening the markets would be fucked.
i do feel for people in the hospitality/tourism industries. That is going to take a while to get back on it’s feet.
Bottom line: don’t put to much thought into what’s happening in the markets. Except to see massive swings in it the next year.
What, pray tell, conservative paradise do you hail from?
The 1950s?
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
"Democrats are so terrible that one of the largest cities in the world has been reelected them for 80 years."
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
Audioslave 2005 MSG
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
Audioslave 2005 MSG