I’m not very understanding on the economics of ventilator availability. Are there even 30,000 ventilators available at this point?
Did we say that during world war 2? Too bad we dont have tanks nor planes? Was that our approach? No. We built them. Fast.
Go ahead and google US WW2 deaths vs what can happen if the covid crisis continues to be mismanaged and false logic continues.
The numbers should shock everyone. There is a chance this event is worse than a world war for Americans.
But hey, let Cuomo figure it out on his own. Makes perfect sense. Thanks trump
Man you overreact quite regularly. I was just asking what is the reality of getting 30000 ventilators. Nothing partisan. No blaming. Just what is the necessary logistics of getting 30,000 ventilators? If they aren’t available who can make them? And no this isn’t WW2
Manufacturers can re-tool and start making ventilators. Supposedly that is what is happening in Ontario. Gotta love media whore politicians who like to snap their fingers and think 30 000 ventilators will just appear. Manufacturers are working on getting ventilators out the door, but will not happen overnight. Oh, and of course many other countries also are need of ventilators...
Give Peas A Chance…
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
First world problems I know but something just hit me hard: I won’t be able to my son on his birthday Thursday. My ex is a nurse practitioner in the trenches with all this. We agreed to keep him with her until this all this passes. Haven’t seen him in almost two weeks and I am cool with that but missing his birthday, god damn I am crushed.
Dude, fuck that!! Ain’t no first world problem. People are supposed to be able to be there for their kids. That sucks!! Don’t know the particular situation but people have been doing some neat stuff for kids that are missing the parties.... Doing drive by birthday parades and Facebook parties. Maybe you can think of a way to make his birthday memorable for a better reason than this bullshit.
Thanks for all the kind responses. A drive by would kill me, I wouldn’t be able to see him from afar like that without giving him a hug. I m teary eyed just thinking of it. I’ll probably just FaceTime him. Ordered a cool ass legocity set for him, hopefully it gets there in time. Wanted to get him yanks tix but there is so much uncertainty this year.
I'm conversing with my siblings as to whether or not it would be ok to go sit on the porch with my parents for an hour this weekend.
This is frigging brutal.
No. You on grass. Them on porch.
How big is the porch?
The more I think about it, it's probably irrelevant. My folks are skeptical of everything, now I'm thinking as soon as we get there they would insist on having us in, thinking it will be ok & I don't want to have that argument.
Ugh, I may just have to forego the visit.
Could be worse... my cousin in the UK was diagnosed with the virus on Monday. He's in his early 50s, hopefully he'll be ok, but his mom, my aunt, is terminal with cancer, and doesn't have much time left. She may go while he's isolated & recovering. I'm not fishing for sympathy, just trying to put my situation in perspective more than anything else.
I feel like there will only be more & more of these stories for all of us in the coming weeks, if not longer.
That sucks. Good luck to them and I suspect you are right...every one of us is going to have a story like this. Just hope they roll out over the next year and there is a healthcare system with the proper tools to provide people the best chance at speedy recoveries.
i know the numbers say the elderly and compromised folks are the most at-risk group, but people are saying the most hospitalizations are made up of "young" people, and are surprised by this. why? doesn't this just tell us that group is the more careless/reckless of them all?
I think it just says that the people of working age are simply more exposed. Plenty of people young and old still being reckless.
i know the numbers say the elderly and compromised folks are the most at-risk group, but people are saying the most hospitalizations are made up of "young" people, and are surprised by this. why? doesn't this just tell us that group is the more careless/reckless of them all?
I think it just says that the people of working age are simply more exposed. Plenty of people young and old still being reckless.
yes, i'm sure there are. in my area, though, i have seen way more young people not taking this seriously than older people. however, more older people just might be doing it behind closed doors whereas the youngins are still driving around in groups.
hopefully no older folks taking the coronavirus challenge and licking toilet seats.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
If the Baffoon wants everything to start up in two weeks let him be the 1st to show up at a restaurant full of people let him be the 1st to sit at sporting even in the regular seats not in a private box, he’s no leader that’s for damn sure! This country doesn’t need him one bit the governor’s have already proven that!
It’s actually one week because he’s referring to it beginning last week.
Listening to trump say “we are America and we are not built for a shutdown” sounds a lot like “we the wealthy demand our slave labor back to work.”
let’s let the economists dictate how to get out of a health emergency. Typical American bull$hit. Too bad if that means millions more die and a second wave kills more and a different age group. To quote a famous republican, oops.
for any pro business person thinking economists should dictate how we get out of a healthcare nightmare, consider if you are a business leader or owner, and you are saying we should not listen to the Health specialists and re socialize soon...
...consider I will never buy your product again and will tell everyone I know to tell everyone they know to do same. I will endlessly comment on the 4th largest website in America and continue to pass the word about your choice of business over lives.
further, I will not be attending any sporting events nor going to any restaurants
im sure millions will act in the same way. How you think the economy recovers under those conditions?
So what about the people living paycheck to paycheck that desperately need to get back to work? How about the people that don’t have a pile of money to weather this storm? There is clearly not hope of a safety net or recovery for the poor and lower middle class here in America. Is it horrible for us to want to go back to work because even though the money isn’t coming in anymore the bills are still rolling in like clockwork? I’m all for continuing the self isolation if you can guarantee that millions of working Americans won’t come out of it financially insolvent or bankrupt or worse. It’s not just the stockbrokers and ultra rich that want the economy running it is also the people with bills to pay that don’t want to end in poverty. If the wealthy and corporations among us and the government want to get together and make a security net I say keep the quarantine going. If you want millions of Americans to have to honor their debts, bills and buy necessary items like food etc with no money coming in that is not going to fly for long.
Everyone is talking about trump and republicans and economists but no one is looking at the poor and working class it seems.
Are they better off dead after committing multiple murders?
Lol because going to work is the same as murdering. Quite extreme. So protecting the lives of people from the virus is more important than protecting people’s lives and livelihoods from the economic impact? Check. Let me guess you are financially set to get through this for the long haul? or are a member of an at risk populations? What about the at risk poor and working class that may not make it through an extended shut down? Or are the needs of them less important?
If you are really worried about murdering really take a step outside your immediate reaction and think what will happen if millions plunge into financial ruin. I’m sure they will be so busy breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for staying inside and going broke to do anything drastic.
As ever before. I am all for extending the quarantine if there is a safety net for those in immediate or short term financial risk. If not people are gonna have to do something. And it won’t be their fault if people die. It will be the fault of The credit card companies, landlords and banks that continue demanding money when none comes in. As well as our elected leaders for doing nothing. If I have to go to work to keep myself and my family from financial ruin like millions of others and the option is there I will. And that won’t make me or anyone else a monster or a horrible person.
Your points are valid, but what do you think is going to happen if everyone goes back to work and the virus keeps spreading?
Do you think the economy is going to bounce back with an incredibly contagious disease crippling our hospitals?
Do you think people are going to be going to bars and restaurants in this scenario?
I agree there needs to be a safety net for people most affected, but the only way to address this virus is to contain it.
I agree 💯 bit it seems like not many people are thinking about anything but the virus itself. Either option is horrible going back to work or indefinite quarantine. No one has a moral high ground here. This really illustrates our broken political system like nothing I’ve seen as well as the class divide. I’ve written letters to my senators. Cruz and Cormyn. Fat lot of good those idiots are gonna do. No sector of the population is more important than the other. People in charge need to make some drastic measures.
But I don't think anyone is talking about "indefinite quarantine".
Unless I'm mistaken, other countries have seen positive results after several weeks of aggressive lockdowns.
Going back to work may solve some financial problems for a lot of people in the short term, but what good will that be if the virus rages unchecked forcing companies to close (again) and killing hundreds of thousands if not millions?
If it doesn't get contained more sooner than later, you can kiss any hope of a healthy economy goodbye for years.
The longer we wait to aggressively approach this, the worse it will get in all aspects, including the economic toll.
I have little faith that our government can come up with a plan to address all these concerns. We (my family) can make it 2-3 months here. But if as they say a vaccine may not be ready for 18 months what then. If you wait 2-3 months for the number Of infected to go down and open everything for business isn’t it likely that the number of infected will explode again? And then you repeat the process?
You raise a lot of good points and it has me thinking differently. I still see a huge need to address the financial concerns of everyone that is out of work.
I'm certainly nowhere near panic mode yet. I just have a problem with the current shortsighted, take it day by day view. There are people with severe economic needs, and everyday that that side of the crisis is not addressed things get a little bit worse, and it gets closer to being a bigger problem for more and more people on the lower end of the wealthiest country on earth.
The senate bill that is “at the two yard line” according to chuck, will provide full income for four months for those out of work. I don’t know the details of how that is calculate nor how it deals with tipped workers, but that will certainly be a huge boost. It will also provide incentives for their previous employers to continue providing benefits. If this works, it will stabilize th economy through the summer.
That would be great....but how would that gel with President Dope's plan to reopen by Rebirthday?
I would be stunned if it was full income but this would be good backing by the govt
As I understand it, it’s up to the governors whether or not to allow their respective states to go back to work, in the end Trump has no say. (If I’m mistaken, someone please correct me)
If accurate, this will work in our favor in IL with Pritzker calling the shots.
How so?? that Fat Ass Billionaire sounds even sillier then the Major of Shitcago when they do their daily briefing...
It will work in our favor because Pritzker will not send people back into the streets prematurely if there are thousands being infected and dying.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
New York governor to FEMA: You pick the people who will die because of lack of federal resources
“You want a pat on the back for sending us 400 ventilators? What are we going to do with 400 ventilators when we need 30,000 ventilators?”
Trump: Cuomo 'supposed to be buying his own ventilators'
This better be on tv 24 7 in the fall.
Forget Biden, let Cuomo get the nom!
Some people are better in crisis. I remember thinking that revolting fat fuck of a lop of shit did a good job during Sandy.
Too bad our Orange Leader has none of those skills.
I read an article about the guy in Freehold who coughed on people at Wegmans, telling them he had The Rona, and got busted for terrorist threats. First, what a fool. How horrible a person do you have to be to do this?
Second, the article said it was South Jersey. South Jersey makes no fucking claim on Freehold - that is more in your area, McGruff, you can have him!
This is where I'm at with Pritzker right now. This is far from over, but so far, I like what I've seen out of him. That is the first time I've ever liked anything he has done, for the record.
Annual Deerfield event also takes a hit due to COVID-19
DEERFIELD — One of Lenawee County’s biggest and most-popular seasonal festivals of the year has also taken a hit due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Deerfield American Legion hosted “Testicle Festival” will not take place Saturday, March 21 as planned, as limitations upon the number of people together in one setting, have been set by the Michigan state government in a response to combatting COVID-19.
The festival has been moved to the date of Saturday, May 9. It will take place at the legion hall, 105 W. River St., during the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The festival, which is held one day of the year, is generally a sign to the start of the spring season. It draw more than 2,000 people to the Deerfield community each year and it is the legion’s biggest fundraiser.
“People come from all over the state; all over the country to take part in the festival,” said Nick Pulver of the Deerfield American Legion. “We have people who travel 300 or 400 miles just for this one-day festival.”
Funds raised from the festival — whether that be through sales of sliced and deep-fried cattle testicles and chicken gizzards, to beer sales and t-shirt sales — bring in the most funds of the year at the legion. The funds raised from the festival have allowed the members of the legion to continually make building improvements to the hall and its facilities, and to be able to give back to the Deerfield community.
“This festival alone operates the American Legion for the year,” Pulver said. “It is sad to see it pushed back. So many people look forward to coming to Deerfield during this time of year, but this decision was made with the best intentions. I think we made the best choice to delay it.”
The Testicle Festival is nearing close to its 20th anniversary. This year will be the festival’s 19th anniversary. Even though it is the 19th-annual festival, the celebration of eating deep-fried testicles began in Deerfield nearly 50 years ago.
“It started in the slaughterhouses, with farmers and that,” Pulver said.
The Deerfield Tavern began serving the deep-fried testicles and gizzards dinner to the public. When the tavern eventually closed its doors, the Deerfield Legion picked up the hot-ticket menu item and began hosting the festival. The rest as you could say, is history.
“We wanted to see if we could make it happen,” Pulver said. “We just picked up the menu and ran with it.”
During the legion’s first-ever Testicle Festival anywhere from 600 to 800 people visited Deerfield. The following year more than 1,400 people attended the festival. At times, the festival has reached an attendance of more than 2,500 individuals.
It is not known if the changing of the festival’s date will make an impact at this time, but Pulver said he feels it will in some ways.
“Since we have people planning to come to Deerfield during this weekend in March, I do expect the change of date to affect the crowds,” he said.
Thanks to some proactive work by members of the Legion, the festival committee is anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 ahead of the game, since they were able to reschedule the event prior to having to pay for vendors services.
“We are not going to lose any of the food and products,” added Pulver. “Baked beans will remain in the cans and the 300 pounds of testicles can remain frozen for at least two more months.
I’m not very understanding on the economics of ventilator availability. Are there even 30,000 ventilators available at this point?
Did we say that during world war 2? Too bad we dont have tanks nor planes? Was that our approach? No. We built them. Fast.
Go ahead and google US WW2 deaths vs what can happen if the covid crisis continues to be mismanaged and false logic continues.
The numbers should shock everyone. There is a chance this event is worse than a world war for Americans.
But hey, let Cuomo figure it out on his own. Makes perfect sense. Thanks trump
Man you overreact quite regularly. I was just asking what is the reality of getting 30000 ventilators. Nothing partisan. No blaming. Just what is the necessary logistics of getting 30,000 ventilators? If they aren’t available who can make them? And no this isn’t WW2
Manufacturers can re-tool and start making ventilators. Supposedly that is what is happening in Ontario. Gotta love media whore politicians who like to snap their fingers and think 30 000 ventilators will just appear. Manufacturers are working on getting ventilators out the door, but will not happen overnight. Oh, and of course many other countries also are need of ventilators...
Yeah, exactly. I see people huffing and puffing about the Defense Production Act and wonder who it is that has the capability and regulatory approval to make these things that needs to be forced into it right now. And I'm asking that earnestly.
Annual Deerfield event also takes a hit due to COVID-19
DEERFIELD — One of Lenawee County’s biggest and most-popular seasonal festivals of the year has also taken a hit due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Deerfield American Legion hosted “Testicle Festival” will not take place Saturday, March 21 as planned, as limitations upon the number of people together in one setting, have been set by the Michigan state government in a response to combatting COVID-19.
The festival has been moved to the date of Saturday, May 9. It will take place at the legion hall, 105 W. River St., during the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The festival, which is held one day of the year, is generally a sign to the start of the spring season. It draw more than 2,000 people to the Deerfield community each year and it is the legion’s biggest fundraiser.
“People come from all over the state; all over the country to take part in the festival,” said Nick Pulver of the Deerfield American Legion. “We have people who travel 300 or 400 miles just for this one-day festival.”
Funds raised from the festival — whether that be through sales of sliced and deep-fried cattle testicles and chicken gizzards, to beer sales and t-shirt sales — bring in the most funds of the year at the legion. The funds raised from the festival have allowed the members of the legion to continually make building improvements to the hall and its facilities, and to be able to give back to the Deerfield community.
“This festival alone operates the American Legion for the year,” Pulver said. “It is sad to see it pushed back. So many people look forward to coming to Deerfield during this time of year, but this decision was made with the best intentions. I think we made the best choice to delay it.”
The Testicle Festival is nearing close to its 20th anniversary. This year will be the festival’s 19th anniversary. Even though it is the 19th-annual festival, the celebration of eating deep-fried testicles began in Deerfield nearly 50 years ago.
“It started in the slaughterhouses, with farmers and that,” Pulver said.
The Deerfield Tavern began serving the deep-fried testicles and gizzards dinner to the public. When the tavern eventually closed its doors, the Deerfield Legion picked up the hot-ticket menu item and began hosting the festival. The rest as you could say, is history.
“We wanted to see if we could make it happen,” Pulver said. “We just picked up the menu and ran with it.”
During the legion’s first-ever Testicle Festival anywhere from 600 to 800 people visited Deerfield. The following year more than 1,400 people attended the festival. At times, the festival has reached an attendance of more than 2,500 individuals.
It is not known if the changing of the festival’s date will make an impact at this time, but Pulver said he feels it will in some ways.
“Since we have people planning to come to Deerfield during this weekend in March, I do expect the change of date to affect the crowds,” he said.
Thanks to some proactive work by members of the Legion, the festival committee is anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 ahead of the game, since they were able to reschedule the event prior to having to pay for vendors services.
“We are not going to lose any of the food and products,” added Pulver. “Baked beans will remain in the cans and the 300 pounds of testicles can remain frozen for at least two more months.
“We caught it at the right time.”
Never been, but I have been to the penis museum in Iceland, if that counts
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
Balls in your mouth Balls in your mouth Dont come to Michigan, no balls for your mouth!
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
First world problems I know but something just hit me hard: I won’t be able to my son on his birthday Thursday. My ex is a nurse practitioner in the trenches with all this. We agreed to keep him with her until this all this passes. Haven’t seen him in almost two weeks and I am cool with that but missing his birthday, god damn I am crushed.
I think any of us with kids can feel your pain, sorry you have to deal with that along with all of the other craziness that is present day Earth. Hope you guys can find a way to make it special for the both of you.
If the Baffoon wants everything to start up in two weeks let him be the 1st to show up at a restaurant full of people let him be the 1st to sit at sporting even in the regular seats not in a private box, he’s no leader that’s for damn sure! This country doesn’t need him one bit the governor’s have already proven that!
It’s actually one week because he’s referring to it beginning last week.
Listening to trump say “we are America and we are not built for a shutdown” sounds a lot like “we the wealthy demand our slave labor back to work.”
let’s let the economists dictate how to get out of a health emergency. Typical American bull$hit. Too bad if that means millions more die and a second wave kills more and a different age group. To quote a famous republican, oops.
for any pro business person thinking economists should dictate how we get out of a healthcare nightmare, consider if you are a business leader or owner, and you are saying we should not listen to the Health specialists and re socialize soon...
...consider I will never buy your product again and will tell everyone I know to tell everyone they know to do same. I will endlessly comment on the 4th largest website in America and continue to pass the word about your choice of business over lives.
further, I will not be attending any sporting events nor going to any restaurants
im sure millions will act in the same way. How you think the economy recovers under those conditions?
So what about the people living paycheck to paycheck that desperately need to get back to work? How about the people that don’t have a pile of money to weather this storm? There is clearly not hope of a safety net or recovery for the poor and lower middle class here in America. Is it horrible for us to want to go back to work because even though the money isn’t coming in anymore the bills are still rolling in like clockwork? I’m all for continuing the self isolation if you can guarantee that millions of working Americans won’t come out of it financially insolvent or bankrupt or worse. It’s not just the stockbrokers and ultra rich that want the economy running it is also the people with bills to pay that don’t want to end in poverty. If the wealthy and corporations among us and the government want to get together and make a security net I say keep the quarantine going. If you want millions of Americans to have to honor their debts, bills and buy necessary items like food etc with no money coming in that is not going to fly for long.
Everyone is talking about trump and republicans and economists but no one is looking at the poor and working class it seems.
Are they better off dead after committing multiple murders?
Lol because going to work is the same as murdering. Quite extreme. So protecting the lives of people from the virus is more important than protecting people’s lives and livelihoods from the economic impact? Check. Let me guess you are financially set to get through this for the long haul? or are a member of an at risk populations? What about the at risk poor and working class that may not make it through an extended shut down? Or are the needs of them less important?
If you are really worried about murdering really take a step outside your immediate reaction and think what will happen if millions plunge into financial ruin. I’m sure they will be so busy breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for staying inside and going broke to do anything drastic.
As ever before. I am all for extending the quarantine if there is a safety net for those in immediate or short term financial risk. If not people are gonna have to do something. And it won’t be their fault if people die. It will be the fault of The credit card companies, landlords and banks that continue demanding money when none comes in. As well as our elected leaders for doing nothing. If I have to go to work to keep myself and my family from financial ruin like millions of others and the option is there I will. And that won’t make me or anyone else a monster or a horrible person.
Your points are valid, but what do you think is going to happen if everyone goes back to work and the virus keeps spreading?
Do you think the economy is going to bounce back with an incredibly contagious disease crippling our hospitals?
Do you think people are going to be going to bars and restaurants in this scenario?
I agree there needs to be a safety net for people most affected, but the only way to address this virus is to contain it.
I agree 💯 bit it seems like not many people are thinking about anything but the virus itself. Either option is horrible going back to work or indefinite quarantine. No one has a moral high ground here. This really illustrates our broken political system like nothing I’ve seen as well as the class divide. I’ve written letters to my senators. Cruz and Cormyn. Fat lot of good those idiots are gonna do. No sector of the population is more important than the other. People in charge need to make some drastic measures.
But I don't think anyone is talking about "indefinite quarantine".
Unless I'm mistaken, other countries have seen positive results after several weeks of aggressive lockdowns.
Going back to work may solve some financial problems for a lot of people in the short term, but what good will that be if the virus rages unchecked forcing companies to close (again) and killing hundreds of thousands if not millions?
If it doesn't get contained more sooner than later, you can kiss any hope of a healthy economy goodbye for years.
The longer we wait to aggressively approach this, the worse it will get in all aspects, including the economic toll.
I have little faith that our government can come up with a plan to address all these concerns. We (my family) can make it 2-3 months here. But if as they say a vaccine may not be ready for 18 months what then. If you wait 2-3 months for the number Of infected to go down and open everything for business isn’t it likely that the number of infected will explode again? And then you repeat the process?
You raise a lot of good points and it has me thinking differently. I still see a huge need to address the financial concerns of everyone that is out of work.
I'm certainly nowhere near panic mode yet. I just have a problem with the current shortsighted, take it day by day view. There are people with severe economic needs, and everyday that that side of the crisis is not addressed things get a little bit worse, and it gets closer to being a bigger problem for more and more people on the lower end of the wealthiest country on earth.
The senate bill that is “at the two yard line” according to chuck, will provide full income for four months for those out of work. I don’t know the details of how that is calculate nor how it deals with tipped workers, but that will certainly be a huge boost. It will also provide incentives for their previous employers to continue providing benefits. If this works, it will stabilize th economy through the summer.
The current bill looks much better and puts me at a little more ease. It will allow me to get about 1/2 my usual income from UE instead of a quarter. Not enough to make up for lost wages but enough to get by as long as we will need to, which is much more important than getting anything extra at this point. I still worry about those that won’t have access to these funds or those in worse shape. The bill does look pretty all encompassing which is nice. Already articles are saying it still may not be enough.
If I heard correctly it even covers payroll for 4 months up to 100k per employee? is that right?
Is there a link to this? I didn't see that listed in the stories I read but people are citing some specifics that would suggest the text of the bill is out there for review.
If I heard correctly it even covers payroll for 4 months up to 100k per employee? is that right?
Is there a link to this? I didn't see that listed in the stories I read but people are citing some specifics that would suggest the text of the bill is out there for review.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
If I heard correctly it even covers payroll for 4 months up to 100k per employee? is that right?
Is there a link to this? I didn't see that listed in the stories I read but people are citing some specifics that would suggest the text of the bill is out there for review.
Can someone share, if so?
It was Mark Cuban saying it on tv..it will keep small buisness from folding..pretty sure he made it sound like it was in the deal..
If I heard correctly it even covers payroll for 4 months up to 100k per employee? is that right?
Is there a link to this? I didn't see that listed in the stories I read but people are citing some specifics that would suggest the text of the bill is out there for review.
That sucks. Good luck to them and I suspect you are right...every one of us is going to have a story like this. Just hope they roll out over the next year and there is a healthcare system with the proper tools to provide people the best chance at speedy recoveries.
hopefully no older folks taking the coronavirus challenge and licking toilet seats.
-EV 8/14/93
It will work in our favor because Pritzker will not send people back into the streets prematurely if there are thousands being infected and dying.
Good luck to them!
I'm sorry to hear about foxy and Ryan.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Annual Deerfield event also takes a hit due to COVID-19
DEERFIELD — One of Lenawee County’s biggest and most-popular seasonal festivals of the year has also taken a hit due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Deerfield American Legion hosted “Testicle Festival” will not take place Saturday, March 21 as planned, as limitations upon the number of people together in one setting, have been set by the Michigan state government in a response to combatting COVID-19.
The festival has been moved to the date of Saturday, May 9. It will take place at the legion hall, 105 W. River St., during the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The festival, which is held one day of the year, is generally a sign to the start of the spring season. It draw more than 2,000 people to the Deerfield community each year and it is the legion’s biggest fundraiser.
“People come from all over the state; all over the country to take part in the festival,” said Nick Pulver of the Deerfield American Legion. “We have people who travel 300 or 400 miles just for this one-day festival.”
Funds raised from the festival — whether that be through sales of sliced and deep-fried cattle testicles and chicken gizzards, to beer sales and t-shirt sales — bring in the most funds of the year at the legion. The funds raised from the festival have allowed the members of the legion to continually make building improvements to the hall and its facilities, and to be able to give back to the Deerfield community.
“This festival alone operates the American Legion for the year,” Pulver said. “It is sad to see it pushed back. So many people look forward to coming to Deerfield during this time of year, but this decision was made with the best intentions. I think we made the best choice to delay it.”
The Testicle Festival is nearing close to its 20th anniversary. This year will be the festival’s 19th anniversary. Even though it is the 19th-annual festival, the celebration of eating deep-fried testicles began in Deerfield nearly 50 years ago.
“It started in the slaughterhouses, with farmers and that,” Pulver said.
The Deerfield Tavern began serving the deep-fried testicles and gizzards dinner to the public. When the tavern eventually closed its doors, the Deerfield Legion picked up the hot-ticket menu item and began hosting the festival. The rest as you could say, is history.
“We wanted to see if we could make it happen,” Pulver said. “We just picked up the menu and ran with it.”
During the legion’s first-ever Testicle Festival anywhere from 600 to 800 people visited Deerfield. The following year more than 1,400 people attended the festival. At times, the festival has reached an attendance of more than 2,500 individuals.
It is not known if the changing of the festival’s date will make an impact at this time, but Pulver said he feels it will in some ways.
“Since we have people planning to come to Deerfield during this weekend in March, I do expect the change of date to affect the crowds,” he said.
Thanks to some proactive work by members of the Legion, the festival committee is anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 ahead of the game, since they were able to reschedule the event prior to having to pay for vendors services.
“We are not going to lose any of the food and products,” added Pulver. “Baked beans will remain in the cans and the 300 pounds of testicles can remain frozen for at least two more months.
“We caught it at the right time.”
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Balls in your mouth
Dont come to Michigan, no balls for your mouth!
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Hampton 2016
I still worry about those that won’t have access to these funds or those in worse shape. The bill does look pretty all encompassing which is nice. Already articles are saying it still may not be enough.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Hampton 2016
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
It was Mark Cuban saying it on tv..it will keep small buisness from folding..pretty sure he made it sound like it was in the deal..
Hampton 2016