Greta Thunberg

For many of us, Greta Thunberg is a modern day hero. Can we please have a civil thread about this amazing young woman? Thank you!

"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
people need to decide. Either she’s old enough and mature enough to be a worldwide political figure and all that comes with that, or she’s a child.
She is a child/teenager. And she is a child/teenager that is more informed than most and have had the world listen to her. She shouldn't have to take being bullied by e.g. your president just because she got a platform.
From what I've seen, she rolls with the punches one hell of a lot better than many older adults would. I see no self-pity in her response to the criticism and lashing out from climate deniers and internet bullies. She's tough as nails. This young woman has great fortitude. I see no reason to feel sorry for her.
Are you pro-fascist?
Also, that shitty meme is inaccurate. You should research things before posting them.
We have allowed ourselves and each other to become void of the ability to think critically. It's shameful.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1