
  • 1. Alone
    2. Wash
    3. Black

    All of Pearl Jam's songs are freat but these are my personal favorites.
    Life reveals what is dealt through seasons
    Circle comes around each time
  • drsamprdrsampr Posts: 16
    it all depends on how much you post, darling =)
    um, ok darling, so. . . what do you mean by that. . . i'm pretty slow when it comes to this kinda stuff. . . can you give me some more detail or examples or something. . . btw, i dig your handle. . .

  • red mosquito
    you are
    in hiding
  • Well, it was a really hard task this, but i could not decide it in any other way...
    The thing i love about PJ is that they seem to have a music for each state of mind and spirit... so i "cheated" a little bit...

    The 3 rock songs i like more :

    Blood - It's all about you and the value that you know you have!!!
    Rearview Mirror - It´s the turning point in everybody's life... I see it like a departure from a relationship, any kind of relationship...
    Alive - It's a classic, do i need to say more???

    The 3 more calm and introspective songs i like more :

    Indifference - Without a doubt one of PJ's best lyrics ever, it means a lot to me. Rage without a scream... That's how i see it..
    Untitled - I loved this when i heard it for the first time, and the last time PJ were in Portugal i cried listening to (what i believe it was an) improvisation of this song...
    Present Tense - It´s a big one... One of the best songs i know...
    Vedder is my voice,
    Grunge is my vision,
    I'll fight for what is right,
    'Cause PEARL JAM is my religion
  • I have trouble to find the best 3 albuns... 3 songs its almost impossible...

    1.- Oceans - When I listen this song I feel my heart turns so litle... reminds me my childhood... I don´t know why... Listen OCEANS makes me wish turn back time and live all my life again... only tears wash this feelings back from where they came... When I buy the greateast hits I could not believe that this song wasn´t there...

    2.- Yellow Ledbetter - This one makes me alive... Eddie voice grows in me all the passion that I have for the good things in this world... fantastic! I just want to grab all my friends, family, pets, hife, son, and kiss them... lol

    3.- The longest title in Pearl Jam catalogue... Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town... one, two, three, four, two... - Does any one recognize this start? - Probably the song with most metaphores (I don´t know how to write, I´m protuguese ; )) and all so cool... I love to sing this song...

    One salute song: Black - all of you knows why ; )
  • icemaniceman Posts: 1
    The 3 I'm enjoying the most at the moment:

    RVM: Song just rocks
    I Got Id
    I am Mine
  • ChloeDancerChloeDancer São Paulo - SP (Brazil) Posts: 58
    Present Tense: I love this song, specially the live version, it makes me feel chills everytime I listen...
    Sleight Of Hand: I bet everyone here already passed for moments where "routine was the theme" is exactly the theme of your life...I love the lyrics...
    Man Of The Hour: it´s one of the most beautiful songs of PJ in my opinion, besides particular reasons to like this song...

  • faithful227faithful227 Posts: 352
    1. Black possibly the best song i've ever heard in my life thus far (waitin on the new album... :) beautiful and i think we can all relate to the lyrics.

    2. Present Tense No Code was released while i was going through my divorce, and i listened to this track so many times during that period. I always related to the line "you're the only one, who cant forgive yourself..." to my own perceived failure in my marriage. Gotta move on, gotta live in the Present Tense. rock on...

    3. Evenflow Because it's the song that started it all for me.

    damn this was hard...good thread.
    VHC member #155***

    Ft Lauderdale '96:::West Palm Beach '98:::Tampa '00:::Tampa '03:::Camden 1&2 '06::: DC '06:::West Palm Beach '08:::Tampa '08:::Columbia '08:::Virginia Beach '08

  • Daughter....strange mother daughter relationship...don't ask:)

    Given to fly and Indifference always lift my mood if I'm down. (Among others)
    One day the world will be ready for you
    and wonder how they didn't see it...E
  • 1. I Got Shit
    2. Grievance
    3. Sleight of Hand

    honorable mention....Release, Leash, RVM, Last Exit,Tremor Christ, Whipping,Somtimes, Who You Are, Present Tense, Faithful, Lowlight, In Hiding,
    MFC, God's Dice, Insignificance, Crop Duster, All or None, 1/2 Full...geez! there are so many!
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Tough question....

    For me:

    Light Years - It represents to me the open, puzzled feeling you have when you lose can understand so many things, "but how could you be taken away"

    Rearviewmirror - I remember breaking up with a guy who used me horribly and literally leaving town ....driving away blaring this song. I felt so powerful! Like fuck you, dude!

    State of Love and Trust/Save You/Crazy Mary'/Lukin - I just love these all.

    For sheer power of vocals and making a statement - Masters of War....WOW!
  • I am mineI am mine Posts: 29
    My three fav PJ songs of All Time are:

    2. Porch
    3. I got Shit

    Numbers 1 and 2 are definite forever. Number 3 is different everyday. EVENFLOW and PORCH just both give me soooo much energy. I cannot sit still when i hear those songs. EVENFLOW picks me up when i'm down and it makes me even more happy when i'm already happy. PORCH is just a great sing along, especially live. Sooo much energy, i especially love the:"Hear my name, take a good look....this could be the day!! Hold my hand...." part!
    I got shit is a song from which i like the album version better than the live version. It just gives me chills. Other number 3's could have been: Black, I am mine, Save you, In hiding..... and so on.
    To the universe, I don't mean a thing, but there is just one word I still believe and it's .....LOVE!

    Proud EVENFLOW PSYCHO member #0021.....WWWWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    Amsterdam '96, Arnhem '06, Antwerpen '06, Dusseldorf '07, Nijmegen '07 and Werchter '07
  • Given To Fly - don't really know what it's about but it's a fucking sensationally written song and is very attrective to listen to.

    Parting Ways - very sad, very touching, easy to relate to, about breaking up I suppose, everyone breaks up.

    Immortality - I like this one lyrically because I believe religion is evil as well.
    All I want is the truth.
  • Do the Evolution
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • nevmilesnevmiles Ottawa, ON Posts: 1,363
    Tough question. Picking only three is really hard . . . buuuuuut I think I can do it . . .

    1) Black - album version is wonderful. Also great live (at least the pre-2003 versions). Fantastic when sung with emotion. Best part is from the "...and twisted thoughts that spin 'round my head..." line and on. I also LOVE the "tatooed all I see . . ALL THAT IIIIIIII AAAAM . . . ALL I'll BEEEEEEEE, YEEEEAHHHH!" part. Gives me chills.

    2) Corduroy - another song that is great live. I think it's the best song to open with; the way it builds and explodes with the ever-so-perfect-concert-starting line of: "the waiting drove me mad, you're finally here and I'm a mess" Isn't that how we all feel at a concert? Mikeys solos also help to make it my favourite song to hear live.

    3) Breath - the studio version is fantastic. I can't quite explain it, but every time I listen to it I can't help but feel really happy. The tempo, the intensity . . . everything just makes me feel great inside when I hear the song.
    Barrie 08/22/98
    Montreal 10/04/00
    Toronto 10/05/00
    Toronto 06/28/03
    Kitchener 09/11/05
    Ottawa 09/16/05
    Toronto 08/21/09
    Toronto 09/11/11
    Ottawa 09/14/11
    Buffalo 10/12/13
    Ottawa 05/08/16
    Chicago 08/20/18
    Ottawa 09/03/22
    Nashville 09/16/22
  • naiveinknaiveink Posts: 1
    It seems only fair that, if we must choose three among the whole catalog, that there should be one Ed lyric, one Jeff lyric and one Stone lyric ...

    In My Tree

    Low Light

    All Those Yesterdays

    Damn, that was really hard
    Your disciples are riddled with metaphors ...
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,065
    You want our three favorite?

    Probably...(at the moment) YL, Even Flow (radio version), and Betterman
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • fsu2626fsu2626 Posts: 381
    a poet wrote:
    Daughter....Because it hits home for me, It such a BIG way....
    Last Exit.....Some of ED's best lyrics(my opinion)
    Boy this is harder then I thought......

    ummm...Wishlist...Pure Poetry

    wasn't last exit named something else before vitalogy came out?
  • BlyssBlyss Posts: 166
    Chris Sabo wrote:
    I dont mean to be rude, but i'm sure ill sound that way, but you need to listen to more pj songs than just the ones on the greatest hits.
    My top 3:
    Present Tense

    I can see where you are coming from that PJ have greater songs then the ones on the greatest hits collection and i know that but that said I think you are being harsh because the Greatest Hits cd has something like 33 i think it actually covers a great deal of PJ's work.

    Jeremy/Given To Fly

    I don't actually know that I believe it's their best either, just what I can relate to/ feel the most.
  • STXLAXSTXLAX Posts: 46
    Footsteps- So much emotion...I'm not even going to try and explain this one



    A 3 highly emotional songs. I think Pearl Jam's best songs are the emotionally charged ones.
    "And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

  • That will be Black , Porch and All Or None all in the live versions.......
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    I can't do it captain....I don't have the power!

    I can't just pick 3....Fuk dat
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • Snce I started this thread, allow me to comment in a tangent way,
    It's been pretty cool witnessing the evolution of this Band.
    I mean if you think of your 3 favorite many can say..while they could relate to some of the down stuff, that they dont become enraptured with it Indifference, Nothingman,..I got ID,
    some of these songs are like lessons on what not to do...
    Anyway Im happy to say the band's evolution has seemingly paralleled my life,
    I feel like in some small way Im traveling this congruent road with PJ, maybe its the age similarity, but it's cool to see less anger in their music, the angst of youth, while not losing a bit of passion...
    Refined passion ...wisdom..rock on.... "It's growing up just like me!"

    Cant wait for the next album .
  • whoYOUarewhoYOUare Posts: 274
    Who You Are - i have told the story so many times... im real lazy now so ima just move on and say "look at my name"

    Oceans - it was the first song i saw the boys play live

    Parting Ways, Driftin, Soon Forget, Indifference, In Hiding, In My Tree, Present Tense, Nothing as it Seems... ok so there are more than three on the list, but the last eight are pretty much the same in that they are all very relevant to me as a person and speak to me in a way that a lot of other songs dont. beautifully writen and wonderful to listen to.

    altho i have to admit my favoties change almost daily (sometimes hourly) so these songs will most often appear high on the list, with songs like Rats, and Last Exit, Yellow Ledbetter, State of Love and Trust, Leaving Here also making the list... its a lagit tough question this was
  • RVM86RVM86 Posts: 76
    Well, I absolutely can't pick three cause I have soooo many!! But here's just a few of my favorites:

    Off He Goes
    Rearview Mirror
    Not For You
    Nothing As It Seems
    Ah, there's so many more. I think it's a sin to have just one favorite Pearl Jam song.
    War In Iraq? Do It In My Name.
  • PJ PartyPJ Party Posts: 16
    1. Footsteps
    2. State of Love and Trust
    3. Yellow Ledbetter

  • PHATJPHATJ Posts: 348
    Slight of hand
    You Are
    Hard to Imagine

    Sorry. Had to do five today.
    "I'll Ride the wave where it takes me. I'll Hold the pain. RELEASE ME!"

  • MattbillzMattbillz Posts: 64
    Everything else tied for 3rd.
  • 1. Present Tense - it changed my life... Listen to it.. Believe it and it can change yours too... See my signature!

    2. Off He Goes - beautiful lyrics and it's the type of song that makes Pearl Jam stand apart from the rest. For some reason it brings a tear to my eye as so many of their songs do... i.e... Given To Fly, Black, Release, Indifference, Light Years...

    3. Wishlist - Great music, great lyrics - probably my single favorite song of all time!
    Live and let live
    That's what I always say
    Anyone who can't understand that should be killed

    -George Carlin
  • not too creative but here you go

    1. Alive. 100% pure adrenalin. probably the only song that i never get tired of. i could put it on repeat and just listen to it over and over forever.

    2. Not for You. Eddie is just plain angry in that one

    3. Corduroy, RVM, MFC, Ledbetter, Lukin, In my tree, and about a dozen others.
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