I was working in Iowa and personally witnessed the Mississippi river freeze over, watched it get to -10F for weeks. Then in the summer it was 110F for weeks with 85% humidity.
I've been to a bunch of places with extreme weather, Iraq and Alaska being two of them and I have never seen a swing like that in weather.
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Are you able to skate on Lake Michigan or does it not freeze over because of the waves?
No skating on the lake unfortunately. Plenty of pond hockey going on though!
Did you live in Chicago or the burbs?
Always the burbs. Most of my life has been spent about 20 miles west of downtown. Considered the “northwest” or “western suburbs.” Now I’m about 40 miles west of downtown. This area might as well have been Iowa growing up (felt so far), but suburban Chicagoland has pushed outward over the years.
I'm with you here in MN. Getting 8-12 tonight and then the mercury falls off the damn thermometer starting Tuesday morning. A high of -18 on Wednesday with it being -35 and wind chill to -54 in the morning. Fucking crazy. I work for a college and we are already planning to be closed for that day if not by early Tuesday evening. Cold like this doesn't happen often. I was wracking my brain tonight trying to make sure my house and vehicles are prepared for such cold weather, and then there's the poor chickens out in the coop with no heat and minimal insulation. Going to have to seal that thing up tight tomorrow or I'll have a flock of frozen meals.
I’m with you on wracking my brain over the house and cars. Both vehicles topped off with gas. Wed night I plan on leaving my kitchen faucet on with a slow trickle since it’s on an outside wall. I plan on keeping water flowing through the shower that’s above the garage too. Shit starts to freeze REAL fast in temps like that. Have to be proactive to avoid potential issues. Good luck with your chicken coop. That’s a whole different issue to deal with!
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Yup, because fuck shoveling. That shit is the worst. Buy a snowblower. Best investment ever.
"A smart monkey doesn't monkey around with another monkey's monkey" - Darwin's Theory
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Yup, because fuck shoveling. That shit is the worst. Buy a snowblower. Best investment ever.
Gonna look for a good used one. Can’t justify $600 when I have a $20 shovel that works. Lol
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Yup, because fuck shoveling. That shit is the worst. Buy a snowblower. Best investment ever.
I agree. I broke down and bought this year. I figured I’m 41 and have the cash, why bust my ass shoveling snow. Finally got to use it this morning. Cleared everything in 20 minutes. Shoveling used to take almost an hour.
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Best purchase I've made since we moved out to the burbs. We have a long ass driveway....snowed a ton right after we moved in a few years ago and shoveled for hours. I told myself "never again" and bought a snowblower the next week.
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Yup, because fuck shoveling. That shit is the worst. Buy a snowblower. Best investment ever.
Gonna look for a good used one. Can’t justify $600 when I have a $20 shovel that works. Lol
Don’t drink for a week then you ll have the money for a brand new snow blower. I bought one three years ago and it made life much easier. I highly recommend buying one!!
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Best purchase I've made since we moved out to the burbs. We have a long ass driveway....snowed a ton right after we moved in a few years ago and shoveled for hours. I told myself "never again" and bought a snowblower the next week.
You’re a smart man. I’ve said those words so many times but never take action. Time to bite the bullet and get one.
Here’s a little polar vortex perspective. I was just watching Cheryl Scott (all you Chicagoans know who that is ) give the forecast. She was talking about the low temps on Wednesday and then how Sunday is going to be in the 40’s. She said it’s going to feel 100 degrees warmer from Wed-Sun. That’s some crazy shit.
^ Absolutely brutal. We’re getting the snow tonight too. Then the cold front comes through. Gonna be a fun week!
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
I’m too cheap to buy a snow blower. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll keep shoveling since I’m relatively young, in decent shape, etc. The reality is I’m just a dumbass. Shoveling blows!
Best purchase I've made since we moved out to the burbs. We have a long ass driveway....snowed a ton right after we moved in a few years ago and shoveled for hours. I told myself "never again" and bought a snowblower the next week.
You’re a smart man. I’ve said those words so many times but never take action. Time to bite the bullet and get one.
For the first time ever we hired someone to do snow removal. It's amazing.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
I was working in Iowa and personally witnessed the Mississippi river freeze over, watched it get to -10F for weeks. Then in the summer it was 110F for weeks with 85% humidity.
I've been to a bunch of places with extreme weather, Iraq and Alaska being two of them and I have never seen a swing like that in weather.
Always nice to start your Monday morning off snowblowing the driveway! But snow wasn't too bad actually and shockingly my wife's Metra was only delayed a few minutes. This extreme cold coming up is going to be a real mess...
Best purchase I've made since we moved out to the burbs. We have a long ass driveway....snowed a ton right after we moved in a few years ago and shoveled for hours. I told myself "never again" and bought a snowblower the next week.
I just stay indoors for eight months and lose the will to live.
Right with ya there.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23