Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
hippiemom = goodness
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,834
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
Beer? Ah, yes, beer. Maybe that's how this will all shake out. As the world becomes smaller and smaller, we will all drink beer together (or whatever rolls your socks) and no one will have any desire to waste time with war. Think about it: Beer/war. War/beer. Beer will win.
Saving the world, One beer at a time. I see it now. That converted ambulance I saw yesterday was a sign, a prophecy.
Let the good times roll.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
cincy said nothing about "oh well or too bad", nor that it bothered him that you won't accept it. he merely stated an opinion on the state of politics in the US currently, which I agree with.
It’s hostile in here today.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
Beer? Ah, yes, beer. Maybe that's how this will all shake out. As the world becomes smaller and smaller, we will all drink beer together (or whatever rolls your socks) and no one will have any desire to waste time with war. Think about it: Beer/war. War/beer. Beer will win.
Saving the world, One beer at a time. I see it now. That converted ambulance I saw yesterday was a sign, a prophecy.
Let the good times roll.
obama was right about yet another thing.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
Beer? Ah, yes, beer. Maybe that's how this will all shake out. As the world becomes smaller and smaller, we will all drink beer together (or whatever rolls your socks) and no one will have any desire to waste time with war. Think about it: Beer/war. War/beer. Beer will win.
Saving the world, One beer at a time. I see it now. That converted ambulance I saw yesterday was a sign, a prophecy.
Let the good times roll.
obama was right about yet another thing.
Ohhhhhh yeah!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
And just like that, Team Trump Treason declares his meeting a complete success, time to move on to the next crisis. Hey guess what? While you were sleeping there’s no longer an opioid crisis! Problem solved! Suckers.
And just like that, Team Trump Treason declares his meeting a complete success, time to move on to the next crisis. Hey guess what? While you were sleeping there’s no longer an opioid crisis! Problem solved! Suckers.
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Alexxxander Keith’s for me please.
I never drank a beer from halifax before; the search is on!! have you tried the fundy wipa? I never had a white ipa before.
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Alexxxander Keith’s for me please.
I never drank a beer from halifax before; the search is on!! have you tried the fundy wipa? I never had a white ipa before.
“Fundy Wipa?” That sounds dirty. But no, have not.
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Alexxxander Keith’s for me please.
I never drank a beer from halifax before; the search is on!! have you tried the fundy wipa? I never had a white ipa before.
whites are great. but unforunately for me (and my family), I end up a balloon on slow release.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Just close your eyes for a moment, just for a moment, and imagine Hillary or Obama doing any of this. Announcing a willingness to meet, scheduling a meeting, issuing a commerative coin, canceling the meeting, putting it back on, going to Singapore without any prep or specifics, meeting one on one without any aides present and showing a propaganda piece on an iPad. Imagine that for just a minute. Heads would explode and Washington would be in an uproar. Then to hold a press conference and openly admit that if they fail, they'd jsut make up an excuse, while shrugging their shoulders in an Alfred P. Newman kind of way. Now, imagine that.
"The future is in Singapore and not Quebec."
When are we going to stop with the "just imagine if this was obama....or hillary" stuff? I'm guessing never.
Have you watched the Faux news comparison of coverage of Team Trump Treason and Obama that someone posted? The right's hypocrasy knows no bounds. And some are suckers for it. Sometimes it needs to be pointedly pointed out. So maybe when Team Trump Treason stops doing shit that the repubes allow to go by without comment that they would have had a stroke over if done by Hillary or Obama, I'll stop pointing it out. So yea, never.
It's just such low hanging fruit and obvious. Kinda like the player that if he is on your team you love him and if he plays for another team you hate him. Happens all the time
Sorry, but government policy and governance are not sports. If the Patriots lose the super bowl because they traded Gronk to the victors, it doesn’t impact my life one iota. Team Trump Treason doing Russia’s and China’s bidding while being so obviously clueless while also getting a pass from the repubes in Congress, has the potential to get me killed.
Cause clearly I was saying that politics are sports in their effect....c'mon. Put your PTape away, it's distracting you from reading.
What I am saying is we've seen this all the time in sports and now Americans are treating politics like sports. They pick a team and then only support the team, instead of the country. It's awful. And to state..."If the other team's person did this...." No shit. It's be like that for a while and as I said, it's awful. Only principle left is power.....
You seem to have taken offense at my pointing out the glaring hypocracy of the right. Thats what's bad, that you seem to normalize it. Its never been this bad. Hell, i"ve voted for repubes that I agree with. There used to be bipartisanship. Now? On every issue the repupes used to go apeshit over, if they do it under Team Trump Treason, its a shoulder shrug and MAGA. Again, I don't equate politics with sports. One has a direct impact on your day to day quality of life, the other sends you into a depression for a day or two. If that's how you rationalize and excuse Team Trump Treason, so be it but it ain't me. How else to explain what's occured in the past 24 hours? PTape? And illegal foreign campaign finance contributions?
I don't think I'm normalizing anything. I'm saying it has been evolving this way and keeps getting worse and it's awful. Again you are completely missing what I;m trying to say....just an analogy...how politics is moving more towards the way sports are with unwavering support for "your team" and hatred for the "other team".
So - I'm normalizing and rationalizing Trump by pointing this out huh? Weird. You are so against this team that anytime someone doesn't go apeshit on them you accuse them of being with them...normalizing...rationalizing.... It's bs.
Do you not see the glaring hypocracy of the repubes since Team Trump Treason's election? Do you accept Team Trump Treason's 6 lies, on average, per day? Are you okay with that? The repubes sure seem to be as they don't call him out for it, ever. The fact that you took umbrage with my pointing this out, in effect, normalizes Team Trump Treason's behavior. It didn't always used to be this way.
I see your analogy and I don't accept it. In sports, its fine. In politics, its not and it smacks of normalization, "look politics has become like sports, nothing I can do, oh well or too bad." I'll continue to call out the hypocracy of the repubes in accepting the abhorrent behavior of Team Trump Treason and I won't accept it as a sports analogy. I'm sorry that bothers you.
You still are completely missing my point. I never said it was ok. But feel free to focus your faux outrage on me some more if it helps you sleep better tonight.
You mad, bro?
No frustrated. You aren’t understanding what I’m saying at all. It’s not worth it anymore.
That’s okay, don’t take it personally as I certainly don’t. Maybe beer would help? Me, you and Mcgruff can solve NK. Given enough beer.
Depends on the beer
I am an IPA kind of guy and halifax drinks molson XXX.
Alexxxander Keith’s for me please.
I never drank a beer from halifax before; the search is on!! have you tried the fundy wipa? I never had a white ipa before.
“Fundy Wipa?” That sounds dirty. But no, have not.
But his election was necessary to upend the liberal ruling elites and speak for those with no voice or who have been forgotten in america’s Waste land. Brilliant brilliance in all its brilliancy MAGA.
Now that’s trust for you in the meeting of the century with 81 and a half years to go in the century. Pomp and circumstances, it’s what America does best.
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
Trumpsters are clinging to this event as something productive and positive. Of course... it's way too early to judge this meeting and it's level of productiveness given we need to wait and see what comes of it... but Trumpsters are desperate for something/anything that legitimizes Trump as a leader.
I'll credit Trump for helping stabilize the region once it's stabilized, but not at Trump's words.
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
Trumpsters are clinging to this event as something productive and positive. Of course... it's way too early to judge this meeting and it's level of productiveness given we need to wait and see what comes of it... but Trumpsters are desperate for something/anything that legitimizes Trump as a leader.
I'll credit Trump for helping stabilize the region once it's stabilized, but not at Trump's words.
Anytime you can sit down two leaders who are at war is a positive step in my opinion. I don't know what will come out of it but it was nice to see them meet face to face as opposed to on twitter. I also thought that canceling war-games in the spring was a great concession because tensions would always increase during that time.
Rachel Maddow laid it out pretty well last night when she showed the border that North Korea shares with Russia on the north. Russia also wants the military exercises to end in that region.
putin's boy made it so.
Can someone/anyone in the government get the russians out of my government before putin moves into the White House?
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
Trumpsters are clinging to this event as something productive and positive. Of course... it's way too early to judge this meeting and it's level of productiveness given we need to wait and see what comes of it... but Trumpsters are desperate for something/anything that legitimizes Trump as a leader.
I'll credit Trump for helping stabilize the region once it's stabilized, but not at Trump's words.
Anytime you can sit down two leaders who are at war is a positive step in my opinion. I don't know what will come out of it but it was nice to see them meet face to face as opposed to on twitter. I also thought that canceling war-games in the spring was a great concession because tensions would always increase during that time.
What if those “concessions” were for exclusive rights to build “nice” hotels in NK? Would you feel all warm and fuzzy about the pomp and circumstances?
the world over spoke of the powerful significance of
President Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un this week. South Korean President
Moon Jae-in called the meeting "historic,"
adding that "we will never go back to the past again." According to
the New York Post,
people broke into cheers and applause at a train station in Seoul as President
Trump shook Chairman Kim's hand on TV.
Here at
home, U.S. officials look forward to a new chapter.
"For decades, American policy toward North Korea has failed, and I commend
@POTUS for not accepting the status quo," Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
(R-WI) tweeted. "This an historic opportunity to end the Korean War [and]
get North Korea to give up their weapons and missiles," Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-SC) said.
expert Christian Whiton explains what the President's critics miss about
the summit. In the past, U.S. administrations gave away too much upfront.
"This time, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have
insisted that North Korea undertake actual disarmament before real financial
concessions or even sanctions relief," Whiton writes. Read more.
And this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
Trumpsters are clinging to this event as something productive and positive. Of course... it's way too early to judge this meeting and it's level of productiveness given we need to wait and see what comes of it... but Trumpsters are desperate for something/anything that legitimizes Trump as a leader.
I'll credit Trump for helping stabilize the region once it's stabilized, but not at Trump's words.
Anytime you can sit down two leaders who are at war is a positive step in my opinion. I don't know what will come out of it but it was nice to see them meet face to face as opposed to on twitter. I also thought that canceling war-games in the spring was a great concession because tensions would always increase during that time.
What if those “concessions” were for exclusive rights to build “nice” hotels in NK? Would you feel all warm and fuzzy about the pomp and circumstances?
If it means that North Korea opens its borders and treats its citizens a hell of a lot better than I am all for it. If it is only to build hotels then the obvious answer is no.
And just like that, Team Trump Treason declares his meeting a complete success, time to move on to the next crisis. Hey guess what? While you were sleeping there’s no longer an opioid crisis! Problem solved! Suckers.
He totally should totally have done this in front of a "Mission Accomplished" banner.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump’s Negotiating Style Is Pure Art of the Moron
Even by this blowhard’s YUGE standards, it’s been an exceptionally bad and destructive week of terrifying our allies and legitimizing our enemies.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-negotiating-style-is-pure-art-of-the-moron?ref=authorDonald Trump's big fail on North Korea: He didn't prepare and he got played
https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/12/donald-trump-singapore-summit-skipping-preparation-big-mistake-column/694748002/have you tried the fundy wipa? I never had a white ipa before.
"Fuck a Heineken, grab me a Keiths!"
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Fundy Wipa is Stormy Daniels' business partner.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Latex gloves, a fake movie trailer and beef shortrib: Inside the Trump-Kim summit - POLITICO https://apple.news/AYcdHAxsQTcS3z1JOqIZ6YQ
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
North Korea's Media Tout Trump Concessions You Won't Find In The Joint Statement
https://www.npr.org/2018/06/13/619464740/north-koreas-media-touts-trump-concessions-you-won-t-find-in-the-joint-statementAnd this is why you prepare and have someone there to take notes. Kim (or honest Trump for that matter) could claim anything now. But don't worry, Trump has the best brain, memory and negotiating skills. Sleep well everybody.
Trumpsters are clinging to this event as something productive and positive. Of course... it's way too early to judge this meeting and it's level of productiveness given we need to wait and see what comes of it... but Trumpsters are desperate for something/anything that legitimizes Trump as a leader.
I'll credit Trump for helping stabilize the region once it's stabilized, but not at Trump's words.
I also thought that canceling war-games in the spring was a great concession because tensions would always increase during that time.
putin's boy made it so.
Can someone/anyone in the government get the russians out of my government before putin moves into the White House?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Reactions to a new era of American diplomacy
Leaders the world over spoke of the powerful significance of President Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un this week. South Korean President Moon Jae-in called the meeting "historic," adding that "we will never go back to the past again." According to the New York Post, people broke into cheers and applause at a train station in Seoul as President Trump shook Chairman Kim's hand on TV.
Here at home, U.S. officials look forward to a new chapter. "For decades, American policy toward North Korea has failed, and I commend @POTUS for not accepting the status quo," Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) tweeted. "This an historic opportunity to end the Korean War [and] get North Korea to give up their weapons and missiles," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said.
Security expert Christian Whiton explains what the President's critics miss about the summit. In the past, U.S. administrations gave away too much upfront. "This time, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have insisted that North Korea undertake actual disarmament before real financial concessions or even sanctions relief," Whiton writes. Read more.
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