I see cider with ice here. But our country is cold most of the time so nobody would add ice to anything really . I like all the info . I will educate myself
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
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nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I like the frozen grape idea. I've never heard that. Never put ice in there though, man.
lol, I'll try the frozen grape idea. People who come to my house never leave hungry and we never run out of wine. I think I mentioned it before but I am not a big red wine guy, I usually only drink it when I get together with my father in law and brother in law. When I drink too much of it I get dry mouth and my heart races at night. Give me an IPA, vodka/club or white wine any night of the week.
I like things cold so if I don’t have time to chill my reds I throw a few ice cubes in.
You CHILL red wine? This must be a typo
Hell yeah, try it. Put it in the fridge for an hour. Red wine should be served 60-70 degrees. It is a common misconception to serve at room temperature. And my2hands is right, I don’t give a fuck lol. My wife puts ice cubes in her glass when drinking cider; I picked that up when visiting Ireland.
1) there is science behind what temp a wine (or other beverage for that matter) should be consumed. Heck it’s why those crappy beers want you to drink them ice cold...so you don’t taste them! 2) But who gives a F? Drink what you like and enjoy
Look at the uncultured American owning fuckers lol
Get em McGruff!!!!
Totally uncultured. lol. Like I said, you'll never leave my house hungry or sober (that's your choice). Always plenty to go around. Shit my immediate family is coming over tomorrow and I just spent over $250 on alcohol so everyone can have the drink they want. Craft beer, miller lite, cab (usually $15-$20/bottle), pinot grigio, tito's, gin and scotch. I've learned to be a good host.
Look at the uncultured American owning fuckers lol
Get em McGruff!!!!
Totally uncultured. lol. Like I said, you'll never leave my house hungry or sober (that's your choice). Always plenty to go around. Shit my immediate family is coming over tomorrow and I just spent over $250 on alcohol so everyone can have the drink they want. Craft beer, miller lite, cab (usually $15-$20/bottle), pinot grigio, tito's, gin and scotch. I've learned to be a good host.
You've been doing a lot of learning lately!
Like... last week you learned it's kind of uncool to tuck your shirt into your underwear.
For years, guys would tell you, "Scruffy. For f**ks sakes... you've got your damn shirt tucked into your underwear."
To which, you would reply with your patented response, "I don't give a f**k."
You remain socially acceptable given the amount of beer you are willing to buy for people, but man... you're tough to hang out with sometimes.
I like things cold so if I don’t have time to chill my reds I throw a few ice cubes in.
You CHILL red wine? This must be a typo
Hell yeah, try it. Put it in the fridge for an hour. Red wine should be served 60-70 degrees. It is a common misconception to serve at room temperature. And my2hands is right, I don’t give a fuck lol. My wife puts ice cubes in her glass when drinking cider; I picked that up when visiting Ireland.
Ice in cider is normal, Cletus.
Your dial up modem is working early this morning! Nice.
I like things cold so if I don’t have time to chill my reds I throw a few ice cubes in.
You CHILL red wine? This must be a typo
Hell yeah, try it. Put it in the fridge for an hour. Red wine should be served 60-70 degrees. It is a common misconception to serve at room temperature. And my2hands is right, I don’t give a fuck lol. My wife puts ice cubes in her glass when drinking cider; I picked that up when visiting Ireland.
Ice in cider is normal, Cletus.
Your dial up modem is working early this morning! Nice.
I actually remember this painful thing you speak of.
1) there is science behind what temp a wine (or other beverage for that matter) should be consumed. Heck it’s why those crappy beers want you to drink them ice cold...so you don’t taste them! 2) But who gives a F? Drink what you like and enjoy
Correct, it's like people who put mayo or ketchup on sandwiches. Wtf is wrong with you, let the ingredients do the talking. However I really don't give af since I sometimes do the same thing with red wine.
Look at the uncultured American owning fuckers lol
Get em McGruff!!!!
Totally uncultured. lol. Like I said, you'll never leave my house hungry or sober (that's your choice). Always plenty to go around. Shit my immediate family is coming over tomorrow and I just spent over $250 on alcohol so everyone can have the drink they want. Craft beer, miller lite, cab (usually $15-$20/bottle), pinot grigio, tito's, gin and scotch. I've learned to be a good host.
1) there is science behind what temp a wine (or other beverage for that matter) should be consumed. Heck it’s why those crappy beers want you to drink them ice cold...so you don’t taste them! 2) But who gives a F? Drink what you like and enjoy
Correct, it's like people who put mayo or ketchup on sandwiches. Wtf is wrong with you, let the ingredients do the talking. However I really don't give af since I sometimes do the same thing with red wine.
A light brushing of mayo is good; however, I'm growing really fond of chipotle on some sandwiches.
The chipoltle trend finally made it up to the land of denim... welcome to 2008
You think they have iPhones up there yet?
Probably not. I remember my trip to Montreal & Ottawa in 2005... turned on the TV in the hotel and they had the Canadian version of American Idol on... which was actually worse than the American version... turned it off and went out to get drunk... while getting drunk at the Canadian bar Sportscenter came on... and led off with highlights from the Canadian Football League... I ordered another round and shook my head
tbergs said: , but I'd say it's the greatest country simply for the fact of everything being discussed going on in this country is able to be openly debated, challenged and changed.
Just heard this exact thing from a guy named Matt Gates on Chis Cuomos show:
"If we become so anaseptic (?) that you cant say anything that is politically incorrect or could potentially raise someones blood pressure, we become alot like the rest of the world, where you don't have the type of vribrant discourse that can sand the rough edges out of public policy"
Do you Americans actually get indoctrinated with this view of debate and freedom of speech being exlusive to your country (to the level of the country being the greatest because of it even)? How do you think it works in other countries?
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
@The Juggler I know I am completely 100000% wrong adding ice cubes to my wine but I like it and as my2 hands said, I don’t give af lol.
Try the frozen grapes next time. I might give that a go too actually. You risk diluting the taste with the ice though. Too risky!
I picked up freezing grapes from a colleague a long time ago. I eat them like little slushy balls though, I don't put them in anything. And this thread is becoming a threat to my sobriety, so I'll just wander off....
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Ice in cider is normal, Cletus.
1) there is science behind what temp a wine (or other beverage for that matter) should be consumed. Heck it’s why those crappy beers want you to drink them ice cold...so you don’t taste them!
2) But who gives a F? Drink what you like and enjoy
Like... last week you learned it's kind of uncool to tuck your shirt into your underwear.
For years, guys would tell you, "Scruffy. For f**ks sakes... you've got your damn shirt tucked into your underwear."
To which, you would reply with your patented response, "I don't give a f**k."
You remain socially acceptable given the amount of beer you are willing to buy for people, but man... you're tough to hang out with sometimes.
I actually remember this painful thing you speak of.
You are not wrong here. For those with no wine cellar (and in my opinion), error on the side of room temperature vs too cold.
A light brushing of mayo is good; however, I'm growing really fond of chipotle on some sandwiches.
I prefer a spirit and a clean juice.
Fucking Canada
Say what you want about our bad entertainment industry, but let's at least give us credit for having complete sets of teeth you yokels lol.
Hate them having studio tracks on the albu though. They had more live tracks to have on it instead.
"If we become so anaseptic (?) that you cant say anything that is politically incorrect or could potentially raise someones blood pressure, we become alot like the rest of the world, where you don't have the type of vribrant discourse that can sand the rough edges out of public policy"
Do you Americans actually get indoctrinated with this view of debate and freedom of speech being exlusive to your country (to the level of the country being the greatest because of it even)? How do you think it works in other countries?