Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Whatever happened to individual responsibility and just say NO? Eliminate demand and there’s no need for supply. And your post about cutting the GA line is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Whatever happened to individual responsibility and just say NO? Eliminate demand and there’s no need for supply. And your post about cutting the GA line is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
No it's not. It's right on the money. Read the rabid posts about it on the Porch and GTF Some people can't say no. Peer pressure for kids, people with addictive behavior. Some people can't say no or even do moderation. Yes, people have to take responsibility for themselves but that includes the lazy, worthless, selfish, murdering drug dealers. Don't deal. Just say NO.
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Whatever happened to individual responsibility and just say NO? Eliminate demand and there’s no need for supply. And your post about cutting the GA line is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
No it's not. It's right on the money. Read the rabid posts about it on the Porch and GTF Some people can't say no. Peer pressure for kids, people with addictive behavior. Some people can't say no or even do moderation. Yes, people have to take responsibility for themselves but that includes the lazy, worthless, selfish, murdering drug dealers. Don't deal. Just say NO.
Sure, cutting the GA line to feel ed’s sweat on your face is the same as fleeing death squads, gang violence, extreme poverty and dysfunctional government. You better get off the pipe, yo. Good luck with your focus on the dealers to stem the flow of drugs. I suppose you believe marijuana is a gateway drug as well and shouldn’t be legal? Stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
Equating fleeing a violent, war torn nation with cutting in line for GA at a PJ concert.
Well done.
Perhaps you missed the line I wrote about not to minimize the horrid conditions that the immigrants are coming from.
Complaining about not getting the rail because people cut the line when there's people in other countries suffering and trying to get in legally but people keep cutting the line after coming to amt to bitch that people should be able to cut the line. Hypocrosy. Oh yeah and I forgot that they like to throw in the wording "first world problems" are you f'n kidding me?!?
I didn’t miss that line at all. When you make a comparison that ridiculous and then say “not to minimize....”, its like when someone makes a really sexist or racist joke and then says “just kidding”. Doesn’t really remove the comment.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Whatever happened to individual responsibility and just say NO? Eliminate demand and there’s no need for supply. And your post about cutting the GA line is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
No it's not. It's right on the money. Read the rabid posts about it on the Porch and GTF Some people can't say no. Peer pressure for kids, people with addictive behavior. Some people can't say no or even do moderation. Yes, people have to take responsibility for themselves but that includes the lazy, worthless, selfish, murdering drug dealers. Don't deal. Just say NO.
Sure, cutting the GA line to feel ed’s sweat on your face is the same as fleeing death squads, gang violence, extreme poverty and dysfunctional government. You better get off the pipe, yo. Good luck with your focus on the dealers to stem the flow of drugs. I suppose you believe marijuana is a gateway drug as well and shouldn’t be legal? Stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
I don't smoke it but I don't believe marijuana is a gateway drug and I think it can actually help a lot of people. I think it's funny how you liberals don't like when people talk negatively about your drug dealers. You would rather blame the user or use the supply and demand excuse. It's always the same with liberals. Completely twist the intent to try and make your point. Completely take out of context and completely skip over and or delete part like the fact that I originally said "not to minimize the horrid conditions that some immigrants are fleeing from" You can't handle the fact that it just shows how hypocritical everyone is. Like I said, it's true.
Unless your living in another country, he's your POTUS too. I don't applaud and cheer the negative. Some is accurate news, some is fake news. Trump has done some good for this country. You can't deny. I think he needs to tighten up on the epa issues a bit more. He needs to make changes to the immigration policy but not to the point that allows drugs and traffickers in with ease. I can see good points made from both parties. There are also extremes with each that I don't agree with.
Oh, I can deny, quite easily actually.... and NO, he's not my president, he can go fuck himself.... BUT, let me get on my soap box real quick about something....
"Drugs and traffickers in with ease"
Our country is being polluted with drugs by FORTUNE 500 companies, NOT Hispanic immigrants. The American opioid epidemic was brought to you by the major pharmaceutical companies, period. Big Pharma created a nation of addicts, and laughed all the way to the fucking bank. And now I have to listen to a clueless orange shit gibbon blame immigrants while maga morons cheer on not realizing who is really fucking them and their community
The real scumbags where suits, wake up america
We can blame the Bush era for the rise of the opioid crisis. All the f'cking pain management clinics opening. Plenty of drugs are coming from the south. Portugal who has legalized to an extent drugs is now the gateway for traffickers into Europe. We don't want any drugs here. Don't twist my words and make it sound like i'm saying keep immigrants out. That's not at all what I'm saying. There are a lot of immigrants that have come to this country legally, had to endure hardship while waiting and are pissed that other immigrants think they can just jump the line and get in front and make it that much more time for someone who is following the rules to get in. Not to minimize their horrid conditions for why they want to leave their countries. If you think it's ok, let me know where you're standing in line forPearlJam Ten Club GA. I don't have a ten club ticket either but you can let me cut in line in front of you and I can tell the guards how it would be biased for them not to let me in just because I don't have a ticket. I mean I really need to get in. It's causing me great distress not to get to see Eddie. You think they'll let me in? Maybe I can jump the fence. Maybe...
We don’t want any drugs here? Consumption and supply and demand is a big part of the problem. Maybe Americans should stop doing drugs? Might actually reduce what comes across the border. And maybe our government should stop fucking with governments south of the border and support democratic institutions so those folks wouldn’t have to flee north? But keep believing in that big beautiful wall boondoggle. I hope Team Trump Treason shuts the government down over it. That’ll Learn Ya.
Consumption, supply and demand is created by having drugs available. People don't come out of the womb asking for a pill,needle or a line. Remove the drug dealers removes the availability removes the demand removes the consumption. No drug dealers equals no drugs. Then we also have the legal drug dealers we need to get rid of. Pharma should be working on cures for diseases not the newest pain killer that they can get people hooked on. Didn't they have enough discovered in the way of pain killers already? Some of those pain killers were meant for people who were dying and in extreme pain and obviously very addictive, and then someone thought it was a good idea to start prescibing them to anyone. The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Whatever happened to individual responsibility and just say NO? Eliminate demand and there’s no need for supply. And your post about cutting the GA line is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
No it's not. It's right on the money. Read the rabid posts about it on the Porch and GTF Some people can't say no. Peer pressure for kids, people with addictive behavior. Some people can't say no or even do moderation. Yes, people have to take responsibility for themselves but that includes the lazy, worthless, selfish, murdering drug dealers. Don't deal. Just say NO.
Sure, cutting the GA line to feel ed’s sweat on your face is the same as fleeing death squads, gang violence, extreme poverty and dysfunctional government. You better get off the pipe, yo. Good luck with your focus on the dealers to stem the flow of drugs. I suppose you believe marijuana is a gateway drug as well and shouldn’t be legal? Stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums.
I don't smoke it but I don't believe marijuana is a gateway drug and I think it can actually help a lot of people. I think it's funny how you liberals don't like when people talk negatively about your drug dealers. You would rather blame the user or use the supply and demand excuse. It's always the same with liberals. Completely twist the intent to try and make your point. Completely take out of context and completely skip over and or delete part like the fact that I originally said "not to minimize the horrid conditions that some immigrants are fleeing from" You can't handle the fact that it just shows how hypocritical everyone is. Like I said, it's true.
As true as comparing cutting the GA line to reasons why people flee their birthplace and travel thousands of miles for s shot at s better life. Stupidest analogy I’ve ever read on these forums. Period.
At times in this life it can be a challenge to figure out who the bad people are, but sometimes they help you.
Sometimes they do the work for you.
Sometimes with their every vulgar, bitter word from their mouth, they testify to their personal malignancy and they make it easy to identify them.
Generally speaking, there are things that good people do and things good people don’t do.
Good people don’t refer to entire countries as “shitholes”—most notably countries that have given birth to our very humanity; ones that for hundreds of years have been colonized and poached and mined of their riches by powerful white men; countries whose people have been enslaved and sold and forced to come and build your country.
Good people by any measurement we might use—simply don’t say such things.
Of course good people also don’t say they could grab women by the genitalia, either. They don’t defend racists and nazis and call them “fine people,” days after murdering a young girl and terrorizing an American city. They don’t brag about their penis size during debates, or suggest protestors at campaign rallies should be roughed up, or crack jokes about captured war heroes, or make fun of the physically disabled. They don’t.
Good people don’t tweet anti-Muslim rhetoric in the moments immediately following a bombing in order to bolster a position. They don’t leave American territories filled with brown skinned people without power for months upon months, after publicly ridiculing their public servants and questioning their people’s resolve. They don’t pull children from the arms of their parents and place them in cages and detention centers. They don’t erase protections for the water and the air, for the elderly, the terminally ill, the LGBTQ. They don’t take away healthcare from the sick and the poor without an alternative. They don’t gouge the working poor and shelter the wealthy. They don’t abuse their unrivaled platform to Twitter-bait world leaders and to taunt private citizens. Good people don’t prey upon the vulnerable, they don’t leverage their power to bully dissenters, and they don’t campaign for sexual predators.
But this President is not a good human being, and there’s simply no way around this truth. He is the ugliest personification of the Ugly American, which is why, as long as he is here and as long as he represents this nation, we will be a fractured mess and a global embarrassment. He will be the ever lowering bar of our legacy in the world.
And what is painfully obvious in these moments, isn’t simply that the person alleging to lead this country is a terrible human being—it is that anyone left still defending him, applauding him, justifying him, amening him, probably is too.
At this point, the only reason left to support this President, is that he reflects your hateful heart; he shares your contempt of people of color, your hostility toward outsiders, your ignorant bigotry, your feeling of supremacy.
A white President calling countries filled with people of color shitholes, is so far beyond the pale, so beneath decency, and so blatantly racist that it shouldn’t merit conversation. It should be universally condemned. Humanity should be in agreement in abhorring it.
And yet today (like so many other seemingly rock bottom days in the past twelve months) they will be out there: white people claiming to be good people and Christian people, who will make excuses for him or debate his motives or diminish the damage.
They will dig their heels in to explain away or to defend, what at the end of the day is simply a bad human being saying the things that bad human beings say because their hearts harbor very bad things.
No, good people don’t call countries filled with beautiful, creative, loving men and women shitholes or do most of the horrible things he does.
Made me sad and angry reading this. How low have people stooped that they voted and continue to support this germ. I personally have cut someone off from my life because of his support for Trump.
I have too. I had a friend - a Canadian non-white person no less - who lost his mind and basically became a Trump troll for some reason. I tried to deal with it for a while, but he just got worse and worse, started digging his heels in, and even started getting in arguments with stangers in bars about it and shit. I finally just had to cut him off. Blocked him on facebook, got rid of his contact info. He basically just made the decision to be "the asshole". I think he gets off on it. I don't need that kind of idiocy in my life.
so your "friend" didn't agree with people at a bar and they were arguing with him. take your time and read that over. Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him. Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe. I think your "friend" is lucky.
Wow! You slipped in that "liberals want everything free" thing? Wow!
Liberals want their form of freedom which is agree to their view or be gone. Only the extremists can't see that freedom means free to have different views.
First you were saying liberals want everything free. Then you starting talking about liberals wanting a specific type of freedom. I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing with what you're saying, I'm just trying to understand what the point is you are trying to make. Wanting everything free (which implies that worn out misunderstanding of the difference between socialism, communism and democratic socialism) and wanting freedom are not the same thing.
As for "Liberals want their form of freedom which is agree to their view or be
gone. Only the extremists can't see that freedom means free to have
different views", I would say, yeah maybe some think that way, just like some conservative think that way, and some libertarians think that way, and some ... etc. Why the all or nothing/ black and white view point. Why these sweeping generalizations. I don't get it.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
What an awful human being there is no other way to describe him I dare any of the Baffoon supporters to list two decent human qualities, it seems we have two supporters that believe in him here so I ask them both to list something good about the Baffoon...
What an awful human being there is no other way to describe him I dare any of the Baffoon supporters to list two decent human qualities, it seems we have two supporters that believe in him here so I ask them both to list something good about the Baffoon...
Two good qualities huh?
1) He has a great love for his daughter........ 2) His TV show raised a lot of $ for charity.....
Made me sad and angry reading this. How low have people stooped that they voted and continue to support this germ. I personally have cut someone off from my life because of his support for Trump.
I have too. I had a friend - a Canadian non-white person no less - who lost his mind and basically became a Trump troll for some reason. I tried to deal with it for a while, but he just got worse and worse, started digging his heels in, and even started getting in arguments with stangers in bars about it and shit. I finally just had to cut him off. Blocked him on facebook, got rid of his contact info. He basically just made the decision to be "the asshole". I think he gets off on it. I don't need that kind of idiocy in my life.
so your "friend" didn't agree with people at a bar and they were arguing with him. take your time and read that over. Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him. Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe. I think your "friend" is lucky.
Wow! You slipped in that "liberals want everything free" thing? Wow!
Liberals want their form of freedom which is agree to their view or be gone. Only the extremists can't see that freedom means free to have different views.
Freedom means free to choose who your friends are, too.
This is true but if your friend doesn't agree with you, you think that instead of discussing and debating your sides, it's better to unfriend them. In that case it's obvious you all weree never really friends. Seems it better to discuss the differences so bits and pieces of each side may make more sense. I don't think the people I know on the far right and left will ever completely meet in the middle but I think every once in a while someone says that makes sense. It's like people can't see the forest for the tree, but if you step back and take a good look you can sense more than just your original view.
If you've never had someone whose unethical behaviour was so egregious to you that you no longer wanted to keep their company - you're either very lucky (because your friends never exposed you to those offensive behaviours), or have a very weak moral compass of your own. There are some non-starters even, situations in which I won't ever feel obligated to give a chance to explain. If I see a KKK outfit in my cousin's closet, I will not wait for an explanation. If I hear immigrants discussed like infestations bringing with them drugs and future addictions, there is a person who has refused at least a decade of access to Google and throngs of statistics disproving that notion definitively to confirm their own bias.
And by the way - since you keep referring to "what liberals want" - try this explanation on. It really isn't tough, yet no one from your political side of the spectrum on here has accepted this. Governments impose legal norms through laws, and penalizes through legal persecution. Society imposes social norms through social collective behaviours (welcoming individuals into social circles/environments), and penalizes through social collective behaviours (trying to pressure change towards adherence to social norms, and in dire circumstances ostracizing individuals from social circles/environments).
I've read articles talking about how the only things that society shouldn't tolerate is intolerance itself - I'd add shitty logic. If that wasn't tolerated (alongside an education that produces it), your country wouldn't be as FUBAR.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
What an awful human being there is no other way to describe him I dare any of the Baffoon supporters to list two decent human qualities, it seems we have two supporters that believe in him here so I ask them both to list something good about the Baffoon...
Two good qualities huh?
1) He has a great love for his daughter........ 2) His TV show raised a lot of $ for charity.....
Hmmmm that was hard.
I don’t believe the 2nd one at all and if it came down to who goes to jail between him or her I’d bet he would throw her under the bus before he would ever take the hit ... its about time you came out of the closet CCB as being a buffoon supporter I thought you had some orange in you lol ... funny you say he has love for his daughter but has left hundreds of kids to sleep on concrete floors with shit food to eat while she fines on bugula caviar !
What an awful human being there is no other way to describe him I dare any of the Baffoon supporters to list two decent human qualities, it seems we have two supporters that believe in him here so I ask them both to list something good about the Baffoon...
Two good qualities huh?
1) He has a great love for his daughter........ 2) His TV show raised a lot of $ for charity.....
Hmmmm that was hard.
I don’t believe the 2nd one at all and if it came down to who goes to jail between him or her I’d bet he would throw her under the bus before he would ever take the hit ... its about time you came out of the closet CCB as being a buffoon supporter I thought you had some orange in you lol ... funny you say he has love for his daughter but has left hundreds of kids to sleep on concrete floors with shit food to eat while she fines on bugula caviar !
And #2 isn't him, it's his show. So I thought I was proving your point in that I literally tried to think of 2 things and that was all I could come up with
What an awful human being there is no other way to describe him I dare any of the Baffoon supporters to list two decent human qualities, it seems we have two supporters that believe in him here so I ask them both to list something good about the Baffoon...
Two good qualities huh?
1) He has a great love for his daughter........ 2) His TV show raised a lot of $ for charity.....
Hmmmm that was hard.
I don’t believe the 2nd one at all and if it came down to who goes to jail between him or her I’d bet he would throw her under the bus before he would ever take the hit ... its about time you came out of the closet CCB as being a buffoon supporter I thought you had some orange in you lol ... funny you say he has love for his daughter but has left hundreds of kids to sleep on concrete floors with shit food to eat while she fines on bugula caviar !
And #2 isn't him, it's his show. So I thought I was proving your point in that I literally tried to think of 2 things and that was all I could come up with
Totally missed your points right over my head need more coffee lol I agree with you carry on I’m headed to kitchen fill my cup ..
The cop out line supply and demand is bullsh't.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Some people can't say no. Peer pressure for kids, people with addictive behavior. Some people can't say no or even do moderation. Yes, people have to take responsibility for themselves but that includes the lazy, worthless, selfish, murdering drug dealers. Don't deal. Just say NO.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
i know this off topic...but i didn't want to create a James Woods thread...
His tweet:
response that got me blocked
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You can't handle the fact that it just shows how hypocritical everyone is. Like I said, it's true.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm - CNN Politics https://apple.news/AD58gXggPQuy3JAn6bqW70w
It might just explain some of the recent
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
1) He has a great love for his daughter........
2) His TV show raised a lot of $ for charity.....
Hmmmm that was hard.
If you've never had someone whose unethical behaviour was so egregious to you that you no longer wanted to keep their company - you're either very lucky (because your friends never exposed you to those offensive behaviours), or have a very weak moral compass of your own. There are some non-starters even, situations in which I won't ever feel obligated to give a chance to explain. If I see a KKK outfit in my cousin's closet, I will not wait for an explanation. If I hear immigrants discussed like infestations bringing with them drugs and future addictions, there is a person who has refused at least a decade of access to Google and throngs of statistics disproving that notion definitively to confirm their own bias.
And by the way - since you keep referring to "what liberals want" - try this explanation on. It really isn't tough, yet no one from your political side of the spectrum on here has accepted this. Governments impose legal norms through laws, and penalizes through legal persecution. Society imposes social norms through social collective behaviours (welcoming individuals into social circles/environments), and penalizes through social collective behaviours (trying to pressure change towards adherence to social norms, and in dire circumstances ostracizing individuals from social circles/environments).
I've read articles talking about how the only things that society shouldn't tolerate is intolerance itself - I'd add shitty logic. If that wasn't tolerated (alongside an education that produces it), your country wouldn't be as FUBAR.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
its about time you came out of the closet CCB as being a buffoon supporter I thought you had some orange in you lol ...
funny you say he has love for his daughter but has left hundreds of kids to sleep on concrete floors with shit food to eat while she fines on bugula caviar !
And #2 isn't him, it's his show. So I thought I was proving your point in that I literally tried to think of 2 things and that was all I could come up with
Is this legit? https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/
If so, it is absolutely disgusting.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.