Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
Why defend and support racism, bigotry and idiocracy when you don't have to?
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Why does he have a star? Is it because of his 2 second cameo in Home Alone?
His shitty reality show.
I thought stars are only for film stars not reality tv stars. It wouldn't surprise me that he paid to have it placed on the walk given the narcissist that he is.
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
You're embarrassing yourself with these submissions.
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
You're embarrassing yourself with these submissions.
In the age of Team Trump Treason’s lack of compassion and empathy, embarrassment doesn’t exist. There are no bounds to the depravity.
Saw that 8 of the 11 G.O.P. that filed for impeachment of Rosentein went to Russia on July 4
I used to think the GOP was either stupid or scarred when it came to their protection of 45. But I'm starting to think that a sizeable number of elected GOPers were actually involved.
Yes....McCarthy was right....they are everywhere.....shhhhh............
That's right, keep your head in the sand and continue to support the orange disgrace
Stay safely in this echo chamber reaffirming your existing beliefs and dont dare think on your own.
Well shucks, ya got me!
Will you teach me the ways of the alternative facts?
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
It's definitely a low point, but hang in there, Brian.
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
i definitely feel naive for thinking that Obama was going to help race relations in this country. Its obviously gotten worst. This last 3 years or so have been eye opening.
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
i definitely feel naive for thinking that Obama was going to help race relations in this country. Its obviously gotten worst. This last 3 years or so have been eye opening.
The brain is a powerful thing.
Just like convincing brainwashed religious people that there is no God is next to impossible... convincing brainwashed racist people that colored folks are nice is next to impossible as well.
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
i definitely feel naive for thinking that Obama was going to help race relations in this country. Its obviously gotten worst. This last 3 years or so have been eye opening.
No doubt I bet a lot of folks felt the same way I know I did but I never thought how wide the division could get and I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse ...
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
It's definitely a low point, but hang in there, Brian.
So it's obvious that a minority of Americans support Trump, he is (as they said in the video) getting away with stuff no other president would get away with, and yet we're still stuck with him because Congress does not have the balls or ovaries to do something about it. What a foolish, deranged and weak situation. Really pathetic. This never ceases to amaze me. What an embarrassment to be an American right now.
i definitely feel naive for thinking that Obama was going to help race relations in this country. Its obviously gotten worst. This last 3 years or so have been eye opening.
It's weird being a part of the so called "Age of Aquarius" generation that was supposedly going to change the world. Well I guess we did, I just didn't realize "The Age Aquarius" equates to the age of major fuck ups!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
At times in this life it can be a challenge to figure out who the bad people are, but sometimes they help you.
Sometimes they do the work for you.
Sometimes with their every vulgar, bitter word from their mouth, they testify to their personal malignancy and they make it easy to identify them.
Generally speaking, there are things that good people do and things good people don’t do.
Good people don’t refer to entire countries as “shitholes”—most notably countries that have given birth to our very humanity; ones that for hundreds of years have been colonized and poached and mined of their riches by powerful white men; countries whose people have been enslaved and sold and forced to come and build your country.
Good people by any measurement we might use—simply don’t say such things.
Of course good people also don’t say they could grab women by the genitalia, either. They don’t defend racists and nazis and call them “fine people,” days after murdering a young girl and terrorizing an American city. They don’t brag about their penis size during debates, or suggest protestors at campaign rallies should be roughed up, or crack jokes about captured war heroes, or make fun of the physically disabled. They don’t.
Good people don’t tweet anti-Muslim rhetoric in the moments immediately following a bombing in order to bolster a position. They don’t leave American territories filled with brown skinned people without power for months upon months, after publicly ridiculing their public servants and questioning their people’s resolve. They don’t pull children from the arms of their parents and place them in cages and detention centers. They don’t erase protections for the water and the air, for the elderly, the terminally ill, the LGBTQ. They don’t take away healthcare from the sick and the poor without an alternative. They don’t gouge the working poor and shelter the wealthy. They don’t abuse their unrivaled platform to Twitter-bait world leaders and to taunt private citizens. Good people don’t prey upon the vulnerable, they don’t leverage their power to bully dissenters, and they don’t campaign for sexual predators.
But this President is not a good human being, and there’s simply no way around this truth. He is the ugliest personification of the Ugly American, which is why, as long as he is here and as long as he represents this nation, we will be a fractured mess and a global embarrassment. He will be the ever lowering bar of our legacy in the world.
And what is painfully obvious in these moments, isn’t simply that the person alleging to lead this country is a terrible human being—it is that anyone left still defending him, applauding him, justifying him, amening him, probably is too.
At this point, the only reason left to support this President, is that he reflects your hateful heart; he shares your contempt of people of color, your hostility toward outsiders, your ignorant bigotry, your feeling of supremacy.
A white President calling countries filled with people of color shitholes, is so far beyond the pale, so beneath decency, and so blatantly racist that it shouldn’t merit conversation. It should be universally condemned. Humanity should be in agreement in abhorring it.
And yet today (like so many other seemingly rock bottom days in the past twelve months) they will be out there: white people claiming to be good people and Christian people, who will make excuses for him or debate his motives or diminish the damage.
They will dig their heels in to explain away or to defend, what at the end of the day is simply a bad human being saying the things that bad human beings say because their hearts harbor very bad things.
No, good people don’t call countries filled with beautiful, creative, loving men and women shitholes or do most of the horrible things he does.
Made me sad and angry reading this. How low have people stooped that they voted and continue to support this germ. I personally have cut someone off from my life because of his support for Trump.
I have too. I had a friend - a Canadian non-white person no less - who lost his mind and basically became a Trump troll for some reason. I tried to deal with it for a while, but he just got worse and worse, started digging his heels in, and even started getting in arguments with stangers in bars about it and shit. I finally just had to cut him off. Blocked him on facebook, got rid of his contact info. He basically just made the decision to be "the asshole". I think he gets off on it. I don't need that kind of idiocy in my life.
so your "friend" didn't agree with people at a bar and they were arguing with him. take your time and read that over. Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him. Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe. I think your "friend" is lucky.
At times in this life it can be a challenge to figure out who the bad people are, but sometimes they help you.
Sometimes they do the work for you.
Sometimes with their every vulgar, bitter word from their mouth, they testify to their personal malignancy and they make it easy to identify them.
Generally speaking, there are things that good people do and things good people don’t do.
Good people don’t refer to entire countries as “shitholes”—most notably countries that have given birth to our very humanity; ones that for hundreds of years have been colonized and poached and mined of their riches by powerful white men; countries whose people have been enslaved and sold and forced to come and build your country.
Good people by any measurement we might use—simply don’t say such things.
Of course good people also don’t say they could grab women by the genitalia, either. They don’t defend racists and nazis and call them “fine people,” days after murdering a young girl and terrorizing an American city. They don’t brag about their penis size during debates, or suggest protestors at campaign rallies should be roughed up, or crack jokes about captured war heroes, or make fun of the physically disabled. They don’t.
Good people don’t tweet anti-Muslim rhetoric in the moments immediately following a bombing in order to bolster a position. They don’t leave American territories filled with brown skinned people without power for months upon months, after publicly ridiculing their public servants and questioning their people’s resolve. They don’t pull children from the arms of their parents and place them in cages and detention centers. They don’t erase protections for the water and the air, for the elderly, the terminally ill, the LGBTQ. They don’t take away healthcare from the sick and the poor without an alternative. They don’t gouge the working poor and shelter the wealthy. They don’t abuse their unrivaled platform to Twitter-bait world leaders and to taunt private citizens. Good people don’t prey upon the vulnerable, they don’t leverage their power to bully dissenters, and they don’t campaign for sexual predators.
But this President is not a good human being, and there’s simply no way around this truth. He is the ugliest personification of the Ugly American, which is why, as long as he is here and as long as he represents this nation, we will be a fractured mess and a global embarrassment. He will be the ever lowering bar of our legacy in the world.
And what is painfully obvious in these moments, isn’t simply that the person alleging to lead this country is a terrible human being—it is that anyone left still defending him, applauding him, justifying him, amening him, probably is too.
At this point, the only reason left to support this President, is that he reflects your hateful heart; he shares your contempt of people of color, your hostility toward outsiders, your ignorant bigotry, your feeling of supremacy.
A white President calling countries filled with people of color shitholes, is so far beyond the pale, so beneath decency, and so blatantly racist that it shouldn’t merit conversation. It should be universally condemned. Humanity should be in agreement in abhorring it.
And yet today (like so many other seemingly rock bottom days in the past twelve months) they will be out there: white people claiming to be good people and Christian people, who will make excuses for him or debate his motives or diminish the damage.
They will dig their heels in to explain away or to defend, what at the end of the day is simply a bad human being saying the things that bad human beings say because their hearts harbor very bad things.
No, good people don’t call countries filled with beautiful, creative, loving men and women shitholes or do most of the horrible things he does.
Made me sad and angry reading this. How low have people stooped that they voted and continue to support this germ. I personally have cut someone off from my life because of his support for Trump.
I have too. I had a friend - a Canadian non-white person no less - who lost his mind and basically became a Trump troll for some reason. I tried to deal with it for a while, but he just got worse and worse, started digging his heels in, and even started getting in arguments with stangers in bars about it and shit. I finally just had to cut him off. Blocked him on facebook, got rid of his contact info. He basically just made the decision to be "the asshole". I think he gets off on it. I don't need that kind of idiocy in my life.
so your "friend" didn't agree with people at a bar and they were arguing with him. take your time and read that over. Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him. Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe. I think your "friend" is lucky.
Take your time and think about this.
Her friend proved he was a loser when he began spouting garbage that made him unlikeable. Politics are one thing... hatred and ignorance are a whole other.
At times in this life it can be a challenge to figure out who the bad people are, but sometimes they help you.
Sometimes they do the work for you.
Sometimes with their every vulgar, bitter word from their mouth, they testify to their personal malignancy and they make it easy to identify them.
Generally speaking, there are things that good people do and things good people don’t do.
Good people don’t refer to entire countries as “shitholes”—most notably countries that have given birth to our very humanity; ones that for hundreds of years have been colonized and poached and mined of their riches by powerful white men; countries whose people have been enslaved and sold and forced to come and build your country.
Good people by any measurement we might use—simply don’t say such things.
Of course good people also don’t say they could grab women by the genitalia, either. They don’t defend racists and nazis and call them “fine people,” days after murdering a young girl and terrorizing an American city. They don’t brag about their penis size during debates, or suggest protestors at campaign rallies should be roughed up, or crack jokes about captured war heroes, or make fun of the physically disabled. They don’t.
Good people don’t tweet anti-Muslim rhetoric in the moments immediately following a bombing in order to bolster a position. They don’t leave American territories filled with brown skinned people without power for months upon months, after publicly ridiculing their public servants and questioning their people’s resolve. They don’t pull children from the arms of their parents and place them in cages and detention centers. They don’t erase protections for the water and the air, for the elderly, the terminally ill, the LGBTQ. They don’t take away healthcare from the sick and the poor without an alternative. They don’t gouge the working poor and shelter the wealthy. They don’t abuse their unrivaled platform to Twitter-bait world leaders and to taunt private citizens. Good people don’t prey upon the vulnerable, they don’t leverage their power to bully dissenters, and they don’t campaign for sexual predators.
But this President is not a good human being, and there’s simply no way around this truth. He is the ugliest personification of the Ugly American, which is why, as long as he is here and as long as he represents this nation, we will be a fractured mess and a global embarrassment. He will be the ever lowering bar of our legacy in the world.
And what is painfully obvious in these moments, isn’t simply that the person alleging to lead this country is a terrible human being—it is that anyone left still defending him, applauding him, justifying him, amening him, probably is too.
At this point, the only reason left to support this President, is that he reflects your hateful heart; he shares your contempt of people of color, your hostility toward outsiders, your ignorant bigotry, your feeling of supremacy.
A white President calling countries filled with people of color shitholes, is so far beyond the pale, so beneath decency, and so blatantly racist that it shouldn’t merit conversation. It should be universally condemned. Humanity should be in agreement in abhorring it.
And yet today (like so many other seemingly rock bottom days in the past twelve months) they will be out there: white people claiming to be good people and Christian people, who will make excuses for him or debate his motives or diminish the damage.
They will dig their heels in to explain away or to defend, what at the end of the day is simply a bad human being saying the things that bad human beings say because their hearts harbor very bad things.
No, good people don’t call countries filled with beautiful, creative, loving men and women shitholes or do most of the horrible things he does.
Made me sad and angry reading this. How low have people stooped that they voted and continue to support this germ. I personally have cut someone off from my life because of his support for Trump.
I have too. I had a friend - a Canadian non-white person no less - who lost his mind and basically became a Trump troll for some reason. I tried to deal with it for a while, but he just got worse and worse, started digging his heels in, and even started getting in arguments with stangers in bars about it and shit. I finally just had to cut him off. Blocked him on facebook, got rid of his contact info. He basically just made the decision to be "the asshole". I think he gets off on it. I don't need that kind of idiocy in my life.
so your "friend" didn't agree with people at a bar and they were arguing with him. take your time and read that over. Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him. Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe. I think your "friend" is lucky.
Take your time and think about this.
Her friend proved he was a loser when he began spouting garbage that made him unlikeable. Politics are one thing... hatred and ignorance are a whole other.
I must have missed the part with the ignorance and hatred in it. I only see wording like digging in etc. I don't see specifics.
Why does he have a star? Is it because of his 2 second cameo in Home Alone?
His shitty reality show.
I thought stars are only for film stars not reality tv stars. It wouldn't surprise me that he paid to have it placed on the walk given the narcissist that he is.
Ummmm everyone that has a star pays for the star
oh really, who would've thought....
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Why does he have a star? Is it because of his 2 second cameo in Home Alone?
His shitty reality show.
I thought stars are only for film stars not reality tv stars. It wouldn't surprise me that he paid to have it placed on the walk given the narcissist that he is.
Ummmm everyone that has a star pays for the star
oh really, who would've thought....
It’s true that someone pays for it, and it’s pretty expensive. I understand that generally the person or organization that puts in the nomination is responsible for paying. I think it’s safe to say that Trump had Cohen arrange the nomination and payment .
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Why does he have a star? Is it because of his 2 second cameo in Home Alone?
His shitty reality show.
I thought stars are only for film stars not reality tv stars. It wouldn't surprise me that he paid to have it placed on the walk given the narcissist that he is.
Ummmm everyone that has a star pays for the star
oh really, who would've thought....
It’s true that someone pays for it, and it’s pretty expensive. I understand that generally the person or organization that puts in the nomination is responsible for paying. I think it’s safe to say that Trump had Cohen arrange the nomination and payment .
Imagine her and Trump had a baby. It would be a stable and creative genius of a baby.
The Trump White House Failed To Spell ‘United States’ Correctly - HuffPost
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You're embarrassing yourself with these submissions.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Will you teach me the ways of the alternative facts?
It's definitely a low point, but hang in there, Brian.
The clouds always move away from the sun!
what a cute couple ....
The brain is a powerful thing.
Just like convincing brainwashed religious people that there is no God is next to impossible... convincing brainwashed racist people that colored folks are nice is next to impossible as well.
It's weird being a part of the so called "Age of Aquarius" generation that was supposedly going to change the world. Well I guess we did, I just didn't realize "The Age Aquarius" equates to the age of major fuck ups!
Your "friend doesn't agree with your politics as much as you don't agree with his but he didn't unfriend you. you unfriended him.
Like I always say, liberals want everyone to be free to believe whatever they want as long as you believe exactly as they believe.
I think your "friend" is lucky.
Take your time and think about this.
Her friend proved he was a loser when he began spouting garbage that made him unlikeable. Politics are one thing... hatred and ignorance are a whole other.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.