I completely disagree. He isn't worthless, he's destructive. Worthless would be acceptable for four years.
Get ready for 8 years.
Good economies get presidents reelected. This is essentially Obama's economy plus half a trillion in deficit spending per year added in.
Yet NO Democrats are getting heard making this argument. They are too busy being elitist snobs
You can bet your life savings if roles were reversed the Rs would be SCREANING EVERY DAY bogus BS national debt economy, Obama is ruining this country by borrowing our children's future.
A party that does not know how to communicate does not win majorities.
I agree this country better be ready cause he’s definitely getting re-elected the weak Dems are to scared to just come out and denounce or give a strong message on why they should be in charge , he’ll McConnell came straight out and stated they would not work with Obama the day after election..
Dems aren't dumb enough to provide a boogey man enemy to these goofballs before its time... give it space and let this trash speak for itself and take all the heat that comes with being the party in power
I completely disagree. He isn't worthless, he's destructive. Worthless would be acceptable for four years.
Get ready for 8 years.
Good economies get presidents reelected. This is essentially Obama's economy plus half a trillion in deficit spending per year added in.
Yet NO Democrats are getting heard making this argument. They are too busy being elitist snobs
You can bet your life savings if roles were reversed the Rs would be SCREANING EVERY DAY bogus BS national debt economy, Obama is ruining this country by borrowing our children's future.
A party that does not know how to communicate does not win majorities.
Too early. After the mid-terms and the economy will become an issue. When the recession happens, what’s the repube plan?
Being a president is tough work (especially for a guy who has never worked). McDonald managed to find time to take a few breaks from the G7 summit though! After arriving late for that stupid women's thing... Trump then skipped two other G7 leader working sessions on climate change, oceans and clean energy, plus additional meetings where the G7 leaders were to sit down with more than a dozen other invited heads of government, and leaders of the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
He then left early- just before warning all the other countries to stop taking advantage of the US.
He’s a total Russian payed player what a disgrace , he acts like a total spoiled child in front of the whole world @ G7 ... America this is who represents us !
Fortunately... the spectacle didn't last very long (less than 24 hours) and after the imp left... issues became the focus again: Despite it all, Trump insisted his brief stay was “extremely productive,” even though it seems pretty clear many of the leaders are not unhappy to see him leave so they can get back to their agenda.
They actually do. Twitter is a mess right now- very disheartening to realize the levels of stupidity have not abated at all.
The next election is going to be nuts.
The next election will be a shit show of putin on the ritz interference, missing ballots, long lines due to lack of voting machines in dem districts while ample voting machines and no lines in repube districts and repube controlled states, voters not on voter rolls and purposeful created confusion as to which polling station is yours, particularly in minority and dem districts. Regardless, if the Dems take the House, the mantra will be 10 million illegals voted. The UN should be petitioned to observe. The coup is already in progress and will not be televised.
I think the clown will win the reelection. The fact that the dems that may run against him hide in the bushes after having several years to study his behavior and get the upper hand speaks volumes. No one wants to become the next rocket man.
I think the clown will win the reelection. The fact that the dems that may run against him hide in the bushes after having several years to study his behavior and get the upper hand speaks volumes. No one wants to become the next rocket man.
Still too early. Plenty of time for Team Mueller to do his thang. Regardless, after the midterms you’ll begin to see candidates step forth with a message of squandered leadership, putin on the ritz coziness, spiraling health care costs, stagnant wages, higher unemployment and fiscal irresponsibility. 35% of Team Trump Treason’s rabid, dumb base won’t be enough.
His awful appearance aside... am I the only one that thinks this level of arrogance is embarrassing? Is the US really happy with this type of behaviour from its president?
I can't imagine he would actually be late because he was bumbling around and incapable of getting there on time. There are people holding his teeny weeny little hands that would not allow that to happen.
So he purposely shows up late. A complete demonstration of arrogance and disrespect. He shits all over every other country with the notable exception of one- Russia.
Hmmm. What's the deal with that? And why are Americans loving his willingness to snub traditional allies while sucking up to its greatest opponent historically speaking?
Hmmm. What's the deal with that? And why are Americans loving his willingness to snub traditional allies while sucking up to its greatest opponent historically speaking?
Hmmm. What's the deal with that? And why are Americans loving his willingness to snub traditional allies while sucking up to its greatest opponent historically speaking?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It doesn't really matter- it was just the gender equality portion of the meeting and who cares about that?
Being a president is tough work (especially for a guy who has never worked). McDonald managed to find time to take a few breaks from the G7 summit though! After arriving late for that stupid women's thing... Trump then skipped two other G7 leader working sessions on climate change, oceans and clean energy, plus additional meetings where the G7 leaders were to sit down with more than a dozen other invited heads of government, and leaders of the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
He then left early- just before warning all the other countries to stop taking advantage of the US.
Oh yeah... he also stuck up for the US' closest allies (Russia)... insisting a G8 would be great!
America this is who represents us !
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Too funny.
Look at the guy's expression around 0:46, he's probably thinking, 'what the hell was that?'
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Here's the real image:
The next election is going to be nuts.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So he purposely shows up late. A complete demonstration of arrogance and disrespect. He shits all over every other country with the notable exception of one- Russia.
Hmmm. What's the deal with that? And why are Americans loving his willingness to snub traditional
allies while sucking up to its greatest opponent historically speaking?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.