I agree with you 100%. Which is also why I so adamantly appose this "Antifa" group. Not the idea of being anti-fascist, but the actual organized group that calls themselves "Antifa" and wave their communism flags. The far left do paint any conservative as a racist or Nazi. It's been shown on this board plenty of times. And, I know this is a "whataboutism", but did Obama not have this same "if you are with me you can do no wrong and if you are against me you can do no right" mentality? There has been very little bi-partisanship at all over the past 8 years and I believe that was a strong precursor to the division that we are seeing today. Look, I think Trump is an asshat too, but I've thought politicians were asshats for a long time...it's the actual people that I am getting concerned with now. And yes, I think social media and media in general are the driving forces in this devision. People see a Nazi picture on Facebook from CNN and all the sudden the .000001 percent of actual Nazis are an issue and all over the headlines. The have now been given a voice whereas before they were bunkered down in their little Nazi meth labs. That being said, actual meth labs are probably a way greater problem than all the Nazis in the world combined...but where are the marches against actual real problems? Where are the anti child abuse marches of 30 thousand people? The money driven media magnifies non-issues and the lemmings follow their lead.
I think you are understating the issue of racism in this country and that Trump has made the world a little safer for them today by his attacks on Judge Curiel (sp?), anti-Muslim rhetoric, his refusal to condemn attacks against mosques in this country and a whole slew of seemingly small things that add up to a corrupt set of principles. He could have effectively neutered both the far left and the far right with clear language on where he stands on the issue of ethnocentrism after Charlottesville, and make clear that he welcomes all creeds and colors. But he failed that test...twice in 48 hours.
Maybe I live in the wrong area, but I just do not see this extreme racial divide that keeps getting "understated". Sure, there are probably a few out there that hate people based on the color of their skin...but where, in your daily life, do you see this racist America outside of a KKK rally here and there? I live in Texas, in a small city where bigotry thrived 100 years ago...but you would really have to go to extreme lengths to find examples of racism around here. But let's pull out that magnifying glass again...
You're making the same exact mistake the lady in your youtube video makes.
CBS NEWS "The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest American hate group, and while the number of active KKK chapters declined in 2016, members of the Klan are trying to regain ground. The SPLC estimates there are between 5,000 and 8,000 Klan members nationwide, split between many factions. 5,000 and 8,000 Klan members nationwide, split between many factions."
I agree with you 100%. Which is also why I so adamantly appose this "Antifa" group. Not the idea of being anti-fascist, but the actual organized group that calls themselves "Antifa" and wave their communism flags. The far left do paint any conservative as a racist or Nazi. It's been shown on this board plenty of times. And, I know this is a "whataboutism", but did Obama not have this same "if you are with me you can do no wrong and if you are against me you can do no right" mentality? There has been very little bi-partisanship at all over the past 8 years and I believe that was a strong precursor to the division that we are seeing today. Look, I think Trump is an asshat too, but I've thought politicians were asshats for a long time...it's the actual people that I am getting concerned with now. And yes, I think social media and media in general are the driving forces in this devision. People see a Nazi picture on Facebook from CNN and all the sudden the .000001 percent of actual Nazis are an issue and all over the headlines. The have now been given a voice whereas before they were bunkered down in their little Nazi meth labs. That being said, actual meth labs are probably a way greater problem than all the Nazis in the world combined...but where are the marches against actual real problems? Where are the anti child abuse marches of 30 thousand people? The money driven media magnifies non-issues and the lemmings follow their lead.
I think you are understating the issue of racism in this country and that Trump has made the world a little safer for them today by his attacks on Judge Curiel (sp?), anti-Muslim rhetoric, his refusal to condemn attacks against mosques in this country and a whole slew of seemingly small things that add up to a corrupt set of principles. He could have effectively neutered both the far left and the far right with clear language on where he stands on the issue of ethnocentrism after Charlottesville, and make clear that he welcomes all creeds and colors. But he failed that test...twice in 48 hours.
Maybe I live in the wrong area, but I just do not see this extreme racial divide that keeps getting "understated". Sure, there are probably a few out there that hate people based on the color of their skin...but where, in your daily life, do you see this racist America outside of a KKK rally here and there? I live in Texas, in a small city where bigotry thrived 100 years ago...but you would really have to go to extreme lengths to find examples of racism around here. But let's pull out that magnifying glass again...
You're making the same exact mistake the lady in your youtube video makes.
Care to be more specific?
Seems like you are equating your every day life to what millions of other people experience.
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
They need a new spokesmen. Posts like that don't exactly engender enlistment. But let's be clear, judging, oppressing, etc. a person based on race or creed is still worse than communism.
They need a new spokesmen. Posts like that don't exactly engender enlistment. But let's be clear, judging, oppressing, etc. a person based on race or creed is still worse than communism.
I agree, once again, fuck them both. It's easy to take a "higher" ground against racists, that doesn't mean Antifa should be viewed in positive light.
Anarcho-Communism.. what a joke. There are no examples of Communism actually working, so they figure they'll remove gov't from the equation? Okay, good thinking. The center held against the right, and it will hold against the far left as well. God bless the center.
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
Who upsets you more? This crazy fringe group or the fringe group who would prefer America undergo a form of ethnic cleansing?
There are some reasons why the far left seems fringe whereas the far right seems more dangerous: 1. We've had racists in power in this country in the not too distant past. Jim Crow, Bull Connor, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond all wielded power that was centered on bigotry. I'm not aware of any member of the communist party holding a national office or state executive office. Bernie Sanders is as close as it's got, I believe. 2. The president has failed to condemn the far right as you know. And worse, he has incited violence at his rallies. I can think of no other national politician who has done the same on behalf of the left. 3. The right wing has a major online organ in the form of Breitbart. There is no far left equivalent to my knowledge.
I don't know what movie theaters you go to, but not many where I live would support 10,721 attendees...
Oh my God.
I follow Trump on twitter and Facebook. You think I support him?
Ugh. Come on man
Do you "like" him? Lol? A while back there was a hack where you could see if any of your friends liked Trump so that you would know who to delete. Wonder if you can do that with these groups too?
Anarcho-Communism.. what a joke. There are no examples of Communism actually working, so they figure they'll remove gov't from the equation? Okay, good thinking. The center held against the right, and it will hold against the far left as well. God bless the center.
Amen brother, preach it! We may have a few ideological differences, but I think we are actually walking on pretty common ground.
how can we "heal" when seditious Obama is getting away with trying to overthrow our government with his I refuse to leave shadow presidency? suspicious that the 30,000 to 40,000 leftie Boston protestors who showed up = the same number of the community agitators shadow recruits.
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
Who upsets you more? This crazy fringe group or the fringe group who would prefer America undergo a form of ethnic cleansing?
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
Who upsets you more? This crazy fringe group or the fringe group who would prefer America undergo a form of ethnic cleansing?
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
Who upsets you more? This crazy fringe group or the fringe group who would prefer America undergo a form of ethnic cleansing?
I'm not stupid enough to align with either one
Who upsets you more?
Anything too far on the political side bothers me.
"The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest American hate group, and while the number of active KKK chapters declined in 2016, members of the Klan are trying to regain ground. The SPLC estimates there are between 5,000 and 8,000 Klan members nationwide, split between many factions. 5,000 and 8,000 Klan members nationwide, split between many factions."
still not a sellout, BUT still 5 to 8k too many
Taken straight from the Boston Antifa Facebook page... "no room for supporters of the US Constitution"??? I thought they were against the Nazis speech, but it appears that they are literally against the 1st Ammendment...fuck these assholes.
I'm assuming most of you around here believe the anarcho-communists are the rights to the wrongs?
Lol, about those "whataboutisms"?
But let's be clear, judging, oppressing, etc. a person based on race or creed is still worse than communism.
"The few, the far-left, their clubs and bats, and don't forget their piss, Anti-Fa"
The center held against the right, and it will hold against the far left as well. God bless the center.
I don't know what movie theaters you go to, but not many where I live would support 10,721 attendees...
I follow Trump on twitter and Facebook. You think I support him?
Ugh. Come on man
1. We've had racists in power in this country in the not too distant past. Jim Crow, Bull Connor, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond all wielded power that was centered on bigotry. I'm not aware of any member of the communist party holding a national office or state executive office. Bernie Sanders is as close as it's got, I believe.
2. The president has failed to condemn the far right as you know. And worse, he has incited violence at his rallies. I can think of no other national politician who has done the same on behalf of the left.
3. The right wing has a major online organ in the form of Breitbart. There is no far left equivalent to my knowledge.
I'd go more off that 41 number.
how can we "heal" when seditious Obama is getting away with trying to overthrow our government with his I refuse to leave shadow presidency? suspicious that the 30,000 to 40,000 leftie Boston protestors who showed up = the same number of the community agitators shadow recruits.