Here's the post card we and many of you may have received recently:
Here is what a friend of mine said so well in response to it:
"This came in today's mail and I decided to save it as a reminder of how blatantly Trump twists things. These are the guidelines put forth by the CDC. They are the same guidelines the CDC pushed for WEEKS before Trump even acknowledged that COVID-19 was a problem. Suddenly they've become "Trump's guidelines", put out in such a manner as to appear that he is somehow responsible for solutions to the problem. This card, printed at taxpayer expense, reeks of campaigning. UGH!!"
Every single person who supports, voted for, and will vote again for the lying, narcissistic, racist, xenophobe is COMPLICIT in every single death that occurs because of the delays, the lies, and the obfuscation.
Here's the post card we and many of you may have received recently:
Here is what a friend of mine said so well in response to it:
"This came in today's mail and I decided to save it as a reminder of how blatantly Trump twists things. These are the guidelines put forth by the CDC. They are the same guidelines the CDC pushed for WEEKS before Trump even acknowledged that COVID-19 was a problem. Suddenly they've become "Trump's guidelines", put out in such a manner as to appear that he is somehow responsible for solutions to the problem. This card, printed at taxpayer expense, reeks of campaigning. UGH!!"
Every single person who supports, voted for, and will vote again for the lying, narcissistic, racist, xenophobe is COMPLICIT in every single death that occurs because of the delays, the lies, and the obfuscation.
I was thinking the same thing if you need any reason to vote against the Orange virus, I’d say it’s the number of folks who have/will succumb to the killer virus..
Here's the post card we and many of you may have received recently:
Here is what a friend of mine said so well in response to it:
"This came in today's mail and I decided to save it as a reminder of how blatantly Trump twists things. These are the guidelines put forth by the CDC. They are the same guidelines the CDC pushed for WEEKS before Trump even acknowledged that COVID-19 was a problem. Suddenly they've become "Trump's guidelines", put out in such a manner as to appear that he is somehow responsible for solutions to the problem. This card, printed at taxpayer expense, reeks of campaigning. UGH!!"
Jesus. Is that real?
Got it yesterday...straight to the recycle bin
That is nuts. I don't even know what to say America.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,779
I am not interested in name calling or insults as your form of a response. I’m looking for a serious conversation that will further my knowledge in what is happening. I say this because 9/10 times that my post isn’t a direct insult to Trump, the posts have nothing to do with the conversation and are just name calling (and I haven’t even said anything positive about Trump, just questioned what others have done). So if that is you, please keep your comments to another thread. Start a “I hate Mace” thread or something and post all you want there, but let’s keep this conversation to the relevant topic. First, I know there are things Trump could and should be doing better. I hate how he talks about this virus and that everything is fantastic and fabulous. That’s just dumb. But I don’t know if he deserves all the criticism that I see. I’m not saying he doesn’t, I said I don’t know. Here’s your chance to convince me and anyone else why. But here’s why I’m uncertain. I don’t trust any media. The Fox News thread cracks me up. That’s because I agree they are completely biased. I also think every other major news network is too, but no one is willing to admit that. Which makes it impossible to know what material to trust. When I see CNN post a story about how Trump is responsible for killing a man in AZ because he hyped up a drug so the guy took it and died. Then I have to read about the story online to find this wasn’t the case at all, the dude actually took fish tank cleaner that had a similar name as the drug Trump was hopeful about, and never told anyone to go take it. When CNN doesn’t report any of that, then follows that story with Trump is the reason we are short of ventilators, I have to seriously question everything I’m being told. Or when Brian Williams claims Bloomberg could give every American $1 million and spend less on his campaign, I have to question everything that network tells me too. Because let’s be honest, no one is that dumb. That was intentional, this was a predetermined tainted by point, it wasn’t something the guest said as a surprise, they had a graphic for it and everything. So either they want to push lies to make you hate rich people (which to them are only billionaires) or the entire production crew has a 3rd grade education.
Here’s what I do know, while people are making memes of Trump playing golf, he actually closed borders. The media and social media called him racist for that. A month later they are asking why he didn’t act sooner.
They blame him for not providing ventilators and other equipment. Is that even possible? China’s been on lock down, where would be get them from? Cuomo suggested a war time order to force companies to make them. Is that possible? Does this constitutionally fall under a war time and does he have that right for a virus? I mean, when he first referred to himself as a war time president the media and social media laughed, now they are saying use that power. Do you see why I don’t trust any media?any other countries are struggling as well, it isn’t just Trump who isn’t prepared.
Again, I’m not saying Trump is great or defending him. The hate his press conferences about this. But all I see here and every social media are stupid memes and trump hate. I don’t trust other media, every potentially legit story is followed by something ridiculous.
If you’ve read this far I would appreciate a real conversation about this.
@mace1229 A lot to unpack.. here's my perspective.. and ftr, I'm a centrist Democrat and support many center to center right policies, but I do despise Trump because of many things, but mostly because of his boundless narcissism.
1. You hit the nail on the head regarding the his initial response. (1.) He ignored the intelligence he received in Jan/Feb (2.) He minimized the issue publicly (3.) He riffed about how it would go from 15 to 0 (4.) He mused that he didn't want to disembark the Americans from the ship in SF bay because he "liked the numbers where they were" 4. His presser at the CDC while wearing a campaign hat was abominable.
2. He did hype the drug. Is it his 'fault' that they took it in AZ? Not culpably. Would those people ever even think about it if he didn't riff about it at his news conference? Well maybe not. It was stupid and still connected to his magical thinking process where he invents what he wishes to be true.
3. Brian Williams - I'm sorry, no way that was intentional. They were idiots, starting with the NY Times reporter. Journalists are evidently bad at math. I picked that up in two seconds. No way did they 'plan' that. And why would they? To what end? If the are liberal media, how does Bloomberg's spend hurt Trump? Sorry, it doesn't make a lick of sense both practically and for any purpose.
4. Yes, the gov't can force factories to re-tool. He did it today to GM to make ventilators. Cuomo has been asking him to do it for three weeks. I've been bitching that the army needs to build temp hospitals. Trump can do more federally. He has been, and continues to be slow to react. And it's his re-election chances that are on his mind first and foremost, IMO.
5. There are many of us who have watched these past month of slow action, magical thinking and press conference disasters, and that's the same thing we saw when he cut up the JCPOA, pretended he had a deal with North Korea, built his sham wall, etc. These are the same behaviors we've seen over and over. So, speaking for myself, I'm laughing about it while I am sequestered in my house, just like you, while my company's revenue is cut by 15% this month, and probably 30% next month. We saw this coming when Trump faced a REAL crisis. Every other crisis has been one of his own invention... caravans, North Korea missile tests, Iran bombing, etc. He has invented things and then claimed victory. This is real and he was painfully slow on the draw. Now we're all at home.
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
For the record, I hate Mitch McConnell and Clarence Thomas too
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
He is fucking up everything he touches and is turning America into a shithole country dictatorship.
Of course we should be obsessed with that POS and doing everything possible to save America/the environment/education/the poor/the middle class/minorities/healthcare/allies/the deficit/ etc. from him
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
Here's the post card we and many of you may have received recently:
Here is what a friend of mine said so well in response to it:
"This came in today's mail and I decided to save it as a reminder of how blatantly Trump twists things. These are the guidelines put forth by the CDC. They are the same guidelines the CDC pushed for WEEKS before Trump even acknowledged that COVID-19 was a problem. Suddenly they've become "Trump's guidelines", put out in such a manner as to appear that he is somehow responsible for solutions to the problem. This card, printed at taxpayer expense, reeks of campaigning. UGH!!"
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
Reminds me of something in Howard sterns first book. And I don’t remember the exact numbers but people that liked him listened fire like 45 min because “ they want to hear what he will say next” ; people that hated him listened for like 1.5 hours! Cause “they wanted to hear what he would say next”
President Donald Trump said Friday he has asked Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors he says have not been "appreciative" enough of his efforts on coronavirus –
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
Reminds me of something in Howard sterns first book. And I don’t remember the exact numbers but people that liked him listened fire like 45 min because “ they want to hear what he will say next” ; people that hated him listened for like 1.5 hours! Cause “they wanted to hear what he would say next”
President Donald Trump said Friday he has asked Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors he says have not been "appreciative" enough of his efforts on coronavirus –
The both of them are pure evil they are totally what’s wrong with this nation they will only help minions who kiss the fucking ring I despise both of them! Any supporters I want nothing to do with them I hope they all get together soon at a giant rally please please do it..
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
He is fucking up everything he touches and is turning America into a shithole country dictatorship.
Of course we should be obsessed with that POS and doing everything possible to save America/the environment/education/the poor/the middle class/minorities/healthcare/allies/the deficit/ etc. from him
His legacy. That and making us forget what day it is. Fucker.
A month ago he was proclaiming this virus will just disappeare into thin air , we have it contained on & on and here we are a total full blown pandemic. I’m sorry but reporters covering his updates should be calling him out everyday on this and I hope the Democrats keep running those adds till election night..
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters.
Definitely. This board is a good indicator of that
The thread is called Donald Trump... so it's kind of going to be about him.
I‘m not talking about discussing him in this thread or any others. I‘m talking about being obsessed with him. Ob-fucking-sessed. Maybe you’re one of them, maybe you’re not. But there’s others here who it seems like Donald Trump is on their mind 24/7. That’s too bad.
It seems like people that hate Trump are possibly more obsessed with him than his supporters. It’s like saying you hate Silversun Pickups but that is the only band you ever listen to. Very strange dynamic if you think about it. I wonder if all of the added attention just fuels his ego even more? I can’t imagine any president has ever been talked about or covered as much as him. It’s been pretty much 24/7 for the better part of 4 years.
Listening to Carnavas is why the SP reference was thrown in. Anybody else around here a fan of theirs? That run of Pikul, Carnavas and Swoon is crazy good.
He is fucking up everything he touches and is turning America into a shithole country dictatorship.
Of course we should be obsessed with that POS and doing everything possible to save America/the environment/education/the poor/the middle class/minorities/healthcare/allies/the deficit/ etc. from him
His legacy. That and making us forget what day it is. Fucker.
Its Saturday March 28th. One day closer to Tuesday November 3rd 2020 and one day closer to Wednesday January 20th 2021.....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Ahh oops! Good eye, Cincy! Sorry ikiT!
First, I know there are things Trump could and should be doing better. I hate how he talks about this virus and that everything is fantastic and fabulous. That’s just dumb. But I don’t know if he deserves all the criticism that I see. I’m not saying he doesn’t, I said I don’t know. Here’s your chance to convince me and anyone else why.
But here’s why I’m uncertain. I don’t trust any media. The Fox News thread cracks me up. That’s because I agree they are completely biased. I also think every other major news network is too, but no one is willing to admit that. Which makes it impossible to know what material to trust. When I see CNN post a story about how Trump is responsible for killing a man in AZ because he hyped up a drug so the guy took it and died. Then I have to read about the story online to find this wasn’t the case at all, the dude actually took fish tank cleaner that had a similar name as the drug Trump was hopeful about, and never told anyone to go take it. When CNN doesn’t report any of that, then follows that story with Trump is the reason we are short of ventilators, I have to seriously question everything I’m being told. Or when Brian Williams claims Bloomberg could give every American $1 million and spend less on his campaign, I have to question everything that network tells me too. Because let’s be honest, no one is that dumb. That was intentional, this was a predetermined tainted by point, it wasn’t something the guest said as a surprise, they had a graphic for it and everything. So either they want to push lies to make you hate rich people (which to them are only billionaires) or the entire production crew has a 3rd grade education.
Again, I’m not saying Trump is great or defending him. The hate his press conferences about this. But all I see here and every social media are stupid memes and trump hate. I don’t trust other media, every potentially legit story is followed by something ridiculous.
1. You hit the nail on the head regarding the his initial response. (1.) He ignored the intelligence he received in Jan/Feb (2.) He minimized the issue publicly (3.) He riffed about how it would go from 15 to 0 (4.) He mused that he didn't want to disembark the Americans from the ship in SF bay because he "liked the numbers where they were" 4. His presser at the CDC while wearing a campaign hat was abominable.
2. He did hype the drug. Is it his 'fault' that they took it in AZ? Not culpably. Would those people ever even think about it if he didn't riff about it at his news conference? Well maybe not. It was stupid and still connected to his magical thinking process where he invents what he wishes to be true.
3. Brian Williams - I'm sorry, no way that was intentional. They were idiots, starting with the NY Times reporter. Journalists are evidently bad at math. I picked that up in two seconds. No way did they 'plan' that. And why would they? To what end? If the are liberal media, how does Bloomberg's spend hurt Trump? Sorry, it doesn't make a lick of sense both practically and for any purpose.
4. Yes, the gov't can force factories to re-tool. He did it today to GM to make ventilators. Cuomo has been asking him to do it for three weeks. I've been bitching that the army needs to build temp hospitals. Trump can do more federally. He has been, and continues to be slow to react. And it's his re-election chances that are on his mind first and foremost, IMO.
5. There are many of us who have watched these past month of slow action, magical thinking and press conference disasters, and that's the same thing we saw when he cut up the JCPOA, pretended he had a deal with North Korea, built his sham wall, etc. These are the same behaviors we've seen over and over. So, speaking for myself, I'm laughing about it while I am sequestered in my house, just like you, while my company's revenue is cut by 15% this month, and probably 30% next month. We saw this coming when Trump faced a REAL crisis. Every other crisis has been one of his own invention... caravans, North Korea missile tests, Iran bombing, etc. He has invented things and then claimed victory. This is real and he was painfully slow on the draw. Now we're all at home.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Earlier, we saw an ad for a product touting something like “Now, Covid-free!”
And that's the tip of the iceberg
He is fucking up everything he touches and is turning America into a shithole country dictatorship.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump to Mike Pence: 'Don't call the woman in Michigan,' aka Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
President Donald Trump said Friday he has asked Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors he says have not been "appreciative" enough of his efforts on coronavirus –
Tan suit
Dijon mustard
....ah the good old days.....
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14