It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Yep. But there are people that think if you blame China, you must be taking Trump’s side or defending him because he’s also blaming China. That’s so dumb. He’s deflecting the blame he deserves, which is typical of him. But you hit the nail on the head: China is to blame for the global pandemic, and Trump is to blame for not only the poor response here in the early stages, but for how he’s handling it now: lying/misleading, playing the states against each other, etc.
It’s definitely not an either or. Trump is trying to deflect blame...but it doesn’t mean that China has no blame. He is defecting his terrible response which certainly China is not responsible for.
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
This is great. You're pissed and so are the US people. So are we: 1. Ready to rejoin the TPP to try to isolate China? 2. Ready to buy back our bonds that the Chinese gov't holds by raising taxes, cutting defense and cutting entitlements? 3. Ready to pay 2-3x more for our iphones, tvs, etc. as we remove manufacturing from China?
No, we're not? Of course we're not. So now we're just looking for a useless scapegoat.
Hahaha I love it when people give up so easily. Take care of yourself.
Give up? No, just analytical and logical. But you can burn your emotion up if it feels good.
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Yes, they control much of our medical supply chain and they're also getting back to work.
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Isn’t that part of the problem? The whole world has to tip toe around China because they control so much vital goods. Is that not a form of bullying? Weren’t they just threatening withholding medicine from us ? When did the problems with China become a strictly right wing narrative?
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Isn’t that part of the problem? The whole world has to tip toe around China because they control so much vital goods. Is that not a form of bullying? Weren’t they just threatening withholding medicine from us ? When did the problems with China become a strictly right wing narrative?
And ultimately the blame should be on everyone for selling everything up the river for $10 Jean's at WalMart. The US really doesnt like it huh? Then don't sell T notes to their fucking government and wait for them to say, "Ya know what, I wanna cash these in motherfuckers?"
Talk about not seeing the forest from the trees.
We shoot our meat up with an ungodly amount of antibiotics. There will come a day when something similar happens here because it could happen anywhere because at some point there will be a virus ahead of our formulas. Blaming China isn't going to do shit when youre probably going to need their help with a vaccine and production.
Christ almighty, I expect better from PJ fans but I guess not.
Stay the fuck inside, shut the fuck up and take care of your families.
Instead, we've got one morherfucker on here spreading conspiracy theories and actively playing the contrarian...because why the fuck not stir some shit up? I looks forward to the inherent thought that this is all China's fault so when EVERY mouth breather in the world makes an excuse to discriminate and god knows what else to someone with Asian descent. This fucking place is gross.
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Isn’t that part of the problem? The whole world has to tip toe around China because they control so much vital goods. Is that not a form of bullying? Weren’t they just threatening withholding medicine from us ? When did the problems with China become a strictly right wing narrative?
And ultimately the blame should be on everyone for selling everything up the river for $10 Jean's at WalMart. The US really doesnt like it huh? Then don't sell T notes to their fucking government and wait for them to say, "Ya know what, I wanna cash these in motherfuckers?"
Talk about not seeing the forest from the trees.
We shoot our meat up with an ungodly amount of antibiotics. There will come a day when something similar happens here because it could happen anywhere because at some point there will be a virus ahead of our formulas. Blaming China isn't going to do shit when youre probably going to need their help with a vaccine and production.
Christ almighty, I expect better from PJ fans but I guess not.
Stay the fuck inside, shut the fuck up and take care of your families.
Instead, we've got one morherfucker on here spreading conspiracy theories and actively playing the contrarian...because why the fuck not stir some shit up? I looks forward to the inherent thought that this is all China's fault so when EVERY mouth breather in the world makes an excuse to discriminate and god knows what else to someone with Asian descent. This fucking place is gross.
😂😂😂😂 shut the fuck up? Unless?? Motherfuckers? Hilarious. This place is gross. You know why? Because it seems you’re only allowed to have one way of thinking about what’s going on. Anything slightly off of that way is ridiculed, shut down, called motherfuckers etc.
People please just step back a bit this shouldn’t be about divisive words towards anyone here we’re all in this together, not just Americans but everyone..
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Maybe, just maybe, those same people can think both are to blame but one can act to save lives right now, instead of doing the opposite.
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Isn’t that part of the problem? The whole world has to tip toe around China because they control so much vital goods. Is that not a form of bullying? Weren’t they just threatening withholding medicine from us ? When did the problems with China become a strictly right wing narrative?
And ultimately the blame should be on everyone for selling everything up the river for $10 Jean's at WalMart. The US really doesnt like it huh? Then don't sell T notes to their fucking government and wait for them to say, "Ya know what, I wanna cash these in motherfuckers?"
Talk about not seeing the forest from the trees.
We shoot our meat up with an ungodly amount of antibiotics. There will come a day when something similar happens here because it could happen anywhere because at some point there will be a virus ahead of our formulas. Blaming China isn't going to do shit when youre probably going to need their help with a vaccine and production.
Christ almighty, I expect better from PJ fans but I guess not.
Stay the fuck inside, shut the fuck up and take care of your families.
Instead, we've got one morherfucker on here spreading conspiracy theories and actively playing the contrarian...because why the fuck not stir some shit up? I looks forward to the inherent thought that this is all China's fault so when EVERY mouth breather in the world makes an excuse to discriminate and god knows what else to someone with Asian descent. This fucking place is gross.
😂😂😂😂 shut the fuck up? Unless?? Motherfuckers? Hilarious. This place is gross. You know why? Because it seems you’re only allowed to have one way of thinking about what’s going on. Anything slightly off of that way is ridiculed, shut down, called motherfuckers etc.
I agree with him... We need to get past Left vs Right and get back to Right and Wrong.. We have shortages and people are going to die because we've created a bloated greedy system that puts profit before people. Time for that to end!
"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
People please just step back a bit this shouldn’t be about divisive words towards anyone here we’re all in this together, not just Americans but everyone..
Well, there is talk the entire school year may be called off. What I heard on the news tonight. These year 12's would have to do year 12 next year.
So that must mean every student has to retake the year, is that right? I don't know the schedule there, are they at the beginning of the school year now, or the end? For us, it's the end of the 3rd quarter or 2nd semester. That's why I don't think anyone will be repeating.
We are at the beginning of the year pretty much. Schools start late January and end mid-December. These kids will have to retake the year next year if this year gets called off.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
Ssssshhhhh. You'll be called a racist like I was.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
GOP senator says China 'to blame' for coronavirus spread because of 'culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs'
WASHINGTON — Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, drew a backlash on social media and from Asian American advocates on Wednesday for claiming China was "to blame" for the spread of the coronavirus because of a "culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that."
'These viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that's why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine flu, and now the coronavirus, so I think they have a fundamental problem, the Texas Republican said to reporters, saying he did not object to a geographic name for the virus.
Asked about Asian Americans' concerns about racism, Cornyn said, "I disagree. We're not talking about Asians. We're talking about China, where these viruses emanate from and created this pandemic."
It’s fucking infuriating to see people doing nothing but blame trump and then say China has no blame. Fuck that. China is to blame. Trump is to blame for the response here, but China is to blame. It’s not the first fucking time!
So noone here blames China? So I am racist for blaming then now am I?
If it looks like a duck, Quacks like a duck, It's probably a duck
Yeah okay, whatever you say. That's a pretty big claim to make about someone you know nothing about. For your information, I have Asian friends. Me blaming a country does not make me racist. I also speak negatively about Australia, does that make me racist towards Australians too? I'll refrain from saying more I wish I could say to you right now as you are not worth getting banned over.
For starters: Asia != China
Ah...the old "I can't be racist, I have a _____ friend argument."
I must have missed something. Because if people really think blaming the Chinese government for their response and blaming the Chinese government for their lack of health standards And blaming the Chinese government for allowing and the Chinese people for having and using a assbackwards meat market is being racist then I’m not really sure what to think about the people here.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Also, America may want to lay off shitting all over the Chinese right now, they may be asking for their help soon enough.
Talk about not seeing the forest from the trees.
We shoot our meat up with an ungodly amount of antibiotics. There will come a day when something similar happens here because it could happen anywhere because at some point there will be a virus ahead of our formulas. Blaming China isn't going to do shit when youre probably going to need their help with a vaccine and production.
Christ almighty, I expect better from PJ fans but I guess not.
Stay the fuck inside, shut the fuck up and take care of your families.
Instead, we've got one morherfucker on here spreading conspiracy theories and actively playing the contrarian...because why the fuck not stir some shit up? I looks forward to the inherent thought that this is all China's fault so when EVERY mouth breather in the world makes an excuse to discriminate and god knows what else to someone with Asian descent. This fucking place is gross.
shut the fuck up? Unless?? Motherfuckers? Hilarious. This place is gross. You know why? Because it seems you’re only allowed to have one way of thinking about what’s going on. Anything slightly off of that way is ridiculed, shut down, called motherfuckers etc.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
These kids will have to retake the year next year if this year gets called off.
They need to be held to account.
Just saw his press conference.
For starters: Asia != China
Ah...the old "I can't be racist, I have a _____ friend argument."