Apparently tomorrow is a big day in the US. Latest Tweet from President Trump... Big day tomorrow in Georgia and South Carolina. ObamaCare is dead. Dems want to raise taxes big! They can only obstruct, no ideas. Vote "R"
It is a big day and I think this analysis is right
American Thinker and now Red State. No wonder you're their mouth piece.
I'm the only person on here who isn't afraid to read all sources. Do you have a disagreement with the Red State analysis? Did you even read it? It is a quite measured opinion on the meaning of the special election. It states that a loss would be bad news for the GOP. Do you disagree? Do you have an opinion? Please enlighten us all with your thoughts on the subject.
I agree there is something fishy with this "accident"
2 boats of that size just don't hit each other... dead square on like that?
Sure, could be. We'll know in time. That doesn't prevent The Donald from speaking up about the losses and the sacrifices. Unless his handlers are preventing him from speaking, knowing that he'd say something unwise.
Must attack Donald at all times. Must attack. Even in face of tragedy. Must attack.
How the president behaves in the face of tragedy is an important marker of his fitness.
Like his nonresponse to the most recent terror attack in London, for instance. Muslim victims, so of course they're beneath his notice.
He's damned if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
Apparently tomorrow is a big day in the US. Latest Tweet from President Trump... Big day tomorrow in Georgia and South Carolina. ObamaCare is dead. Dems want to raise taxes big! They can only obstruct, no ideas. Vote "R"
It is a big day and I think this analysis is right
American Thinker and now Red State. No wonder you're their mouth piece.
I'm the only person on here who isn't afraid to read all sources. Do you have a disagreement with the Red State analysis? Did you even read it? It is a quite measured opinion on the meaning of the special election. It states that a loss would be bad news for the GOP. Do you disagree? Do you have an opinion? Please enlighten us all with your thoughts on the subject.
I read it and there was nothing out of the ordinary about the analysis. I have read more in-depth analysis about the race today from other sources though, including CNN online.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
Apparently tomorrow is a big day in the US. Latest Tweet from President Trump... Big day tomorrow in Georgia and South Carolina. ObamaCare is dead. Dems want to raise taxes big! They can only obstruct, no ideas. Vote "R"
It is a big day and I think this analysis is right
American Thinker and now Red State. No wonder you're their mouth piece.
I'm the only person on here who isn't afraid to read all sources. Do you have a disagreement with the Red State analysis? Did you even read it? It is a quite measured opinion on the meaning of the special election. It states that a loss would be bad news for the GOP. Do you disagree? Do you have an opinion? Please enlighten us all with your thoughts on the subject.
I read it and there was nothing out of the ordinary about the analysis. I have read more in-depth analysis about the race today from other sources though, including CNN online.
Agreed. The point of the post is to acknowledge that some conservative sources understand the significance of a loss. Red State has been a more "never trump" blog but I agree with the analysis. Should Ossof pull it out (which I think is unlikely based on general demographics) it should not be brushed off by conservatives as meaningless.
I agree there is something fishy with this "accident"
2 boats of that size just don't hit each other... dead square on like that?
Sure, could be. We'll know in time. That doesn't prevent The Donald from speaking up about the losses and the sacrifices. Unless his handlers are preventing him from speaking, knowing that he'd say something unwise.
Must attack Donald at all times. Must attack. Even in face of tragedy. Must attack.
How the president behaves in the face of tragedy is an important marker of his fitness.
Like his nonresponse to the most recent terror attack in London, for instance. Muslim victims, so of course they're beneath his notice.
He's damned if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
No, that's not necessarily true. He immediately had lots to say about those radical terrorist bombers and quickly critiqued the mayor of London, but now he chooses to remain silent on this attack. I know you can see the irony and hypocrisy of his outrage over only certain types of violence. He needs people to fear Islam/Muslim and the like so his travel ban can be put in place.
I agree there is something fishy with this "accident"
2 boats of that size just don't hit each other... dead square on like that?
Sure, could be. We'll know in time. That doesn't prevent The Donald from speaking up about the losses and the sacrifices. Unless his handlers are preventing him from speaking, knowing that he'd say something unwise.
Must attack Donald at all times. Must attack. Even in face of tragedy. Must attack.
How the president behaves in the face of tragedy is an important marker of his fitness.
Like his nonresponse to the most recent terror attack in London, for instance. Muslim victims, so of course they're beneath his notice.
He's damned if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
Only when he tweets nonsense, which unfortunately is most of the time.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Apparently tomorrow is a big day in the US. Latest Tweet from President Trump... Big day tomorrow in Georgia and South Carolina. ObamaCare is dead. Dems want to raise taxes big! They can only obstruct, no ideas. Vote "R"
It is a big day and I think this analysis is right
American Thinker and now Red State. No wonder you're their mouth piece.
I'm the only person on here who isn't afraid to read all sources. Do you have a disagreement with the Red State analysis? Did you even read it? It is a quite measured opinion on the meaning of the special election. It states that a loss would be bad news for the GOP. Do you disagree? Do you have an opinion? Please enlighten us all with your thoughts on the subject.
You're "the only person"? My my. Interesting that you know what the rest of us read in our spare time.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Apparently tomorrow is a big day in the US. Latest Tweet from President Trump... Big day tomorrow in Georgia and South Carolina. ObamaCare is dead. Dems want to raise taxes big! They can only obstruct, no ideas. Vote "R"
It is a big day and I think this analysis is right
American Thinker and now Red State. No wonder you're their mouth piece.
I'm the only person on here who isn't afraid to read all sources. Do you have a disagreement with the Red State analysis? Did you even read it? It is a quite measured opinion on the meaning of the special election. It states that a loss would be bad news for the GOP. Do you disagree? Do you have an opinion? Please enlighten us all with your thoughts on the subject.
In reality, it's a reflection of how voters in that district feel. What's more important is what message the media will form from the results. That message csn end up influencing some people to think a certain way. But no district that ever elected Gingrich will be representative of any aspect of the country as a whole.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
You could rely on more reputable sources for your information. The NPR link answered many of your questions and gave examples where similar incidents have happened in the past in busy shipping channels. I don't recall there being an explosion so why the comparison to the USS Cole? Your linking to a purely speculative blog post devoid of facts just adds to the toxic stew of discourse. Using the deaths of 7 US sailors as some subtle reminder of the evils of North Korea or ISIS is weaponizing container ships while telling the rest of us to be quiet. How about it was a fucking accident and not a reason to start WW3?
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
Cut him some slack, he and Frederick Douglass were putting the finishing touches on the Panama Canal.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
I'm sure Senator Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar" Cotton will be calling for a senate investigation to get to the bottom of it.
Because clearly in the neocon mindset it was not just an accident. And only 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi. Maybe this investigation will last twice as long and cost twice as much?
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Exactly. That is why the people who are complaining that Trump/GOP didn't overreact appear to just be complaining for the sake of complaining. If he tweeted off the cuff on this subject the same people would claiming that he shoots from the hip. He damns if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
I'm sure Senator Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar" Cotton will be calling for a senate investigation to get to the bottom of it.
Because clearly in the neocon mindset it was not just an accident. And only 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi. Maybe this investigation will last twice as long and cost twice as much?
The neocon mindset hasn't decided what this is yet. It may in the end just be an accident. If however it was a pre-planned attack similar to benghazi that possibly included the administrations failure to provide security resources requested by the navy then you're damn sure the neocons will have something to say about it. They will not cover up failure and blame it on a video.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Exactly. That is why the people who are complaining that Trump/GOP didn't overreact appear to just be complaining for the sake of complaining. If he tweeted off the cuff on this subject the same people would claiming that he shoots from the hip. He damns if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't. one can make an argument that his tweets aren't a complete disaster. He's a fucking idiot that can't keep his whiny mouth (via twitter fingers) shut.
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
You could rely on more reputable sources for your information. The NPR link answered many of your questions and gave examples where similar incidents have happened in the past in busy shipping channels. I don't recall there being an explosion so why the comparison to the USS Cole? Your linking to a purely speculative blog post devoid of facts just adds to the toxic stew of discourse. Using the deaths of 7 US sailors as some subtle reminder of the evils of North Korea or ISIS is weaponizing container ships while telling the rest of us to be quiet. How about it was a fucking accident and not a reason to start WW3?
Well if NPR declares it an accident I guess it is one. Personally I prefer to wait for the Navy and DOD to issue their report before coming to any conclusions. It would be negligence to do otherwise. For some reason the only investigations you approve of are those involving the Trump and the Russians.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
That's great, but the problem Trump has created for himself is that he gets on his Twitter rampages over only things that really matter to him and are rather embarrassing. Yet he, himself, can't take the time to say anything. I don't know why you defend him. He's not even your president to begin with and he made his bed, let him lie in it. No need to jump to his defense over something that makes no sense to most Americans, including his supporters.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
That's great, but the problem Trump has created for himself is that he gets on his Twitter rampages over only things that really matter to him and are rather embarrassing. Yet he, himself, can't take the time to say anything. I don't know why you defend him. He's not even your president to begin with and he made his bed, let him lie in it. No need to jump to his defense over something that makes no sense to most Americans, including his supporters.
Sorry but I think this outrage is phony. I can't be certain but in all likelihood he has spoken to the families of the lost sailors personally. George W Bush did that all the time without fanfare and it is the only thing that matters. Not everything needs to be for public consumption. I agree with you on his "twitter rampages" and am actually happy for once that he is not chiming in on a topic that is tragic and sensitive. Call that a defense if you want.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
I'm sure Senator Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar" Cotton will be calling for a senate investigation to get to the bottom of it.
Because clearly in the neocon mindset it was not just an accident. And only 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi. Maybe this investigation will last twice as long and cost twice as much?
The neocon mindset hasn't decided what this is yet. It may in the end just be an accident. If however it was a pre-planned attack similar to benghazi that possibly included the administrations failure to provide security resources requested by the navy then you're damn sure the neocons will have something to say about it. They will not cover up failure and blame it on a video.
The American Thinker blog you linked to declared it some kind of nefariousness with a lack of facts as you told the rest of us to be quiet. I wasn't looking for Trump to give away the invasion plans for North Korea nor a detailed explanation of what transpired. All I was looking for was Trump to acknowledge the loss of life. Too much to ask of our CIC and beyond his capability to show empathy. He knows more than his generals after all. The only outrage I've seen exhibited is yours.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
You could rely on more reputable sources for your information. The NPR link answered many of your questions and gave examples where similar incidents have happened in the past in busy shipping channels. I don't recall there being an explosion so why the comparison to the USS Cole? Your linking to a purely speculative blog post devoid of facts just adds to the toxic stew of discourse. Using the deaths of 7 US sailors as some subtle reminder of the evils of North Korea or ISIS is weaponizing container ships while telling the rest of us to be quiet. How about it was a fucking accident and not a reason to start WW3?
Well if NPR declares it an accident I guess it is one. Personally I prefer to wait for the Navy and DOD to issue their report before coming to any conclusions. It would be negligence to do otherwise. For some reason the only investigations you approve of are those involving the Trump and the Russians.
NPR had way more information with which to draw a conclusion or make a better informed opinion of what may have happened than your link to the blog post that mentioned North Korea's nuclear capability and the grid. How are those two things related to the ships colliding? Unless you want to fear monger and add to the toxic stew of discourse and rhetoric. You sound like McCain, "we're all Crimeans now." Keep beating that war drum. Slowly.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Exactly. That is why the people who are complaining that Trump/GOP didn't overreact appear to just be complaining for the sake of complaining. If he tweeted off the cuff on this subject the same people would claiming that he shoots from the hip. He damns if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
the reason for this is simple: he doesn't tweet in a presidential fashion. obama tweeted respectfully, and I'm guessing that most other former presidents would have as well. GWB, GB, Clinton, Reagan, you name it. it would have been thought out and with some class. well, maybe not GWB, but at least he would have been smart enough to get an aid to do it for him.
trump doesn't use twitter as a presidential tool, he uses it as a political tool, which should have stopped when he won. I don't recall obama ever doing that.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Exactly. That is why the people who are complaining that Trump/GOP didn't overreact appear to just be complaining for the sake of complaining. If he tweeted off the cuff on this subject the same people would claiming that he shoots from the hip. He damns if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
the reason for this is simple: he doesn't tweet in a presidential fashion. obama tweeted respectfully, and I'm guessing that most other former presidents would have as well. GWB, GB, Clinton, Reagan, you name it. it would have been thought out and with some class. well, maybe not GWB, but at least he would have been smart enough to get an aid to do it for him.
trump doesn't use twitter as a presidential tool, he uses it as a political tool, which should have stopped when he won. I don't recall obama ever doing that.
Excellent point. He uses it when he wants to show that his idea or side is the right way to do things. Rarely is it used to promote unity or appreciation for anyone beyond himself.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
So in a situation that requires a compassionate and human response, trump has others speak for him.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
You could rely on more reputable sources for your information. The NPR link answered many of your questions and gave examples where similar incidents have happened in the past in busy shipping channels. I don't recall there being an explosion so why the comparison to the USS Cole? Your linking to a purely speculative blog post devoid of facts just adds to the toxic stew of discourse. Using the deaths of 7 US sailors as some subtle reminder of the evils of North Korea or ISIS is weaponizing container ships while telling the rest of us to be quiet. How about it was a fucking accident and not a reason to start WW3?
Well if NPR declares it an accident I guess it is one. Personally I prefer to wait for the Navy and DOD to issue their report before coming to any conclusions. It would be negligence to do otherwise. For some reason the only investigations you approve of are those involving the Trump and the Russians.
NPR had way more information with which to draw a conclusion or make a better informed opinion of what may have happened than your link to the blog post that mentioned North Korea's nuclear capability and the grid. How are those two things related to the ships colliding? Unless you want to fear monger and add to the toxic stew of discourse and rhetoric. You sound like McCain, "we're all Crimeans now." Keep beating that war drum. Slowly.
The war drum is being beaten by North Korea. Just like they beat Otto Warmbier. On that you remain silent.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
You've officially jumped the shark. Congratulations. A bowl of toxic stew with a side of fries and a malted milk from Al's will be forthcoming.
Yes. The science is settled on why this apparent accident happened.
Did you even read the blog post you linked? Is fear all you peddle? Do you see boogeymen everywhere you look?
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I don't think that article peddles fear. It raised a plausible theory, but currently we can't prove or disprove that information. I think the part about Korea using a nuclear strike on the US is out there a bit.
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Exactly. That is why the people who are complaining that Trump/GOP didn't overreact appear to just be complaining for the sake of complaining. If he tweeted off the cuff on this subject the same people would claiming that he shoots from the hip. He damns if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
the reason for this is simple: he doesn't tweet in a presidential fashion. obama tweeted respectfully, and I'm guessing that most other former presidents would have as well. GWB, GB, Clinton, Reagan, you name it. it would have been thought out and with some class. well, maybe not GWB, but at least he would have been smart enough to get an aid to do it for him.
trump doesn't use twitter as a presidential tool, he uses it as a political tool, which should have stopped when he won. I don't recall obama ever doing that.
When 7 military service personnel die in an accident... or in any way, frankly... I expect the POTUS to give a fucking statement. And not through Twitter like a 15 year old. Period.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
So in a situation that requires a compassionate and human response, trump has others speak for him.
He was applauded for his speech after the Scalise shooting.
He's damned if he tweets and he's damned if he doesn't.
Yes I read it. Is it peddling fear to ask questions? Are you afraid of the answers? The likelihood is that this was an accident but is it inconceivable for it to be something else? Do you remember the USS Cole? Do you recognize that we live in a time of asymmetric warfare? Should we just all shut up and blame this on a video?
I know the first thing I thought of when I heard about it was that it didn't sound right. How do ships just run in to each other in this day and age of technology? Didn't seem right at all.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The neocon mindset hasn't decided what this is yet. It may in the end just be an accident. If however it was a pre-planned attack similar to benghazi that possibly included the administrations failure to provide security resources requested by the navy then you're damn sure the neocons will have something to say about it. They will not cover up failure and blame it on a video.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
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Well if NPR declares it an accident I guess it is one. Personally I prefer to wait for the Navy and DOD to issue their report before coming to any conclusions. It would be negligence to do otherwise. For some reason the only investigations you approve of are those involving the Trump and the Russians.
A statement was given through Spicer and the Navy
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump and the entire administration was sending their thoughts and prayers to the sailors' families. The incident was a "sobering reminder of the dangers" faced by the men and women of the U.S. military every day, Spicer said.
In a statement, acting Navy Secretary Sean Stackley said, "We are all deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our fellow shipmates. ... As details emerge, we can all be proud of the heroic effort by the crew to tend to the needs of those injured and save the ship from further damage while returning safely to port."
He thanked "our Japanese allies" for their swift assistance, and said the Navy will fully investigate the cause."
They are also investigating time discrepancies in the reporting of the collision. But maybe they should just shut up and not investigate.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
trump doesn't use twitter as a presidential tool, he uses it as a political tool, which should have stopped when he won. I don't recall obama ever doing that.
-EV 8/14/93
And I agree with you on this.
He was applauded for his speech after the Scalise shooting.