Hitler was an evil man. Am I moron or am I creating a toxic stew for liberal resisters to go on shooting rampages? I've never read a more toxic garbage of a statement by a poster than, "anybody who uses Hitler in a sentence is a moron."
Yes you create a toxic stew. This post is an example. You pretend not to know what I mean. I assume you are pretending. I will not claim you didn't understand. I will not call you a moron.
Sure, whatever professor. I create a toxic stew and your posts and rehtoric are civil in their discourse and never "toxic" nor contributing to the hate or ridicule? It's always the libs fault, isn't it? Still believe those headlines are going to disappear, professor? It's normal for you to jump to such a conclusion that using the word "resistance" or "denier" are automatically holocaust and Nazi related and claim that the use of such adds to this toxic stew you claim to hate so much. Do you have an academic study sponsored by the Heritage Foundation that proves this that you can link to or are you just making shit up again?
Always the libs fault? No but the words they choose have consequences just like words chosen on the right have consequences. Words such as "denier" and "resistance" and "evil" are chosen ever so subtly for a reason and you wish to follow along and use them without being responsible for their consequences. The only thing toxic I do is counter AMT group think.
Again, do you have a link to a study or survey that shows that when people see or hear the words "denier" or "resistance" they immediately associate the context in which the word is used with the holocaust or Nazis? Because you think it so and want to add to the toxic stew without assuming responsibility for your projection doesn't make it so. And you do fully subscribe to neocon group think I'm afraid. Funny but I don't think I've read you calling out Trump for his mocking of the epileptic reporter at his rally or Alex Jones as vociferously as you do posters on here for using the word "evil."
I don't think I have ever listened to Alex Jones other then when he was on Howard Stern.
So you give him a pass? Makes sense. I've never read Mein Kampf. I guess it's okay then.
Perfect example of a moronic "Hitler" comparison. Mein Kampf is a major historical book that most people are familiar with whether they have read it or not. One can and should easily have an opinion on it. Alex Jones is an American talk personality that only a segment of your country pays attention too. To be unfamiliar with his every utterance would be quite normal for most of the population and to be unaware of shit he says would not be the equivalent of saying "Mein Kampf is ok". Thanks for your class participation. It has been helpful.
Being ignorant isn't an excuse but I suppose it offers you plausible deniability for not condemning him.
Yes. I am avoiding Alex Jones to maintain plausible deniability. More importantly though you have unwittingly contributed to class discussion again. Many of you continue to believe that all of us conservative weirdos are under the control of right wing media. Buffalo Saber guy just made that claim yesterday. The idea that I don't listen to Alex Jones is probably mind blowing to you. How could I possibly believe what I believe without being under Alex Jones' spell?! The lesson here is that the average conservative is not the right-wing media robot you make him/her out to be. Extra credit for you.
Still won't condemn him though, will you? Did I call you a weirdo? Mind blowing? Hardly, I don't listen to him either but I know enough about him to openly condemn him but you'd rather condemn PJSoul for using the word evil. Where did I ever state that the "average conservative is the right wing media robot?" Your projection of how you view liberals really is astounding. How is having the ability to recognize Alex Jones for what he is contributing to "class discussion?" What segment or demographics listen to Alex Jones? Do you have a link to radio listening demographics that you'd like to share?
Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to travel to Canada to purchase my Cuban cigars. Oh the horror. Will you be advocating for Canada to severe ties with Cuba?
Condemn him? I have literally done zero research into anything he has said. Zero.
I guess you're not as well read as you proclaim? Or, its plausible deniability?
Is one only "well read" if they follow Alex Jones? Aren't you in fact arguing that people should not listen to him. Which is it?
Seems I heard D.T. has the worst approval record for a president of all time, yes?
At this point into the term, yes.
The polls today are consistent with the pre-election polls. He was unpopular then and he is unpopular now. They do not speak to re-election and only become meaningful when an alternative emerges.
Hitler was an evil man. Am I moron or am I creating a toxic stew for liberal resisters to go on shooting rampages? I've never read a more toxic garbage of a statement by a poster than, "anybody who uses Hitler in a sentence is a moron."
Yes you create a toxic stew. This post is an example. You pretend not to know what I mean. I assume you are pretending. I will not claim you didn't understand. I will not call you a moron.
Sure, whatever professor. I create a toxic stew and your posts and rehtoric are civil in their discourse and never "toxic" nor contributing to the hate or ridicule? It's always the libs fault, isn't it? Still believe those headlines are going to disappear, professor? It's normal for you to jump to such a conclusion that using the word "resistance" or "denier" are automatically holocaust and Nazi related and claim that the use of such adds to this toxic stew you claim to hate so much. Do you have an academic study sponsored by the Heritage Foundation that proves this that you can link to or are you just making shit up again?
Always the libs fault? No but the words they choose have consequences just like words chosen on the right have consequences. Words such as "denier" and "resistance" and "evil" are chosen ever so subtly for a reason and you wish to follow along and use them without being responsible for their consequences. The only thing toxic I do is counter AMT group think.
Again, do you have a link to a study or survey that shows that when people see or hear the words "denier" or "resistance" they immediately associate the context in which the word is used with the holocaust or Nazis? Because you think it so and want to add to the toxic stew without assuming responsibility for your projection doesn't make it so. And you do fully subscribe to neocon group think I'm afraid. Funny but I don't think I've read you calling out Trump for his mocking of the epileptic reporter at his rally or Alex Jones as vociferously as you do posters on here for using the word "evil."
I don't think I have ever listened to Alex Jones other then when he was on Howard Stern.
So you give him a pass? Makes sense. I've never read Mein Kampf. I guess it's okay then.
Perfect example of a moronic "Hitler" comparison. Mein Kampf is a major historical book that most people are familiar with whether they have read it or not. One can and should easily have an opinion on it. Alex Jones is an American talk personality that only a segment of your country pays attention too. To be unfamiliar with his every utterance would be quite normal for most of the population and to be unaware of shit he says would not be the equivalent of saying "Mein Kampf is ok". Thanks for your class participation. It has been helpful.
Being ignorant isn't an excuse but I suppose it offers you plausible deniability for not condemning him.
Yes. I am avoiding Alex Jones to maintain plausible deniability. More importantly though you have unwittingly contributed to class discussion again. Many of you continue to believe that all of us conservative weirdos are under the control of right wing media. Buffalo Saber guy just made that claim yesterday. The idea that I don't listen to Alex Jones is probably mind blowing to you. How could I possibly believe what I believe without being under Alex Jones' spell?! The lesson here is that the average conservative is not the right-wing media robot you make him/her out to be. Extra credit for you.
Still won't condemn him though, will you? Did I call you a weirdo? Mind blowing? Hardly, I don't listen to him either but I know enough about him to openly condemn him but you'd rather condemn PJSoul for using the word evil. Where did I ever state that the "average conservative is the right wing media robot?" Your projection of how you view liberals really is astounding. How is having the ability to recognize Alex Jones for what he is contributing to "class discussion?" What segment or demographics listen to Alex Jones? Do you have a link to radio listening demographics that you'd like to share?
Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to travel to Canada to purchase my Cuban cigars. Oh the horror. Will you be advocating for Canada to severe ties with Cuba?
Condemn him? I have literally done zero research into anything he has said. Zero.
I guess you're not as well read as you proclaim? Or, its plausible deniability?
Is one only "well read" if they follow Alex Jones? Aren't you in fact arguing that people should not listen to him. Which is it?
It's been around 12 hours since the bodies of 7 US sailors were recovered, and he's tweeting about approval ratings & Obama.
The man's a disgrace.
Where are the so called pro-military conservatives?
up trump's ass. if they weren't they would be on the sunday talk shows screaming about this. where is mccain on this? he is on tv every sunday.
Screaming about what? What do you believe happened that people should be screaming about? There is a search and rescue mission under way. Families of lost sailors have probably not even been notified yet. There are also diplomatic issues at play along with details the US does not want adversaries to know. For once you would figure that some of you would be happy that Trump is not spouting off about what is clearly a sensitive event. His assinine tweets might even serve as a good short term distraction for what is a tragedy that is in definite need of a not so public investigation due to national security concerns. You all don't need to hate on everything.
Hitler was an evil man. Am I moron or am I creating a toxic stew for liberal resisters to go on shooting rampages? I've never read a more toxic garbage of a statement by a poster than, "anybody who uses Hitler in a sentence is a moron."
Yes you create a toxic stew. This post is an example. You pretend not to know what I mean. I assume you are pretending. I will not claim you didn't understand. I will not call you a moron.
Sure, whatever professor. I create a toxic stew and your posts and rehtoric are civil in their discourse and never "toxic" nor contributing to the hate or ridicule? It's always the libs fault, isn't it? Still believe those headlines are going to disappear, professor? It's normal for you to jump to such a conclusion that using the word "resistance" or "denier" are automatically holocaust and Nazi related and claim that the use of such adds to this toxic stew you claim to hate so much. Do you have an academic study sponsored by the Heritage Foundation that proves this that you can link to or are you just making shit up again?
Always the libs fault? No but the words they choose have consequences just like words chosen on the right have consequences. Words such as "denier" and "resistance" and "evil" are chosen ever so subtly for a reason and you wish to follow along and use them without being responsible for their consequences. The only thing toxic I do is counter AMT group think.
Again, do you have a link to a study or survey that shows that when people see or hear the words "denier" or "resistance" they immediately associate the context in which the word is used with the holocaust or Nazis? Because you think it so and want to add to the toxic stew without assuming responsibility for your projection doesn't make it so. And you do fully subscribe to neocon group think I'm afraid. Funny but I don't think I've read you calling out Trump for his mocking of the epileptic reporter at his rally or Alex Jones as vociferously as you do posters on here for using the word "evil."
I don't think I have ever listened to Alex Jones other then when he was on Howard Stern.
So you give him a pass? Makes sense. I've never read Mein Kampf. I guess it's okay then.
Perfect example of a moronic "Hitler" comparison. Mein Kampf is a major historical book that most people are familiar with whether they have read it or not. One can and should easily have an opinion on it. Alex Jones is an American talk personality that only a segment of your country pays attention too. To be unfamiliar with his every utterance would be quite normal for most of the population and to be unaware of shit he says would not be the equivalent of saying "Mein Kampf is ok". Thanks for your class participation. It has been helpful.
Being ignorant isn't an excuse but I suppose it offers you plausible deniability for not condemning him.
Yes. I am avoiding Alex Jones to maintain plausible deniability. More importantly though you have unwittingly contributed to class discussion again. Many of you continue to believe that all of us conservative weirdos are under the control of right wing media. Buffalo Saber guy just made that claim yesterday. The idea that I don't listen to Alex Jones is probably mind blowing to you. How could I possibly believe what I believe without being under Alex Jones' spell?! The lesson here is that the average conservative is not the right-wing media robot you make him/her out to be. Extra credit for you.
Still won't condemn him though, will you? Did I call you a weirdo? Mind blowing? Hardly, I don't listen to him either but I know enough about him to openly condemn him but you'd rather condemn PJSoul for using the word evil. Where did I ever state that the "average conservative is the right wing media robot?" Your projection of how you view liberals really is astounding. How is having the ability to recognize Alex Jones for what he is contributing to "class discussion?" What segment or demographics listen to Alex Jones? Do you have a link to radio listening demographics that you'd like to share?
Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to travel to Canada to purchase my Cuban cigars. Oh the horror. Will you be advocating for Canada to severe ties with Cuba?
Condemn him? I have literally done zero research into anything he has said. Zero.
I guess you're not as well read as you proclaim? Or, its plausible deniability?
Is one only "well read" if they follow Alex Jones? Aren't you in fact arguing that people should not listen to him. Which is it?
Ignorance is bliss.
Ahhh...the old Jeremiah Wright defense. I get it now.
Hitler was an evil man. Am I moron or am I creating a toxic stew for liberal resisters to go on shooting rampages? I've never read a more toxic garbage of a statement by a poster than, "anybody who uses Hitler in a sentence is a moron."
Yes you create a toxic stew. This post is an example. You pretend not to know what I mean. I assume you are pretending. I will not claim you didn't understand. I will not call you a moron.
Sure, whatever professor. I create a toxic stew and your posts and rehtoric are civil in their discourse and never "toxic" nor contributing to the hate or ridicule? It's always the libs fault, isn't it? Still believe those headlines are going to disappear, professor? It's normal for you to jump to such a conclusion that using the word "resistance" or "denier" are automatically holocaust and Nazi related and claim that the use of such adds to this toxic stew you claim to hate so much. Do you have an academic study sponsored by the Heritage Foundation that proves this that you can link to or are you just making shit up again?
Always the libs fault? No but the words they choose have consequences just like words chosen on the right have consequences. Words such as "denier" and "resistance" and "evil" are chosen ever so subtly for a reason and you wish to follow along and use them without being responsible for their consequences. The only thing toxic I do is counter AMT group think.
Again, do you have a link to a study or survey that shows that when people see or hear the words "denier" or "resistance" they immediately associate the context in which the word is used with the holocaust or Nazis? Because you think it so and want to add to the toxic stew without assuming responsibility for your projection doesn't make it so. And you do fully subscribe to neocon group think I'm afraid. Funny but I don't think I've read you calling out Trump for his mocking of the epileptic reporter at his rally or Alex Jones as vociferously as you do posters on here for using the word "evil."
I don't think I have ever listened to Alex Jones other then when he was on Howard Stern.
So you give him a pass? Makes sense. I've never read Mein Kampf. I guess it's okay then.
Perfect example of a moronic "Hitler" comparison. Mein Kampf is a major historical book that most people are familiar with whether they have read it or not. One can and should easily have an opinion on it. Alex Jones is an American talk personality that only a segment of your country pays attention too. To be unfamiliar with his every utterance would be quite normal for most of the population and to be unaware of shit he says would not be the equivalent of saying "Mein Kampf is ok". Thanks for your class participation. It has been helpful.
Being ignorant isn't an excuse but I suppose it offers you plausible deniability for not condemning him.
Yes. I am avoiding Alex Jones to maintain plausible deniability. More importantly though you have unwittingly contributed to class discussion again. Many of you continue to believe that all of us conservative weirdos are under the control of right wing media. Buffalo Saber guy just made that claim yesterday. The idea that I don't listen to Alex Jones is probably mind blowing to you. How could I possibly believe what I believe without being under Alex Jones' spell?! The lesson here is that the average conservative is not the right-wing media robot you make him/her out to be. Extra credit for you.
Still won't condemn him though, will you? Did I call you a weirdo? Mind blowing? Hardly, I don't listen to him either but I know enough about him to openly condemn him but you'd rather condemn PJSoul for using the word evil. Where did I ever state that the "average conservative is the right wing media robot?" Your projection of how you view liberals really is astounding. How is having the ability to recognize Alex Jones for what he is contributing to "class discussion?" What segment or demographics listen to Alex Jones? Do you have a link to radio listening demographics that you'd like to share?
Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to travel to Canada to purchase my Cuban cigars. Oh the horror. Will you be advocating for Canada to severe ties with Cuba?
Condemn him? I have literally done zero research into anything he has said. Zero.
I guess you're not as well read as you proclaim? Or, its plausible deniability?
Is one only "well read" if they follow Alex Jones? Aren't you in fact arguing that people should not listen to him. Which is it?
Ignorance is bliss.
Ahhh...the old Jeremiah Wright defense. I get it now.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
Well, that settles it. A fucking blog post as a reason to bomb North Korea. Please let me know when Canada's carrier strike force will participate in the defense of North America. Is fear all you peddle?
Any normal POTUS would have released a statement or held a press conference mourning the loss of life, praising the heroism of the sailors and promising an investigation into the cause to prevent a future incident without giving away the secret plans for the bombing and invasion of North Korea. But not this president, he just cares about himself.
I agree there is something fishy with this "accident"
2 boats of that size just don't hit each other... dead square on like that?
Sure, could be. We'll know in time. That doesn't prevent The Donald from speaking up about the losses and the sacrifices. Unless his handlers are preventing him from speaking, knowing that he'd say something unwise.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
American Thinker?
Your 'thinking' is becoming more clear
Blog post to add to the toxic stew of Alex Jones decisiveness or more likely, reality? Now, which link has more detail? Hmmmmm, promoting more toxic stew. #resistance, #truthdenier
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
American Thinker?
Your 'thinking' is becoming more clear
Blog post to add to the toxic stew of Alex Jones decisiveness or more likely, reality? Now, which link has more detail? Hmmmmm, promoting more toxic stew. #resistance, #truthdenier
“I think he’s doing a great job. I don’t have any complaints. I wish the media would back off, because they’re very negative and anything he does they want to pick apart,” said Lori Vanauken of Florida, as she and her family ate burgers and fries in the same spot where Trump announced his candidacy.
Vanauken and her husband said they wish Congress would implement some of Trump’s ideas instead of wasting time with hearings. They believe the president’s word over that of former FBI director James B. Comey and others — but added that even if Trump did tell Comey to stop investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn, it’s no big deal.
“Okay, so something happened — get over it and move on,” said David Vanauken, an engineer. “That’s what middle-class people do every day: You have a struggle, you resolve it, and you move on. Don’t keep hanging on it.”
“It’s very frustrating that he gets pushback on everything that he tries to do. It’s just everything. Everything,” said Debbie Maddox, 61, a retiree and Trump supporter from the Houston area who visited Trump Tower this month with her daughter and two grandchildren. “They just don’t give him a chance to do it, no matter what it is. He’s always wrong.”
You can depend on these people to still be like this tomorrow.
Just awful. It doesn't surprise me unfortunately, but we all need to be working together to make this better. Actions like this make ISIS and other extremists very happy.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It could simply be an accident but it could also be something much worse. It is too soon for anybody to be "screaming".
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2 boats of that size just don't hit each other... dead square on like that?
Your 'thinking' is becoming more clear
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Sure, could be. We'll know in time. That doesn't prevent The Donald from speaking up about the losses and the sacrifices. Unless his handlers are preventing him from speaking, knowing that he'd say something unwise.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Van hits worshippers outside mosque in London's Finsbury Park
Police say 'number of casualties' being treated at the scenehttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/van-pedestrians-hit-run-over-casualties-latest-police-finsbury-park-mosque-muslims-seven-sisters-a7796551.html
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
A heartbreaking article. All but one of those who died were younger than 30, and one was 19.
You can depend on these people to still be like this tomorrow.
They must exclusively read the 'American Thinker'. Read? Ha. Listening to Fox News
"If you could reason with Trump supporters, there would be no Trump supporters."
Mueller team lawyer brings witness-flipping expertise to Trump probes