What’s the healcare program that the Baffoon will implement anyone know maybe BS knows ..
It doesn't matter what healthcare program he implements, whether its Obamacare or whatever...it will remain substandard to most of us with common sense...and yes Obamacare is substandard healthcare.
20 plus million folks depend on it yes it’s not perfect and it needs tweaking , so what do you suggest just get rid of it and leave 20 million folks with no insurance..
I suggest you demand universal healthcare. I am in Canada, here is how it works...if sick, just show health card to whoever you need treatment from...no money exchanges hands, and my doctor is free to order any test HE feels necessary and does not have to consult the government (who provides the service) to make sure he gets paid. All test are covered the same way. That's the way it should be. Is it perfect, hell no, it can be improved...but no one is left without healthcare. I was born into this country with universal healthcare, my parents remember a time without universal healthcare...needless to say, they prefer this system. I had kidney stones a few years back and needed a surgical procedure, went to the hospital, signed a few papers, had the procedure, spent the night in the hospital, next day nurse made me piss until there was no blood in urine and sent me home. Did not cost me more than a signature...of course, tax dollars pay for it.
What you just described sounds a lot like......
And where there is SOCIALISM there are..
There will be NO SOCIALISTS in 'murica DAMMIT
Except its not socialism, because there are aspects of my health care I am responsible for, like dental, pharmaceutical, eye exams...etc.
And Barr created the lawless wire tapping program in 1992. Clinton took office in 1993, thus he could not have “created” it.
So, Team Trump Treason, the same Team Trump Treason whining about his wires being tapped, hires the original architect of the warrantless, lawless wire tapping program. You can’t make this display of brilliant brilliance of brilliancy up.
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
@BS44325 when does Team Trump Treason fire AG Barr for starting a covert surveillance program against Americans by tapping their wires? Maybe we should go back and review the data for Team Trump Treason contacts with Russians? Drain the swamp my ass.
The program, known within the drug agency as USTO (a play on call going from the United States to other countries), was carried out in part by the department’s Criminal Division, run at the time by Robert Mueller
Interesting that it was run by everybodys hero, Bobby Mueller.
Also it continued through Clinton, Bush, and into the 2nd Obama term until Edward Snowden dropped knowledge. One mans "traitor" is another mans Daniel Ellsberg
See, i read articles lol
Funny how the media slyly shows bias... the headline smearing Barr over this... but glossing over that it was actually overseen by Bobby's division... created under Clinton (you think POTUS isn't aware or greenlights such a project?) and continued through 2 more presidents, including the savior Obama, until they were forced to end it because of Snowden
Barr as AG had primary responsibility for the creation and authorization of the program. Team Mueller ran it, “in part,” through his criminal division. Team Mueller didn’t create it, have authorization to tell others to use it and was a likely beneficiary of data collected and passed on. Don’t let your “bias” get in the way. And that’s got Cheney all over it. Once you let the genie out, it’s damn hard to put it back and the repubs have let a shit ton of genies out. LOL.
I love how you downplay Muellers role and the fact it continued under democrat administrations, more so than republican actually... You think Barr, or any other AG, would be the sole creator of something like that? You think something like that isnt ultimately authorized by the White House? It survived through ALL of the Clinton years, and into Obamas 2nd term under Holder, until Snowden blew the whistle. Was Dick Cheney controlling it through the Clinton & Obama years? Lol
You're blind faith and trust in democrats is hilarious
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
“We have a lot of great support, far more than you think. But where we really have the support are the voters that pull that handle, or whatever the hell they are pulling, they are pulling it for us,” Trump began. “So, the Russia hoax proves more than ever that we need to finish exactly what we came here to do. Drain the swamp!”
The president continued, “The Democrats have to now decide whether they will continue defrauding the public with ridiculous bullshit — partisan investigations, or whether they will apologize to the American people, and join us to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, bring down the cost of health care.”
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
Please don't try to claim that delusion and ridicule are uniquely liberal phenomena. We pretty much all accept the delusions that leave us in our safe, comfortable places, and avoid hard truths that force us to reconcile with the fact we were wrong. Choosing not to learn is the most certain route to assure that.
There's an epidemic of people not being critical of their own ilk to the degree they do to those across the aisle, and we'd be much better served to assume politicians are not speaking for us - any of them (and it seems that your odds are good these days) - and to research accordingly. Until we raise the bar on being skeptical of our own, and demanding logical conclusions from provable premises, this reality will not change.
I'll try to do my part here, and agree with you on some of what you've said: I think given the public has zero input or influence on the Mueller investigation, it's been a waste of time and energy from DNC supporters, and seems to me to be about an end goal of being correct and being smug (because had DNC supporters done or said nothing, the results would be unchanged). That's the definition of unproductive, and the only possible outcome is more division, which actually makes it destructive. I could think of numerous examples of these kinds of petty and destructive behaviours coming from both sides of the aisle. What should've happened, was that Republicans and Democrats should have been able to be mature, rational people, who recognized smoke, permitted the search for fire, and continued with life. That means no Democrats cheering for Mueller to impeach, and no Republicans cheering for Mueller to be fired. We should be honest and admit that both happened here and everywhere.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
lol yeah ok enjoy your win with the Orange Baffoon he won round 1 of a 15 round fight , I hope your Pizza is better than your logic !
I get a kick out of how delusional and ridiculous comments in here have become. People seem to actually think the AG Barr would bullshit 4 pages about Muellers report. Lmao, and Mueller would sit silently in the background like “well that’s not what the report says but “ok.” The Democrats have been proven embariasingly shallow and ridiculous and some like Schiffhead continue to double and triple down on bullshit that a 2 year investigation proved to be bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d just stfu and keep my head down till it blows over, but damn it’s sad to see how obsessed over this they were and how other than Mueller and anti-Trumpism, they have no reason to even be representing people in govt. green new deal? Lmao, gtfo of here
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
to be fair, insulting trump by comparing him to someone with an intellectual disability is in fact insulting those with intellectual disabilities.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
@BS44325 when does Team Trump Treason fire AG Barr for starting a covert surveillance program against Americans by tapping their wires? Maybe we should go back and review the data for Team Trump Treason contacts with Russians? Drain the swamp my ass.
The program, known within the drug agency as USTO (a play on call going from the United States to other countries), was carried out in part by the department’s Criminal Division, run at the time by Robert Mueller
Interesting that it was run by everybodys hero, Bobby Mueller.
Also it continued through Clinton, Bush, and into the 2nd Obama term until Edward Snowden dropped knowledge. One mans "traitor" is another mans Daniel Ellsberg
See, i read articles lol
Funny how the media slyly shows bias... the headline smearing Barr over this... but glossing over that it was actually overseen by Bobby's division... created under Clinton (you think POTUS isn't aware or greenlights such a project?) and continued through 2 more presidents, including the savior Obama, until they were forced to end it because of Snowden
Barr as AG had primary responsibility for the creation and authorization of the program. Team Mueller ran it, “in part,” through his criminal division. Team Mueller didn’t create it, have authorization to tell others to use it and was a likely beneficiary of data collected and passed on. Don’t let your “bias” get in the way. And that’s got Cheney all over it. Once you let the genie out, it’s damn hard to put it back and the repubs have let a shit ton of genies out. LOL.
I love how you downplay Muellers role and the fact it continued under democrat administrations, more so than republican actually... You think Barr, or any other AG, would be the sole creator of something like that? You think something like that isnt ultimately authorized by the White House? It survived through ALL of the Clinton years, and into Obamas 2nd term under Holder, until Snowden blew the whistle. Was Dick Cheney controlling it through the Clinton & Obama years? Lol
You're blind faith and trust in democrats is hilarious
@BS44325 when does Team Trump Treason fire AG Barr for starting a covert surveillance program against Americans by tapping their wires? Maybe we should go back and review the data for Team Trump Treason contacts with Russians? Drain the swamp my ass.
The program, known within the drug agency as USTO (a play on call going from the United States to other countries), was carried out in part by the department’s Criminal Division, run at the time by Robert Mueller
Interesting that it was run by everybodys hero, Bobby Mueller.
Also it continued through Clinton, Bush, and into the 2nd Obama term until Edward Snowden dropped knowledge. One mans "traitor" is another mans Daniel Ellsberg
See, i read articles lol
Funny how the media slyly shows bias... the headline smearing Barr over this... but glossing over that it was actually overseen by Bobby's division... created under Clinton (you think POTUS isn't aware or greenlights such a project?) and continued through 2 more presidents, including the savior Obama, until they were forced to end it because of Snowden
Barr as AG had primary responsibility for the creation and authorization of the program. Team Mueller ran it, “in part,” through his criminal division. Team Mueller didn’t create it, have authorization to tell others to use it and was a likely beneficiary of data collected and passed on. Don’t let your “bias” get in the way. And that’s got Cheney all over it. Once you let the genie out, it’s damn hard to put it back and the repubs have let a shit ton of genies out. LOL.
I love how you downplay Muellers role and the fact it continued under democrat administrations, more so than republican actually... You think Barr, or any other AG, would be the sole creator of something like that? You think something like that isnt ultimately authorized by the White House? It survived through ALL of the Clinton years, and into Obamas 2nd term under Holder, until Snowden blew the whistle. Was Dick Cheney controlling it through the Clinton & Obama years? Lol
You're blind faith and trust in democrats is hilarious
My bias is the truth, not party
You have no idea what Mueller’s role in it was and allowed your bias to posit that it was created under Clinton. Barr never worked for Clinton and didn’t take office until 1993. So much for your “truth.” And it was a dem who put that genie back in the bottle after your hero Snowden betrayed his country and took up residence with Putin on the ritz. LOL.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
to be fair, insulting trump by comparing him to someone with an intellectual disability is in fact insulting those with intellectual disabilities.
Jeez some of you guys are so sensitive. Suggesting Trump is mentally-disabled isn't that far off from calling him a "buffoon" or "idiot" or whatever else some of you guys come up with. I stated my feelings for (and bond with) mentally-disabled folks yesterday. I stand by that...and I stand by my insult of Trump...
Trump says he is rescinding his proposed cut to Special Olympics budget amid a bipartisan outcry
This is good to hear. I was probably more pissed off about this than most things Trump has done because my cousin has Down Syndrome, and in my younger days, I had a job working with people with mental disabilities so I have a bit of a bond with folks like that. I mean, really, how could they have the nerve to cut funding for the Special Olympics in the first place when it's only a measly $17 million dollars? Mueller's investigation cost almost twice that. Of course Trump said he had no idea this was even happening. Well yeah, if I had to choose between looking dumb and looking evil, I guess I'd choose dumb too.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
to be fair, insulting trump by comparing him to someone with an intellectual disability is in fact insulting those with intellectual disabilities.
Jeez some of you guys are so sensitive. Suggesting Trump is mentally-disabled isn't that far off from calling him a "buffoon" or "idiot" or whatever else some of you guys come up with. I stated my feelings for (and bond with) mentally-disabled folks yesterday. I stand by that...and I stand by my insult of Trump...
Trump says he is rescinding his proposed cut to Special Olympics budget amid a bipartisan outcry
This is good to hear. I was probably more pissed off about this than most things Trump has done because my cousin has Down Syndrome, and in my younger days, I had a job working with people with mental disabilities so I have a bit of a bond with folks like that. I mean, really, how could they have the nerve to cut funding for the Special Olympics in the first place when it's only a measly $17 million dollars? Mueller's investigation cost almost twice that. Of course Trump said he had no idea this was even happening. Well yeah, if I had to choose between looking dumb and looking evil, I guess I'd choose dumb too.
All I did was ask whether anyone can confirm that he’s attended the Special Olympics. Because if he hasn’t? He has stooped to a new low of telling lies. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would attend but in this instance, I’d love to be proven wrong.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
to be fair, insulting trump by comparing him to someone with an intellectual disability is in fact insulting those with intellectual disabilities.
Jeez some of you guys are so sensitive. Suggesting Trump is mentally-disabled isn't that far off from calling him a "buffoon" or "idiot" or whatever else some of you guys come up with. I stated my feelings for (and bond with) mentally-disabled folks yesterday. I stand by that...and I stand by my insult of Trump...
Trump says he is rescinding his proposed cut to Special Olympics budget amid a bipartisan outcry
This is good to hear. I was probably more pissed off about this than most things Trump has done because my cousin has Down Syndrome, and in my younger days, I had a job working with people with mental disabilities so I have a bit of a bond with folks like that. I mean, really, how could they have the nerve to cut funding for the Special Olympics in the first place when it's only a measly $17 million dollars? Mueller's investigation cost almost twice that. Of course Trump said he had no idea this was even happening. Well yeah, if I had to choose between looking dumb and looking evil, I guess I'd choose dumb too.
disagree. I wouldn't put "idiot" in the same category as intellectually disabled.
and no, we're not being sensitive.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
Please don’t insult the kids they have more to offer society than the idiot in chief who offers zero , except hate exclusion and vile racism on a daily basis ..
I'm not insulting the kids (adults compete too actually). I'm insulting Trump.
to be fair, insulting trump by comparing him to someone with an intellectual disability is in fact insulting those with intellectual disabilities.
Jeez some of you guys are so sensitive. Suggesting Trump is mentally-disabled isn't that far off from calling him a "buffoon" or "idiot" or whatever else some of you guys come up with. I stated my feelings for (and bond with) mentally-disabled folks yesterday. I stand by that...and I stand by my insult of Trump...
Trump says he is rescinding his proposed cut to Special Olympics budget amid a bipartisan outcry
This is good to hear. I was probably more pissed off about this than most things Trump has done because my cousin has Down Syndrome, and in my younger days, I had a job working with people with mental disabilities so I have a bit of a bond with folks like that. I mean, really, how could they have the nerve to cut funding for the Special Olympics in the first place when it's only a measly $17 million dollars? Mueller's investigation cost almost twice that. Of course Trump said he had no idea this was even happening. Well yeah, if I had to choose between looking dumb and looking evil, I guess I'd choose dumb too.
All I did was ask whether anyone can confirm that he’s attended the Special Olympics. Because if he hasn’t? He has stooped to a new low of telling lies. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would attend but in this instance, I’d love to be proven wrong.
I don't know if he has or hasn't. My response and any of these responses weren't directed at you. You asked if Trump's been there, I responded with a bit of an off-colored joke, josevolution and HFD went social justice warrior on me because how dare I compare Trump to the mentally-disabled, I responded to them that I didn't think it was all that big a deal, and life goes on.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
I know you're getting flak for this but it's a pretty good joke.
It's cool that you liked it. It's cool that they didn't. We're all cool.
Since I've made mention of my cousin that has Down Syndrome a few posts ago, and this is the Trump thread, it's worth noting that he in fact voted for Trump. He's a registered voter and I took him to vote and helped him. I said "Okay Joseph, so who do you want to be the President....Clinton or Trump?" He replied Trump (he tends to choose the second of two choices in most instances) so I showed him where to fill in the circle. Then I asked "So who do you want to be Vice-President?" and before I could tell him the two options, he replied "Stone Cold Steve Austin." I couldn't agree more and dictated the letters to him so he could write "Steve Austin" under the write-in part for VP.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
I know you're getting flak for this but it's a pretty good joke.
It's cool that you liked it. It's cool that they didn't. We're all cool.
Since I've made mention of my cousin that has Down Syndrome a few posts ago, and this is the Trump thread, it's worth noting that he in fact voted for Trump. He's a registered voter and I took him to vote and helped him. I said "Okay Joseph, so who do you want to be the President....Clinton or Trump?" He replied Trump (he tends to choose the second of two choices in most instances) so I showed him where to fill in the circle. Then I asked "So who do you want to be Vice-President?" and before I could tell him the two options, he replied "Stone Cold Steve Austin." I couldn't agree more and dictated the letters to him so he could write "Steve Austin" under the write-in part for VP.
Can anyone on here confirm that Trump has attended the Special Olympics?
As a spectator or a competitor?
I know you're getting flak for this but it's a pretty good joke.
It's cool that you liked it. It's cool that they didn't. We're all cool.
Since I've made mention of my cousin that has Down Syndrome a few posts ago, and this is the Trump thread, it's worth noting that he in fact voted for Trump. He's a registered voter and I took him to vote and helped him. I said "Okay Joseph, so who do you want to be the President....Clinton or Trump?" He replied Trump (he tends to choose the second of two choices in most instances) so I showed him where to fill in the circle. Then I asked "So who do you want to be Vice-President?" and before I could tell him the two options, he replied "Stone Cold Steve Austin." I couldn't agree more and dictated the letters to him so he could write "Steve Austin" under the write-in part for VP.
Haha, next time give Trump as the first option.
Yeah I thought that the moment he said Trump. I'll put the candidate I'd prefer he votes for second next time. There are exceptions to his "choose the second one" tendency though. He'll choose the second one if it's something he doesn't really care about (i.e. Clinton vs. Trump). But if we're out to eat and I said "Joseph, do you want a soda or a water to drink?" you can bet you bottom dollar he's going to pick soda lol.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So, Team Trump Treason, the same Team Trump Treason whining about his wires being tapped, hires the original architect of the warrantless, lawless wire tapping program. You can’t make this display of brilliant brilliance of brilliancy up.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You're blind faith and trust in democrats is hilarious
My bias is the truth, not party
That's real leadership bro.
Apologize. HILARIOUS
There's an epidemic of people not being critical of their own ilk to the degree they do to those across the aisle, and we'd be much better served to assume politicians are not speaking for us - any of them (and it seems that your odds are good these days) - and to research accordingly. Until we raise the bar on being skeptical of our own, and demanding logical conclusions from provable premises, this reality will not change.
I'll try to do my part here, and agree with you on some of what you've said: I think given the public has zero input or influence on the Mueller investigation, it's been a waste of time and energy from DNC supporters, and seems to me to be about an end goal of being correct and being smug (because had DNC supporters done or said nothing, the results would be unchanged). That's the definition of unproductive, and the only possible outcome is more division, which actually makes it destructive. I could think of numerous examples of these kinds of petty and destructive behaviours coming from both sides of the aisle. What should've happened, was that Republicans and Democrats should have been able to be mature, rational people, who recognized smoke, permitted the search for fire, and continued with life. That means no Democrats cheering for Mueller to impeach, and no Republicans cheering for Mueller to be fired. We should be honest and admit that both happened here and everywhere.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
and no, we're not being sensitive.
-EV 8/14/93
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Since I've made mention of my cousin that has Down Syndrome a few posts ago, and this is the Trump thread, it's worth noting that he in fact voted for Trump. He's a registered voter and I took him to vote and helped him. I said "Okay Joseph, so who do you want to be the President....Clinton or Trump?" He replied Trump (he tends to choose the second of two choices in most instances) so I showed him where to fill in the circle. Then I asked "So who do you want to be Vice-President?" and before I could tell him the two options, he replied "Stone Cold Steve Austin." I couldn't agree more and dictated the letters to him so he could write "Steve Austin" under the write-in part for VP.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs: