What a colossal failure of the media. We need to get away from the pundits and get back to news reporting. The “Jump to Conclusions” game from Office Space would sell out in New York and DC.
Trump is still a disgusting person, unfit to be President, and a crook, but the media got this Russia nonsense way wrong and just drives a bigger wedge in the country instead of just reporting the news. They played right into Trump’s Fake News rhetoric. Tough to disagree right now.
I wouldn't blame this on the media:
"The attorney general also stated that Mueller did not reach a conclusion on whether President Trump committed any offenses relating to obstruction of justice.
"The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,' " the letter reads."
Honestly, I don't know wtf that means. If he didn't commit a crime why is he not exonerated?
To me its the master of the Iran Contra coverup back to perform his magic.
I took it to say that there was no findings of collusion with Russia, but that Trump may have obstructed the investigation but not enough to be charged. So, no Russia collusion but likely some lies by the President.
So I took it that the investigation was whether there was collusion and the answer is a clear no.
I look forward to watch people claim Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime he never committed. Please. Keep going. I want to spike more footballs. I am not yet sick of the winning.
You act like you know everything, so please enlighten us. Seriously. I can't take the Barr/Rosenstein summary as the end of the road...because everyone should understand that it is NOT the end of the road. Yet you seem to pounce and celebrate. If this is "winning"...I don't want to win.
Again, please explain the full report to us when you get a chance. Oh wait...it hasn't been released yet. And chances are that it never will be fully released.
One follow up question.... Is this the only investigation? Just curious.
I do know everything. It is not an act. At some point you will all need to come to grips with that.
not everything. you clearly don't know how obstruction of justice potentially works.
You’re a plagiarist.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Is this guy serious? He must not understand how the legal system works. People make a deal to avoid getting their entire life dragged through a public trial when the evidence is that overwhelming. All those rich assholes knew their only option was to plea and cooperate or spend lots of money to be even more publicly humiliated.
So, why did Mueller need their cooperation?
This is all information you can find in much more detail by just looking it up. Sorry, I don't have the time to explain why witnesses cooperate and what it means for both sides.
In the case of Mueller, it never meant they were getting close to Trump or giving him up. Too many people were mislead with the whole collusion story line and thought something was going to implicate Trump in some vast conspiracy to overthrow the 2016 election. The Russians didn't need his help, they just needed his ignorance and stupidity. None of that means a thing when it comes down to the financial corruption and tax fraud Don has benefited from for years. No piece of evidence or documentation will ever sway the Trump lovers and the lack of such documentation will not sway the Trump skeptics. Unless he is indicted and tried in a court of law, and even then the evidence would need to be obvious (like video or direct confessions) for his supporters to understand or believe, nothing will make a difference moving forward.
Holding on to hope of damning information in an unreleased report is not what this country should be focused on because more gray allegations and references about corruption will only strengthen this worthless piece of shit's case for re-election. He's corrupt as fuck and anyone who still doesn't know that or chooses not to care, are not going to change their mind before election night 2020.
So here's where we are. It actually was a witch hunt. The Trump campaign is clean. Most likely, the entire thing was done based on lies and treason. Trump is polarizing, but roughly 50% popular. The economy is humming, he's doing pretty well abroad. And he's now survived a witch hunt. He's actually been an effective president. Or, at least, things have gone well despite him. His unprofessionalism and twitter trolling doesn't really matter to many people and the fact that his very existence pisses off the left is an asset at election time.
That said, we still need him out badly. His following is still cult-like and it's increasing. I still believe we are on the road to authoritarianism. He's been effective. That's actually pretty common for dictators. The courts are no longer being stacked with right-leaning and left-leaning upholders of the law. They are being stacked with party loyalists. And, the people in control (Trump, the GOP, and the voters) are letting the earth burn to own the libs.
But the witch hunt might render the 2020 election a one-party election. Please GOP, start caring about the country ahead of owning the libs. The libs are owning themselves.
It was not a witch hunt. It was a legally authorized investigation. The witch hunt is about to begin.
I suppose you mean investigating the potential treason connected to the bullshit dossier. It's probably necessary. It's only problematic if it's not honest (which is possible).
Damn. There’s a legal track and a political track. Team Mueller was the legal track. The political track is about to begin. Remember Benghazi? Oh, and by the way, you’re trusting a 4 page summary by those hand picked? Let’s see the full report and allow the legislative branch to “check” or pump the brakes, yo! 28-3.
this guy is unhinged.... wake me up when its time for the pregame handjob.
What a colossal failure of the media. We need to get away from the pundits and get back to news reporting. The “Jump to Conclusions” game from Office Space would sell out in New York and DC.
Trump is still a disgusting person, unfit to be President, and a crook, but the media got this Russia nonsense way wrong and just drives a bigger wedge in the country instead of just reporting the news. They played right into Trump’s Fake News rhetoric. Tough to disagree right now.
I wouldn't blame this on the media:
"The attorney general also stated that Mueller did not reach a conclusion on whether President Trump committed any offenses relating to obstruction of justice.
"The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,' " the letter reads."
Honestly, I don't know wtf that means. If he didn't commit a crime why is he not exonerated?
To me its the master of the Iran Contra coverup back to perform his magic.
I took it to say that there was no findings of collusion with Russia, but that Trump may have obstructed the investigation but not enough to be charged. So, no Russia collusion but likely some lies by the President.
So I took it that the investigation was whether there was collusion and the answer is a clear no.
I look forward to watch people claim Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime he never committed. Please. Keep going. I want to spike more footballs. I am not yet sick of the winning.
Wait, what? How did you win? What did you have to do with anything?
To me the win is not having a trial for the next two years. Instead of watergate/lewinsky 2.0 we can now go back to work and attempt to fix the many problems we have in the us.
Completely agree. Now we can focus on the anemic GDP growth as further proof that trickle down economics doesn't work. That will be the election albatross.
How about I am facing the biggest tax increase I ever faced in my life, a gift from a republican president and republican Congress .
Trump governs only to his 40% base that lives in red states, and his followers wonder why everyone else hates him.
How could that be? I paid less in taxes and made more.
I lost a huge SALT deduction while the tax rate decreased slightly, not nearly enough to offset the lost deduction.
Got ya. I m sorry bud. Did you end up owing or just get less of a refund?
Thanks, less of a refund, but a huge change in it.
What a colossal failure of the media. We need to get away from the pundits and get back to news reporting. The “Jump to Conclusions” game from Office Space would sell out in New York and DC.
Trump is still a disgusting person, unfit to be President, and a crook, but the media got this Russia nonsense way wrong and just drives a bigger wedge in the country instead of just reporting the news. They played right into Trump’s Fake News rhetoric. Tough to disagree right now.
I wouldn't blame this on the media:
"The attorney general also stated that Mueller did not reach a conclusion on whether President Trump committed any offenses relating to obstruction of justice.
"The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,' " the letter reads."
Honestly, I don't know wtf that means. If he didn't commit a crime why is he not exonerated?
To me its the master of the Iran Contra coverup back to perform his magic.
I took it to say that there was no findings of collusion with Russia, but that Trump may have obstructed the investigation but not enough to be charged. So, no Russia collusion but likely some lies by the President.
So I took it that the investigation was whether there was collusion and the answer is a clear no.
I look forward to watch people claim Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime he never committed. Please. Keep going. I want to spike more footballs. I am not yet sick of the winning.
Wait, what? How did you win? What did you have to do with anything?
To me the win is not having a trial for the next two years. Instead of watergate/lewinsky 2.0 we can now go back to work and attempt to fix the many problems we have in the us.
Completely agree. Now we can focus on the anemic GDP growth as further proof that trickle down economics doesn't work. That will be the election albatross.
How about I am facing the biggest tax increase I ever faced in my life, a gift from a republican president and republican Congress .
Trump governs only to his 40% base that lives in red states, and his followers wonder why everyone else hates him.
You want people in red states to continue subsidizing your services? Protest your Governor not your President.
As with most everything from Trump supporters, that is completely false.
Money flows from blue states to red states:
Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.
California residents paid an average of $10,510.
At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.
Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.
Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.
Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."
What's over? You don't want to see Mueller's report? Should they just close the 12+ other investigations into Trump, his organization and his administration? Because it might make democrats look bad?
The GOP had multiple investigations into Benghazi for years that went nowhere and it didn't hurt them politically in the least.
What's over? You don't want to see Mueller's report? Should they just close the 12+ other investigations into Trump, his organization and his administration? Because it might make democrats look bad?
The GOP had multiple investigations into Benghazi for years that went nowhere and it didn't hurt them politically in the least.
I really don't understand this attitude.
sure I do. but it just feels like people are grasping at straws here, still holding out faint hope that someone this will lead to trump's demise. I don't think it will.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The GOP had multiple investigations into Benghazi for years that went nowhere and it didn't hurt them politically in the least.
I think the public perception of the Benghazi investigations was that they were seeking justice for the Americans that died, as a opposed to what they really were from the GOP's point of view: to get Hillary. I think the public perception of all of these Trump investigations is that they are meant to "get Trump," and not much more. "Credit" Hannity and folks of his ilk for helping along that perception.
What a colossal failure of the media. We need to get away from the pundits and get back to news reporting. The “Jump to Conclusions” game from Office Space would sell out in New York and DC.
Trump is still a disgusting person, unfit to be President, and a crook, but the media got this Russia nonsense way wrong and just drives a bigger wedge in the country instead of just reporting the news. They played right into Trump’s Fake News rhetoric. Tough to disagree right now.
I wouldn't blame this on the media:
"The attorney general also stated that Mueller did not reach a conclusion on whether President Trump committed any offenses relating to obstruction of justice.
"The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,' " the letter reads."
Honestly, I don't know wtf that means. If he didn't commit a crime why is he not exonerated?
To me its the master of the Iran Contra coverup back to perform his magic.
I took it to say that there was no findings of collusion with Russia, but that Trump may have obstructed the investigation but not enough to be charged. So, no Russia collusion but likely some lies by the President.
So I took it that the investigation was whether there was collusion and the answer is a clear no.
I look forward to watch people claim Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime he never committed. Please. Keep going. I want to spike more footballs. I am not yet sick of the winning.
Wait, what? How did you win? What did you have to do with anything?
To me the win is not having a trial for the next two years. Instead of watergate/lewinsky 2.0 we can now go back to work and attempt to fix the many problems we have in the us.
Completely agree. Now we can focus on the anemic GDP growth as further proof that trickle down economics doesn't work. That will be the election albatross.
How about I am facing the biggest tax increase I ever faced in my life, a gift from a republican president and republican Congress .
Trump governs only to his 40% base that lives in red states, and his followers wonder why everyone else hates him.
You want people in red states to continue subsidizing your services? Protest your Governor not your President.
As with most everything from Trump supporters, that is completely false.
Money flows from blue states to red states:
Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.
California residents paid an average of $10,510.
At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.
Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.
Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.
Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."
Exactly, in every analysis you can do, blue states are donors to the federal government. BS's talking point there was reflective of someone who knows just a little about American politics; enough to declare something totally inaccurate with authority.
I kinda hope the full report is not released. That shadow of a doubt is all we have...
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
I kinda hope the full report is not released. That shadow of a doubt is all we have...
I don't. The sooner it's released the quicker the media can quit speculating more conspiracies that will only vindicate Trump more in the eyes of his supporters when they are proven wrong. Release the whole thing and then someone put together the crib notes for simpletons to understand. Even 4 page memos are too much for some people. They'll leave it to Hannity and Colbert to stroke they're bias one way or another.
Joint Statement of Judiciary Chair Nadler, Intelligence Chair Schiff and Oversight Chair Cummings
Mar 24, 2019
Press Release
Washington, D.C. (Mar. 24, 2019)—Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-CA), and Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) released the following joint statement in response to Attorney General William Barr’s letter sharing the principle conclusions in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report:
"After reading the Attorney General’s four-page summary of the Special Counsel’s findings, we reiterate our call for the release of the Special Counsel’s full and complete report and all underlying documents. We also call for Attorney General Barr to come forward to testify before the House Judiciary Committee without delay. Far from the ‘total exoneration’ claimed by the President, the Mueller report expressly does not exonerate the President. Instead, it ‘sets out evidence on both sides of the question’ of obstruction—including the evidence that President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.
"It is unacceptable that, after Special Counsel Mueller spent 22 months meticulously uncovering this evidence, Attorney General Barr made a decision not to charge the President in under 48 hours. The Attorney General did so without even interviewing the President. His unsolicited, open memorandum to the Department of Justice, suggesting that the obstruction investigation was ‘fatally misconceived,’ calls into question his objectivity on this point in particular.
"Attorney General Barr states that the Special Counsel did not find evidence sufficient to establish beyond a reasonable doubt, for purposes of prosecution, that the Trump campaign conspired to join Russia’s election-related online disinformation and hacking and dissemination efforts, notwithstanding multiple offers from Russian-affiliated parties to assist the Trump campaign.
"Although we have confidence that Special Counsel Mueller made the right prosecutorial judgement in these two specific areas—notwithstanding the very public evidence of Trump campaign contact with and willingness to receive support from Russian agents—it will be vital for the country and the Congress to evaluate the full body of evidence collected by the Special Counsel, including all information gathered of a counterintelligence nature.
"The only information the Congress and the American people have received regarding this investigation is the Attorney General’s own work product. The Special Counsel’s Report should be allowed to speak for itself, and Congress must have the opportunity to evaluate the underlying evidence.
"These shortcomings in today’s letter are the very reason our nation has a system of separation of powers. We cannot simply rely on what may be a partisan interpretation of facts uncovered during the course of a 22-month review of possible wrongdoing by the President.
"The American people deserve to see the facts and judge the President’s actions for themselves.
"Earlier this month, the House passed a resolution calling for the release of the Special Counsel’s report by a vote of 420-0. The Attorney General must release the report and the underlying evidence in full, and appear before the House Judiciary Committee to answer our questions without delay."
Haven't read this whole thread and to be honest was more interested in the NCAA Tournament this weekend so forgive me if this has been discussed. But I want to see the whole report because I need to know how it's possible that Don Jr.s meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower is not considered collusion.
Joint Statement of Judiciary Chair Nadler, Intelligence Chair Schiff and Oversight Chair Cummings
Mar 24, 2019
Press Release
Washington, D.C. (Mar. 24, 2019)—Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-CA), and Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) released the following joint statement in response to Attorney General William Barr’s letter sharing the principle conclusions in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report:
"After reading the Attorney General’s four-page summary of the Special Counsel’s findings, we reiterate our call for the release of the Special Counsel’s full and complete report and all underlying documents. We also call for Attorney General Barr to come forward to testify before the House Judiciary Committee without delay. Far from the ‘total exoneration’ claimed by the President, the Mueller report expressly does not exonerate the President. Instead, it ‘sets out evidence on both sides of the question’ of obstruction—including the evidence that President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.
"It is unacceptable that, after Special Counsel Mueller spent 22 months meticulously uncovering this evidence, Attorney General Barr made a decision not to charge the President in under 48 hours. The Attorney General did so without even interviewing the President. His unsolicited, open memorandum to the Department of Justice, suggesting that the obstruction investigation was ‘fatally misconceived,’ calls into question his objectivity on this point in particular.
"Attorney General Barr states that the Special Counsel did not find evidence sufficient to establish beyond a reasonable doubt, for purposes of prosecution, that the Trump campaign conspired to join Russia’s election-related online disinformation and hacking and dissemination efforts, notwithstanding multiple offers from Russian-affiliated parties to assist the Trump campaign.
"Although we have confidence that Special Counsel Mueller made the right prosecutorial judgement in these two specific areas—notwithstanding the very public evidence of Trump campaign contact with and willingness to receive support from Russian agents—it will be vital for the country and the Congress to evaluate the full body of evidence collected by the Special Counsel, including all information gathered of a counterintelligence nature.
"The only information the Congress and the American people have received regarding this investigation is the Attorney General’s own work product. The Special Counsel’s Report should be allowed to speak for itself, and Congress must have the opportunity to evaluate the underlying evidence.
"These shortcomings in today’s letter are the very reason our nation has a system of separation of powers. We cannot simply rely on what may be a partisan interpretation of facts uncovered during the course of a 22-month review of possible wrongdoing by the President.
"The American people deserve to see the facts and judge the President’s actions for themselves.
"Earlier this month, the House passed a resolution calling for the release of the Special Counsel’s report by a vote of 420-0. The Attorney General must release the report and the underlying evidence in full, and appear before the House Judiciary Committee to answer our questions without delay."
American politics is like a TV-show on a basic cable channel.
Democrats writing statements just for CNN etc to read out loud on air (I'm guessing?). Attorney Generals coming to conclusions within 48 hours on his own - TV-speed! and democrats complaining about the speed without knowing what's inside the Mueller report.
Why not chill out instead of playing Ally McBeal-politics at every turn.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I kinda hope the full report is not released. That shadow of a doubt is all we have...
I don't. The sooner it's released the quicker the media can quit speculating more conspiracies that will only vindicate Trump more in the eyes of his supporters when they are proven wrong. Release the whole thing and then someone put together the crib notes for simpletons to understand. Even 4 page memos are too much for some people. They'll leave it to Hannity and Colbert to stroke they're bias one way or another.
That's a good point. Sooner it's released, the sooner we can move on.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Joint Statement of Judiciary Chair Nadler, Intelligence Chair Schiff and Oversight Chair Cummings
Mar 24, 2019
Press Release
Washington, D.C. (Mar. 24, 2019)—Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-CA), and Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) released the following joint statement in response to Attorney General William Barr’s letter sharing the principle conclusions in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report:
"After reading the Attorney General’s four-page summary of the Special Counsel’s findings, we reiterate our call for the release of the Special Counsel’s full and complete report and all underlying documents. We also call for Attorney General Barr to come forward to testify before the House Judiciary Committee without delay. Far from the ‘total exoneration’ claimed by the President, the Mueller report expressly does not exonerate the President. Instead, it ‘sets out evidence on both sides of the question’ of obstruction—including the evidence that President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.
"It is unacceptable that, after Special Counsel Mueller spent 22 months meticulously uncovering this evidence, Attorney General Barr made a decision not to charge the President in under 48 hours. The Attorney General did so without even interviewing the President. His unsolicited, open memorandum to the Department of Justice, suggesting that the obstruction investigation was ‘fatally misconceived,’ calls into question his objectivity on this point in particular.
"Attorney General Barr states that the Special Counsel did not find evidence sufficient to establish beyond a reasonable doubt, for purposes of prosecution, that the Trump campaign conspired to join Russia’s election-related online disinformation and hacking and dissemination efforts, notwithstanding multiple offers from Russian-affiliated parties to assist the Trump campaign.
"Although we have confidence that Special Counsel Mueller made the right prosecutorial judgement in these two specific areas—notwithstanding the very public evidence of Trump campaign contact with and willingness to receive support from Russian agents—it will be vital for the country and the Congress to evaluate the full body of evidence collected by the Special Counsel, including all information gathered of a counterintelligence nature.
"The only information the Congress and the American people have received regarding this investigation is the Attorney General’s own work product. The Special Counsel’s Report should be allowed to speak for itself, and Congress must have the opportunity to evaluate the underlying evidence.
"These shortcomings in today’s letter are the very reason our nation has a system of separation of powers. We cannot simply rely on what may be a partisan interpretation of facts uncovered during the course of a 22-month review of possible wrongdoing by the President.
"The American people deserve to see the facts and judge the President’s actions for themselves.
"Earlier this month, the House passed a resolution calling for the release of the Special Counsel’s report by a vote of 420-0. The Attorney General must release the report and the underlying evidence in full, and appear before the House Judiciary Committee to answer our questions without delay."
American politics is like a TV-show on a basic cable channel.
Democrats writing statements just for CNN etc to read out loud on air (I'm guessing?). Attorney Generals coming to conclusions within 48 hours on his own - TV-speed! and democrats complaining about the speed without knowing what's inside the Mueller report.
Why not chill out instead of playing Ally McBeal-politics at every turn.
There's an old saying that politics is show-business for ugly people.
2 years to indict Roger Stone for talking about Podesta's worthless emails... and Manafort for tax & loan issues well before the Trump campaign....
Sweet lol
Charges219 ⇶⇶⇶Aggravated identity theft118 Indictments 37 Assisting in the preparation of false tax returns5 Subpoenas5+S Bank fraud8 Grand Jury Subpoenas18+P Bank fraud conspiracy10 Grand Jury Testimony12E Conspiracy against the United States2 Private Interviews40C Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States13
Questioning by FBI14I Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud3Search Warrants9A Conspiracy to defraud the United States16 Arrests3L Conspiracy to launder money12 Guilty Pleas7 Conspiracy to obstruct justice2 Guilty Verdicts1C Failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts7 Sentences2O False and misleading FARA statements1 Past Trials1U False statements6 Current trials0N Filing a false amended return1 Future trials2S Filing false tax returns5U.S. Nationals5E Identity fraud1Dutch Nationals1L Obstruction of justice2 Russian Nationals14 Subscribing to false tax returns5 Russian Organizations3 Unregistered agent of a foreign principal2 GRU Officers12
Not included above...
GOP operatives indicted for helping to launder Russian money thru the NRA for republicans...
2 years to indict Roger Stone for talking about Podesta's worthless emails... and Manafort for tax & loan issues well before the Trump campaign....
Sweet lol
Charges219 ⇶⇶⇶Aggravated identity theft118 Indictments 37 Assisting in the preparation of false tax returns5 Subpoenas5+S Bank fraud8 Grand Jury Subpoenas18+P Bank fraud conspiracy10 Grand Jury Testimony12E Conspiracy against the United States2 Private Interviews40C Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States13
Questioning by FBI14I Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud3Search Warrants9A Conspiracy to defraud the United States16 Arrests3L Conspiracy to launder money12 Guilty Pleas7 Conspiracy to obstruct justice2 Guilty Verdicts1C Failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts7 Sentences2O False and misleading FARA statements1 Past Trials1U False statements6 Current trials0N Filing a false amended return1 Future trials2S Filing false tax returns5U.S. Nationals5E Identity fraud1Dutch Nationals1L Obstruction of justice2 Russian Nationals14 Subscribing to false tax returns5 Russian Organizations3 Unregistered agent of a foreign principal2 GRU Officers12
Not included above...
GOP operatives indicted for helping to launder Russian money thru the NRA for republicans...
Why is that ok ?
"GOP operatives indicted for helping to launder Russian money thru the NRA for republicans..."
2 years to indict Roger Stone for talking about Podesta's worthless emails... and Manafort for tax & loan issues well before the Trump campaign....
Sweet lol
Charges219 ⇶⇶⇶Aggravated identity theft118 Indictments 37 Assisting in the preparation of false tax returns5 Subpoenas5+S Bank fraud8 Grand Jury Subpoenas18+P Bank fraud conspiracy10 Grand Jury Testimony12E Conspiracy against the United States2 Private Interviews40C Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States13
Questioning by FBI14I Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud3Search Warrants9A Conspiracy to defraud the United States16 Arrests3L Conspiracy to launder money12 Guilty Pleas7 Conspiracy to obstruct justice2 Guilty Verdicts1C Failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts7 Sentences2O False and misleading FARA statements1 Past Trials1U False statements6 Current trials0N Filing a false amended return1 Future trials2S Filing false tax returns5U.S. Nationals5E Identity fraud1Dutch Nationals1L Obstruction of justice2 Russian Nationals14 Subscribing to false tax returns5 Russian Organizations3 Unregistered agent of a foreign principal2 GRU Officers12
Not included above...
GOP operatives indicted for helping to launder Russian money thru the NRA for republicans...
I must have missed it.. It's a problem. Russia sees it as payback for our interference in their sphere of influence. Trump is in a huge box on this one, as we blatantly pushed for a coup and it hasn't happened. I don't see how it happens now, with Russia and China backing Maduro.
-EV 8/14/93
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
In the case of Mueller, it never meant they were getting close to Trump or giving him up. Too many people were mislead with the whole collusion story line and thought something was going to implicate Trump in some vast conspiracy to overthrow the 2016 election. The Russians didn't need his help, they just needed his ignorance and stupidity. None of that means a thing when it comes down to the financial corruption and tax fraud Don has benefited from for years. No piece of evidence or documentation will ever sway the Trump lovers and the lack of such documentation will not sway the Trump skeptics. Unless he is indicted and tried in a court of law, and even then the evidence would need to be obvious (like video or direct confessions) for his supporters to understand or believe, nothing will make a difference moving forward.
Holding on to hope of damning information in an unreleased report is not what this country should be focused on because more gray allegations and references about corruption will only strengthen this worthless piece of shit's case for re-election. He's corrupt as fuck and anyone who still doesn't know that or chooses not to care, are not going to change their mind before election night 2020.
-EV 8/14/93
As with most everything from Trump supporters, that is completely false.
Money flows from blue states to red states:
Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.
California residents paid an average of $10,510.
At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.
Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.
Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.
Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."
We haven't seen the report yet and you are making conclusions?
Trump is not exonerated regarding obstruction.
The problem with that is obstruction obstructs. Where would we be today if there was none?
Tell me, where did the obstruction end?
Firing Comey?
Firing sessions?
Hammering away at the legitimacy of the investigation 76 times a day?
Appointing the Iran Contra coverup Mastermind as AG?
Withholding the report for 3 days, and counting?
It seems the investigation trajectory changed drastically when sessions was fired?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the moment Comey announced Hillary wasnt getting indicted, he hammered her in public, during an election.
And her "guilt" became a campaign slogan. Were you complaining about that?
The GOP had multiple investigations into Benghazi for years that went nowhere and it didn't hurt them politically in the least.
I really don't understand this attitude.
-EV 8/14/93
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Sweet lol
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Mar 24, 2019
Washington, D.C. (Mar. 24, 2019)—Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-CA), and Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) released the following joint statement in response to Attorney General William Barr’s letter sharing the principle conclusions in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report:
"After reading the Attorney General’s four-page summary of the Special Counsel’s findings, we reiterate our call for the release of the Special Counsel’s full and complete report and all underlying documents. We also call for Attorney General Barr to come forward to testify before the House Judiciary Committee without delay. Far from the ‘total exoneration’ claimed by the President, the Mueller report expressly does not exonerate the President. Instead, it ‘sets out evidence on both sides of the question’ of obstruction—including the evidence that President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.
"It is unacceptable that, after Special Counsel Mueller spent 22 months meticulously uncovering this evidence, Attorney General Barr made a decision not to charge the President in under 48 hours. The Attorney General did so without even interviewing the President. His unsolicited, open memorandum to the Department of Justice, suggesting that the obstruction investigation was ‘fatally misconceived,’ calls into question his objectivity on this point in particular.
"Attorney General Barr states that the Special Counsel did not find evidence sufficient to establish beyond a reasonable doubt, for purposes of prosecution, that the Trump campaign conspired to join Russia’s election-related online disinformation and hacking and dissemination efforts, notwithstanding multiple offers from Russian-affiliated parties to assist the Trump campaign.
"Although we have confidence that Special Counsel Mueller made the right prosecutorial judgement in these two specific areas—notwithstanding the very public evidence of Trump campaign contact with and willingness to receive support from Russian agents—it will be vital for the country and the Congress to evaluate the full body of evidence collected by the Special Counsel, including all information gathered of a counterintelligence nature.
"The only information the Congress and the American people have received regarding this investigation is the Attorney General’s own work product. The Special Counsel’s Report should be allowed to speak for itself, and Congress must have the opportunity to evaluate the underlying evidence.
"These shortcomings in today’s letter are the very reason our nation has a system of separation of powers. We cannot simply rely on what may be a partisan interpretation of facts uncovered during the course of a 22-month review of possible wrongdoing by the President.
"The American people deserve to see the facts and judge the President’s actions for themselves.
"Earlier this month, the House passed a resolution calling for the release of the Special Counsel’s report by a vote of 420-0. The Attorney General must release the report and the underlying evidence in full, and appear before the House Judiciary Committee to answer our questions without delay."
Democrats writing statements just for CNN etc to read out loud on air (I'm guessing?). Attorney Generals coming to conclusions within 48 hours on his own - TV-speed! and democrats complaining about the speed without knowing what's inside the Mueller report.
Why not chill out instead of playing Ally McBeal-politics at every turn.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Charges219 ⇶⇶⇶Aggravated identity theft118
Assisting in the preparation of false tax returns5
Bank fraud8
Grand Jury Subpoenas18+P
Bank fraud conspiracy10
Grand Jury Testimony12E
Conspiracy against the United States2
Private Interviews40C
Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States13
Questioning by FBI14I
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud3Search Warrants9A
Conspiracy to defraud the United States16
Conspiracy to launder money12
Guilty Pleas7
Conspiracy to obstruct justice2
Guilty Verdicts1C
Failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts7
False and misleading FARA statements1
Past Trials1U
False statements6
Current trials0N
Filing a false amended return1
Future trials2S
Filing false tax returns5U.S. Nationals5E
Identity fraud1Dutch Nationals1L
Obstruction of justice2
Russian Nationals14
Subscribing to false tax returns5
Russian Organizations3
Unregistered agent of a foreign principal2
GRU Officers12
Not included above...
GOP operatives indicted for helping to launder Russian money thru the NRA for republicans...
Why is that ok ?
Where did you dig that up from?