Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
Talk of suicide is not something to throw around lightly. If you are having thoughts about suicide, you need to get support and help elsewhere than this forum. It's out there, no matter where you live; please access it. If you are not, as your later post seems to suggest, then please do not joke about it. And don't impute thoughts or motives to others that may be completely inaccurate.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
Talk of suicide is not something to throw around lightly. If you are having thoughts about suicide, you need to get support and help elsewhere than this forum. It's out there, no matter where you live; please access it. If you are not, as your later post seems to suggest, then please do not joke about it. And don't impute thoughts or motives to others that may be completely inaccurate.
That's the gist of what whispering hands is saying, that my life is so pathetic and sad that how I have survived this long is baffles him/her. Pretty much saying go end yourself as your life is not worth living. I am not feeling suicidal, just hurt at such hurtful words.
Post edited by Thoughts_Arrive on
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
You do realise you are being extremely judgemental right? Suggesting that he is a psycho and off his head on drugs. Also, a nasty look isn't going to kill you. If that's the price to pay for him leaving you in peace, I think it's worth it don't you?
It seems like every one of this users threads travels down this similar path...
Not my fault people derail it with harsh posts.
Do you disagree that you are unfairly judging this man? From what you have said, he has thus far done no harm to you or anyone else. He has merely made you feel uncomfortable. If you feel unable to tell him this, then avoiding him seems the logical solution. I don't see what more needs to be done
It seems like every one of this users threads travels down this similar path...
Not my fault people derail it with harsh posts.
Do you disagree that you are unfairly judging this man? From what you have said, he has thus far done no harm to you or anyone else. He has merely made you feel uncomfortable. If you feel unable to tell him this, then avoiding him seems the logical solution. I don't see what more needs to be done
What about when he told me he hates lesbians? What kind of person makes such an outburst in a gym in such an angry way. Personally, I think he is a meth user. It is a big issue in Australia. There is an epidemic of meth use.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Yes, that seems both unusual and objectionable. However, he is entitled to voice his opinion, just as you are entitled to either disagree or ignore him. You brought this to the forum to ask for advice, so you seem to feel the need to take some kind of action. Yet you also fear confrontation. This limits your options. I am also a non-confrontational person, hence my choice would be to distance myself. In the unlikely event that he follows you or confronts you, it is only at that point that you would need to consider further action.
Look, I really am trying to help you here but I don't know what you want.
I was after advice and opinions. But that turned to attacks against me.
You were givin both, numerous times. You seem to be unable to take the advice or agree with opinions. Not sure what else you expect. Move on with your life.
Look, I really am trying to help you here but I don't know what you want.
I was after advice and opinions. But that turned to attacks against me.
You got a lot of advice and opinions. Some people expressed their opinions more strongly than others. This can happen, it's something it's wise to be prepared for when you ask for advice. Everyone here comes from different lives and backgrounds, if they choose to give you advice then they are trying to help you, even if you feel they're attacking you
I don't really see the connection between these incidents and a guy in the gym who made an offensive comment about lesbians. This far he has shown himself to be nothing more than homophobic. If you're going to start imagining violent murderers around every corner, you're going to live a very stressful and unhappy life
I don't really see the connection between these incidents and a guy in the gym who made an offensive comment about lesbians. This far he has shown himself to be nothing more than homophobic. If you're going to start imagining violent murderers around every corner, you're going to live a very stressful and unhappy life
You never know what this guy could be capable of, especially if he feels affronted by someone not wanting to talk to them. That is why I am in a hard spot, my best option is to pretend to be his friend even though I don't want to. If he asks me to hang out with him outside gym would be a disaster. I am usually afraid to say no and have often been friends with people so that they don't get angered at me.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Ok well I really don't think any of us can help you then. If you're willing to pretend to be friends with someone because you fear your rejection might incite a psychotic and murderous response, well I just don't know how to respond to that. I suspect my honest response would fall on deaf ears
It's about upsetting people in general, I am too nice. I want to go gym now but he was there this time last week. I feel anxiety everytime I arrive at the gym because I expect him to be there, sick of it.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
It's about upsetting people in general, I am too nice. I want to go gym now but he was there this time last week. I feel anxiety everytime I arrive at the gym because I expect him to be there, sick of it.
It doesn't sound like you're afraid of hurting his feelings though. You seem more worried for yourself, in that you fear he might react violently towards you
They are much more expensive for a year membership. I wanted to go to one closer to home but it is double the price. Can't afford it right now.
If you're really worried this guy is gonna go off and stab you or punch you it's time to move on. It seems however that you somehow enjoy the drama that is following you around. It's really that simple if you're serious. Move on, quit the gym, regardless if you're paid in full or not.
It's about upsetting people in general, I am too nice. I want to go gym now but he was there this time last week. I feel anxiety everytime I arrive at the gym because I expect him to be there, sick of it.
It doesn't sound like you're afraid of hurting his feelings though. You seem more worried for yourself, in that you fear he might react violently towards you
Also, because I drive and park at the gym the thoughts cross my mind, what if he damages my car whilst I am inside? What if he follows me home?
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
You ask for advice and comments but every time anyone offers any you are right there with an answer, every time it is decidedly negative. "He is violent" "People are crazy where I live" "I'm not a physical person" "I'm worried about this or that" "I wasn't stalking her" "She talks to me but thinks I am creepy"
I understand that you do not like the negative comments but you are inviting when you crap on every single piece of advice or counsel you are given. I am glad to hear you are not thinking about suicide despite your words. Life is worth living. You seem to have thread after thread that points to you being in the same state of being. Please do not take it the wrong way when people tire of giving the same advice. Stand up for yourself. Stay at home. Wear ear buds. Don't stalk her. Try just taking care of yourself. Don't worry about everyone else. You have a number of issues it seems -- and I wish you the best in dealing with them -- but your postings over time on the 10C boards paint the same picture. Don't be made with people who are frustrated with the same requests for guidance and the same disregard for help that is offered. Good luck to you. My personal advice would be to just worry about yourself. Everyone isn't out to get you. Just because you live in a place with violent acts being perpetrated doesn't mean that every look you get is a violent act waiting to happen. (A big percentage of us live near/in cities where there are lots of violent acts.)
How about this? Take all of the love and kind thoughts that people share here and stay inside and revel in the fact that somewhere, people are connecting with you and trying to help you.
It's about upsetting people in general, I am too nice. I want to go gym now but he was there this time last week. I feel anxiety everytime I arrive at the gym because I expect him to be there, sick of it.
It doesn't sound like you're afraid of hurting his feelings though. You seem more worried for yourself, in that you fear he might react violently towards you
Also, because I drive and park at the gym the thoughts cross my mind, what if he damages my car whilst I am inside? What if he follows me home?
I just don't understand why on earth you think this is likely to happen? Have you been attacked in the past or something? I'm trying to understand where this (to me, irrational) fear is coming from
Pretty much saying go end yourself as your life is not worth living.
I am not feeling suicidal, just hurt at such hurtful words.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
What kind of person makes such an outburst in a gym in such an angry way.
Personally, I think he is a meth user. It is a big issue in Australia. There is an epidemic of meth use.
It came from nowhere.
That is why I am in a hard spot, my best option is to pretend to be his friend even though I don't want to.
If he asks me to hang out with him outside gym would be a disaster. I am usually afraid to say no and have often been friends with people so that they don't get angered at me.
I want to go gym now but he was there this time last week. I feel anxiety everytime I arrive at the gym because I expect him to be there, sick of it.
Can't afford it right now.
"He is violent"
"People are crazy where I live"
"I'm not a physical person"
"I'm worried about this or that"
"I wasn't stalking her"
"She talks to me but thinks I am creepy"
I understand that you do not like the negative comments but you are inviting when you crap on every single piece of advice or counsel you are given. I am glad to hear you are not thinking about suicide despite your words. Life is worth living.
You seem to have thread after thread that points to you being in the same state of being. Please do not take it the wrong way when people tire of giving the same advice.
Stand up for yourself.
Stay at home.
Wear ear buds.
Don't stalk her.
Try just taking care of yourself.
Don't worry about everyone else.
You have a number of issues it seems -- and I wish you the best in dealing with them -- but your postings over time on the 10C boards paint the same picture. Don't be made with people who are frustrated with the same requests for guidance and the same disregard for help that is offered.
Good luck to you.
My personal advice would be to just worry about yourself.
Everyone isn't out to get you.
Just because you live in a place with violent acts being perpetrated doesn't mean that every look you get is a violent act waiting to happen. (A big percentage of us live near/in cities where there are lots of violent acts.)
How about this? Take all of the love and kind thoughts that people share here and stay inside and revel in the fact that somewhere, people are connecting with you and trying to help you.