Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this?? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Post edited by whispering hands on
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
Someone was bound to lose their patience with the consistent asking for advice/not considering advice given.
Thoughts is obviously insecure. He's going to the gym to better his body, mind, and spirit. He's also seeking support on this forum. He's having trouble achieving both these pursuits because people just have to be people.
Thoughts... here's my take: that goofball is weird for sure, but I highly doubt you're his target. He's likely annoying the shit out of everyone. In fact, I guarantee it and not just in the gym... everywhere. Think of the poor women this f**king idiot tortures with his unwanted attention. He doesn't save his brand of weirdness for you- that's only your perception. These types of idiots are in every gym. They, unfortunately, are part of the experience.
Be friendly... but not overly friendly lest he want to hang out some time with you: head nods and small talk.
And you don't need to learn how to fight as a response to this guy's obnoxious behaviour. You're not going to be fighting anyone. Work out for health and confidence.
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this?? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
One of the harshest posts I have read here. You don't know a fucking thing about me, what I have been through in childhood. How dare you speak about me like that.
Post edited by Thoughts_Arrive on
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Thoughts is obviously insecure. He's going to the gym to better his body, mind, and spirit. He's also seeking support on this forum. He's having trouble achieving both these pursuits because people just have to be people.
Thoughts... here's my take: that goofball is weird for sure, but I highly doubt you're his target. He's likely annoying the shit out of everyone. In fact, I guarantee it and not just in the gym... everywhere. Think of the poor women this f**king idiot tortures with his unwanted attention. He doesn't save his brand of weirdness for you- that's only your perception. These types of idiots are in every gym. They, unfortunately, are part of the experience.
Be friendly... but not overly friendly lest he want to hang out some time with you: head nods and small talk.
And you don't need to learn how to fight as a response to this guy's obnoxious behaviour. You're not going to be fighting anyone. Work out for health and confidence.
If you lived in my city this would be a cause for concern. There have been people like this guy recently that have gone on to murder random innocent people on the street. I am not insecure, just concerned that if I politely tell this guy I don't want to chat whilst working out that he will return with a knife and stab me or punch me out.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Thoughts is obviously insecure. He's going to the gym to better his body, mind, and spirit. He's also seeking support on this forum. He's having trouble achieving both these pursuits because people just have to be people.
Thoughts... here's my take: that goofball is weird for sure, but I highly doubt you're his target. He's likely annoying the shit out of everyone. In fact, I guarantee it and not just in the gym... everywhere. Think of the poor women this f**king idiot tortures with his unwanted attention. He doesn't save his brand of weirdness for you- that's only your perception. These types of idiots are in every gym. They, unfortunately, are part of the experience.
Be friendly... but not overly friendly lest he want to hang out some time with you: head nods and small talk.
And you don't need to learn how to fight as a response to this guy's obnoxious behaviour. You're not going to be fighting anyone. Work out for health and confidence.
If you lived in my city this would be a cause for concern. There have been people like this guy recently that have gone on to murder random innocent people on the street. I am not insecure, just concerned that if I politely tell this guy I don't want to chat whilst working out that he will return with a knife and stab me or punch me out.
I never said to do that. I said to tolerate him.
The gym is full of meatheads. It's par for the course. Don't let your imagination get the best of you. He's hassling everyone because he doesn't know how to be around people (kind of like Whispering Hands apparently).
op, I understand your plight but realize if this guy makes any sort of aggressive move on you throw a fucking weight at his head! I think you would send a message rather quick. and again it's ok to tell to someone...you are not a snitch and this is not high school. and if it's that bad change gyms or go to the opposite corner of the gym and do a different work out. did you get ear buds yet? if you can't afford ear buds I'm suspect that you can't afford a gym and if that's the case then just go use nature to challenge you.
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
it's cute that the both of you have screen name from "even flow" lol.
op, I understand your plight but realize if this guy makes any sort of aggressive move on you throw a fucking weight at his head! I think you would send a message rather quick. and again it's ok to tell to someone...you are not a snitch and this is not high school. and if it's that bad change gyms or go to the opposite corner of the gym and do a different work out. did you get ear buds yet? if you can't afford ear buds I'm suspect that you can't afford a gym and if that's the case then just go use nature to challenge you.
No weights around. He only does cardio like me. Nothing to throw but a fist. I'm not physically strong and have never been in a fight. I still have not bought ear buds, am thinking of checking out some cheap headband types this week, something that I don't care if it gets ruined by sweat. Last time I went to the treadmill on the opposite side to him and he came next to me.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
Now you have crossed a line between asking for help and needing help. I hope this thread shuts down and mods take appropriate action to direct where the OP can find help for suicidal thoughts.
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
Now you have crossed a line between asking for help and needing help. I hope this thread shuts down and mods take appropriate action to direct where the OP can find help for suicidal thoughts.
I haven't got suicidal thoughts. I feel fine, just hurt by such harsh words. Just saying what whispering hands would want me to do to put me out of my misery, seeing my life is so sad as he/she said.
Post edited by Thoughts_Arrive on
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
fly me to austraila and i'll be your gym partner for as long as the return flight!
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
fly me to austraila and i'll be your gym partner for as long as the return flight!
haha. If you can get over the jet lag.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
fly me to austraila and i'll be your gym partner for as long as the return flight!
Fly me too. I'll cheer Scruffy on and if he can't get the job done I'll finish it for him.
Then we can share some beers and laugh about scruffys bad punches.
Thoughts... you are what you make yourself out to be. Perception is frame of mind. You have to work at this. Start liking yourself more. Stop beating yourself up.
And that guy isn't as much a problem as you think he is. He's just a lonely and awkward goof.
Just gotta ask.. what in God's great green earth happened to you in life that made you live like this ??? In many ways you remind me of a Chihuahua. I envision that you sit shivering with nervous energy. Energy fed by emotional monstrosities that exist only in your over active imagination.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should? I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Maybe you really should try Pot.. it might help you find the umbrella that will keep you out of the rainstorm you insist on living in?
Maybe you should try being a nicer person instead of a bully.
Does this mean I'll get my Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
Yeah I am a sad, pathetic individual. Maybe I should end my life.
no way bud...you are getting bullied. I've been in a few fights in my life and they are usually quick and over with within seconds. No one is going to beat the shit out of you in a gym. use your surrounding to your advantage. put 5 pound weight next to your cardio machine and "pretend" to use them while exercising. I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!! good luck bud.
Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
fly me to austraila and i'll be your gym partner for as long as the return flight!
Fly me too. I'll cheer Scruffy on and if he can't get the job done I'll finish it for him.
Then we can share some beers and laugh about scruffys bad punches.
Thoughts... you are what you make yourself out to be. Perception is frame of mind. You have to work at this. Start liking yourself more. Stop beating yourself up.
And that guy isn't as much a problem as you think he is. He's just a lonely and awkward goof.
If it were me and someone was bothering me by talking to me, I'd just move to a different machine. Pretty simple solution. I wouldn't be at all concerned about him talking to himself as, to your knowledge, he has never shown any violent tendencies or inclination to harm anyone
If it were me and someone was bothering me by talking to me, I'd just move to a different machine. Pretty simple solution. I wouldn't be at all concerned about him talking to himself as, to your knowledge, he has never shown any violent tendencies or inclination to harm anyone
The guy would then know I don't want to talk, usually when I go there are many treadmills unoccupied. If I just move to the next one he will be like "why is this guy avoiding me deliberately?" Then next time he will give me a nasty look.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
If it were me and someone was bothering me by talking to me, I'd just move to a different machine. Pretty simple solution. I wouldn't be at all concerned about him talking to himself as, to your knowledge, he has never shown any violent tendencies or inclination to harm anyone
The guy would then know I don't want to talk, usually when I go there are many treadmills unoccupied. If I just move to the next one he will be like "why is this guy avoiding me deliberately?" Then next time he will give me a nasty look.
That's the point. You don't want to talk, and you want him to know that.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
If it were me and someone was bothering me by talking to me, I'd just move to a different machine. Pretty simple solution. I wouldn't be at all concerned about him talking to himself as, to your knowledge, he has never shown any violent tendencies or inclination to harm anyone
The guy would then know I don't want to talk, usually when I go there are many treadmills unoccupied. If I just move to the next one he will be like "why is this guy avoiding me deliberately?" Then next time he will give me a nasty look.
That's the point. You don't want to talk, and you want him to know that.
Yeah but I don't want to create any hostility. Especially from a psycho.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I see10,000 + posts and wonder.. are all of them akin to this? Are they all excuses for why you can't live your life like a calm and confident person should?
I wonder what the hell had to happen to you, to make you so terrified of your own shadow. Because I lived through 7 YEARS of legitimate and ACTUAL TORTURE.. as a child.. and while I started out as an adult just like you.. afraid of everything.. I eventually learned that what happened in life was beyond my control.. but how I reacted to it, and what I made of it was entirely up to me. You can't seem to grasp this, which begs the question.. what the hell happened to you?!?! Just can't seem to understand how you just can't get it.. It baffles me that you have survived this long as you are.. I can't imagine a life more miserable than yours.. Not only do you fear everyone and everything.. but you seem to fear solutions as well. There's always a reason they won't work.. 10,000 posts about how
Life scares you.. Really?? You need to seriously change Drs. The one you have is doing you NO justice what so ever.. I just have to ask.. what happened??
Actually, I think you are doing the right thing avoiding this person. Maybe he is taking steroids or something that makes him act like this.
Thoughts is obviously insecure. He's going to the gym to better his body, mind, and spirit. He's also seeking support on this forum. He's having trouble achieving both these pursuits because people just have to be people.
Thoughts... here's my take: that goofball is weird for sure, but I highly doubt you're his target. He's likely annoying the shit out of everyone. In fact, I guarantee it and not just in the gym... everywhere. Think of the poor women this f**king idiot tortures with his unwanted attention. He doesn't save his brand of weirdness for you- that's only your perception. These types of idiots are in every gym. They, unfortunately, are part of the experience.
Be friendly... but not overly friendly lest he want to hang out some time with you: head nods and small talk.
And you don't need to learn how to fight as a response to this guy's obnoxious behaviour. You're not going to be fighting anyone. Work out for health and confidence.
You don't know a fucking thing about me, what I have been through in childhood.
How dare you speak about me like that.
There have been people like this guy recently that have gone on to murder random innocent people on the street.
I am not insecure, just concerned that if I politely tell this guy I don't want to chat whilst working out that he will return with a knife and stab me or punch me out.
That's true.
Never thought of that.
I want to tell him to leave me alone but he's in such an aggressive mindset that I am afraid to.
Own thread authored by you? How come you can tell me to stick
It, but you can't do that in person, concerning someone that you feel poses threat, but just not enough for you tell someone that he is giving you the creeps?? I think you're just mad cause I called you out on your pity party. But..what do I know about you, oh yeah.. only what you post on here; posts which paint very sad pictures of you. Just calling it as I see it.. Am I a jerk? Yeah. But an honest one. The truth hurts.. that's why so many people lie.
I really do hope you find the answer that someone offers that will not be met by driveled excuses, and is executed. I hope you finally find SOMETHING that warrants joy in your life. If what you post is how you actually live.. then, that is sad. Just something that has carried over from thread to thread.
The gym is full of meatheads. It's par for the course. Don't let your imagination get the best of you. He's hassling everyone because he doesn't know how to be around people (kind of like Whispering Hands apparently).
and if it's that bad change gyms or go to the opposite corner of the gym and do a different work out.
did you get ear buds yet? if you can't afford ear buds I'm suspect that you can't afford a gym and if that's the case then just go use nature to challenge you.
I'm not physically strong and have never been in a fight.
I still have not bought ear buds, am thinking of checking out some cheap headband types this week, something that I don't care if it gets ruined by sweat. Last time I went to the treadmill on the opposite side to him and he came next to me.
Maybe I should end my life.
I hope this thread shuts down and mods take appropriate action to direct where the OP can find help for suicidal thoughts.
I feel fine, just hurt by such harsh words.
Just saying what whispering hands would want me to do to put me out of my misery, seeing my life is so sad as he/she said.
I'm not being a dick but look yourself in the mirror and get a confidence boost. bring a friend with you to the gym. get headphones and just get lost in music. this guy engages in conversation don't answer him!!!
good luck bud.
Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with.
Then we can share some beers and laugh about scruffys bad punches.
Thoughts... you are what you make yourself out to be. Perception is frame of mind. You have to work at this. Start liking yourself more. Stop beating yourself up.
And that guy isn't as much a problem as you think he is. He's just a lonely and awkward goof.
If I just move to the next one he will be like "why is this guy avoiding me deliberately?"
Then next time he will give me a nasty look.