And I forgot about his blind support of Israeli apartheid and terrorism. He's got no clue. Bibi is playing him like a fiddle and he's going along with it even though he doesn't understand it just to keep the bible thumpers happy. What a jackass.
Obviously I disagree with you on your characterization but this point proves that Trump has done far more then "NOTHING". He has completely changed course from the anti-Israel foreign policy of the Obama administration. This is a yuge SOMETHING and has actual impact here and abroad.
Do the trump thumpers here still believe trump is doing good? Can you really defend all of the lies? Candidate you defend the media bashing? How do you account for your president spreading obvious lies?
not to mention doing nearly nothing in his first month and all of them (and Trump) claiming he is doing more than any past president. it's unbelievable the shit they'll believe just because he (or Fox) says it.
I've even noticed fox news distancing themselves from trump. At least some of the abchors.
I love hearing thumpers claim trump has done so much. He's done NOTHING. Signing executive orders is not action. He's created nothing. He's taken more vacations in 1 month than Obama did his entire first year. He's costing tax payers countless millions in unnecessary security at trump towers because his wife doesn't want to live with him. I don't much blame her.
What exactly do you thumpers think he's doing?
Yeah, you know its bad when Fox News people start bitching about him. Megyn Kelly (now ex-Fox) was first, then Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, and even Bill O'Reilly have had their bouts with him, although Bill seems to be jumping back on board the Trump Train a little bit lately with his liberal media schtick.
And as far as accomplishments go, you're right. He's made a lot of noise but made very few actual moves (hiring freeze, ICE ramp up, lots of golfing, failed immigration ban EO, pro-pollution EOs). He hasn't even started working with congress in any meaningful way yet.
As CNN's Fareed Zakaria said: "The first few weeks of the Trump administration have been an illustration of that line from the writer Alfred Montalpert: "Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress,'" Zakaria said. "We are witnessing a rocking horse presidency," he added.
It's always easy to be the President who just gives things away. Taking on the federal bureaucracy and the deep state will take time. His supporters get that he will press on and only get smarter. First Immigration EO fails...make a new one. Lose a Flynn...get a McMaster. All the while keep pushing the ball downfield.
Do the trump thumpers here still believe trump is doing good? Can you really defend all of the lies? Candidate you defend the media bashing? How do you account for your president spreading obvious lies?
not to mention doing nearly nothing in his first month and all of them (and Trump) claiming he is doing more than any past president. it's unbelievable the shit they'll believe just because he (or Fox) says it.
I've even noticed fox news distancing themselves from trump. At least some of the abchors.
I love hearing thumpers claim trump has done so much. He's done NOTHING. Signing executive orders is not action. He's created nothing. He's taken more vacations in 1 month than Obama did his entire first year. He's costing tax payers countless millions in unnecessary security at trump towers because his wife doesn't want to live with him. I don't much blame her.
What exactly do you thumpers think he's doing?
Yeah, you know its bad when Fox News people start bitching about him. Megyn Kelly (now ex-Fox) was first, then Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, and even Bill O'Reilly have had their bouts with him, although Bill seems to be jumping back on board the Trump Train a little bit lately with his liberal media schtick.
And as far as accomplishments go, you're right. He's made a lot of noise but made very few actual moves (hiring freeze, ICE ramp up, lots of golfing, failed immigration ban EO, pro-pollution EOs). He hasn't even started working with congress in any meaningful way yet.
As CNN's Fareed Zakaria said: "The first few weeks of the Trump administration have been an illustration of that line from the writer Alfred Montalpert: "Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress,'" Zakaria said. "We are witnessing a rocking horse presidency," he added.
It's always easy to be the President who just gives things away. Taking on the federal bureaucracy and the deep state will take time. His supporters get that he will press on and only get smarter. First Immigration EO fails...make a new one. Lose a Flynn...get a McMaster. All the while keep pushing the ball downfield.
I agree with your first two sentences. But I don't think Trump actually cares enough to work that hard to push the ball downfield. He likes to "win", but I don't think he has an actual objective in terms of where he's pushing the ball. I think he liked that he "won" the race, and hates that he "lost" in court with the EO. He'll correct that so it becomes a "win". He didn't come to Washington D.C. to take on the bureaucracy and reform government. He came to Washington D.C. to feel the power of the presidency, to open new and increase existing revenue streams for his businesses, and to put another feather in his cap. I don't believe he feels any sort of moral imperative to make America great again. That was just what he needed to say to have the slow kids in the middle of the country vote for him.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Do the trump thumpers here still believe trump is doing good? Can you really defend all of the lies? Candidate you defend the media bashing? How do you account for your president spreading obvious lies?
not to mention doing nearly nothing in his first month and all of them (and Trump) claiming he is doing more than any past president. it's unbelievable the shit they'll believe just because he (or Fox) says it.
I've even noticed fox news distancing themselves from trump. At least some of the abchors.
I love hearing thumpers claim trump has done so much. He's done NOTHING. Signing executive orders is not action. He's created nothing. He's taken more vacations in 1 month than Obama did his entire first year. He's costing tax payers countless millions in unnecessary security at trump towers because his wife doesn't want to live with him. I don't much blame her.
What exactly do you thumpers think he's doing?
Yeah, you know its bad when Fox News people start bitching about him. Megyn Kelly (now ex-Fox) was first, then Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, and even Bill O'Reilly have had their bouts with him, although Bill seems to be jumping back on board the Trump Train a little bit lately with his liberal media schtick.
And as far as accomplishments go, you're right. He's made a lot of noise but made very few actual moves (hiring freeze, ICE ramp up, lots of golfing, failed immigration ban EO, pro-pollution EOs). He hasn't even started working with congress in any meaningful way yet.
As CNN's Fareed Zakaria said: "The first few weeks of the Trump administration have been an illustration of that line from the writer Alfred Montalpert: "Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress,'" Zakaria said. "We are witnessing a rocking horse presidency," he added.
It's always easy to be the President who just gives things away. Taking on the federal bureaucracy and the deep state will take time. His supporters get that he will press on and only get smarter. First Immigration EO fails...make a new one. Lose a Flynn...get a McMaster. All the while keep pushing the ball downfield.
he's taking on no one. he's inviting everyone back who obama and past presidents tossed out. seemingly blindly. all he cares about is if someone praises him. if they do, he's got their back. I'm not saying he's inherently stupid, but narcissists are blinded by their requirement for praise.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I would love to hear one of you idiotic Trump defenders justify this shit.
It's pretty simple actually. According to the letter part-time daycare is not a core program while full-time care is. Money/staff is being transferred to support the core program. This is going to happen across many different agencies as budgets are eventually brought under control. I am sure you understand.
i would argue that ANY daycare, part-time or full-time, should be considered core programming for our military families.
BS, no where does it say they are transferring money to support that program. They are simply cutting funding to another program. If they were transferring the funding, then there should be more full-time care, but there won't be. Also, if this is the first notice, how shitty to get a 1 week notice. Anyone with kids knows that is a major problem no matter part-time or full-time. Many families depend on part-time programming, so let's not write this off as a "budget control" measure and disregard the impact.
You're right that it doesn't mention funding but it says that staff will be reallocated to the full-time program. You are also right that this is shitty for families. I don't disagree. Budgetary cuts, which include hiring freezes, always have real world consequences. The problem is that the current state of spending just cannot continue.
Which goes to the other part of the question that you didn't answer. Cutting programs while spending on Trump so he can golf every weekend is going through the roof. That was the point you missed.
I didn't address that point because it was silly. The two have nothing to do with each other. Trump golfs for free so is it being suggested that money being spent on secret service protection and/or travel costs should be reassigned to the military for increased hiring? I guess you can make that argument if you want but it will not address tour budgetary challenges which primarily revolves around entitlements and federal government employment. Employees over the vast expanse of the federal government cost a lot of money and over the years many of these employees becomes redundant and/or unnecessary for the provision of services. Now this "might" be a case where a blanket federal hiring freeze might be problematic but it doesn't make the concept any less necessary. Overtime holes in the freeze can be sorted out and/or fixed as needed. Finally...for those who claim that Trump has done nothing and/or his EOs are meaningless...this is clearly an example of what EOs can accomplish. A "hiring freeze" is in fact a "hiring freeze" and while it will be accompanied by pain it is completely necessary. Fore!
No, it's not silly at all. A true leader will lead by example. If he expects Americans to tighten their belts he should do the same. The point of the tweet was to point out Trump's obvious hypocrisy. You didn't get it, and that's fine.
I got it. It was silly.
Nah, you trying to defend Trump's golfing vacations is what's silly....but seeing you try is entertaining so continue on.
I don't think I am or have defended his golfing vacations. I was discussing a federal hiring freeze which on the face doesn't seem like terrible policy even though it comes along with real world consequences. What the Merkin and you would like to do is focus on the "hypocrisy". It's always about the "hypocrisy" with AMT. So because Trump golfs one can't defend a hiring freeze. So silly.
He is hiring 15k more ICE agents and such for the deportation. That's not a freeze in my book.
That is correct. In addition to this military personnel are also exempt as they do plan to increase the number of men and women across the entire armed forces. Trade off's will be made. With respect to the ICE agents specifically though there is said to be a "cost" associated with unchecked illegal immigration. This study references the wall vs illegal immigration
But the point is the same i.e. does stemming the tide of illegal immigration actually reduce government expenditures in the future? It's possible that the hiring of ICE agents reduces future government expenditures. "If" that's the case then this hiring is not a bad decision from a budgetary perspective.
You are rationalizing an inaccurate statement regarding gov't workers.
Either way, this CIS study is flawed just like all of their other studies. It failed, from what I can tell, to take into any GDP impact by the immigrant labor that will be lost when they are deported. A similar study in 2013 that they did also only looked at the wages earned minus benefits received to determine that the NPV of an immigrant was negative. But it never accounted for productivity of the work force (how it contributes to the business/farm's revenue and tax base). This is a glaring omission and obviously deliberate. It also tries to use corporate NPV methodology (which is fine) but uses a WACC that is in line with corporation's discount rate...NOT a gov't which has access to much cheaper money. It's another BS study from a biased think tank.
You could be completely correct but I believe that you would concede that unchecked illegal immigration does not come without a cost. I think what none of us truly know is where the math lands. Now in terms of the "statement" the concept of freezing hires and/or shrinking the size of the federal bureaucracy is not something rational people should be so dead-set against. Of course I recognize this will have real world consequences but a CEO style President such as Trump will of course attempt to do more with less. This is what successful businesses do and it is something that almost nobody in government has ever even attempted. It is a reasonable policy.
You assume illegal immigration has been unchecked. It hasn't been as evidenced by your previous posts criticizing libs for not being upset with Obama for his levels of deportations. Can't have it both ways.
Completely agree, Hugh & I also agree with Jeff that one of his primary goals was to increase revenue for his businesses.
Exactly I'm pretty sure that Mar-a-lago bills the govt. full rack rate for any and all rooms and services used by anyone involved with the white house.
Completely agree, Hugh & I also agree with Jeff that one of his primary goals was to increase revenue for his businesses.
Exactly I'm pretty sure that Mar-a-lago bills the govt. full rack rate for any and all rooms and services used by anyone involved with the white house.
This..... any notion of Trump playing golf 'for free' is laughable.
He's making $ hand over fist while screwing over the American population. He's been doing it for years, why would he stop now?
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Post edited by benjs on
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Much the situation in Victoria and Vancouver. No enforcement unless one of the dispensaries does something stupid. Given the expectation of legislation around full recreational legalization soon, law enforcement declines to enforce except when the municipality makes a big deal about it, as tends to happen in Quebec and now is happening in Langford, a bedroom community of Victoria.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
With this administration I hesitate to even bring the legal US weed up...
Bring it on. I'm sure my state, Washington, is already on Trump's radar anyway. Our governor has already told Trump to fuck off in general, and said he'd be working in opposition. Our attorney general was the one who brought the initial lawsuit against the immigration ban, and the ban was initially overturned in a federal court in this state. So if Trump wants to start a states' rights war with us, we're ready to party. Fuck Trump and fuck Sessions.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
As far as US weed is concerned I feel that law enforcement down here may change it's tact...obvious racist and weed opponent Jeffy Sessions as AG, DJT signing EOs giving even more power to already over empowered cops is pretty bad and super difficult to do anything about, without being labeled anti-cop or anti-USA. these are two labels no one needs in a Fascist state.
DJT believes in States rights, except when he doesn't.
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Geez.. well I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about your affliction.
As far as US weed is concerned I feel that law enforcement down here may change it's tact...obvious racist and weed opponent Jeffy Sessions as AG, DJT signing EOs giving even more power to already over empowered cops is pretty bad and super difficult to do anything about, without being labeled anti-cop or anti-USA. these are two labels no one needs in a Fascist state.
DJT believes in States rights, except when he doesn't.
Yeah, it could definitely get bad for some states. But at least you have a little more power and influence over local and state matters, and should hold your elected state officials accountable to the will of the electorate. Trump can sign EOs all day long requiring or requesting help from local law enforcement, but they won't mean a thing if local law enforcement refuse to comply. Seattle PD isn't interested in anything Trump is doing with the immigration raids (we're a sanctuary city). That will have to be done with federal law enforcement, because local PD doesn't care about immigration status and won't be carrying water for the feds. Same thing with weed. No way local law enforcement will get involved in weed busts at this point. It will have to be federal. And if the feds come into our state with a show of force, it will be a pretty interesting test.
It's a shame Obama dropped the ball on this one. With the swipe of a pen he could have rescheduled or delisted weed. But he was too chickenshit (and perhaps too beholden to big pharma). So I'll add his name to my list of people who can fuck off on this issue.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Geez.. well I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about your affliction.
My fictitious affliction happened to go away shortly (~30 seconds) after my diagnosis. Amazing!
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Geez.. well I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about your affliction.
My fictitious affliction happened to go away shortly (~30 seconds) after my diagnosis. Amazing!
As far as US weed is concerned I feel that law enforcement down here may change it's tact...obvious racist and weed opponent Jeffy Sessions as AG, DJT signing EOs giving even more power to already over empowered cops is pretty bad and super difficult to do anything about, without being labeled anti-cop or anti-USA. these are two labels no one needs in a Fascist state.
DJT believes in States rights, except when he doesn't.
Yeah, it could definitely get bad for some states. But at least you have a little more power and influence over local and state matters, and should hold your elected state officials accountable to the will of the electorate. Trump can sign EOs all day long requiring or requesting help from local law enforcement, but they won't mean a thing if local law enforcement refuse to comply. Seattle PD isn't interested in anything Trump is doing with the immigration raids (we're a sanctuary city). That will have to be done with federal law enforcement, because local PD doesn't care about immigration status and won't be carrying water for the feds. Same thing with weed. No way local law enforcement will get involved in weed busts at this point. It will have to be federal. And if the feds come into our state with a show of force, it will be a pretty interesting test.
It's a shame Obama dropped the ball on this one. With the swipe of a pen he could have rescheduled or delisted weed. But he was too chickenshit (and perhaps too beholden to big pharma). So I'll add his name to my list of people who can fuck off on this issue.
Although we learned yesterday that Trump is a big advocate of states rights (ala bathroom issues) so you guys should be fine. If Trump is anything, he is intellectually consistent... (ha!).
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Geez.. well I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about your affliction.
My fictitious affliction happened to go away shortly (~30 seconds) after my diagnosis. Amazing!
I attribute that to the miraculous curative powers of cannabis! You've been healed! I would prescribe continued regular usage to ensure that your affliction doesn't return.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
BS... youre a tricky one so I would like to ask some direct questions... we may disagree, but at least your a conservative on here that can actually articulate your positions. I wouldn't mind having a whiskey or two with you and just talking things out. and who knows, maybe I could get you to try the liberal whacky weed while we were at it so I can get the real answers lol
what are your thoughts on the President going to Mar-A-Lago so frequently this early?
what are your thoughts on tax payers funding these trips which in turn Trump profits from? such as hosting the PM of Japan? any issue with the Trump profit piece of this issue?
what are your thoughts on the President visiting his 2 Florida golf courses 6 times and playing 7 rounds so far in his first month?
I will take being "tricky" as a compliment but I need to clarify a few things before answering the questions. would absolutely love having a whisky with me...i know from your posts across the forum that you are deep into the band and I think you would find the same about me. Second...about "trying the liberal whacky weed"...I have probably smoked more of that shit then anybody on here but let there be no doubt that my answers don't change when I'm high...they in fact get far more convincing. Now in terms of your questions I am actually in agreement with you...I'm troubled by all of it. Can you believe it? I know...crazy. The difference is I recognize that the type of person you elected came with a whole set of problems that your country has never seen before. Maybe the people who voted for him understood this and maybe they didn't? Maybe people appreciated the secret service ramifications/costs and maybe they didn't? The man has properties, a huge family that travels globally, and this creates tremendous security costs no doubt about it. I also don't like that he profits from these security costs but I am not at the point "yet" where I am outraged by it or whether I think it is necessary to stop going to Mar A Lago altogether. Irrespective of all of this it still doesn't change my opinion or probably the opinion of his voters that he was/is still necessary for the times warts and all.
The status quo is no longer acceptable and people are demanding results. He will be judged on results. If nothing changes then issues like golf and trips deserve to weigh him down. If on the flip side things do improve (which many of you even refuse to admit is possible) then all the golf in the world won't matter.
BS, I reckon I could give you a run for your money on the bolded department! Being in the same city, we'll have to give it a go some time
Back open. Bring on the whacky weed!
Cannabis Culture's new premium products are fantastic, by the way. Try the Mango Dream (it's a sativa) - it's out of this world!
It's fully legal in Toronto? I had no idea...
It's not fully legal, and may as well be. We have one chain of dispensaries which ask for valid government-issued ID to get in (Cannabis Culture), others require a "consultation" with a "physician". The consultation at one of the places I went to was laughable - I was put in a room with a "doctor" over Skype, told him I had trouble sleeping, and he said that he's sent my approval to the front desk and that I could go in. No one gives you a hard time with a pen or a joint on the street, either.
Geez.. well I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about your affliction.
My fictitious affliction happened to go away shortly (~30 seconds) after my diagnosis. Amazing!
I attribute that to the miraculous curative powers of cannabis! You've been healed! I would prescribe continued regular usage to ensure that your affliction doesn't return.
I've been doing my best as a preventative measure
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
With this administration I hesitate to even bring the legal US weed up...
Bring it on. I'm sure my state, Washington, is already on Trump's radar anyway. Our governor has already told Trump to fuck off in general, and said he'd be working in opposition. Our attorney general was the one who brought the initial lawsuit against the immigration ban, and the ban was initially overturned in a federal court in this state. So if Trump wants to start a states' rights war with us, we're ready to party. Fuck Trump and fuck Sessions.
While MA is dragging its ass on getting dispensaries up & running, recreational is at least legal here in the Commonwealth since November. Like Washington, I think MA will continue to be one of the states at odds w/ this administration, so I hope the local laws hold.
I wouldn’t think this admin would go after something so innocuous as legalized weed; but at the same time, I agree w/ Tiki, I don’t trust this f’er, not for one second.
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I'm pretty sure that Mar-a-lago bills the govt. full rack rate for any and all rooms and services used by anyone involved with the white house.
He's making $ hand over fist while screwing over the American population. He's been doing it for years, why would he stop now?
And yes, tricky was a compliment lol
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
DJT believes in States rights, except when he doesn't.
It's a shame Obama dropped the ball on this one. With the swipe of a pen he could have rescheduled or delisted weed. But he was too chickenshit (and perhaps too beholden to big pharma). So I'll add his name to my list of people who can fuck off on this issue.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Although we learned yesterday that Trump is a big advocate of states rights (ala bathroom issues) so you guys should be fine. If Trump is anything, he is intellectually consistent... (ha!).
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I wouldn’t think this admin would go after something so innocuous as legalized weed; but at the same time, I agree w/ Tiki, I don’t trust this f’er, not for one second.