Are you aware of what's going on? Dakota Pipeline
I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
Post edited by Kat on
"I was told that many of the activists came from Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, home to the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 and uprising in 1973, still bearing a stamp of badassery from the days of the American Indian Movement"..."Nonetheless, in five days I witnessed no violence, lawlessness, alcohol, or even hostility. A couple speakers even welcomed “European relatives” such as myself. " Excellent!
If I were able to right now I would so go up and stand with these people.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, SOLAT!
" crews destroyed American Indian burial and cultural sites..."
This demolition is devastating," Archambault said. "These grounds are the resting places of our ancestors. The ancient cairns and stone prayer rings there cannot be replaced. In one day, our sacred land has been turned into hollow ground."
VIDEO: Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray
If this helps any... we always hear the horrible things that happen to Native Americans (and the incidents are nearly countless) but there are some great stories of success and examples of amazing creativity. If you get a chance, check our Paul Chaat Smith's books Like A Hurricane which covers a lot of the history of the Indian Movement and Everything You Know about Indians is Wrong a collection of essays that mainly focus on American Indian artists and film makers.
The authorities are trying like he'll to limit any access to the camps. The major highway out of the closest city is closed and smaller roadways not on tribal land are being closed as well. Also the word about heavy-handed reaction/response by authorities appears to be truth. State patrol helicopters regularly circle the camp, heavy survalience in the area and people in vehicles are being stopped on the roads for no reason and hassled. The sherrif in the county where this is occurring appears to be a piece of work and a puppet for the energy company to limit media access. Some friends who went out there on Thursday reported being stopped questioned for no reason. This didn't last long when my my friend handed the state patrol officer the business card of his law firm.
It's also interesting to read about the pushbavk on this pipeline that is beginning now in Iowa. Groups of farmers who agreed to allow access for compensation instead of fighting out an eminent domain case are starting to push back.
Anyways here's a good source for updates on the happenings in Indian Country:
"A sheriff’s department in North Dakota filed charges against the U.S. Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, for damaging equipment during protests on Tuesday over construction of an oil pipeline.
Stein was part of a group protesting the Dakota Access pipeline and spray-painted construction equipment, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said. Stein does not dispute the account. The department said Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka was charged with criminal trespass and criminal mischief."
Hardly what I would call "damaging equipment" but right on Jill Stein. Oil companies have no place on sacred Native ground.
Bernie Sanders Joins DAPL Opposition
Designated a “Day of Action,” September 13 saw a rally of about 500 people in front of the White House that was highlighted by the appearance of former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. “If there is one profound lesson that the Native American people have taught us, it is that all of us as human beings are part of nature,” Sanders said. “Our species will not survive if we continue to destroy nature, so today we stand united in saying, ‘Stop the pipeline, respect Native American rights, and let us move forward to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels.’”
Right on Bernie!
contracts and destroying burial grounds is just big oil and government over stepping their bounds.
Bernie Sanders Just Asked President Obama to Halt the Dakota Access Pipeline
In the meantime a jury has just reached a verdict on 12/13 counts of the Malheur protestors.