


  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    edited March 2016
    PJ_Soul said:

    PJ_Soul said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    Wow, you get better and better as time goes on lol
    Inciting violence against non-violent "knucklheads" protesters.
    You aren't seriously a cop are you?
    I am beginning to think you are just fuckin' with us.
    So does that mean if someone in front of you assaults a black person, you will just sit back and enjoy it? That's what you have been "looking forward" to right?
    Or will you do your job upholding the law even though you enjoy it when people unlawfully assault non-violent disruptors?
    I don't believe for a second he's a cop, lol.
    Why not? Plenty of people with this type of opinion in all walks of life. I think the police lifestyle would probably be appealing to some of them. An us vs. them mentality.
    His opinions are actually the last reason I don't think he is. I think it because of the time he has on his hands, his schedule, and the way-too-convenient assignments he claims to have at all these politically significant events that he then uses as points towards his opinions that he bring up here on the boards. I think it's all pure bullshit.
    I will say this, he mentioned coppers in Philly working security escorting him to the rail and catching a tambourine. I twice asked him the same question which he was smart enough not to answer. I'm pretty certain his Philly copper story is BS. Carry on.
    Post edited by JC29856 on
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    Read the quoted post. Read it twice if that's what it takes.

    Why would a Trump supporter protest a Democrat rally? Democrats aren't talking about doing crazy things like the Republicans are.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    You also arent hearing the same type of rhetoric from Bernie or Hillary. You arent hearing this same type of rhetoric at the OTHER GOP candidates rally's.


    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • mickeyrat said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    You also arent hearing the same type of rhetoric from Bernie or Hillary. You arent hearing this same type of rhetoric at the OTHER GOP candidates rally's.

    You also don't see OTHER GOPs winning.
    You only hear the sweet sound of a campfire and marshmallows of the dems campaign (which by the way would be nice),
    Aint gonna fucking happen.
  • rgambs said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    Read the quoted post. Read it twice if that's what it takes.

    Why would a Trump supporter protest a Democrat rally? Democrats aren't talking about doing crazy things like the Republicans are.
    Why? I thought all Trumps supporters are angrily against all things dem?
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576

    rgambs said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    Read the quoted post. Read it twice if that's what it takes.

    Why would a Trump supporter protest a Democrat rally? Democrats aren't talking about doing crazy things like the Republicans are.
    Why? I thought all Trumps supporters are angrily against all things dem?
    No, they are angrily against all things black, Mexican, and Muslim.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • rgambs said:

    rgambs said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    Read the quoted post. Read it twice if that's what it takes.

    Why would a Trump supporter protest a Democrat rally? Democrats aren't talking about doing crazy things like the Republicans are.
    Why? I thought all Trumps supporters are angrily against all things dem?
    No, they are angrily against all things black, Mexican, and Muslim.
    Trump supporters or Trump?
  • SmellymanSmellyman Posts: 4,524

    dignin said:

    rgambs said:

    ckravitz said:

    dignin said:

    ckravitz said:

    dignin said:

    ckravitz said:

    JC29856 said:

    Not that I want to see anyone sucker punched although I would contribute to a go fund me for the puncher and punchee if a black person sucker punched a trump supportor at a rally just to compare the reactions of msm and public at large.
    I'll put up $500

    The reaction would be an over-generalization just as in this case (just read some of the posts here). I wouldn't vote for Trump myself, but this characterization of all Trump supporters (not necessarily you) based on the idiocy of some of them is just as ignorant of some of the things that Trump himself says.
    I'm sorry but that is not even close to reality.

    So you think characterizing millions of people based on the idiocy of the few is ok or am I misunderstanding what you were saying is not even close to reality? The topic is some dumb shits behaving violently and this behavior somehow being attributable to large swaths of Trump supporters. Are you suggesting that wasn't going on?
    Maybe I missed it but I haven't read here on these boards that everyone (or all as you put it) who votes for Trump is like that old man. Do I think there are large swaths like that old man, who seems like every rally of his now has an incident similar to this. Trump is asking his suppoters to get violent with the protesters, it's crazy.

    And I haven't read much on here (except for a few obvious posters....who are Trump supporters) say anything as ignorant as Trump.
    I guess you have missed it then. Plenty, plenty, plenty of commenters that have made blanket statements with the only qualifier being "Trump supporters". No one said it was you and no one said it was all people here on this board doing it.

    Over-generalization is hugely ignorant, yes just as ignorant as many of Trump's statements. In fact most of Trump's own ignorance stems from his habit of over-generalizing. It's the breeding ground for the race to the opposite edges.

    Look, I don't want to be in this weird position of quasi-defending Trump, but one of the biggest problems in politics are the broad-brush behaviors so it should be called out regardless of who is guilty of it.

    I guess we'll just have to disagree because I'm not about to go pull various posters comments to prove this point. They're there though.
    I have made those statements, and I stand by them. If you support Donald Trump you fall under the broad brush. Until I meet someone who is actually intelligent, in full control of themselves, and has a modicum of dignity, I will continue to paint them with the ugliest, broadest brush I can find.
    Generalization of avowed racists and bigots is not the unholy evil you make it out to be. If you support Trump then you support racism and bigotry, you severely lack class, dignity, and sense, and you are a DUMBASS!
    Period. End of story.
    So.... If Donald Trump gets elected, which it appears he is going to and most likely go to the white house, does this mean that the US is filled with racists and bigots or full of people who think that their gov't and elected officials just don't care about the people?
    What evidence do you have that he will "most likely go to the white house". All the polling I've seen so far shows him losing vs. Hillary.
    I think the latter parts of the question are the ones that should be answered, but since you asked I saw this in the Bloomberg thread...

    Dumfukistan is alive and well
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737

    mickeyrat said:

    rgambs said:

    muskydan said:

    So the Don will be Having a Rally in Chicago Friday. They are expecting loads of protesters outside, even providing a whole parking lot for a designated Protesting location, and of course those losers will sneak inside and do what they do at all Trump Rally's. So if you got nothing going on and are in Chicago this would be a great opportunity to observe these protesters, especially those fun BLM honors students in action…they are always good for a ton of laughs. I am looking forward for the Trump supporters to stand up to these knucklheads like they have all over the country and" step in" instead of the Police having to deal w/ these oxygens thief's…..BTW, the old goat will be in chicago too, but he is staying in the burbs….wise move Bern.

    So you must be real happy right now, lawlessness reigning supreme in the GOP shit show. You got the violence you were craving!
    No one is craving violence.
    It has been said on many newscasts that you don't see "Trump" supporters showing up a democrat rally, or even a repub rally for that matter and causing shit.

    edit - If you look for trouble you will find it. Apparently some people don't know this.
    You also arent hearing the same type of rhetoric from Bernie or Hillary. You arent hearing this same type of rhetoric at the OTHER GOP candidates rally's.

    You also don't see OTHER GOPs winning.
    You only hear the sweet sound of a campfire and marshmallows of the dems campaign (which by the way would be nice),
    Aint gonna fucking happen.
    My point was his type of rhetoric stokes , pokes and throws gasoline on peoples prejudice. It does nothing to actually address whats underneath much of the dissatisfaction with a segment of our population. He is channleling that into dangerous places. When you have one of your supporters sucker punch someone being led out and in effect in custody of the police and later give an interview saying maybe next time we have to kill them, that kind of shit doesnt appear from the ether. He's deliberately playing on peoples fears and frustrations. Amping and escalating it for his own personal gain.

    His rally's amount to High School Bully's pep rally.

    I'll give him this though. After the past couple years events related to race and bigotry, he has certainly held a mirror up to show us as a collective in our most ugly selves. Showing us to be really not that evolved on those fronts.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • ^^
    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.
  • SmellymanSmellyman Posts: 4,524

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    When was it great?
  • Smellyman said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    When was it great?
    That is a question for the real Americans.
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    He has stated the factual problems over and over.
    He has also stated his solutions. (Wall, china%45 threat, etc)
    Saying he can go fuck himself brings out some emotion that perhaps you may have not tapped into for awhile.

  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • ^^^
    Love is in the air for haters.
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737

    mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    He has stated the factual problems over and over.
    He has also stated his solutions. (Wall, china%45 threat, etc)
    Saying he can go fuck himself brings out some emotion that perhaps you may have not tapped into for awhile.

    Generalities arent what I am looking for.
    Property rights are a big thing here in the US. Because of these rights there are pretty signifigant gaps in the fance/wall we already have. In some cases , it cuts folks off from thier water rights or effectively puts them outside of the US. HIS wall is fantasy. As is the plan to pay for it. Or rather HAVE it paid for.

    Alot of what he says are horseshit talking points, conjured in part be other politicians or talk radio attitudes.

    My anger has been seething for quite sometime. I am frankly tired of the bullshit from the political class and those who think they can treat me like I am stupid and not paying attention. I am not the smartest guy, nor am I as attuned to certain things as others might be, but I can think critically. And I am very critical of him as a candidate for the office of President representing ME and my fellow citizens . He has little to no class, dignity nor integrity. I want that and more from my President.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • mickeyrat said:

    mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    He has stated the factual problems over and over.
    He has also stated his solutions. (Wall, china%45 threat, etc)
    Saying he can go fuck himself brings out some emotion that perhaps you may have not tapped into for awhile.

    Generalities arent what I am looking for.
    Property rights are a big thing here in the US. Because of these rights there are pretty signifigant gaps in the fance/wall we already have. In some cases , it cuts folks off from thier water rights or effectively puts them outside of the US. HIS wall is fantasy. As is the plan to pay for it. Or rather HAVE it paid for.

    Alot of what he says are horseshit talking points, conjured in part be other politicians or talk radio attitudes.

    My anger has been seething for quite sometime. I am frankly tired of the bullshit from the political class and those who think they can treat me like I am stupid and not paying attention. I am not the smartest guy, nor am I as attuned to certain things as others might be, but I can think critically. And I am very critical of him as a candidate for the office of President representing ME and my fellow citizens . He has little to no class, dignity nor integrity. I want that and more from my President.
    So who are you going to vote for? since you clearly state what/who you don't want.
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,710
    Well done, Chicago.
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    Just walked in and am hearing about Chicago now.

    What. The. Fuck.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737

    mickeyrat said:

    mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    He has stated the factual problems over and over.
    He has also stated his solutions. (Wall, china%45 threat, etc)
    Saying he can go fuck himself brings out some emotion that perhaps you may have not tapped into for awhile.

    Generalities arent what I am looking for.
    Property rights are a big thing here in the US. Because of these rights there are pretty signifigant gaps in the fance/wall we already have. In some cases , it cuts folks off from thier water rights or effectively puts them outside of the US. HIS wall is fantasy. As is the plan to pay for it. Or rather HAVE it paid for.

    Alot of what he says are horseshit talking points, conjured in part be other politicians or talk radio attitudes.

    My anger has been seething for quite sometime. I am frankly tired of the bullshit from the political class and those who think they can treat me like I am stupid and not paying attention. I am not the smartest guy, nor am I as attuned to certain things as others might be, but I can think critically. And I am very critical of him as a candidate for the office of President representing ME and my fellow citizens . He has little to no class, dignity nor integrity. I want that and more from my President.
    So who are you going to vote for? since you clearly state what/who you don't want.
    Who or how I vote is my business. All I care to share is that I DO vote the rest is nobodies business but mine.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Another black guy got beat up in St Louis.

    This shit is ridiculous. No videos have surfaced showing violence from protesters, but multiple Trump supporters have been filmed behaving violently. Chicago might be different, but damn... This is like third world behavior.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited March 2016
    mickeyrat said:

    mickeyrat said:

    mickeyrat said:

    A 78yr old doing such a thing is outragegous I know.
    Trump has certainly brought out all kinds of "muricans".
    The mirror reference is good mickeyrat. Sometimes a look in the mirror is what it takes to make something great again.

    Doesnt matter what age the person engaged in assaulting another while the other is in custody. Its abhorrant and uncalled for. If I can cuss out a cop and am covered by free speech then this protester had his right to say what he wished. Especially if he paid for his ticket.

    In my view if we ever really were great, it aint coming back. Certainly not through him. The U.S. Brochure is a great selling point. Unfortunately we havent really lived up to those ideals. HE may not see really what it is he espouses, but I think this "great america" he wants to take us BACKWARDS to , is pre civil rights era.

    If he chooses to show us the unvarnished truth of his business and how it is he got billions from a million dollar loan and subsequent multimillion dollar inheritance, I'd be willing to entertain him enough to listen. Until then or until he has somethng substantive to say regarding the factual problems we have , and more importantly the SOLUTIONS for thos eprobelms, he can go fuck himslef.
    He has stated the factual problems over and over.
    He has also stated his solutions. (Wall, china%45 threat, etc)
    Saying he can go fuck himself brings out some emotion that perhaps you may have not tapped into for awhile.

    Generalities arent what I am looking for.
    Property rights are a big thing here in the US. Because of these rights there are pretty signifigant gaps in the fance/wall we already have. In some cases , it cuts folks off from thier water rights or effectively puts them outside of the US. HIS wall is fantasy. As is the plan to pay for it. Or rather HAVE it paid for.

    Alot of what he says are horseshit talking points, conjured in part be other politicians or talk radio attitudes.

    My anger has been seething for quite sometime. I am frankly tired of the bullshit from the political class and those who think they can treat me like I am stupid and not paying attention. I am not the smartest guy, nor am I as attuned to certain things as others might be, but I can think critically. And I am very critical of him as a candidate for the office of President representing ME and my fellow citizens . He has little to no class, dignity nor integrity. I want that and more from my President.
    So who are you going to vote for? since you clearly state what/who you don't want.
    Who or how I vote is my business. All I care to share is that I DO vote the rest is nobodies business but mine.
    Well said.
    Trump has always said that he has millions of votes but no public supporters.
    Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 37,737
    Fucking douchebags.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • mickeyrat said:

    Fucking douchebags.

    Damn straight.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,165
    Trump has been advocating violence since day one at his rally's if you can't see that I'd say you haven't been watching !!! Fuck you Trump
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Trump has been advocating violence since day one at his rally's if you can't see that I'd say you haven't been watching !!! Fuck you Trump

    Your late chime is not true.
    If it is than cite one example.
  • Trump has been advocating violence since day one at his rally's if you can't see that I'd say you haven't been watching !!! Fuck you Trump

    Your late chime is not true.
    If it is than cite one example.
  • Trump has been advocating violence since day one at his rally's if you can't see that I'd say you haven't been watching !!! Fuck you Trump

    Your late chime is not true.
    If it is than cite one example.
    keyword of the headline - could
  • WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe Posts: 4,957
    edited March 2016

    Trump has been advocating violence since day one at his rally's if you can't see that I'd say you haven't been watching !!! Fuck you Trump

    Your late chime is not true.
    If it is than cite one example.
    keyword of the headline - could
    You said site one example, ignore the headline for a second and actually read the multiple examples. They are in the article.
This discussion has been closed.