I remember Plush being on the MTV Buzz Bin cd, but I didn't like Core nearly as much as I liked Purple. Purple was an amazing album front to back, and the mix/sound on it was awesome. Eventually I learned to appreciate core but my first real STP album will always be Purple. I loved the STP catalog all the way through No. 4, but Shangri Lee Da didn't really grow on me, and I've only listened to the last album once. I do have them on vinyl so I'll give them another spin. I find with less free time to listen to music, I don't always give an album enough spins to grow on me. I guess that's the 21st century. I except things to pull me first listen.
I saw STP 3 times. Twice in 2000. It was already well know Scott had issues back then and we wanted to STP before it fell apart. The closest show was the Tatoo the Earth tour in Portland, OR. For some reason STP got tagged onto the end of metal festival (which was pretty cool because we got to see Slayer open for STP ). Then a few months later they announced a Vancouver STP show. We bought tickets for that too. Went to the Vancouver show, drove overnight to Portland, slept in the car a few hours, and went to the festival. STP was amazing both nights. I saw them again here in Victoria around 2010, but it wasn't the same. Like the moving trainspotting, they kind of lost it.
I also see V.R. twice, and both shows were pretty good too (it's just that I prefer the STP music catalog to the VR albums).
I saw STP 3 times. Twice in 2000. It was already well know Scott had issues back then and we wanted to STP before it fell apart. The closest show was the Tatoo the Earth tour in Portland, OR. For some reason STP got tagged onto the end of metal festival (which was pretty cool because we got to see Slayer open for STP
I also see V.R. twice, and both shows were pretty good too (it's just that I prefer the STP music catalog to the VR albums).