Canadian Politics Redux



  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Do you guys actually read what you post!?? I know one of you doesn't.

    It is exactly those words that are concerning. Regulatory coherence. So, what does that mean to you guys? To me, it means this. Canada has standards and laws in place to protect us from bad stuff ... like rBST and other shit the US approves blindly ... well, when we trade with our partners - we are for the most part going to be in compliance with those countries standards because many don't have any. It is the reverse of this that is very disconcerting. Now, countries where there are minimal standards on labour, labeling, etc.. will now want to export those goods into Canada and we are going to be expected to forego our regulatory standards. These deals always benefit the corporations because they can now source their manufacturing elsewhere where labour is cheap and we know Asia has a lot of cheap labour. NAFTA killed our manufacturing sector along with increased our wage gaps.

    As for the threat of lawsuits. We have already paid out more than $160 million in fines with another $4.5 billion in the pipes. You know how these things are settled? By some secret 3-person panel who's decisions are final. We are being sued for $250 million now because Quebec has put a moratorium on fracking in the St. Lawrence Valley.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149

    Very good post.
    Alas, you are about to be bombarded with how trudeau is a hottie and can do no wrong.
    Every post in this thread since the election has been over ruled by trudeaumania.
    Oh, and his selfies.

    So if anyone thinks Trudeau is doing fine so far it's Trudeaumania? Gimme a break dude. Nothing to do with that, and there has been NO "Trudeamania" in this thread.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • As happy as I was to see Harper gone I had many reservations about Trudeau. So far he has kept his promise to accept Syrian refugees into Canada, unmuzzled our scientific community, started the process of once again protecting our waterways, started the legalization(should be decriminalization but that was not his campaign promise) of Marijuana(not a gateway drug for anyone still using that tired and wholly inaccurate argument, you want to talk gateway drug let's talk alcohol) and provided the most balanced and relevant cabinet in many a Prime Minister.
    It is still early days and yes he will have to be held accountable as any PM should but so far I like what I'm seeing. If this trend continues than for the first time in a long time I will be proud not only of my Country but my PM. I don't think he walks on water and yes he will fuck up from time to time but for now it is a positive thing.
    Especially if the pipeline moratorium goes through.
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,369

    It's a decent start for their rebuilding process. Out with some of the old.
  • polaris_x said:

    Do you guys actually read what you post!?? I know one of you doesn't.

    It is exactly those words that are concerning. Regulatory coherence. So, what does that mean to you guys? To me, it means this. Canada has standards and laws in place to protect us from bad stuff ... like rBST and other shit the US approves blindly ... well, when we trade with our partners - we are for the most part going to be in compliance with those countries standards because many don't have any. It is the reverse of this that is very disconcerting. Now, countries where there are minimal standards on labour, labeling, etc.. will now want to export those goods into Canada and we are going to be expected to forego our regulatory standards. These deals always benefit the corporations because they can now source their manufacturing elsewhere where labour is cheap and we know Asia has a lot of cheap labour. NAFTA killed our manufacturing sector along with increased our wage gaps.

    As for the threat of lawsuits. We have already paid out more than $160 million in fines with another $4.5 billion in the pipes. You know how these things are settled? By some secret 3-person panel who's decisions are final. We are being sued for $250 million now because Quebec has put a moratorium on fracking in the St. Lawrence Valley.

    I wrote what it meant to me. I think I stated my opinion quite clearly.

    The rest of your first paragraph is not based on fact. We will not have to "forgo any regulatory standards". You have to abide by another nation's standards. If they stiffen or change them they have to give the exporters time to adjust. How is this a bad thing? They can't sue you for your existing regulatory standards. :lol:

    NAFTA did not kill our manufacturing sector. A high Canadian dollar due to high oil prices killed the manufacturing sector. We have moved beyond manufacturing to drive our economy (11th largest in the world with the 37th ranked population). Allowing the manufacturing to go to developing countries helps aids them in development.

    Secret three person panel. Wow. If it was a secret how do you know about it?

    And if Quebec rammed through some new legislation that fucked a company over they should be sued. Do you have any idea how much investment probably went into that only to have the rug pulled out from under them? They probably had regulatory approval to do it.
    That is business. Contracts work two ways.

    Life will be just fine after TPP. Just like after NAFTA. Just like after Free Trade with the US.
  • PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited December 2015
    Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    Theo Caldwell does editorials for Rebel Media. I was reading a piece he wrote about Liberals being stupid. A self-professed conservative but not a Harper fan (explained in the editorial) he voted conservative because Harper was the best leader available.
    Anyways, this excerpt from his piece made me laugh, because it really surmises how political ideology works in this country. If you are left, you are right. If you are right, you are wrong.
    Have a read if you care:

    "Let us return to that aforementioned, quota-attaining, ceiling-shattering cabinet of Justin’s, as it provides a valuable object lesson.
    “Great to see the diversity!” enthused a city councillor of my acquaintance, who has been described as a spinning 8-ball of leftist clichés.
    Ah, the diversity!
    Bathe in it. Rub it all over yourself. Don’t be shy, really get in there.
    To leftists, as you know, diversity means people who look different but think alike.
    Diversity of opinion, however, is so not cool.
    And therein lies an advantage of the right. Conservatives are culturally bilingual. We know what the left thinks, awash as we are in their bilge from our first day in school, to every movie and TV show, to every time we are trapped in an airport lounge, forced to watch CNN.
    About us, they haven't a clue, hence the absurd caricatures they construct of conservatives as unintelligent troglodytes or vampiric billionaires. Moreover, they have an extreme, phobic reaction to arguments from the other side, like someone who burns down their house to kill a spider."
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,369

    Theo Caldwell does editorials for Rebel Media. I was reading a piece he wrote about Liberals being stupid. A self-professed conservative but not a Harper fan (explained in the editorial) he voted conservative because Harper was the best leader available.
    Anyways, this excerpt from his piece made me laugh, because it really surmises how political ideology works in this country. If you are left, you are right. If you are right, you are wrong.
    Have a read if you care:

    "Let us return to that aforementioned, quota-attaining, ceiling-shattering cabinet of Justin’s, as it provides a valuable object lesson.
    “Great to see the diversity!” enthused a city councillor of my acquaintance, who has been described as a spinning 8-ball of leftist clichés.
    Ah, the diversity!
    Bathe in it. Rub it all over yourself. Don’t be shy, really get in there.
    To leftists, as you know, diversity means people who look different but think alike.
    Diversity of opinion, however, is so not cool.
    And therein lies an advantage of the right. Conservatives are culturally bilingual. We know what the left thinks, awash as we are in their bilge from our first day in school, to every movie and TV show, to every time we are trapped in an airport lounge, forced to watch CNN.
    About us, they haven't a clue, hence the absurd caricatures they construct of conservatives as unintelligent troglodytes or vampiric billionaires. Moreover, they have an extreme, phobic reaction to arguments from the other side, like someone who burns down their house to kill a spider."

    Rebel Media and Ezra thanks.
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015

    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think no one of right wing ideology has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited November 2015


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    That's not true at all. I read all the viewpoints. I even suffer through Fox news sometimes just to know what everyone is "learning" from it.
    A lot of people are paying attention... and it is their reaction to watch you're talking about that creates the divide. The know what theu are opposing..... i am not convince the same can be said of most right wingers. They are the ones with the blinders on as far as I can tell.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,369


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    Haha, so CBC, CTV and Global are all left leaning.....and Rebel Media is right leaning.....a different point of view. That's what's absurd. Rebel Media is waaaaaaaaay right on the spectrum.

    There is no way you are comparing the level of journalism between those media outlets and Rebel Media? Founded by Ezra Levant......Canada's Glen Beck. I've taken shits with more credibility then him. Always having to apologizing for the lies he spews.

    Rebel Media is Canada's version of The Blaze. It's trash and a rag. And extreme. Based on most of your posts you aren't even that extreme.
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    PJ_Soul said:


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    That's not true at all. I read all the viewpoints. I even suffer through Fox news sometimes just to know what everyone is "learning" from it.
    A lot of people are paying attention... and it is their reaction to watch you're talking about that creates the divide. The know what theu are opposing..... i am not convince the same can be said of most right wingers. They are the ones with the blinders on as far as I can tell.
    Aaaaaaaah of course! Let me see now, have any of you agreed with ONE thing I, "a small c" conservative have EVER posted. Even mulled it over? :smiley:
    Caldwell is right, if you don't agree with a liberal/socialist you are wrong, you are backwards, you haven't evolved, blah, blah, blah.
    Just using the term "blinders" is a subtle insult to anyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like you.

    "Suffer" through FOX news. FOX news is awful. That isn't news, it's entertainment. I wouldn't give your liberal-self a pat on the back for "subjecting" yourself to "right wing propaganda".
    The fact you watch that and think that is true conservatism once again proves my point.
  • dignin said:


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    Haha, so CBC, CTV and Global are all left leaning.....and Rebel Media is right leaning.....a different point of view. That's what's absurd. Rebel Media is waaaaaaaaay right on the spectrum.

    There is no way you are comparing the level of journalism between those media outlets and Rebel Media? Founded by Ezra Levant......Canada's Glen Beck. I've taken shits with more credibility then him. Always having to apologizing for the lies he spews.

    Rebel Media is Canada's version of The Blaze. It's trash and a rag. And extreme. Based on most of your posts you aren't even that extreme.
    - Yes All mainstream Canadian media is left leaning. ALL OF IT. There are some pockets who saw a market of people they could sell to (SUN, FOX) but as I said earlier, FOX is crap.

    - Ezra Levant does paint a different picture, He has made a few mistakes, but he does report news that no one else will (like Trudeau blocking the Northern Gateway Pipeline by not allowing tankers along the BC coast, proving once again Another Trudeau is out to fuck over Alberta).

    - I like Rebel Media. It is another point of view. I don't agree with all of it of course. Some is extreme. But some of that shit on CBC also makes me sick. CTV is the worst news on Canadian television.
    In my humble opinion, Global seems to be the least left leaning news in the country. I don't watch it enough to know.
    I mean, they are all reporting how Nenshi is now worried because some people are anti-Muslim in Calgary. That is news? Give me a break.
    I watch RT, Al Jazeera, and CNN occasionally too. Read from many different sources.

  • PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited December 2015
    Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited November 2015

    PJ_Soul said:


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    That's not true at all. I read all the viewpoints. I even suffer through Fox news sometimes just to know what everyone is "learning" from it.
    A lot of people are paying attention... and it is their reaction to watch you're talking about that creates the divide. The know what theu are opposing..... i am not convince the same can be said of most right wingers. They are the ones with the blinders on as far as I can tell.
    Aaaaaaaah of course! Let me see now, have any of you agreed with ONE thing I, "a small c" conservative have EVER posted. Even mulled it over? :smiley:
    Caldwell is right, if you don't agree with a liberal/socialist you are wrong, you are backwards, you haven't evolved, blah, blah, blah.
    Just using the term "blinders" is a subtle insult to anyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like you.

    "Suffer" through FOX news. FOX news is awful. That isn't news, it's entertainment. I wouldn't give your liberal-self a pat on the back for "subjecting" yourself to "right wing propaganda".
    The fact you watch that and think that is true conservatism once again proves my point.
    I understand what you are saying, but sorry, it's bullshit.
    People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often.

    FYI, I am not giving myself a pat on the back, but in any case, Fox News is America's biggest News network. People don't watch it for entertainment. They get their news from it. That's the problem.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,369

    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    At what point would you question your own bias when you believe that almost every news organization is left wing? A leftist conspiracy if you will. If I believed that every news network was right wing I might start to wonder where I have placed myself on the political spectrum. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong?

    And really? Andrew Coyne is a left wing hack? Now I know you have no idea where you actually are on the political spectrum. You perception is out of wack.
  • PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited December 2015
    Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
  • dignin said:

    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    At what point would you question your own bias when you believe that almost every news organization is left wing? A leftist conspiracy if you will. If I believed that every news network was right wing I might start to wonder where I have placed myself on the political spectrum. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong?

    And really? Andrew Coyne is a left wing hack? Now I know you have no idea where you actually are on the political spectrum. You perception is out of wack.
    *** rolling my eyes****

    With everything I have written you are going after me about my opinion of the "At Issue" panel.

    - I actually pointed out other organizations (Sun, FOX, RT, Al Jazeera) which had other biases and you chose to ignore because you are focussed completely on your own ideology and have to disagree with absolutely everything I write
    - you couldn't believe every news network was right wing because the are not.
    - I have considered I may be wrong, but evidence says I am correct in my assertion. If you really expect me to believe the CBC didn't want the Liberals or NDP to win (they got $150 million dollars a week after the new government took over) then you are extremely naive.
    - Andrew Coyne submitted a column to get people to not vote Conservative. He is from the Liberal heartland, Southern Ontario. He is a softball figurehead "right" for the CBC (who doesn't refer to himself as right or left). YOU think my perception is out of whack, I have my own point of view (which you continue to argue with a bevy of questions. Read your post out loud, sounds like that annoying Ford Service commercial I hear on 770).
  • dignin said:

    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    At what point would you question your own bias when you believe that almost every news organization is left wing? A leftist conspiracy if you will. If I believed that every news network was right wing I might start to wonder where I have placed myself on the political spectrum. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong?

    And really? Andrew Coyne is a left wing hack? Now I know you have no idea where you actually are on the political spectrum. You perception is out of wack.
    Blah, blah, blah

    Leaving questions with no answers.
    Bleeding Liberal through and through.
    Relying on others to answer. pffft
    It's more entertaining than FOX or CBC :lol:
  • dignin said:


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    Haha, so CBC, CTV and Global are all left leaning.....and Rebel Media is right leaning.....a different point of view. That's what's absurd. Rebel Media is waaaaaaaaay right on the spectrum.

    There is no way you are comparing the level of journalism between those media outlets and Rebel Media? Founded by Ezra Levant......Canada's Glen Beck. I've taken shits with more credibility then him. Always having to apologizing for the lies he spews.

    Rebel Media is Canada's version of The Blaze. It's trash and a rag. And extreme. Based on most of your posts you aren't even that extreme.
    - Yes All mainstream Canadian media is left leaning. ALL OF IT. There are some pockets who saw a market of people they could sell to (SUN, FOX) but as I said earlier, FOX is crap.

    - Ezra Levant does paint a different picture, He has made a few mistakes, but he does report news that no one else will (like Trudeau blocking the Northern Gateway Pipeline by not allowing tankers along the BC coast, proving once again Another Trudeau is out to fuck over Alberta).

    - I like Rebel Media. It is another point of view. I don't agree with all of it of course. Some is extreme. But some of that shit on CBC also makes me sick. CTV is the worst news on Canadian television.
    In my humble opinion, Global seems to be the least left leaning news in the country. I don't watch it enough to know.
    I mean, they are all reporting how Nenshi is now worried because some people are anti-Muslim in Calgary. That is news? Give me a break.
    I watch RT, Al Jazeera, and CNN occasionally too. Read from many different sources.

    What it proves is that he is willing to put the needs of all provinces above the demands of Alberta. Don't fuck over one province so yours can make more money.
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited November 2015

    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    This makes no sense at all.
    First, I have no idea why you babbled about the people of Calgary donating coats or whatever you might be talking about. Nor why you seem to think I don't live in the real world and earn and spend money, but I am am not interested enough in discussing anything with you to go into it (and not because of your opinions. It's because of the way you conduct yourself here).

    However, just to finish it off, doesn't pretty much everyone disagree with people who they think are spewing a lot of dumb shit based on fake facts? I'm not talking about people looking at different evidence. I am talking about those who literally form opinion despite facts that prove their opinions to be completely misguided. Not to mention xenophobia, homophobia, economic theories that don't work in real life. And those who rally against things that I hold dear such as strong social services, the right to choose, gun regulations, banking regulation, etc etc etc, despite the fact that the societies that function best in the world prove that these kinds of right-wing ideas don't work for anyone besides the rich. Yup. To me all that is stupid bullshit. Add to that Hedo's reference in another thread the people who actually feel strongly about how ridiculous it is for someone to play Imagine. This is the dumb shit i'm talking about. What are you expecting?? For me to say it's smart and reasonable? Why would I do that?
    BTW, I don't even watch the CBC.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • dignin said:


    Thanks for once again, proving the point of the article.

    I, admittedly more conservative leaning, will watch left wing media (CBC and CNN, etc.)
    Instead of reading it for a different point of view, leftists just say "no, thanks".

    It's amazing how anyone could think none has anything interesting to say, or may have a point of view to consider.

    Once again, to leftists, diversity is people looking differently, but thinking alike. It's absurd.

    Haha, so CBC, CTV and Global are all left leaning.....and Rebel Media is right leaning.....a different point of view. That's what's absurd. Rebel Media is waaaaaaaaay right on the spectrum.

    There is no way you are comparing the level of journalism between those media outlets and Rebel Media? Founded by Ezra Levant......Canada's Glen Beck. I've taken shits with more credibility then him. Always having to apologizing for the lies he spews.

    Rebel Media is Canada's version of The Blaze. It's trash and a rag. And extreme. Based on most of your posts you aren't even that extreme.
    - Yes All mainstream Canadian media is left leaning. ALL OF IT. There are some pockets who saw a market of people they could sell to (SUN, FOX) but as I said earlier, FOX is crap.

    - Ezra Levant does paint a different picture, He has made a few mistakes, but he does report news that no one else will (like Trudeau blocking the Northern Gateway Pipeline by not allowing tankers along the BC coast, proving once again Another Trudeau is out to fuck over Alberta).

    - I like Rebel Media. It is another point of view. I don't agree with all of it of course. Some is extreme. But some of that shit on CBC also makes me sick. CTV is the worst news on Canadian television.
    In my humble opinion, Global seems to be the least left leaning news in the country. I don't watch it enough to know.
    I mean, they are all reporting how Nenshi is now worried because some people are anti-Muslim in Calgary. That is news? Give me a break.
    I watch RT, Al Jazeera, and CNN occasionally too. Read from many different sources.

    What it proves is that he is willing to put the needs of all provinces above the demands of Alberta. Don't fuck over one province so yours can make more money.
    So allowing Saudi Oil to come to Canada on the east coast, but not allowing Our own oil to be exported and create jobs nation wide makes sense.
    You are trying to tell me a strong economy doesn't benefit BC. Wish I could tell you how many British Coumbians I worked with in Fort Mac. Happy they could bring money home to their families, lamenting how there was no work on "the island" or in "the valley."

    Sure sounds like it's "fucking over" another province. Once again, left wing narrow mindedness.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited November 2015
    This is a simple argument. Some people value money over the environment and pretty much everything else. Others value the environment and a bunch of other things over money. It is an ideological and moral difference.

    BTW 1thoughtknown, you appear to be doing exactly what you attempted to accuse me of earlier. Don't be a hypocrite.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    PJ_Soul said:

    "People don't disagree with people because the are conservative. They disagree with them because their viewpoints are often stupid, tending to ignore facts, base their opinions on fear and ignorance, and are too in love with money and too against helping people out. Plain as that. But FWIW, if a conservative has a good point, I'm happy to agree or at least consider it. It just doesn't happen too often"

    Wow :lol: you just reiterated the whole point of the editorial in one paragraph.

    - viewpoints are often stupid. According to who? (How intelligent is this comment really?)
    - ignoring facts? Perhaps they are looking at different facts and have had different life experiences.
    - in love with money? Don't know if you realize, but it's pretty hard to get along in the modern world without it.
    - against helping people out? What is the evidence of this? Here in Calgary (conservative stronghold) I am amazed at the generosity of people. Even in these tough times, people are giving more than ever. (BTW helping people out could be creating jobs so they can better their lives :smiley:)

    Everything you said wreaks of the ignorance and smugness of the Laurentian left wing elitist position.

    I know people get their "news" from FOX. I'm saying it's not news, it entertainment. Not quite the Daily Show or John Oliver. I mean, you do realize television is business :smiley:
    What I was saying, is if you get your news from there (or the CBC for the leftist) you like it because the commentators align with your ideology. It's not news they offer, it's a lot of blather. The National is filled now with that "At Issue" panel. Bunch of left wing media hacks.

    This makes no sense at all.
    First, I have no idea why you babbled about the people of Calgary donating coats or whatever you might be talking about. Nor why you seem to think I don't live in the real world and earn and spend money, but I am am not interested enough in discussing anything with you to go into it (and not because of your opinions. It's because of the way you conduct yourself here).

    However, just to finish it off, doesn't pretty much everyone disagree with people who they think are spewing a lot of dumb shit based on fake facts? I'm not talking about people looking at different evidence. I am talking about those who literally form opinion despite facts that prove their opinions to be completely misguided. Not to mention xenophobia, homophobia, economic theories that don't work in real life. And those who rally against things that I hold dear such as strong social services, the right to choose, gun regulations, banking regulation, etc etc etc, despite the fact that the societies that function best in the world prove that these kinds of right-wing ideas don't work for anyone besides the rich. Yup. To me all that is stupid bullshit. Add to that Hedo's reference in another thread the people who actually feel strongly about how ridiculous it is for someone to play Imagine. This is the dumb shit i'm talking about. What are you expecting?? For me to say it's smart and reasonable? Why would I do that?
    BTW, I don't even watch the CBC.
    - makes perfect sense, perhaps you should reread it.
    - I never said anything about Calgarians donating coats, perhaps you should reread my post.
    - I never said you didn't live in the real world, I was only asking if it was wrong to love money since we all need it to survive.
    - You are not interested in discussing anything with me, yet continue to reference my posts (in fact you are talking directly to me in them)
    - You are discussing fake facts, I have not placed any fake facts in either of these forums.
    - I have not displayed any xenophobia, homophobia, or economic theories that do not work in real life
    - I am (and previous evidence in the forums on some of these will show) pro-choice, pro- social programs, pro-gun regulations, lauded the Chrétien government for the banking regulations which prevented our big banks from over leveraging themselves.
    - I disagree that right wing ideologies only benefit the rich, I see it differently. I have lived in Alberta my entire adult life and the boom years here were great. You could not find happier people in the world than Albertans from 1999 until now.
    - I don't care for the song Imagine, but really, that is more about my dislike of John Lennon, the Beatles and hippy shit in general. I'm born in 1974, I don't relate to it.
    - I was expecting you to engage in a compelling argument, if you chose to engage
    - I didn't expect you to say it was smart and reasonable, but if you disagreed provide some solid evidence against what I posted. (None has been forthcoming)
    - I'm not sure why you would do that, or think I would want you to.

    Lastly, I have not conducted myself inappropriately, lest the one comment which lead to the shutdown of the other thread. Although prior to that, I had about a half dozen posters all over me because I DONT THINK EXACTLY THE WAY THEY DO.
    I have been respectful on the new thread and one might even opine I have been more respectful than you. :smile:
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited November 2015
    Um... i know you didn't mention coats, blah blah. I read your post. No need to reread. I wasn't quoting you.
    Why do you keep assuming I am talking about you specifically? I pay almost no attention to anything you say usually. I was not talking about you in particular at any point!
    My feelings about your conduct has nothing to do with your specific opinions. I respect a lot of people here who have way different ways of thinking.

    Yeah, I know. I am sometimes guilty of being drawn in when I don't want to be. Oh well. But usually i resost pretty well.
    I have a memory. You lost my respect before and have not gained it back. Just being honest. You obviously have no respect for me either, so cut out the defensiveness. I am comfortable with the arrangement, personally. So let's drop it.

    PS - I was born in 1976 and totally relate to it. Love Lennon.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    - if you want to quote me be accurate lest lose credibility. I was the only one who mentioned anything about Calgary being generous, so the evidence points to you being very dismissive of a great number of people who do hard work for charitable organizations. (Coats for Kids being one of them).
    - since you entire post was based on my post, the evidence pointed to you responding to me specifically. There is only one other poster in here who doesn't align with you in political ideology.
    - I am not looking for your respect as you have clearly never shown any to me. You wouldn't unless I agreed with everything you say. That's the Left wing way. You accused conservatives of some pretty heinous beliefs. While some people may have those, most I know do not. I have a right to defend myself (and others) from such accusations.
    - go ahead and drop it. It is pretty obvious you are starting to realize I have valid points and you have little evidence to refute them. This frustrates you I have no doubt :smile:
    - And musical taste is individual. You like Lennon :clap: I have seen PJ play the song three times I think? Not a highlight for me but I am in the minority so the band will keep playing it. I am not saying they shouldn't, just that the song doesn't resonate with me the way 200+ PJ songs do.
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited November 2015
    Not respecting someone who was previously "behind bars" is kind of a right wing ideology. I thought everyone gets a second chance in a democracy. That is the liberal way.

    The left think all Conservatives want to lock them up and throw away the key.

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149

    - if you want to quote me be accurate lest lose credibility. I was the only one who mentioned anything about Calgary being generous, so the evidence points to you being very dismissive of a great number of people who do hard work for charitable organizations. (Coats for Kids being one of them).
    - since you entire post was based on my post, the evidence pointed to you responding to me specifically. There is only one other poster in here who doesn't align with you in political ideology.
    - I am not looking for your respect as you have clearly never shown any to me. You wouldn't unless I agreed with everything you say. That's the Left wing way. You accused conservatives of some pretty heinous beliefs. While some people may have those, most I know do not. I have a right to defend myself (and others) from such accusations.
    - go ahead and drop it. It is pretty obvious you are starting to realize I have valid points and you have little evidence to refute them. This frustrates you I have no doubt :smile:
    - And musical taste is individual. You like Lennon :clap: I have seen PJ play the song three times I think? Not a highlight for me but I am in the minority so the band will keep playing it. I am not saying they shouldn't, just that the song doesn't resonate with me the way 200+ PJ songs do.

    There is too much stupid bullshit in there to bother with.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • ^^^^^
    :smile: Not stupid. You certainly have a heightened sense of justice, but only when it pertains to someone you don't "respect" or does not share your ideology.
    How hypocritical to comment I wrote "stupid bullshit" (which is insulting) and yet have "no respect" for me because of a comment I made (which was admittedly insulting).

    Be careful of those personal attacks, they can get you in trouble with the Mods! :wink:
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