When some don't actually have a strong argument I've noticed that some try to throw around "Liberal" as an insult. Weak deflection shit but not a surprise.
If you feel like you are being victimized because your "opinion" is challenged.....go post in the I'm a victim thread....cause nobody cares about your your weak shit here.
Hard time being a conservative these days.....real hard times.
When some don't actually have a strong argument I've noticed that some try to throw around "Liberal" as an insult. Weak deflection shit but not a surprise.
If you feel like you are being victimized because your "opinion" is challenged.....go post in the I'm a victim thread....cause nobody cares about your your weak shit here.
Hard time being a conservative these days.....real hard times.
An intelligent thought provoking thread actually looks at the opinion of others. Liberals or socialists actually have no idea about conservatism. Left wing ideology is taught from the time you go to school. We learned what socialism is all about from the government unionized employees who gave us our below-average education.
I remember questioning teachers in junior high on their obvious political slant. It got the same reaction I get around here, which is none too surprising.
The overall point, (and liberal is an insult when associated with the political party) is that your constant attempts to discredit me do not allow you to even once consider s valid point.
But I take great pride in knowing I have made a valid point to which you have no rebuttal except the left wing righteous vitriol you spewed in the preceding post.
I have many left wing ideals, and I have stated them many, many, many times. (Ad nauseum) The fact previously stated do not lie, the Liberals will still take from the "poor" to pay for all the social programs. Sin taxes are regressive and punish the working class the most. The percentages do not lie. If I make $200,000 and pay 6 dollars in tax on a fifteen pack, it means fuck all. If I make $20,0000, it's a whole other ball game. Pretty simple math. It's regressive.
"Real Change" would be what Norway is doing, with negative income tax. Would save Canada 140 Billion dollars a year in some estimates. Of course, that would mean turfing a bunch of government Union employees out to the private sector. Heaven forbid!
"Nobody cares about your weak shit here" - funny but you keep posting
Thus, taxing marijuana and all the "Billions" the government will get, is just another tax on the middle/lower class. I am not sure how this fits into Real Change. I thought Trudeau was aiming for a strong middle class? I am all for legalizing pot. I think it is a waste of our police and legal system's time and money. Kudos to Trudeau for doing it, it was a campaign promise. Taxing it is just against all his stronger middle class diatribes during the election. Do you really want to pay tax on your weed?
Oh, I am sorry to come back and see that you two are still pulling out your pathetic, boring victim cards. Back to more interesting threads!
What is this victim stuff? I really, honestly don't know what that means.
Don't worry about it man. We are "victims"!!!
Hilariously, instead of giving solid, intelligent, researched answers to any of the valid points made, their posts degrade into name calling and elementary-school taunting (ie. Pathetic, boring victim cards).
The truth is, silence is accession. Sin taxes are regressive and target the "strong middle class" Trudeau promised to help. A tax on Marijuana is simply another tax on the middle/lower class.
But, alas, this election was won on "Real Change". So far, I have seen little change except on placating to the environmentalists (commercial agriculture is the biggest emitter of carbon in the atmosphere, so if you eat meat and are a climate doomsdayer you are a hypocrite) and going after our own oil industry and bringing in a bunch of refugees (and no one I know, conservative or otherwise ever had a problem with that). Meanwhile, our PM has been flying all over the world in meetings and taking pictures for GQ.
Wait a minute, there is the real change! We have a PM who make Fillipino reporters weak at the knees!
Just stumbled on this column (therefore biased), and I think it and the accompanying comments pretty clearly illustrate a big part of the problem with Canadian politics, currently.
So, because I would have preferred our new PM make his first magazine appearance, in, say Maclean's (or another news-oriented outlet), I deserve to be name-called (I might be a slob at times, but don't need it pointed out in this way, lol)?
As I've long maintained, crap on the public figures all you like, but never, ever crap on said public figure's supporters for choosing to vote a certain way or support a certain party. Debate, don't name-call.
Then again, there is also the angle of such entrenched thinking that debate becomes impossible, which is evident in the article and comments, as well as elsewhere.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Excellent post. Thought provoking and insightful. Very impressive since it was almost impossible for me to read that article without scratching my eyeballs out. Definition of drivel.
If you read any of the pre-election stuff you will see I could not get a left-leaning voter on these boards to admit Harper did one good thing while in power (despite living many progressive things he had done.) Even went so far as to admit if there was anyone else to vote for, I would have.
Fast forward to now, and if we say anything negative about Trudeau we are "victimized, sore losers, whiners, etc.)
Certainly the pot calling the kettle black at the very least isn't it?
After a long run of government run by mostly Peronists, Argentinians vote for hope. The corrupt socialist government is history. Hope this wonderful country can regain international economic relevance. A political correction, you just cannot keep going into debt and borrowing money, all the while investing it poorly. What has happened to Argentina could happen anywhere.
Thanks, I've recently had to back off criticizing this government, as I had posted something about PM Selfie, and had people ganging up on me for the post by bringing up past support of Rob Ford...yet when I referenced Trudeau's inappropriate (in my opinion, obviously, lol) use of "Just watch me," I was dismissed because that quote was a couple years old (yet Rob Ford was current, lol?!?). I should have known better when the opening reply was little more than an attempt to make me look like an asshole, lol. The end result was my sister's current refusal to bring her children to Toronto to see their grandparents (she's slowly softening, lol), and I've learned my lesson, and now do my best not to mix family and politics (as long as others will let me, lol).
Hence, now I'll just try to stick to "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts." Sadly, the facts of this government so far don't give me much hope, but please believe me, I would dearly LOVE to be proven wrong. Trudeau (and his party) have four years to do so, before they possibly plunge us into minority governments in perpetuity, lol.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
I thought I would post this here too........to break from the pissing and moaning that has dominated the last couple of pages.....also it's not about Argentina.
This makes me proud.
Canada’s Warm Embrace of Refugees
The simple but powerful words with which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada greeted the first group of Syrians resettled under an expedited program stood in sharp contrast to the misery and monumental injustice the earlier images represent.
“You are home,” he said when the refugees disembarked in Toronto on Thursday after a 16-hour flight from Beirut. To a man holding a toddler wearing a headband with flowers, he repeated the sentiment: “Welcome to your new home.”
^^^^ I stopped reading this asinine post after the first sentence, The "pissing and moaning" dominated this and the previous thread for as long as I can remember...
Only it was pissing and moaning about the Harper government and that he was a dictator, and a human rights violator, a Republican and all kinds of other shrill.
^^^^ I stopped reading this asinine post after the first sentence, The "pissing and moaning" dominated this and the previous thread for as long as I can remember...
Only it was pissing and moaning about the Harper government and that he was a dictator, and a human rights violator, a Republican and all kinds of other shrill.
it is comical the revisionist history.
And yet that thread continued on for years.....until someone graced it with their crude posts and got it shut down. Revisionist history indeed.
Besides, I never ducked my responsibility for the previous post being closed. In fact, I admitted I crossed the line before the thread was closed. You have your own history. Good for you
That is the last time I will talk of that incident. The book is closed. I was being personally attacked and was having so much fun, I got carried away. If you read all those posts leading up to the end with objectivity, you may be more understanding. After all, aren't all socialists understanding?
I know I must be the lowest form of humanity simply for thinking Mr. Harper accomplished some good things. I must be a real jerk for thinking Trudeau sinking us into debt at the peril of the next generation should be reconsidered. I must be a complete idiot for challenging the current government on their policies and decisions.
You sir, consider yourself "enlightened". I think otherwise. You will never consider a political point from a right winger or libertarian or otherwise. The left is right and anyone else is wrong. End of story. Doesn't really sound like true democracy to me
Now moving away from the personal attacks (interesting a Trudeau fan would engage in such things, since everyone was so proud of his "positive" campaigning), the point I was making about Argentina (and if I remember correctly you were involved in this discussion last month) is that whenever a nation slides a little to far one way or the other in political ideology, there is a correction. It has to happen. Now we have "Robin Hood" as our PM here, and I am simply stating his policies are not what they appear. If you have a problem with that, there is plenty of other reading and discussions available to you on the Internet
"Michelle Rempel, Conservative MP for Calgary Northern Hills, was asking about refugees during Question Period, only to be told to "look more cheerful" by the Liberal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, John McCallum.
Would he have said that to a man?
Meanwhile, the response of our self-described feminist of a Prime Minister? Laughter.
So what happened to all of his "equality for women" talk? Or are the liberals only champions of liberal women?
This isn’t the first time McCallum has gotten in trouble for things he’s said to conservative women. In 2003, he made a comment about Progressive Conservative MP Elsie Wayne’s sweater after she asked a question about ID for military vehicles.
You'll notice that McCallum's comments aren’t just about women -- they’re about conservative women. Liberals think that belonging to a party that supposedly advocates for women’s rights gives them a pass when it comes to their actual behaviour.
The Liberals like to say things and do the exact opposite of their stated beliefs, especially when it comes to conservative women. Because it’s 2015."
you conservatives need to read "the party of one" ...
in any case - one of you guys is for the tax on marijuana and the other is against ... let's see you two have a discussion on this ...
I, for one am ok with legitimate criticisms of this liberal gov't ... but when the criticism is about a fucking photo shoot ... it's like you're grasping for straws ...
I will reiterate my point. I am not against the tax on marijuana. I am saying Liberal supporters SHOULD be as it is a regressive tax. Trudeau said he was going to change taxes to create "a strong middle class". Sin taxes do not do this. My question was, and has still not been answered, if sin taxes and sales taxes are fine as a flat rate tax, why is income tax different? How can you justify one over the other?
This came up because a self-proclaimed left leaner in this thread said the money Trudeau is losing from the tax cuts will be replaced by "billions from marijuana sales tax" once it's legalized. If 99% of the population is lower/middle income earners, where do you suppose that tax revenue really comes from?
I'll read the party of one, I am open to new ideas. I wonder if anyone on here would read a Dick Cheney book? Or a book about Barry Goldwater? Preston Manning? Just hypothesizing....
I am glad you are ok with legitimate concerns (like the one I stated above). I did not criticize the photo shoot, I really do not care actually. I criticized the article, it was pure tripe. I cannot speak for others, but I was not "grasping at straws".
i actually don't mind preston manning - he would have been infinitely better than harper ...
you don't necessarily know what the impact is for middle class/low income earners on marijuana ... my understanding is that legalization will actually decrease the cost - the only difference is that the gov't is gonna get a piece of that pie instead of all of it going to dealers and growers ...
but if all you care about is a flat tax and marijuana is just a sample case - my problem with a flat tax is that it does not take into account the historical consequences that has led us to this mass inequality ... the world favours the rich in every possible way ... tolls, user fees, taxes, etc.. all favour the rich now and that is why we have a growing income disparity ... the rich have profited the most from our current tax schemes and the middle/lower class have suffered the most ...
"the rich have profited the most from our current tax schemes and the middle/lower class have suffered the most ..." A sin tax on marijuana is exactly that, a tax which will be paid by middle/lower class.
It doesn't matter what the product costs (cheaper/more expensive). It is just another revenue stream for the government to waste money. Trudeau isn't doing anything differently. It is exactly the same.
the government pays for a lot of things ... is there waste? ... of course there is but fundamentally - it is the most efficient way of delivering services ... if we privatize everything - we will ultimately all have to pay more ...
our economy and budgets were all doing fine when gst was at 7% here ... since then, it's gone to shits ...
Nice, it's amazing how secretive and non-transparent all levels of government can be. City council in Calgary has a 30 million dollar surplus (tax payers money).
Instead of saving it and lowering taxes or investing it to hopefully lower taxes (since everyone looks up to Norway), they are going to blow it however possible. It is just so infuriating. When does this foolishness end?
Nice, it's amazing how secretive and non-transparent all levels of government can be. City council in Calgary has a 30 million dollar surplus (tax payers money).
Instead of saving it and lowering taxes or investing it to hopefully lower taxes (since everyone looks up to Norway), they are going to blow it however possible. It is just so infuriating. When does this foolishness end?
you may not like what he's doing with the money ... but how is he a crook?
also ... in alberta - you pay no PST ... and Calgary is on the low end of property taxes in the country ... how can anyone complain about taxes in Calgary? ... it's mind blowing that people still think we are like so heavily taxed - it's absurd ...
so, instead of celebrating a municipality that actually derived a surplus ... you let your partisanship drive your criticism ...
Fundamentally, it is the most inefficient way of delivering services. And who said anything about privatizing everything?
I'm not opposed to sales tax, although it's a slippery slope.
take any major public service ... whether it be health care, education, policing ... and show me some data that says a privatized model is better than a public model ...
Nice, it's amazing how secretive and non-transparent all levels of government can be. City council in Calgary has a 30 million dollar surplus (tax payers money).
Instead of saving it and lowering taxes or investing it to hopefully lower taxes (since everyone looks up to Norway), they are going to blow it however possible. It is just so infuriating. When does this foolishness end?
you may not like what he's doing with the money ... but how is he a crook?
also ... in alberta - you pay no PST ... and Calgary is on the low end of property taxes in the country ... how can anyone complain about taxes in Calgary? ... it's mind blowing that people still think we are like so heavily taxed - it's absurd ...
so, instead of celebrating a municipality that actually derived a surplus ... you let your partisanship drive your criticism ...
Nice, it's amazing how secretive and non-transparent all levels of government can be. City council in Calgary has a 30 million dollar surplus (tax payers money).
Instead of saving it and lowering taxes or investing it to hopefully lower taxes (since everyone looks up to Norway), they are going to blow it however possible. It is just so infuriating. When does this foolishness end?
you may not like what he's doing with the money ... but how is he a crook?
also ... in alberta - you pay no PST ... and Calgary is on the low end of property taxes in the country ... how can anyone complain about taxes in Calgary? ... it's mind blowing that people still think we are like so heavily taxed - it's absurd ...
so, instead of celebrating a municipality that actually derived a surplus ... you let your partisanship drive your criticism ...
If the budgeting was done properly, there would be no surplus. Raising property taxes 3 to 5 percent per year when it is obviously not needed is thievery. If they needed low income housing (and I'm not opposed) it should have been in the original budget. I am tired of government agencies running around at the end of the fiscal year to blow our tax dollars, just to be sure they get the same allocation of funds the next year. They treat it like it is THEIR money when it is OURS. How is this anything but stealing?
I know Calgary has reasonable property taxes in comparison to Vancity or Torana, but it is the principle. Invest it, pay down debt, something constructive.
I'm pretty sick of this, and it happens at all levels of government. Nenshi is a liar as he ran originally on the premise he was a fiscally conservative mayor. Now tax dollars will go to help billionaires diols an arena for professional athletes. Didn't agree with it in Edmonton, don't agree with it here.
Politicians and civic officials and their feeling of entitlement remind me of rich brats like Paris Hilton.
Fundamentally, it is the most inefficient way of delivering services. And who said anything about privatizing everything?
I'm not opposed to sales tax, although it's a slippery slope.
take any major public service ... whether it be health care, education, policing ... and show me some data that says a privatized model is better than a public model ...
When did I say it should be privatized? So I am not going to "show you any data" because it has nothing to do with what I am saying. You are arguing now for the sake of arguing. Because I live on the slight right side of the fence you assume I am for privatization. (Proves my point of how we know everything there is to know about the left, but it is not true vice versa).
All I mentioned was Norway's negative income tax model. (Experimented in Manitoba in the 70s). Read what Norway is doing for those in need (unemployment is skyrocketing in Norway). I applaud them for trying something different. Some economists have suggested it would save Canada 140 Billion dollars a year.
We don't have a tax problem in Canada, we have a spending problem. If you really like a nanny state, check out Norway. Everyone gets 1100 a month in the hope it will encourage people to go make MORE. unlike EI in Canada, you won't get punished financially if you make more. It's really progressive thinking.
When I say government waste I am talking of the bloated beaurocracy. Does not mean I want to privatize everything (and I'm still scratching my head trying to figure it out, except you are trying to paint all conservatives as "boogeymen" who are trying to destroy government services). I do believe if you want privatized health care, and can afford it, you should have that option. This is a free country right? Lol
An intelligent thought provoking thread actually looks at the opinion of others. Liberals or socialists actually have no idea about conservatism.
Left wing ideology is taught from the time you go to school. We learned what socialism is all about from the government unionized employees who gave us our below-average education.
I remember questioning teachers in junior high on their obvious political slant. It got the same reaction I get around here, which is none too surprising.
The overall point, (and liberal is an insult when associated with the political party) is that your constant attempts to discredit me do not allow you to even once consider s valid point.
But I take great pride in knowing I have made a valid point to which you have no rebuttal except the left wing righteous vitriol you spewed in the preceding post.
I have many left wing ideals, and I have stated them many, many, many times. (Ad nauseum)
The fact previously stated do not lie, the Liberals will still take from the "poor" to pay for all the social programs. Sin taxes are regressive and punish the working class the most. The percentages do not lie. If I make $200,000 and pay 6 dollars in tax on a fifteen pack, it means fuck all.
If I make $20,0000, it's a whole other ball game. Pretty simple math. It's regressive.
"Real Change" would be what Norway is doing, with negative income tax. Would save Canada 140 Billion dollars a year in some estimates. Of course, that would mean turfing a bunch of government Union employees out to the private sector. Heaven forbid!
"Nobody cares about your weak shit here" - funny but you keep posting
Back to more interesting threads!
Thus, taxing marijuana and all the "Billions" the government will get, is just another tax on the middle/lower class.
I am not sure how this fits into Real Change. I thought Trudeau was aiming for a strong middle class?
I am all for legalizing pot. I think it is a waste of our police and legal system's time and money.
Kudos to Trudeau for doing it, it was a campaign promise. Taxing it is just against all his stronger middle class diatribes during the election.
Do you really want to pay tax on your weed?
I really, honestly don't know what that means.
We are "victims"!!!
Hilariously, instead of giving solid, intelligent, researched answers to any of the valid points made, their posts degrade into name calling and elementary-school taunting (ie. Pathetic, boring victim cards).
The truth is, silence is accession.
Sin taxes are regressive and target the "strong middle class" Trudeau promised to help. A tax on Marijuana is simply another tax on the middle/lower class.
But, alas, this election was won on "Real Change". So far, I have seen little change except on placating to the environmentalists (commercial agriculture is the biggest emitter of carbon in the atmosphere, so if you eat meat and are a climate doomsdayer you are a hypocrite) and going after our own oil industry and bringing in a bunch of refugees (and no one I know, conservative or otherwise ever had a problem with that).
Meanwhile, our PM has been flying all over the world in meetings and taking pictures for GQ.
Wait a minute, there is the real change! We have a PM who make Fillipino reporters weak at the knees!
So, because I would have preferred our new PM make his first magazine appearance, in, say Maclean's (or another news-oriented outlet), I deserve to be name-called (I might be a slob at times, but don't need it pointed out in this way, lol)?
As I've long maintained, crap on the public figures all you like, but never, ever crap on said public figure's supporters for choosing to vote a certain way or support a certain party. Debate, don't name-call.
Then again, there is also the angle of such entrenched thinking that debate becomes impossible, which is evident in the article and comments, as well as elsewhere.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Excellent post. Thought provoking and insightful. Very impressive since it was almost impossible for me to read that article without scratching my eyeballs out. Definition of drivel.
If you read any of the pre-election stuff you will see I could not get a left-leaning voter on these boards to admit Harper did one good thing while in power (despite living many progressive things he had done.) Even went so far as to admit if there was anyone else to vote for, I would have.
Fast forward to now, and if we say anything negative about Trudeau we are "victimized, sore losers, whiners, etc.)
Certainly the pot calling the kettle black at the very least isn't it?
A political correction, you just cannot keep going into debt and borrowing money, all the while investing it poorly. What has happened to Argentina could happen anywhere.
Hence, now I'll just try to stick to "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts." Sadly, the facts of this government so far don't give me much hope, but please believe me, I would dearly LOVE to be proven wrong. Trudeau (and his party) have four years to do so, before they possibly plunge us into minority governments in perpetuity, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
This makes me proud.
Canada’s Warm Embrace of Refugees
The simple but powerful words with which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada greeted the first group of Syrians resettled under an expedited program stood in sharp contrast to the misery and monumental injustice the earlier images represent.
“You are home,” he said when the refugees disembarked in Toronto on Thursday after a 16-hour flight from Beirut. To a man holding a toddler wearing a headband with flowers, he repeated the sentiment: “Welcome to your new home.”
I stopped reading this asinine post after the first sentence, The "pissing and moaning" dominated this and the previous thread for as long as I can remember...
Only it was pissing and moaning about the Harper government and that he was a dictator, and a human rights violator, a Republican and all kinds of other shrill.
More schoolyard taunting (yawn).
Besides, I never ducked my responsibility for the previous post being closed. In fact, I admitted I crossed the line before the thread was closed. You have your own history. Good for you
That is the last time I will talk of that incident. The book is closed. I was being personally attacked and was having so much fun, I got carried away. If you read all those posts leading up to the end with objectivity, you may be more understanding. After all, aren't all socialists understanding?
I know I must be the lowest form of humanity simply for thinking Mr. Harper accomplished some good things. I must be a real jerk for thinking Trudeau sinking us into debt at the peril of the next generation should be reconsidered. I must be a complete idiot for challenging the current government on their policies and decisions.
You sir, consider yourself "enlightened". I think otherwise. You will never consider a political point from a right winger or libertarian or otherwise. The left is right and anyone else is wrong. End of story. Doesn't really sound like true democracy to me
Now moving away from the personal attacks (interesting a Trudeau fan would engage in such things, since everyone was so proud of his "positive" campaigning), the point I was making about Argentina (and if I remember correctly you were involved in this discussion last month) is that whenever a nation slides a little to far one way or the other in political ideology, there is a correction.
It has to happen. Now we have "Robin Hood" as our PM here, and I am simply stating his policies are not what they appear. If you have a problem with that, there is plenty of other reading and discussions available to you on the Internet
"Michelle Rempel, Conservative MP for Calgary Northern Hills, was asking about refugees during Question Period, only to be told to "look more cheerful" by the Liberal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, John McCallum.
Would he have said that to a man?
Meanwhile, the response of our self-described feminist of a Prime Minister? Laughter.
So what happened to all of his "equality for women" talk? Or are the liberals only champions of liberal women?
This isn’t the first time McCallum has gotten in trouble for things he’s said to conservative women. In 2003, he made a comment about Progressive Conservative MP Elsie Wayne’s sweater after she asked a question about ID for military vehicles.
You'll notice that McCallum's comments aren’t just about women -- they’re about conservative women. Liberals think that belonging to a party that supposedly advocates for women’s rights gives them a pass when it comes to their actual behaviour.
The Liberals like to say things and do the exact opposite of their stated beliefs, especially when it comes to conservative women. Because it’s 2015."
in any case - one of you guys is for the tax on marijuana and the other is against ... let's see you two have a discussion on this ...
I, for one am ok with legitimate criticisms of this liberal gov't ... but when the criticism is about a fucking photo shoot ... it's like you're grasping for straws ...
My question was, and has still not been answered, if sin taxes and sales taxes are fine as a flat rate tax, why is income tax different? How can you justify one over the other?
This came up because a self-proclaimed left leaner in this thread said the money Trudeau is losing from the tax cuts will be replaced by "billions from marijuana sales tax" once it's legalized.
If 99% of the population is lower/middle income earners, where do you suppose that tax revenue really comes from?
I'll read the party of one, I am open to new ideas. I wonder if anyone on here would read a Dick Cheney book? Or a book about Barry Goldwater? Preston Manning? Just hypothesizing....
I am glad you are ok with legitimate concerns (like the one I stated above). I did not criticize the photo shoot, I really do not care actually. I criticized the article, it was pure tripe. I cannot speak for others, but I was not "grasping at straws".
you don't necessarily know what the impact is for middle class/low income earners on marijuana ... my understanding is that legalization will actually decrease the cost - the only difference is that the gov't is gonna get a piece of that pie instead of all of it going to dealers and growers ...
but if all you care about is a flat tax and marijuana is just a sample case - my problem with a flat tax is that it does not take into account the historical consequences that has led us to this mass inequality ... the world favours the rich in every possible way ... tolls, user fees, taxes, etc.. all favour the rich now and that is why we have a growing income disparity ... the rich have profited the most from our current tax schemes and the middle/lower class have suffered the most ...
I think you partially get my point.
"the rich have profited the most from our current tax schemes and the middle/lower class have suffered the most ..."
A sin tax on marijuana is exactly that, a tax which will be paid by middle/lower class.
It doesn't matter what the product costs (cheaper/more expensive). It is just another revenue stream for the government to waste money.
Trudeau isn't doing anything differently. It is exactly the same.
our economy and budgets were all doing fine when gst was at 7% here ... since then, it's gone to shits ...
And who said anything about privatizing everything?
I'm not opposed to sales tax, although it's a slippery slope.
City council in Calgary has a 30 million dollar surplus (tax payers money).
Instead of saving it and lowering taxes or investing it to hopefully lower taxes (since everyone looks up to Norway), they are going to blow it however possible. It is just so infuriating. When does this foolishness end?
Nenshi is a crook.
also ... in alberta - you pay no PST ... and Calgary is on the low end of property taxes in the country ... how can anyone complain about taxes in Calgary? ... it's mind blowing that people still think we are like so heavily taxed - it's absurd ...
so, instead of celebrating a municipality that actually derived a surplus ... you let your partisanship drive your criticism ...
If they needed low income housing (and I'm not opposed) it should have been in the original budget.
I am tired of government agencies running around at the end of the fiscal year to blow our tax dollars, just to be sure they get the same allocation of funds the next year.
They treat it like it is THEIR money when it is OURS.
How is this anything but stealing?
I know Calgary has reasonable property taxes in comparison to Vancity or Torana, but it is the principle. Invest it, pay down debt, something constructive.
I'm pretty sick of this, and it happens at all levels of government. Nenshi is a liar as he ran originally on the premise he was a fiscally conservative mayor.
Now tax dollars will go to help billionaires diols an arena for professional athletes. Didn't agree with it in Edmonton, don't agree with it here.
Politicians and civic officials and their feeling of entitlement remind me of rich brats like Paris Hilton.
All I mentioned was Norway's negative income tax model. (Experimented in Manitoba in the 70s).
Read what Norway is doing for those in need (unemployment is skyrocketing in Norway). I applaud them for trying something different.
Some economists have suggested it would save Canada 140 Billion dollars a year.
We don't have a tax problem in Canada, we have a spending problem. If you really like a nanny state, check out Norway. Everyone gets 1100 a month in the hope it will encourage people to go make MORE. unlike EI in Canada, you won't get punished financially if you make more.
It's really progressive thinking.
When I say government waste I am talking of the bloated beaurocracy. Does not mean I want to privatize everything (and I'm still scratching my head trying to figure it out, except you are trying to paint all conservatives as "boogeymen" who are trying to destroy government services).
I do believe if you want privatized health care, and can afford it, you should have that option. This is a free country right? Lol