Canadian Politics Redux



  • I have watched Oleary on CBC as well. he's equally as much a blowhard douche there as he is on dragon's den.

    I am certainly not perfect but I am trying to be more respectful of people on here.
    I am reminded of something I heard many years ago, how you talk about and treat other people is really a direct reflection on how you feel about yourself :smiley:
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016
    For everyone who is anti-oil companies and such, your pension (CPP) is heavily invested in those companies. Are retirements are going to do quite well thanks to them. If you are Canadian and have paid CPP premiums on your paycheque, you are theoretically part owner of probably every major oil company :lol:

    I wonder if the people with strong "principles" will refuse their pensions :whistle:
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273

    I have watched Oleary on CBC as well. he's equally as much a blowhard douche there as he is on dragon's den.

    I am certainly not perfect but I am trying to be more respectful of people on here.
    I am reminded of something I heard many years ago, how you talk about and treat other people is really a direct reflection on how you feel about yourself :smiley:
    I treat others with more respect and compassion than you could even fathom.

    But oleary is still a blowhard.

    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016
    "then you could even fathom" :lol:

    Edit: couldn't spell well on the iPad from laughing so uncontrollably
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273

    "then you could even fathom" :lol:

    Edit: couldn't spell well on the iPad from laughing so uncontrollably

    Glad I could help!
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • O'Leary is certainly not the only blowhard around....

  • Must be Quebec logic. We don't want pipelines to run through a tiny section of our province because we care so deeply about our environment. The chance of a spill is too great a risk.

    What was that? Oh yeah, we had to dump copious amounts of human excrement in the St. Lawrence River to fix our infrastructure. Doing it environmentally friendly would have cost too much.

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    edited January 2016

    Must be Quebec logic. We don't want pipelines to run through a tiny section of our province because we care so deeply about our environment. The chance of a spill is too great a risk.

    What was that? Oh yeah, we had to dump copious amounts of human excrement in the St. Lawrence River to fix our infrastructure. Doing it environmentally friendly would have cost too much.


    That is incredibly misrepresentative of the St Lawrence River thing. That story requires context. Basically, they had absolutely no choice and did it in as responsible a way as was humanly possible (including complete sewage treatment before the dump).
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • And every oil spill is cleaned up. What is the difference.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153

    And every oil spill is cleaned up. What is the difference.

    You don't know much about oil spills if that is what you honestly think.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • You don't know much about what I know, that's what I honestly think.

    Obviously you have never dealt with a provincial environment group. And if Environmnet Canada gets involved... Look out.
    I have worked in a few industries and I know what is done to protect the environment. And everyone rails against pipelines, but then pull into Esso and fill up.
    Jump on a plane...Use a plastic fork... On and on and on.
    All the stuff you use which makes your life easier. How do anti-pipeline wing nuts expect the oil to get to the factories where it will be used? They seem to have no problem using oil tankers from Saudi Arabia to bring foreign oil to Quebec for refining. But a pipeline from Alberta? :lol: 82 mayors from Quebec decide to speak out, lead by the mayor whose city dumped "treated sewage" with syringes and shit in it into the St. Lawrence.

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    edited January 2016
    I lived in a neighborhood where a kinder Morgan pipeline burst and it destroyed homes, polluted the ground for years, caused terrible damage. I now live 2 blocks from where kinder Morgan wants to replace an existing pipeline with a much bigger one. You may have read about the protests? I know the issue because it has affected me personally, and oil spills are not necessarily just cleaned up like you just claimed. The environmental impact can be lasting and disastrous. Maybe if they wanted to put a pipeline right past your house when you'd already experienced accidents in the past you'd feel differently about it. And to bring a new pipeline to a place as ecologically fragile and important as the BC coast is fucking ludicrous.

    Money should be going to alternate energy and manufacturing technologies (and maintaining standards on the pipelines that already exist), not to increasing the flow of oil.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016

    The oil gotta flow! I don't read about protests from BC. BC is full of cause people. (I grew up in Princeton and my grandparents and mom live in Oliver).
    I get the updates on what granolas are doing to screw up our own economy from them :lol:
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016
    Learning Opportunity!!!

    A partial list of products made from Petroleum (144 of 6000 items)

    One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like:

    Solvents,Diesel fuel,Motor Oil,Bearing Grease,Ink,Floor Wax,Ballpoint Pens,Football Cleats, Upholstery,Sweaters,Boats,Insecticides, Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies,Nail Polish,Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags,Perfumes,Cassettes,Dishwasher parts,Tool Boxes,Shoe Polish,Motorcycle Helmet,Caulking,Petroleum Jelly,Transparent Tape,CD Player,Faucet Washers
    Antiseptics,Clothesline,Curtains,Food Preservatives,Basketballs,Soap,Vitamin Capsules,Antihistamines,Purses,Shoes,Dashboards,Cortisone,Deodorant,Footballs,Putty
    Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician's Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy, Paint, Mops
    Slacks, Insect Repellent,Oil Filters, Umbrellas, Yarn, Fertilizers, Hair Coloring, Roofing, Toilet Seats, Fishing Rods, Lipstick, Denture Adhesive, Linoleum, Ice Cube Trays, Synthetic Rubber
    Speakers, Plastic Wood, Electric Blankets, Glycerin, Tennis Rackets, Rubber Cement, Fishing Boots, Dice, Nylon Rope, Candles, Trash Bags, House Paint, Water Pipes, Hand Lotion,Roller Skates, Surf Boards, Shampoo, Wheels, Paint Rollers, Shower Curtain, Guitar Strings, Luggage
    Aspirin, Safety Glasses, Antifreeze, Football Helmets, Awnings, Eyeglasses, Clothes, Toothbrushes, Ice Chests, Footballs, Combs, CD's & DVD's, Paint Brushes, Detergents, Vaporizers, Balloons, Sun Glasses, Tents, Heart Valves, Crayons, Parachutes, Telephones, Enamel, Pillows, Dishes, Cameras, Anesthetic, Artificial Turf, Artificial limbs, Bandages, Dentures
    Model Cars, Folding Doors, Hair Curlers, Cold cream. Movie film, Soft Contact lenses, Drinking Cup, Fan Belts, Car Enamel, Shaving Cream, Ammonia, Refrigerators, Golf Balls, Toothpaste, Gasoline

    Now, unless you have none of the items listed above railing against the pipeline industry is moot. The lovely standard of living you enjoy is owed to the wonderful resource of oil. While the disruption caused by an oil spill has caused you some grief, it pales in comparison to the horrific train derailment in Lac Megantic, PQ. Or the oil tanker spill along the "ecologically fragile" coast of BC. (I prefer the Okanagan :smile: )

    You see, everyone merely looks at oil as Energy. But it is far, far, far more than that. A half barrel of oil is used to create Guitar strings (which is how PJ makes the music you love) or artificial limbs (for a child who met an unfortunate accident) or eyeglasses, or heart valves.

    Until you can provide solutions on how to make those items without the wonderful resource called oil, it is here to stay. Pipelines are still the safest way to transport the raw resource to produce the items that enrich our lives .

    PS - I put ecologically fragile in quotations because the environment is fragile everywhere. If you damage it on Vancouver Island it is just as bad if it's in Swift Current Saskatchewan or Sudbury, Ontario.
    BC, nice place to visit! Nice place to retire! (Free drugs for seniors). :lol:
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016
    Anyone see Trudeau talking about La Loche in that Davos presser today? As he was offering his "condolences" he would do that silly head bob with that goofy grin. It was almost like he was smiling and would catch himself and look more sullen. This fucking guy loves the camera let me tell you... I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He's a bigger piece of shit than I thought.
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153

    Learning Opportunity!!!

    A partial list of products made from Petroleum (144 of 6000 items)

    One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like:

    Solvents,Diesel fuel,Motor Oil,Bearing Grease,Ink,Floor Wax,Ballpoint Pens,Football Cleats, Upholstery,Sweaters,Boats,Insecticides, Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies,Nail Polish,Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags,Perfumes,Cassettes,Dishwasher parts,Tool Boxes,Shoe Polish,Motorcycle Helmet,Caulking,Petroleum Jelly,Transparent Tape,CD Player,Faucet Washers
    Antiseptics,Clothesline,Curtains,Food Preservatives,Basketballs,Soap,Vitamin Capsules,Antihistamines,Purses,Shoes,Dashboards,Cortisone,Deodorant,Footballs,Putty
    Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician's Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy, Paint, Mops
    Slacks, Insect Repellent,Oil Filters, Umbrellas, Yarn, Fertilizers, Hair Coloring, Roofing, Toilet Seats, Fishing Rods, Lipstick, Denture Adhesive, Linoleum, Ice Cube Trays, Synthetic Rubber
    Speakers, Plastic Wood, Electric Blankets, Glycerin, Tennis Rackets, Rubber Cement, Fishing Boots, Dice, Nylon Rope, Candles, Trash Bags, House Paint, Water Pipes, Hand Lotion,Roller Skates, Surf Boards, Shampoo, Wheels, Paint Rollers, Shower Curtain, Guitar Strings, Luggage
    Aspirin, Safety Glasses, Antifreeze, Football Helmets, Awnings, Eyeglasses, Clothes, Toothbrushes, Ice Chests, Footballs, Combs, CD's & DVD's, Paint Brushes, Detergents, Vaporizers, Balloons, Sun Glasses, Tents, Heart Valves, Crayons, Parachutes, Telephones, Enamel, Pillows, Dishes, Cameras, Anesthetic, Artificial Turf, Artificial limbs, Bandages, Dentures
    Model Cars, Folding Doors, Hair Curlers, Cold cream. Movie film, Soft Contact lenses, Drinking Cup, Fan Belts, Car Enamel, Shaving Cream, Ammonia, Refrigerators, Golf Balls, Toothpaste, Gasoline

    Now, unless you have none of the items listed above railing against the pipeline industry is moot. The lovely standard of living you enjoy is owed to the wonderful resource of oil. While the disruption caused by an oil spill has caused you some grief, it pales in comparison to the horrific train derailment in Lac Megantic, PQ. Or the oil tanker spill along the "ecologically fragile" coast of BC. (I prefer the Okanagan :smile: )

    You see, everyone merely looks at oil as Energy. But it is far, far, far more than that. A half barrel of oil is used to create Guitar strings (which is how PJ makes the music you love) or artificial limbs (for a child who met an unfortunate accident) or eyeglasses, or heart valves.

    Until you can provide solutions on how to make those items without the wonderful resource called oil, it is here to stay. Pipelines are still the safest way to transport the raw resource to produce the items that enrich our lives .

    PS - I put ecologically fragile in quotations because the environment is fragile everywhere. If you damage it on Vancouver Island it is just as bad if it's in Swift Current Saskatchewan or Sudbury, Ontario.
    BC, nice place to visit! Nice place to retire! (Free drugs for seniors). :lol:

    So is this like an oil version of the gun argument, where people supposedly want to make all guns illegal?
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    edited January 2016

    I don't follow. We don't have a serious gun problem in Canada, although there are isolated examples like La Loche.. (That is so sad and tragic I cannot put it properly into words).
    Post edited by 1ThoughtKnown on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153


    I don't follow. We don't have a serious gun problem in Canada, although there are isolated examples like La Loche.. (That is so sad and tragic I cannot put it properly into words).

    Lol, that isn't what I meant at all. I meant that must be your oil version of the gun nut arguments in the US. I.e. of we're against huge new pipelines in certain places we must be completely against the current use or transport of all oil in all industries, period.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • ^^^^
    I guess you can interpret my argument however you want. If there is a safer way to transport oil, they have not figured it out yet.
    There is nothing as unacceptable as loss of human life in whatever we do. The people of Lac Megantic have suffered horrors you probably could not imagine (I know I can't). The fact is, the level of environmental impact your former neighbourhood suffered (whatever it was) pales in comparison to the consequences suffered by the people of Lac Megantic.

    The environment is important. Jobs are important. Resources are important. The products created are important. Human Life is MOST important.

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    how someone can claim there is nothing more unacceptable than the loss of human life and then act as a shill for oil is sad ...
  • ^^^^
    "A shill is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing or other business areas.
    Shill typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns."

    I work in the transmission of high voltage electricity and have nothing to do with the oil industry outside the fact they are do use electricity so they are technically customers. Once again, someone on here with very little argument resorts to non-factual name calling. *Yawn*
    I'm tiring of the lack of intelligence of these lame retorts.

    What is really sad is the thousands of people who are currently out of work and the fact that environmentalist whack jobs (funded by the money behind the railways) is preventing the construction of three very important pipelines to our resource based economy.
    Even your hero Trudeau is pro-pipeline and pro-oilsands. I was actually proud of him for telling Decaprio, the nitwit who mistakingly took a Chinook in Alberta as "sign of global warming", to task for his uneducated and irresponsible stance against the industry.

    These mindless twits don't even understand that they are throwing people under the bus who pay to watch their movies. I wonder if he has looked at his own industry for environmental transgressions? I know for a fact that once filming is over everything, and I do mean everything, goes straight in the garbage. That ends up directly in a landfill. Broavo mr. Big shot :lol:

    The world is not perfect, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts if you needed an artificial limb or a heart valve you wouldn't give a rats ass if that oil got to a refinery by a pipeline, a truck, a train a boat or a horse and fucking buggy. The Hypocrisy of environmentalist is laughable. If anyone of you ride a bike and live in a teepee and eat only weeds and grubs you have a leg to stand on.

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    oh dear ... the old if you don't live off the land and remove yourself from civilization you can't care or talk about the environment ... a sure sign one lacks the knowledge or the rationality to comprehend issues ...

    at least it's an indication of who is worth the time and who isn't ...
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273
    polaris_x said:

    oh dear ... the old if you don't live off the land and remove yourself from civilization you can't care or talk about the environment ... a sure sign one lacks the knowledge or the rationality to comprehend issues ...

    at least it's an indication of who is worth the time and who isn't ...

    yes, the "all or nothing" argument. it's weak.

    no one is saying get rid of oil completely. but our dependence on it for so many things that we don't need to depend on it for is the issue. we just have to take a good hard look at the benefits and drawbacks of what we are doing. if we are sacrificing the environment and future natural resources for a few bucks and the ability to drive an SUV and sit in a Tim Horton's drive through for 20 minutes instead of a smart car, parking it and going inside, or taking the bus, then yeah, that's a problem.

    We are all guilty of this. We all do it. No one is saying otherwise. I think we can all recognize that we can criticize at the same time realizing that we can also improve our own processes.

    it's about smart choices, and moderation. the way we are going is unsustainable. this is a fact. not sure what's so hard to understand about that.

    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559

    it's about smart choices, and moderation. the way we are going is unsustainable. this is a fact. not sure what's so hard to understand about that.

    it's not hard to understand ... but people lack the ability to think critically these days - their opinions are based on what's fed to them from ideological viewpoints they most connect with ...

  • He has some legitimate points, but his passages 'seem' to reflect disdain for resource management in an era when resource management should be of paramount concern.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273
    30, I agree on both points.
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559

    He has some legitimate points, but his passages 'seem' to reflect disdain for resource management in an era when resource management should be of paramount concern.

    really!? what legitimate points does he have?
  • polaris_x said:

    He has some legitimate points, but his passages 'seem' to reflect disdain for resource management in an era when resource management should be of paramount concern.

    really!? what legitimate points does he have?
    The hypocrisy.

    My university roommate said one of the greatest things ever said: the only true environmentalists are the Amish- they talk the talk, but they walk the walk.

    Treehuggers driving their Volkswagon vans and wearing their leather Birkenstocks up to the rainforest was hypocrisy to some degree.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,273

    polaris_x said:

    He has some legitimate points, but his passages 'seem' to reflect disdain for resource management in an era when resource management should be of paramount concern.

    really!? what legitimate points does he have?
    The hypocrisy.

    My university roommate said one of the greatest things ever said: the only true environmentalists are the Amish- they talk the talk, but they walk the walk.

    Treehuggers driving their Volkswagon vans and wearing their leather Birkenstocks up to the rainforest was hypocrisy to some degree.
    k, well that I disagree with.

    is it hypocritical to smoke weed and drink alcohol but be against hard drugs? nope. it's all about setting limits and balance. it doesn't have to be one extreme or the other.

    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153

    polaris_x said:

    He has some legitimate points, but his passages 'seem' to reflect disdain for resource management in an era when resource management should be of paramount concern.

    really!? what legitimate points does he have?
    The hypocrisy.

    My university roommate said one of the greatest things ever said: the only true environmentalists are the Amish- they talk the talk, but they walk the walk.

    Treehuggers driving their Volkswagon vans and wearing their leather Birkenstocks up to the rainforest was hypocrisy to some degree.
    I guess that's only true if the "tree huggers" don't understand the meaning of moderation either... Although I will agree on the car issue. While I live car-free, and work to do so, I don't begrudge car drivers across the board. I do, however, begrudge a person who spouts off about air pollution and pipelines and then drives away in a gas guzzler that they don't even need. This is just a common sense kind of thing.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
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