(Vidio sam nesto na ebay-u, ali su cijene sulude.)
velike su cijene iz razloga jer su rasprodane na svim koncertima i ne vjerujem da ce ih prodavati u goods section... mozda ako napishemo neku peticiju da stave u prodaju ko sto su kanadani radili sa svojim majicama, ali oni su to radili iz razloga jerbo ih se malo prodavalo na turneji, ali pearl jam je za europsku turneju povecao broj, tako da... sve je moguce
one, two, three, four, five against one
five, five, against one
Well, we promised more posts when we get our thoughts together and even though that has not happened yet , we're ready for new posts!
And if all of the posts about the setlist, the band, the crowd and everything else were not enough, we're gonna give you more by posting some personal stories about us and our new friends, the PJ fans from the 'PJ in Belgrade' thread.
So, most of us got to know each other through this thread and a PJ thread on a Croatian forum, we met on various shows leading up to Zagreb, and also the night before Vienna (a lot of us went to that one too), and spent all day toghether before the show. And these are the fan highlights:
CROPDUSTRESS was on the tour bus for a while, carried the Croatian flag before each show and during the shows. She then gave it to SILJO who threw it to Ed in Vienna and this is the flag Ed put on the stage for all to see during the 2nd encore. SILJO came up with the idea to throw ZAGREB t-shirts to the stage on all the shows from Bologna to Zagreb which we all did and which proved to be successful in Vienna when Mike and Jeff took the t-shirts, Jeff displayed his on his amp and they had the t-shirts on their shoulders when leaving the Vienna concert. SILJO wanted to let Jeff know that we appreciate his Three fish song entitled 'Zagreb' so he mimicked the name of the band to Jeff which included impersonating a fish and made Jeff laugh his ass off! JURASICA and her friend SINTIJA went to the trouble of making a 12 meter long banner (Jurasica also devised a new word in English, transparent - you should ask her for instructions on pronunciation ), which said 'Can't find a better jam' (a line the Zagreb fans came up with during their 1st meeting) and which is one of the more reported details from the show (it was in most of the articles about the show). PAJO and IVA (this is us) prepared a 1 meter wide yellow banner with black letters which we held up from the first row in Vienna and which said 'Zagreb awaits' so that the guys would feel welcome (they all laughed, Ed pointed at us, replied by saying 'me too' and toasted us).
AND last but far away from least, ELCIELO came up with the idea for a present for the band and then went to all the trouble to organise everything (which included several trips across our town to get things done). The pens were chosen because the ball point pen was invented by a Croatian guy so we got them a pen for each band member (Boom also, of course) which had their name engraved and on the other side a text saying 'zagreb, 9/26/2006, come back'. The artwork on the accompanying card was done by a fan from Poland (don't know your nick, sorry). C2V3N kept us constantly updated with all the possible PJ news on both the Croatian forum and the message pit.
And this is just to name a few names of just a few fans who helped Zagreb greet PJ the way you should with such a band! There were a lot of other fans from Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia and other countries who helped us make PJ fell welcome in Croatia.
I know this post is way too long and I apologise, but this is truly a fanview!
and thanks but no thanks for mentioning the two girls that made a 12 meter wide banner "can't find a better jam" - sintija & ana... nevermind, almost all newspapers in croatia have mentioned it!!!
... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...
and thanks but no thanks for mentioning the two girls that made a 12 meter wide banner "can't find a better jam" - sintija & ana... nevermind, almost all newspapers in croatia have mentioned it!!!
jurasica pukla definitivno... you have to understand... it was my first day after vacations and my pc is running again, so it was all so overwhelming that I casually forgot what I read and/or didn't see... ok, my deepest apologies to Iva because I see that you wrote this post ( only sintija and you know for my special word) and I promise next time I will read posts more carefully...
and now you can all laugh at me... it's ok, I understand..
croats have this saying: who admits, half is forgiven to him (literally i love this )
... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...
jurasica pukla definitivno... you have to understand... it was my first day after vacations and my pc is running again, so it was all so overwhelming that I casually forgot what I read and/or didn't see... ok, my deepest apologies to Iva because I see that you wrote this post ( only sintija and you know for my special word) and I promise next time I will read posts more carefully...
and now you can all laugh at me... it's ok, I understand..
croats have this saying: who admits, half is forgiven to him (literally i love this )
A mi tu kazemo: Ko prizna, pola mu se doda
Nadam se da cu uspjet doc u nedjelju..patim ful, ocu PJ.
And yes, i completely understand how you misread it its all good
croats have this saying: who admits, half is forgiven to him (literally i love this )
We could amend that to: to those who notice the words they missed when reading the post for the 1st time, all is forgiven. No, problem, I'm just glad the special new word can be spread further!
Uh, bila sam se ful prepala da ti je bed sto smo vas spomenuli. A bilo bi ful bed da autorice transparenta ostanu anonimne! Drago mi je da je sve pet! Vidimo se u nedjelju! Iva
To get the discussion started in a new direction. I noticed that some of the people talked about their dissatisfaction with the way things were handled at the entrance of Dom Sportova and the fact that they didn't let the people in when it was planned. I think that this was probaly so because the band arrived in Zagreb just before the concert and were still soundchecking when the 10c were supposed to get in. The good side was that we got to hear the soundcheck but I think this was the main cause of delay.
To get the discussion started in a new direction. I noticed that some of the people talked about their dissatisfaction with the way things were handled at the entrance of Dom Sportova and the fact that they didn't let the people in when it was planned. I think that this was probaly so because the band arrived in Zagreb just before the concert and were still soundchecking when the 10c were supposed to get in. The good side was that we got to hear the soundcheck but I think this was the main cause of delay.
they pretty much always still soundchecked (them or the opening act) at the time 10c line was supposed to go in.. nothing new there..
they pretty much always still soundchecked (them or the opening act) at the time 10c line was supposed to go in.. nothing new there..
Was it really? I dont recall from previous shows that soundchecks were THAT late... Well, I wasnt really there for them, but that what Ive heard...It was always in the afternoon, never right before the show was suppose to start, like in Zagreb. We were all standing there, ready to go it, some of us even got searched and the band was still playing inside...then they realized its way too early (but actually late) to let ppl in...anyways, im glad I was there and heard the soundcheck...they played everything excpet Cropduster Oh well, next time :cool:
Was it really? I dont recall from previous shows that soundchecks were THAT late... Well, I wasnt really there for them, but that what Ive heard...It was always in the afternoon, never right before the show was suppose to start, like in Zagreb. We were all standing there, ready to go it, some of us even got searched and the band was still playing inside...then they realized its way too early (but actually late) to let ppl in...anyways, im glad I was there and heard the soundcheck...they played everything excpet Cropduster Oh well, next time :cool:
It happened the same in Athens.
Usually PJ had already soundchecked but the supporting band was still soundchecking just before we got in.
In Zagreb and Athens, as there was no supporting band, it was PJ soundchecking just before opening doors.
for those who haven't been so lucky to hear the soundcheck could you just post the songs they rehearsed!
btw I was there and still speechless. I have a band, doing also pj songs and keep on rockin' but we start writin new songs now and this concert meant a lot to us, a lot of inspriration. I just wish they knew it.
Thank you for that night, for PJ but also for that great people who had been there!
for those who haven't been so lucky to hear the soundcheck could you just post the songs they rehearsed!
btw I was there and still speechless. I have a band, doing also pj songs and keep on rockin' but we start writin new songs now and this concert meant a lot to us, a lot of inspriration. I just wish they knew it.
Thank you for that night, for PJ but also for that great people who had been there!
Love You all!
I heard Little Wing - 3 times in a row, MITS... that's all from me, cuz I had to go to buy some beers
one, two, three, four, five against one
five, five, against one
for those who haven't been so lucky to hear the soundcheck could you just post the songs they rehearsed!
btw I was there and still speechless. I have a band, doing also pj songs and keep on rockin' but we start writin new songs now and this concert meant a lot to us, a lot of inspriration. I just wish they knew it.
Thank you for that night, for PJ but also for that great people who had been there!
Love You all!
In Zagreb, they soundckecked In Hiding, Gimme Some Truth, Cropduster, Thumbing My Way, Thin Air and Little Wing I believe. They played all except Cropduster and Little wing... But I think it was only instrumental, dont recall if anything else has been sounchecked. We were so stoked when we heard which songs were played, we were just standing there, anxious to get it, when they played all these gems...singing and dancing slowly all os us in front of the security..haha...and then they actually made it to the setlist...:eek: THANK YOU, PEARL JAM!!!
ha neznam nisam siguran jel su ga svirali jer sam stajao malo izvan 10c reda na ogradi, tek sam se poslije priblizio da cujem, ali mislim da sam cuo pocetne rifove MITS-a i da su neki ljudi poceli urlat da soundcheckaju MITS
one, two, three, four, five against one
five, five, against one
ha neznam nisam siguran jel su ga svirali jer sam stajao malo izvan 10c reda na ogradi, tek sam se poslije priblizio da cujem, ali mislim da sam cuo pocetne rifove MITS-a i da su neki ljudi poceli urlat da soundcheckaju MITS
Mislim da jesu, al se ne sjecam da su ljudi urlali. bilo je vise urlanja oko ovih drugih vec navedenih pjesama...bar s moje strane
I still cannot believe that they played education to the previous show I've been to :(. That is my favourite song... Lucky all of you that have been at that show
I still cannot believe that they played education to the previous show I've been to :(. That is my favourite song... Lucky all of you that have been at that show
You can not even imagine how good sound education live
btw. you had footsteps and smile
one, two, three, four, five against one
five, five, against one
Been a fan since 1993. Traveled all the way from Russia to see them playing live. Well, actually there was a group of us. The show was awesome; the crowd was at times too rough and by the end of the concert too drunk - the only thing that spoiled the experience. Met lots of cool people before the show. Been wearing a grey “get right” shirt. Maybe someone remembers me:)
I know it's hard for him to get online at times, but I REALLY, REALLY want to hear of his experience at his first PJ show.
still patiently waiting Sasho
I know Sasho. I got his ticket for the show, he was so anxious to get there, and very very excited. Met him before the show in person, even tried to find and extra 10c tic for him...but I think he found his was somewhere to the front rows. Didnt talk to him after the show, way to many ppl around and say HI/BYE to, but I got a text msg: he was very happy! He is around on the forum, esp in the PJ in Zagreb (former PJ in Belgrade thread) so you might wanna look him up there
I know it's hard for him to get online at times, but I REALLY, REALLY want to hear of his experience at his first PJ show.
still patiently waiting Sasho
yes, he was standing right near me on the show, I tried to take care for him but after 3rd or 4th song he just dissapeared, well it was rough in the front lines
one, two, three, four, five against one
five, five, against one
yes, he was standing right near me on the show, I tried to take care for him but after 3rd or 4th song he just dissapeared, well it was rough in the front lines
Excellent. Glad to hear he was so close.
He'll email me with a review when he gets a chance. I can't wait.
five, five, against one
and thanks but no thanks for mentioning the two girls that made a 12 meter wide banner "can't find a better jam" - sintija & ana... nevermind, almost all newspapers in croatia have mentioned it!!!
Procitaj malo bolje...spomenuo je
five, five, against one
and now you can all laugh at me... it's ok, I understand..
croats have this saying: who admits, half is forgiven to him (literally
A mi tu kazemo: Ko prizna, pola mu se doda
Nadam se da cu uspjet doc u nedjelju..patim ful, ocu PJ.
And yes, i completely understand how you misread it
We could amend that to: to those who notice the words they missed when reading the post for the 1st time, all is forgiven.
Uh, bila sam se ful prepala da ti je bed sto smo vas spomenuli. A bilo bi ful bed da autorice transparenta ostanu anonimne! Drago mi je da je sve pet! Vidimo se u nedjelju! Iva
Was it really? I dont recall from previous shows that soundchecks were THAT late... Well, I wasnt really there for them, but that what Ive heard...It was always in the afternoon, never right before the show was suppose to start, like in Zagreb. We were all standing there, ready to go it, some of us even got searched and the band was still playing inside...then they realized its way too early (but actually late) to let ppl in...anyways, im glad I was there and heard the soundcheck...they played everything excpet Cropduster
Usually PJ had already soundchecked but the supporting band was still soundchecking just before we got in.
In Zagreb and Athens, as there was no supporting band, it was PJ soundchecking just before opening doors.
for those who haven't been so lucky to hear the soundcheck could you just post the songs they rehearsed!
btw I was there and still speechless. I have a band, doing also pj songs and keep on rockin' but we start writin new songs now and this concert meant a lot to us, a lot of inspriration. I just wish they knew it.
Thank you for that night, for PJ but also for that great people who had been there!
Love You all!
Katowice 06/07
five, five, against one
In Zagreb, they soundckecked In Hiding, Gimme Some Truth, Cropduster, Thumbing My Way, Thin Air and Little Wing I believe. They played all except Cropduster and Little wing... But I think it was only instrumental, dont recall if anything else has been sounchecked. We were so stoked when we heard which songs were played, we were just standing there, anxious to get it, when they played all these gems...singing and dancing slowly all os us in front of the security..haha...and then they actually made it to the setlist...:eek: THANK YOU, PEARL JAM!!!
MArker in the Sand, yeah, that one too, i think...
five, five, against one
five, five, against one
Ma sta? ne kuzim
five, five, against one
Mislim da jesu, al se ne sjecam da su ljudi urlali. bilo je vise urlanja oko ovih drugih vec navedenih pjesama...bar s moje strane
five, five, against one
btw. you had footsteps and smile
five, five, against one
Enjoy the show!
Basecamp Productions
five, five, against one
yes, yes, yes, you know him?
I know it's hard for him to get online at times, but I REALLY, REALLY want to hear of his experience at his first PJ show.
still patiently waiting Sasho
I know Sasho. I got his ticket for the show, he was so anxious to get there, and very very excited. Met him before the show in person, even tried to find and extra 10c tic for him...but I think he found his was somewhere to the front rows. Didnt talk to him after the show, way to many ppl around and say HI/BYE to, but I got a text msg: he was very happy! He is around on the forum, esp in the PJ in Zagreb (former PJ in Belgrade thread) so you might wanna look him up there
five, five, against one
Excellent. Glad to hear he was so close.
He'll email me with a review when he gets a chance. I can't wait.
thanks for the update.