Judging by pics on Google, the only thing Comet Ping Pong is guilty of is being shit hipster pizza. Seriously, what the fuck is that? Pizza is 50% crust and filled in the center with something an Alpaca barfed out
New Hampshire state representative Josh Moore said that if a law to ban topless female nudity fails, men should be able to squeeze exposed nipples in public.
New Hampshire state representative Josh Moore said that if a law to ban topless female nudity fails, men should be able to squeeze exposed nipples in public.
Out of a sea of worthy candidates, I nominate Alex Jones as head idiot. Here he is talking about the latest conspiracy theory - "humanoids" - genetically modified humans, who are apparently "80% gorilla and 80% pig". Alex doesn't do math so well, either.
And he also somehow brings pedophilia into the discussion. By this point I'm a little suspicious about Alex's fascination with pedophilia.
Out of a sea of worthy candidates, I nominate Alex Jones as head idiot. Here he is talking about the latest conspiracy theory - "humanoids" - genetically modified humans, who are apparently "80% gorilla and 80% pig". Alex doesn't do math so well, either.
And he also somehow brings pedophilia into the discussion. By this point I'm a little suspicious about Alex's fascination with pedophilia.
Come on guys. Seriously? You didn't notice one of your buddies wasn't back in the boat?
Maybe they were drunk. I know I've left a man behind when I've been wasted a time or two in my life, lol .... luckily none of them died. Sad story. I don't think them leaving on the boat without the missing guy is the cause of the death though. A big group of dudes fucking around in the water makes it easy to understand how nobody noticed when one of them went under and didn't resurface. If they didn't see him go under, then they obviously wouldn't be waiting for him to come up again. It's not like it was a child. There is no real reason for a adults to be watching other adults like a hawk when they're in the water. I don't think it's fair to blame this on his friends in any way, who I'm sure are devastated. It just sounds like an unfortunate accident. The guy was almost certainly drowned before his friends left without him.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Come on guys. Seriously? You didn't notice one of your buddies wasn't back in the boat?
Maybe they were drunk. I know I've left a man behind when I've been wasted a time or two in my life, lol .... luckily none of them died. Sad story. I don't think them leaving on the boat without the missing guy is the cause of the death though. A big group of dudes fucking around in the water makes it easy to understand how nobody noticed when one of them went under and didn't resurface. If they didn't see him go under, then they obviously wouldn't be waiting for him to come up again. It's not like it was a child. There is no real reason for a adults to be watching other adults like a hawk when they're in the water. I don't think it's fair to blame this on his friends in any way, who I'm sure are devastated. It just sounds like an unfortunate accident. The guy was almost certainly drowned before his friends left without him.
Eight guys is not a big group of guys in my mind to not notice your buddy isn't in the boat. "Hey... where's Dave who was sitting right there this boat trip?"
With very little information released... I'm tending to disagree with your suggestion that he drowned before his friends left him. I am pretty sure the boat stoppage for a quick team dip in the middle of the lake never resulted in a guy drowning. People do not jump into a big lake such as the Okanagan Lake to never pop up again. And typically, when people begin to struggle... they call out or at a minimum flail away. Either of those two items is a call to attention.
With that said... alcohol was involved. Things can go sideways for some drunkards. Whatever scenario reveals itself... I stand by my assertion that these guys are idiots.
Have you guys seen the movie 'Open Water'? Awesome.
Come on guys. Seriously? You didn't notice one of your buddies wasn't back in the boat?
Maybe they were drunk. I know I've left a man behind when I've been wasted a time or two in my life, lol .... luckily none of them died. Sad story. I don't think them leaving on the boat without the missing guy is the cause of the death though. A big group of dudes fucking around in the water makes it easy to understand how nobody noticed when one of them went under and didn't resurface. If they didn't see him go under, then they obviously wouldn't be waiting for him to come up again. It's not like it was a child. There is no real reason for a adults to be watching other adults like a hawk when they're in the water. I don't think it's fair to blame this on his friends in any way, who I'm sure are devastated. It just sounds like an unfortunate accident. The guy was almost certainly drowned before his friends left without him.
Eight guys is not a big group of guys in my mind to not notice your buddy isn't in the boat. "Hey... where's Dave who was sitting right there this boat trip?"
With very little information released... I'm tending to disagree with your suggestion that he drowned before his friends left him. I am pretty sure the boat stoppage for a quick team dip in the middle of the lake never resulted in a guy drowning. People do not jump into a big lake such as the Okanagan Lake to never pop up again. And typically, when people begin to struggle... they call out or at a minimum flail away. Either of those two items is a call to attention.
With that said... alcohol was involved. Things can go sideways for some drunkards. Whatever scenario reveals itself... I stand by my assertion that these guys are idiots.
Have you guys seen the movie 'Open Water'? Awesome.
I haven't read the article so won't comment on it, but I will say that drowning usually isn't what you've described. In fact, there was an interesting article last summer that was featured prominently on one of the news sites (maybe HuffPo??) that was titled something like "drowning doesn't look like drowning", in which they made the point that when people drown they in fact don't call out or flail because they aren't physically capable of doing so. Apparently as one drowns you sit low enough in the water that your mouth and nose are below the surface, so you can't call out. As you bob up slightly, you're entirely focused on struggling to get a breath, so you don't call out. And if you try to bring your arms up you push yourself further underwater, so you don't do that either.
The bottlm line was, people drown silently and without attracting attention. They pointed out several cases in which adults and children drowned within a few metres of family and friends and no one noticed. It was kind of scary to read.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Every human person who is even marginally physically capable should learn to swim. It should be taught in school.
My mother-in-law can't swim. There is a private pool swim club in her backyard and her daughters have been swimming in it since they were toddlers, and she can't swim. She's a great lady, top notch, but that is sad and pathetic and irresponsible.
Come on guys. Seriously? You didn't notice one of your buddies wasn't back in the boat?
Maybe they were drunk. I know I've left a man behind when I've been wasted a time or two in my life, lol .... luckily none of them died. Sad story. I don't think them leaving on the boat without the missing guy is the cause of the death though. A big group of dudes fucking around in the water makes it easy to understand how nobody noticed when one of them went under and didn't resurface. If they didn't see him go under, then they obviously wouldn't be waiting for him to come up again. It's not like it was a child. There is no real reason for a adults to be watching other adults like a hawk when they're in the water. I don't think it's fair to blame this on his friends in any way, who I'm sure are devastated. It just sounds like an unfortunate accident. The guy was almost certainly drowned before his friends left without him.
Eight guys is not a big group of guys in my mind to not notice your buddy isn't in the boat. "Hey... where's Dave who was sitting right there this boat trip?"
With very little information released... I'm tending to disagree with your suggestion that he drowned before his friends left him. I am pretty sure the boat stoppage for a quick team dip in the middle of the lake never resulted in a guy drowning. People do not jump into a big lake such as the Okanagan Lake to never pop up again. And typically, when people begin to struggle... they call out or at a minimum flail away. Either of those two items is a call to attention.
With that said... alcohol was involved. Things can go sideways for some drunkards. Whatever scenario reveals itself... I stand by my assertion that these guys are idiots.
Have you guys seen the movie 'Open Water'? Awesome.
I haven't read the article so won't comment on it, but I will say that drowning usually isn't what you've described. In fact, there was an interesting article last summer that was featured prominently on one of the news sites (maybe HuffPo??) that was titled something like "drowning doesn't look like drowning", in which they made the point that when people drown they in fact don't call out or flail because they aren't physically capable of doing so. Apparently as one drowns you sit low enough in the water that your mouth and nose are below the surface, so you can't call out. As you bob up slightly, you're entirely focused on struggling to get a breath, so you don't call out. And if you try to bring your arms up you push yourself further underwater, so you don't do that either.
The bottlm line was, people drown silently and without attracting attention. They pointed out several cases in which adults and children drowned within a few metres of family and friends and no one noticed. It was kind of scary to read.
This might be the case for some, but not all. I can believe what you have written here, but at the risk of being wrong, I'm in no way, shape or form prepared to believe that people 'usually' drown discreetly. Firstly, there would have to be some observations made to determine that scenario is the one that more often than not plays out for drowning people. Secondly, if we are talking about people who have no experience being in the water such as an infant, it sounds very reasonable; however, I find it hard to believe anyone with any experience at all swimming and at the first sign of trouble accepts their fate with flailing their arms and legs trying to keep their head above water (like this fit and capable 25 year old man).
We go to Kauai every year and if you didn't know, that island can be deadly for swimming. Every case I have read about there was typified by a weaker swimmer underestimating the currents. A struggle ensued where people noticed and made efforts to retrieve them when possible. The struggles are definitely noticeable.
I will say that in Kamloops, people go into the river and sometimes don't pop back up. The reason for many of these cases is the unseen deadfall lurking underneath the water combined with currents- people are hitting their heads or getting tangled with the deadfall and lose cosciousness.
All that aside, I'm stunned that these fools continued on their way leaving one of their friends behind. There is no defence for doing so. It was carelessness at best. If the young man from Kamloops silently sank to the bottom of the Okanagan Lake after jumping into it and not knowing how to swim... that would be best case scenario. If he was left treading water... eesh.
I feel like I'm trying to make my case for these guys as idiots. If it was my son that was left behind, I'd be very angry. I would not be comfortable at all with the fact that seven guys left him in the water, completely unaware that he was not in the boat.
I grew up spending summers at our cabin on the Shuswap and also spent many days on the Okanagan with my friends water skiing and boating. We were young and immature and we drank excessively while we played. It was routine to stop the boat, float, and jump off it at several points during the day. We always were aware for each other as dumb as we were. I simply cannot comprehend the case in question. Perhaps I'm being too critical, but as I stated... I simply cannot understand how that played out.
I'm not calling these guys murderers. I'm calling them idiots (if I'm one of the guys on the boat... I'm certainly feeling like an idiot). A tragic accident. As Often stated... there might have been nothing they could have done anyways... but to sail away leaving him in the water without knowing he was not with them?
There is a video of some teens mocking a man who is drowning in Florida. It is on liveleaks. I'm not posting it.
They don't render assistance- which might be okay if none are strong swimmers or feel that they aren't up to the task- but they do not call for help, laugh at him and mock him as he weakens and then finally sinks (laughing afterwards).
This is a real sad moment for humanity.
"My brain's a good brain!"
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 3,993
Every human person who is even marginally physically capable should learn to swim. It should be taught in school.
My mother-in-law can't swim. There is a private pool swim club in her backyard and her daughters have been swimming in it since they were toddlers, and she can't swim. She's a great lady, top notch, but that is sad and pathetic and irresponsible.
Hmm. I agree that it should be taught wherever possible (not all schools have access to swimming pools). But: I can't swim. I tried. I had two near-drownings -- one in a swim class, I kid you not -- and fear of the third time being the charm has given me pause. I would like to learn; as I get older, I have to think about the wear and tear of running on my joints, and I have no doubt that swimming would be better for my knees. And I love the water. And I would like to learn how to surf. But as it is, dog paddle is all I can manage. When I try to put my face in the water and coordinate my breathing, I sink like a stone.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
There is a video of some teens mocking a man who is drowning in Florida. It is on liveleaks. I'm not posting it.
They don't render assistance- which might be okay if none are strong swimmers or feel that they aren't up to the task- but they do not call for help, laugh at him and mock him as he weakens and then finally sinks (laughing afterwards).
There is a video of some teens mocking a man who is drowning in Florida. It is on liveleaks. I'm not posting it.
They don't render assistance- which might be okay if none are strong swimmers or feel that they aren't up to the task- but they do not call for help, laugh at him and mock him as he weakens and then finally sinks (laughing afterwards).
There is a video of some teens mocking a man who is drowning in Florida. It is on liveleaks. I'm not posting it.
They don't render assistance- which might be okay if none are strong swimmers or feel that they aren't up to the task- but they do not call for help, laugh at him and mock him as he weakens and then finally sinks (laughing afterwards).
Despicable, disgusting and sick. How does someone become that desensitized that they can laugh and do nothing? It's one thing to be frozen by fear and uncertainty, but that is just downright wicked to the core.
Proof that groups of people don't always make sound decisions, even when it's their job to do so. And, incidentally, a little warning in case you are ever in the position to need to go to trial and are wondering if you should opt for a jury trial or not.
Proof that groups of people don't always make sound decisions, even when it's their job to do so. And, incidentally, a little warning in case you are ever in the position to need to go to trial and are wondering if you should opt for a jury trial or not.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Seriously, what the fuck is that? Pizza is 50% crust and filled in the center with something an Alpaca barfed out
I can't even believe there is an attempt to change that equality law, or that it would include breastfeeding, let alone that this fucker said this.
Oh jeez. The peek you get into some people's mind via social media reveals some pretty vile stuff.
Of course, this sentence says it all: The bill is backed solely by Republican men
Edit: Happy Canada Day, PJSoul!
And he also somehow brings pedophilia into the discussion. By this point I'm a little suspicious about Alex's fascination with pedophilia.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Come on guys. Seriously? You didn't notice one of your buddies wasn't back in the boat?
Sad story. I don't think them leaving on the boat without the missing guy is the cause of the death though. A big group of dudes fucking around in the water makes it easy to understand how nobody noticed when one of them went under and didn't resurface. If they didn't see him go under, then they obviously wouldn't be waiting for him to come up again. It's not like it was a child. There is no real reason for a adults to be watching other adults like a hawk when they're in the water. I don't think it's fair to blame this on his friends in any way, who I'm sure are devastated. It just sounds like an unfortunate accident. The guy was almost certainly drowned before his friends left without him.
With very little information released... I'm tending to disagree with your suggestion that he drowned before his friends left him. I am pretty sure the boat stoppage for a quick team dip in the middle of the lake never resulted in a guy drowning. People do not jump into a big lake such as the Okanagan Lake to never pop up again. And typically, when people begin to struggle... they call out or at a minimum flail away. Either of those two items is a call to attention.
With that said... alcohol was involved. Things can go sideways for some drunkards. Whatever scenario reveals itself... I stand by my assertion that these guys are idiots.
Have you guys seen the movie 'Open Water'? Awesome.
The bottlm line was, people drown silently and without attracting attention. They pointed out several cases in which adults and children drowned within a few metres of family and friends and no one noticed. It was kind of scary to read.
It should be taught in school.
My mother-in-law can't swim.
There is a private pool swim club in her backyard and her daughters have been swimming in it since they were toddlers, and she can't swim.
She's a great lady, top notch, but that is sad and pathetic and irresponsible.
We go to Kauai every year and if you didn't know, that island can be deadly for swimming. Every case I have read about there was typified by a weaker swimmer underestimating the currents. A struggle ensued where people noticed and made efforts to retrieve them when possible. The struggles are definitely noticeable.
I will say that in Kamloops, people go into the river and sometimes don't pop back up. The reason for many of these cases is the unseen deadfall lurking underneath the water combined with currents- people are hitting their heads or getting tangled with the deadfall and lose cosciousness.
All that aside, I'm stunned that these fools continued on their way leaving one of their friends behind. There is no defence for doing so. It was carelessness at best. If the young man from Kamloops silently sank to the bottom of the Okanagan Lake after jumping into it and not knowing how to swim... that would be best case scenario. If he was left treading water... eesh.
I grew up spending summers at our cabin on the Shuswap and also spent many days on the Okanagan with my friends water skiing and boating. We were young and immature and we drank excessively while we played. It was routine to stop the boat, float, and jump off it at several points during the day. We always were aware for each other as dumb as we were. I simply cannot comprehend the case in question. Perhaps I'm being too critical, but as I stated... I simply cannot understand how that played out.
I'm not calling these guys murderers. I'm calling them idiots (if I'm one of the guys on the boat... I'm certainly feeling like an idiot). A tragic accident. As Often stated... there might have been nothing they could have done anyways... but to sail away leaving him in the water without knowing he was not with them?
There is a video of some teens mocking a man who is drowning in Florida. It is on liveleaks. I'm not posting it.
They don't render assistance- which might be okay if none are strong swimmers or feel that they aren't up to the task- but they do not call for help, laugh at him and mock him as he weakens and then finally sinks (laughing afterwards).
This is a real sad moment for humanity.
Hmm. I agree that it should be taught wherever possible (not all schools have access to swimming pools). But: I can't swim. I tried. I had two near-drownings -- one in a swim class, I kid you not -- and fear of the third time being the charm has given me pause. I would like to learn; as I get older, I have to think about the wear and tear of running on my joints, and I have no doubt that swimming would be better for my knees. And I love the water. And I would like to learn how to surf. But as it is, dog paddle is all I can manage. When I try to put my face in the water and coordinate my breathing, I sink like a stone.
At least something may come of this to these idiots. (scum) http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/cops-want-to-charge-teens-who-laughed-and-recorded-drowning-man/ar-AAoC0qw?li=AAggFp5&ocid=mailsignout
I wasn't anointing them idiots. I just presented the from case in the context of the drowning discussion that was occurring.
Truly shocking.
That is brutal.
Wtf is wrong with people?
'The Purge' makes more and more sense.
Maybe you weren't reading so good: those were rich people's tires. RICH people's tires.
So stupid. I mean I'm all for being tough on crime, but this is ridiculous.