
Imagine That -- I’m Still Anti-War



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    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 41,068
    Yeah, like I said earlier- it's about us.
    Hair... oh fuck, now I KNOW I never was a hippie. Hahaha! A bit shaggy at times but, good gawd! Gimme some Minutemen! Quick! LOL!
    Well, it's like this- if it's a comedy, laugh. If it's a tear-jerker, cry. When it's horrors and death showing their ugly faces, make yourself big and roar back (or talk in a calm, low voice if it's a skunk).
    But when peace comes 'round, I get on it, right now.
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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    dignindignin Posts: 9,312
    Israel needs more bombs for peace. USA says no problem. More of Americans hard earned tax dollars at work.

    US supplies Israel with bombs amid Gaza blitz
    Pentagon says Israel allowed to tap local US arms stockpile in past week to resupply it with grenades and mortar rounds.

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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Your hard-earned tax dollars at work. But you're right; there's no point in getting angry. It's best to do nothing and be calm and peaceful whilst your tax dollars are paying for babies to be murdered by racists. Go back to sleep America.




    Faiza Al-Tanboura had not spoken for 21 days since a missile strike destroyed her home. In the early hours of this morning she found her voice: “The children. Don't let them kill the children,” she shouted as she ran out into the playground of a UN school under Israeli tank fire.

    Today's attack on the Jabaliya Elementary Girls School has been described as a possible war crime by the UN. The Israeli authorities, it said, had been told no less than 17 times that it was full of refugees, the last warning message delivered on 8.50 on Tuesday evening.

    But, seven and half hours later, a series of shells smashed into the building, destroying two of the classrooms, killing 19 and injuring more than a hundred others. Pierre Krahenbuhl, the commissioner for UN agency for Palestinian refugees, described the killings as “a source of universal shame”. Investigations clearly showed, he maintained, that Israeli fire was to blame, condemning “in the strongest possible terms this serious violation of international law by Israeli forces.”

    ...those at the school had been placed in the line of fire after they “were instructed to leave their homes by the Israeli military. The precise location of the school and that it was housing thousands of people was communicated to the Israeli army 17 times to ensure its protection.”
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    brianlux said:

    Well, it's like this- if it's a comedy, laugh. If it's a tear-jerker, cry. When it's horrors and death showing their ugly faces, make yourself big and roar back (or talk in a calm, low voice if it's a skunk).
    But when peace comes 'round, I get on it, right now.

    I can't hear you roaring dude. There ain't no peace as we speak.

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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014


    Post edited by Byrnzie on
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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    Byrnzie said:

    Your hard-earned tax dollars at work. But you're right; there's no point in getting angry. It's best to do nothing and be calm and peaceful whilst your tax dollars are paying for babies to be murdered by racists. Go back to sleep America.




    Faiza Al-Tanboura had not spoken for 21 days since a missile strike destroyed her home. In the early hours of this morning she found herice: “The children. Don't let them kill the children,” she shouted as she ran out into the playground of a UN school under Israeli tank fire.

    Today's attack on the Jabaliya Elementary Girls School has been described as a possible war crime by the UN. The Israeli authorities, it said, had been told no less than 17 times that it was full of refugees, the last warning message delivered on 8.50 on Tuesday evening.

    But, seven and half hours later, a series of shells smashed into the building, destroying two of the classrooms, killing 19 and injuring more than a hundred others. Pierre Krahenbuhl, the commissioner for UN agency for Palestinian refugees, described the killings as “a source of universal shame”. Investigations clearly showed, he maintained, that Israeli fire was to blame, condemning “in the strongest possible terms this serious violation of international law by Israeli forces.”

    ...those at the school had been placed in the line of fire after they “were instructed to leave their homes by the Israeli military. The precise location of the school and that it was housing thousands of people was communicated to the Israeli army 17 times to ensure its protection.”

    It's really unfair to just assume the people posting about peace are doing nothing. You keep mentioning U.S. tax dollars supplying Israel and we do nothing. Do you have some sort of first hand knowledge about every single member posting on here? How would you possibly know we aren't writing our representatives and allowing our voices to be heard? Some people don't need to beat their chest and shout to the rooftops on a rock bands forum. I agree this is beyond tragic and angers me just as much as anyone. I share in your anger, I also feel you come off as combative and are less likely to have people listen to you because of it. This thread was started with a blanket statement of peace no matter what was said at Milton Keyes. It has become a sounding board for you saying people aren't doing anything. I am all for raising awareness and helping people educate themselves through other means than mainstream bullshit media, but when you approach it in such an aggressive way, it can turn people off.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    How can anybody be silent in the face of this slaughter? How can those who's tax dollars are paying for this carnage, and who's politicians are supporting it and encouraging it, have the audacity to criticize those who are speaking out and protesting it, and, God forbid, getting angry?

    You remember reading about all those good honest German citizens during WWII who used to watch the cattle cars rolling by and who chose to say nothing?

    Funny how some things never change.

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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037

    This thread was started with a blanket statement of peace no matter what was said at Milton Keyes. It has become a sounding board for you saying people aren't doing anything. I am all for raising awareness and helping people educate themselves through other means than mainstream bullshit media, but when you approach it in such an aggressive way, it can turn people off.

    That's funny, because I only joined this thread on page 14 after somebody told me they were taking a lot of shit from an apologist of Israel and wanted my help. This thread turned into a platform for people trying to excuse, justify, or close their eyes to the massacre, long before I began posting here.

    Anyway, let's make it all about me again.

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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    Byrnzie said:

    How can anybody be silent in the face of this slaughter? How can those who's tax dollars are paying for this carnage, and who's politicians are supporting it and encouraging it, have the audacity to criticize those who are speaking out and protesting it, and, God forbid, getting angry?

    You remember reading about all those good honest German citizens during WWII who used to watch the cattle cars rolling by and who chose to say nothing?

    Funny how some things never change.

    Again, you are assuming that everyday citizens aren't trying to affect a change. You have to differentiate between the U.S. government and it's citizens. To say that people aren't trying to do anything is an unfair statement to make.
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    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 41,068
    Byrnzie said:

    brianlux said:

    Well, it's like this- if it's a comedy, laugh. If it's a tear-jerker, cry. When it's horrors and death showing their ugly faces, make yourself big and roar back (or talk in a calm, low voice if it's a skunk).
    But when peace comes 'round, I get on it, right now.

    I can't hear you roaring dude. There ain't no peace as we speak.

    Squeak! image

    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    I've read the entire thread since it started and was just stating what I feel it has become, not all the points in between. Anyways, peace be with you. I will keep doing my thing and put pressure and hope for an end to this nonsense. Don't lump all Americans in with the choices our government makes. It became apparent to me a long time ago that our government doesn't really give a shit about our views on foreign policy.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014

    Again, you are assuming that everyday citizens aren't trying to affect a change. You have to differentiate between the U.S. government and it's citizens. To say that people aren't trying to do anything is an unfair statement to make.

    Well, that's not the impression I get from reading people's posts.

    WE CAN'T CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. But we can handle how we treat each other

    Both sides have to give up ego, being "right", and their pride for any solutions to ever happen. So let it go, people!! When we get old, will we look back and say that we were open minded and accepted others for being different? Or will we look back and regret all the anger we had because our egos and pride were too precious to mess with? And where do egos and pride get us anyway in the long run? A lot of disconnection from other people, a lot of unhappiness, and a lot of war.

    Seriously, what a crock of shit.

    And every other comment being about my 'anger'. Sure, because we shouldn't get angry when thousands are being massacred with U.S tax dollars and U.S political support - 90% of them civilians, including approx 350 children.

    No, don't get angry. Anger is bad for you. Just talk about peace and love instead, and do nothing.

    Actually, this kind of apathy disgusts me.

    Post edited by Byrnzie on
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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    edited July 2014
    Byrnzie said:

    Again, you are assuming that everyday citizens aren't trying to affect a change. You have to differentiate between the U.S. government and it's citizens. To say that people aren't trying to do anything is an unfair statement to make.

    Well, that's not the impression I get from reading people's posts.

    WE CAN'T CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. But we can handle how we treat each other

    Both sides have to give up ego, being "right", and their pride for any solutions to ever happen. So let it go, people!! When we get old, will we look back and say that we were open minded and accepted others for being different? Or will we look back and regret all the anger we had because our egos and pride were too precious to mess with? And where do egos and pride get us anyway in the long run? A lot of disconnection from other people, a lot of unhappiness, and a lot of war.

    Seriously, what a crock of shit.

    And every other comment being about my 'anger'. Sure, because we shouldn't get angry when thousands are being massacred with U.S tax dollars and U.S political support - 90% of them civilians, including approx 350 children.

    No, don't get angry. Anger is bad for you. Just talk about peace and love instead, and do nothing.

    Actually, this kind of apathy disgusts me.

    Those second two quotes are attributed to me, but I didn't write them.
    Edit - thanks for correcting that.
    Post edited by WhatYouTaughtMe on
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Thank God not everybody follows the advice of 'backseatLover12'.

    Many people are standing up to this atrocity and letting their voices be heard.

    Bolivia has declared Israel to be a “terrorist state” and renounced a visa exemption agreement with the country in protest over the ongoing Israeli military offense in Gaza which already killed more than 1,300 dead and left over 7,000 wounded.


    Bolivia declares Israel ‘terrorist state’, scraps visa exemption agreement
    July 30, 2014

    Canceling the 1972 agreement which allowed Israelis to travel freely to Bolivia “means, in other words, we are declaring (Israel) a terrorist state,” the country's President Evo Morales announced.

    Morales explained that Operation Protective edge clearly shows that “Israel is not a guarantor of the principles of respect for life and the elementary precepts of rights that govern the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of our international community.”

    ...Other Latin American countries including Chile and El Salvador recalled their ambassadors in Israel on Tuesday for consultations due to the increased violence in the Gaza Strip against civilians. The move follows similar actions by Ecuador, Brazil and Peru who have also recalled their ambassadors.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037

    I've read the entire thread since it started and was just stating what I feel it has become, not all the points in between. Anyways, peace be with you. I will keep doing my thing and put pressure and hope for an end to this nonsense. Don't lump all Americans in with the choices our government makes. It became apparent to me a long time ago that our government doesn't really give a shit about our views on foreign policy.

    True, but you can make a difference. Write to the fuckers. Boycott Israeli goods. Confront Israel's army of paid liars on internet chat rooms and comments sections. And if there's a demo in town, then join 'em.

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    jumbojetjumbojet Posts: 1,484
    Kat said:

    Imagine That -- I’m Still Anti-War.
    July 16 2014

    With about a dozen assorted ongoing conflicts in the news everyday, and with the stories
    becoming more horrific, the level of sadness becomes unbearable.

    War hurts. It hurts no matter which sides the bombs are falling on.

    I don’t know how to reconcile the peaceful rainbow of flags we see
    each night at our concerts with the daily news of a dozen global
    conflicts and their horrific consequences. I don’t know how to
    process the feeling of guilt and complicity when I hear about the
    deaths of a civilian family from a U.S. drone strike.

    In the light of Eddie's words explicitly being about "a dozen global conflicts" and "the level of sadness" they cause; we can safely say that the discussion in this forum has been unfairly tilted towards the Gaza conflict.

    This, I think, should be a result of the political factors the Gazan conflict involves. So the discussion here is mostly derived from the political factors beneath, not really the humanitarian reasons.

    Meanwhile; the Russia-Ukraine conflict, for example, contains most of the elements of the Gaza conflict. Nearly equal death toll, civilian involvement, implicit US involvement with its tax-money and much more with downing of airplanes included...

    But it doesnt get much attention here as it doesnt seem to provoke any of the political motivations; which Gaza conflict does.

    I would say, I hope we read Eddie's words again and again. I am glad that he choose to state his concerns above one conflict of the current global state; but he choose to underline the call for peace, overall. (as hippie as that might sounds)
    What's your part, who you are?

    2012: Arras, Berlin 1-2
    2013: Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires
    2014: Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2016: NY MSG 1
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014
    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Byrnzie said:

    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.

    Exactly. I dnt understand how people can't differentiate between civil wars and occupations. People keep bringing up other conflicts and try to compare the 2. Only thing in common is people being killed.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Also, the Ukraine have a modern, well equipped military. The Palestinians have nothing of the sort.

    There is no comparison.
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    jumbojetjumbojet Posts: 1,484
    badbrains said:

    Byrnzie said:

    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.

    Exactly. I dnt understand how people can't differentiate between civil wars and occupations. People keep bringing up other conflicts and try to compare the 2. Only thing in common is people being killed.
    These are all very weak points (Btw, US gov't might be providing some "aid" to Ukraine in some form, unofficially) but that's not my point. But it isn't my intention change the direction completely to another conflict.

    I just want to point out that "My conflict is the single most important topic in the world, right now" is not the right attitude to take under such a topic.

    I also dont think calling out Ed for backpedalling is right. Everyone chooses their own way of reacting to world problems.

    Just be aware that you are borrowing this topic for Gaza conflict (which I am perfectly OK with) and please don't call out to people who just want to give their messages for peace.

    I am not trying to go into a debate about this, I'm not even good with my way around words. Hell, I even have problems with words even in my own language. So this is just my 2 cents.

    What's your part, who you are?

    2012: Arras, Berlin 1-2
    2013: Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires
    2014: Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2016: NY MSG 1
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    jumbojet said:

    badbrains said:

    Byrnzie said:

    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.

    Exactly. I dnt understand how people can't differentiate between civil wars and occupations. People keep bringing up other conflicts and try to compare the 2. Only thing in common is people being killed.
    These are all very weak points (Btw, US gov't might be providing some "aid" to Ukraine in some form, unofficially) but that's not my point. But it isn't my intention change the direction completely to another conflict.

    I just want to point out that "My conflict is the single most important topic in the world, right now" is not the right attitude to take under such a topic.

    I also dont think calling out Ed for backpedalling is right. Everyone chooses their own way of reacting to world problems.

    Just be aware that you are borrowing this topic for Gaza conflict (which I am perfectly OK with) and please don't call out to people who just want to give their messages for peace.

    I am not trying to go into a debate about this, I'm not even good with my way around words. Hell, I even have problems with words even in my own language. So this is just my 2 cents.

    You know what's weak, making "this" issue about the posters instead of the conflict itself. Dude, in Russia and Crimea there's 2 fucken armies. In gaza, there's a fucken war machine on one side and civilians with NO ARMY on the other. Wtf is wrong with people? Again, how old does one have to be to be able to tell the difference between an actual fucken war and a massacre? With all do respect jumbo, you have to expect a response about "your" weak points.

    Maybe we can put this Ed speach to rest by starting a thread asking Ed to either come straight out and deny he meant Israel or come clean and say it wasn't. (Don't worry, I'm not) It's fucken funny, almost all the isaelis thought the speach was about them, yet people who aren't living in Israel or even Jewish think it's about all wars. That's pretty telling.
  • Options
    benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,018
    edited July 2014
    badbrains said:

    jumbojet said:

    badbrains said:

    Byrnzie said:

    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.

    Exactly. I dnt understand how people can't differentiate between civil wars and occupations. People keep bringing up other conflicts and try to compare the 2. Only thing in common is people being killed.
    These are all very weak points (Btw, US gov't might be providing some "aid" to Ukraine in some form, unofficially) but that's not my point. But it isn't my intention change the direction completely to another conflict.

    I just want to point out that "My conflict is the single most important topic in the world, right now" is not the right attitude to take under such a topic.

    I also dont think calling out Ed for backpedalling is right. Everyone chooses their own way of reacting to world problems.

    Just be aware that you are borrowing this topic for Gaza conflict (which I am perfectly OK with) and please don't call out to people who just want to give their messages for peace.

    I am not trying to go into a debate about this, I'm not even good with my way around words. Hell, I even have problems with words even in my own language. So this is just my 2 cents.

    You know what's weak, making "this" issue about the posters instead of the conflict itself. Dude, in Russia and Crimea there's 2 fucken armies. In gaza, there's a fucken war machine on one side and civilians with NO ARMY on the other. Wtf is wrong with people? Again, how old does one have to be to be able to tell the difference between an actual fucken war and a massacre? With all do respect jumbo, you have to expect a response about "your" weak points.

    Maybe we can put this Ed speach to rest by starting a thread asking Ed to either come straight out and deny he meant Israel or come clean and say it wasn't. (Don't worry, I'm not) It's fucken funny, almost all the isaelis thought the speach was about them, yet people who aren't living in Israel or even Jewish think it's about all wars. That's pretty telling.
    I think Eddie very clearly was alluding to Israeli presence within Gaza. That being said, and jumbojet can clarify me if I'm wrong, but I think he's just saying that in a thread entitled "Imagine That - I'm Still Anti-War", it's not fair to silence those with statements of universal peace to make. Call it flowery, call it useless, but I agree that I don't think it's right to publicly call a person out on it (definitely not here at all, where, quite literally, they are entitled to). Sincerely, a guy you know is right there beside you on this conflict, badbrains.

    Edit: I just realized I've been calling this a conflict assuming it's a fair way to refer to the situation - badbrains and byrnzie, is that labelling considered skewed in either direction or is that alright?
    Post edited by benjs on
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    jumbojet said:

    badbrains said:

    Byrnzie said:

    The US doesn't give $4 Billion tax dollars to the Ukraine in military aid every year. Also, last time I checked, neither the Russians or Ukrainians were busy slaughtering hundreds of civilians.

    Exactly. I dnt understand how people can't differentiate between civil wars and occupations. People keep bringing up other conflicts and try to compare the 2. Only thing in common is people being killed.
    These are all very weak points (Btw, US gov't might be providing some "aid" to Ukraine in some form, unofficially) but that's not my point. But it isn't my intention change the direction completely to another conflict.

    I just want to point out that "My conflict is the single most important topic in the world, right now" is not the right attitude to take under such a topic.

    I also dont think calling out Ed for backpedalling is right. Everyone chooses their own way of reacting to world problems.

    Just be aware that you are borrowing this topic for Gaza conflict (which I am perfectly OK with) and please don't call out to people who just want to give their messages for peace.

    I am not trying to go into a debate about this, I'm not even good with my way around words. Hell, I even have problems with words even in my own language. So this is just my 2 cents.

    You know what's weak, making "this" issue about the posters instead of the conflict itself. Dude, in Russia and Crimea there's 2 fucken armies. In gaza, there's a fucken war machine on one side and civilians with NO ARMY on the other. Wtf is wrong with people? Again, how old does one have to be to be able to tell the difference between an actual fucken war and a massacre? With all do respect jumbo, you have to expect a response about "your" weak points.

    Maybe we can put this Ed speach to rest by starting a thread asking Ed to either come straight out and deny he meant Israel or come clean and say it wasn't. (Don't worry, I'm not) It's fucken funny, almost all the isaelis thought the speach was about them, yet people who aren't living in Israel or even Jewish think it's about all wars. That's pretty telling.
    I think Eddie very clearly was alluding to Israeli presence within Gaza. That being said, and jumbojet can clarify me if I'm wrong, but I think he's just saying that in a thread entitled "Imagine That - I'm Still Anti-War", it's not fair to silence those with statements of universal peace to make. Call it flowery, call it useless, but I agree that I don't think it's right to publicly call a person out on it (definitely not here at all, where, quite literally, they are entitled to). Sincerely, a guy you know is right there beside you on this conflict, badbrains.
    No doubt Ben! Imagine that, a Muslim standing next to a Jew. In solidarity, it can happen and should happen. And FYI, Ben is actually trying to do something very positive. Hopefully it'll see the light of day.
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Geraldo fucken Rivera? Wtf, did I just see this. Believe me, NOT WHAT you'd expect.

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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Nobody was trying to silence the 'flower-power' crowd. In fact, the complete opposite was the case. They all jumped on my 'anger' at the atrocities taking place, and my anger at those trying to excuse and justify it, and tried pretending that those who are actively trying to do someone about the massacre over there - by whatever means they have at their disposal - have emotional issues, and should basically shut up and puff on a bong.
  • Options
    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    benjs said:

    Edit: I just realized I've been calling this a conflict assuming it's a fair way to refer to the situation - badbrains and byrnzie, is that labelling considered skewed in either direction or is that alright?

    'Conflict' is a pretty accurate term. Though a war it definitely is not.
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    JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,003
    The anger at Israel or Russia or US involvement is all very natural and a legitimate part of any discussion concerning current world affairs. That this anger has repeatedly spilled over into attacks on one another on the board is I think what people were hoping to eliminate.

    There is no single person who is guilty of this. It has been an ongoing issue for 35 pages here in this thread and countless others before.


    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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    jumbojetjumbojet Posts: 1,484
    benjs said:

    I think Eddie very clearly was alluding to Israeli presence within Gaza. That being said, and jumbojet can clarify me if I'm wrong, but I think he's just saying that in a thread entitled "Imagine That - I'm Still Anti-War", it's not fair to silence those with statements of universal peace to make. Call it flowery, call it useless, but I agree that I don't think it's right to publicly call a person out on it (definitely not here at all, where, quite literally, they are entitled to).

    Exactly, my point. Thank you.
    That said, I don't have a problem reading extensive information presented here about Gaza conflict. I don't want to seem to discourage anyone about that.
    I just hope that current chaotic state of the world is not the "New Normal" and we are not expected to get used to this. It is OK to get angry on this and show your reaction.
    What's your part, who you are?

    2012: Arras, Berlin 1-2
    2013: Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires
    2014: Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2016: NY MSG 1
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    hedonisthedonist standing on the edge of forever Posts: 24,524
    JimmyV said:

    That this anger has repeatedly spilled over into attacks on one another on the board is I think what people were hoping to eliminate.

    Yes...that's what I've been addressing. Not the anger itself but turning it personal.

    Shit, I'm surprised no one's been called a doodyhead yet.

This discussion has been closed.