So, what % of an AR15 can be 3D printed, ready for assembly? I believe just the lower assembly. Remember, with all those 3d guns the firing pin is still made of steel and the gun still fires a cartridge with a brass or steel casing and a bullet made of lead and copper. It is detectable.
What’s the financial outlay to have the capability? I have read that one of these printers and ink are very very expensive. It seems like a stupid novelty item.
Because we all know that evolution doesn’t happen, right? That next generation design, innovation doesn’t exist? Because designing weapons to effectively kill and produce them is, “common knowledge?” I agree with you: 3d printers will probably become cheaper. I don't like the fact that people can print guns at home.
Again, I stand corrected but why do you gun nutters feel the need for more and more and more? Freedom of speech? You don’t even acknowledge the first amendment? 1 comes before 2. “Common knowledge amongst gun owners.” Or,”Common knowledge amongst gun enthusiasts.” I agree with you, no need to have 3d firearms. It is definitely a public safety issue. I am all about background checks.
But “common knowledge of the past 20 years?” Yes it is pretty common knowledge that you can interchange parts on an ar-15. Stocks, receivers, hand grips, etc. I mean you can pretty much do that with any gun. It doesn't make it any more deadly.
Nazis and Trump, there are no comparisons. Again, we agree.
Can someone fill me in this. My assumption is that 3D printers can only print parts. Seems impossible to print a functioning gun with moving parts. That would make printing something like an AR-15 extremely difficult. Yes there are blue prints and directions, but that’s like putting together a Ford F-150 from a bucket of parts and making a functioning engine. I do think printing guns should be illegal, but anyone who thinks gun owners are toothless low-intelligent people have nothing to worry about then. My guess is only very trained people who already own lots of guns anyway would be able to do this. So my point, while I think it should be illegal, I just don’t see it as being a big factor to the gun problem.
Your guess is wrong.
Yea, because an engine to a Ford F-150 has approximately the same number of parts as an AR15. Thanks for the false analogy. By the way, AR15s are being 3D printed and assembled. Ever hear of Ikea?
And this from the web:
The AR-15 is the most customizable weapon platform on the market. You can either buy a complete stock rifle or custom build your own from the ground up. Building an AR-15 may sound quite intimidating, but it is actually relatively simple! Whether you want to build an AR-15, or upgrade your stock configuration, it is important to have a thorough knowledge of its parts
Apr 15, 2010 - In this post we'll break down the AR into 4 major parts. ... The Upper comes in a few different variations described in the Upper Detail post.
Okay, now you’re comparing putting a gun together to buying furniture at ikea? Have you ever seen a gun completely taken apart? Not just removing the barrel or somrthjng, but every sparring, every screw in a big pile? There are literally hundreds of pieces. Some micro pistols maybe a few dozen, but are still extremely difficult to put together without a lot of gun knowledge. Im not saying it’s impossible, just that I don’t see anyone without a lot of gun knowledge really being able to do it. And if they can, they probably already own guns anyway if they are that familiar with them.
I don’t think anyone actually goes and buys all the parts and puts a gun together from scratch if that’s what you’re suggesting. Yes, people do customize and “build” their own ARs all the time, but they buy the upper or lower already built and attach their own stock and so on. They might switch out a part or two, but I’ve never heard of anyone buying a bucket of parts and assembling their own gun from scratch. Okay, I’m sure it’s been done, but the average gun owner wouldn’t and couldn’t do that. But it’s a moot point because I dont think we should be allowed to print and build our own guns anyway. It should be illegal, even though I just think the ones that would probably already own some.
No, I was comparing putting guns together like furniture.You don’t know IKEA. Buy=Assemble like Parts to a Ford 150 = AR15. Simple? Right?
Because you know, like, but I’m not sure, but,everything ever that needs to be assembled comes in a bucket. Without instructions. So that means it’s safe but if it’s it not? No worries because it should be illegal, even if it’s not.
And, guns have more parts than a Ford F-150 and if you’re not an auto mechanic, you can’t assemble a gun. But if you could, it’s illegal. So just stop.
Why do you turn every sincere comment from the other side into unintelligible garble? I’m actually trying to add to the conversation, not just put everyone down who doesn’t agree with me. I don’t talk like that, and that’s not what I said. You got all that from me saying it will likely take a gun expert to put together a gun from scratch and I don’t see the average person being able to do it. Nice stretch.
And for the purpose of our analogies, I’ll let you and others decide. Does this:
look more like this or this?
You seem dismissive of the average persons’ ability to assemble things, whether it be furniture or firearms. Gun kits or 3D printers with plans come with directions, not in “a bucket.” Why do you always minimize the other side? Why do you always start out by supposing or not knowing or saying things like “it should be illegal” and that makes it less of a concern? Currently it wasn’t going to be illegal for 3D code to print guns being made available but for the court injunction. Fact is, you don’t have to be an expert to 3D print a gun or assemble one because the parts don’t arrive in a bucket. But because you think it should be illegal, it’s okay. Dismiss. And yea, a school desk is the most complicated thing you can assemble if you shop at ikea. Another false analogy.
It’s less of a concern because I see it more as a novelty for those who already own guns to say they printed and made one, than for someone to try to obtain a gun who isn’t legally allowed to own one. There’s already a gun problem, there’s much easier ways to get one illegally than this. Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I don’t mean to minimize, printing one piece at a time and assembling one at a time still seems like a very daunting task, makes little difference in my opinion.
for the record, I dont think I’ve ever spent more than an hour on ikea furniture, and that’s after giving up on the directions, swearing and redrilling some new holes that properly align and doing it myself.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Everything thinks some bad guy is going to just go out and buy a $1600 machine with $400 in parts to make a ghost gun when he could just go around the corner and pick up a cheap pistol for $200.
Zero common sense...again.
But the gun owners are the ones who live in fear, right?
Everything thinks some bad guy is going to just go out and buy a $1600 machine with $400 in parts to make a ghost gun when he could just go around the corner and pick up a cheap pistol for $200.
Zero common sense...again.
But the gun owners are the ones who live in fear, right?
We know you live in fear and what it is that you fear.
Everything thinks some bad guy is going to just go out and buy a $1600 machine with $400 in parts to make a ghost gun when he could just go around the corner and pick up a cheap pistol for $200.
Zero common sense...again.
But the gun owners are the ones who live in fear, right?
So, you’ve never heard of crime organizations? Never heard of gangs? Never heard of a group of people that might want to have access to a lot of single use guns for purposes they might not want made public? I understand these groups have money, at times.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Texas Republicans squelch 'red flag' gun law prospects - ABC News Another win for the pro gun crowd so if your crazy uncle or crazy cousin has a weapon it can’t be taken from the nut case , great news ha ...
Texas Republicans squelch 'red flag' gun law prospects - ABC News Another win for the pro gun crowd so if your crazy uncle or crazy cousin has a weapon it can’t be taken from the nut case , great news ha ...
These red flag laws are definitely a slippery slope. I like the idea of the law however I agree with republicans when they say (no due process): Some gun rights activists worry that expanding red flag laws would allow the government to seize someone's guns based on the suspicion of a threat or a false report without that person having acted violently.
Texas Republicans squelch 'red flag' gun law prospects - ABC News Another win for the pro gun crowd so if your crazy uncle or crazy cousin has a weapon it can’t be taken from the nut case , great news ha ...
It’s less of a concern because I see it more as a novelty for those who already own guns to say they printed and made one, than for someone to try to obtain a gun who isn’t legally allowed to own one. There’s already a gun problem, there’s much easier ways to get one illegally than this. Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I don’t mean to minimize, printing one piece at a time and assembling one at a time still seems like a very daunting task, makes little difference in my opinion.
for the record, I dont think I’ve ever spent more than an hour on ikea furniture, and that’s after giving up on the directions, swearing and redrilling some new holes that properly align and doing it myself.
I think it’s safe to assume the US has at least enough unethical opportunists that it’ll be a matter of weeks before an individual has started up a business, mass producing parts on 3D printers, and hiring either undocumented immigrants or gang members to help produce and illegally distribute them for a high-profit venture (and for the customer, a low-price weapon without a background check). I don’t see that as all so far fetched.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Not too get off track but all this 3D Gun printing makes me think of this movie. And not because I think this will happen from 3d printed guns but only because of the gun John Malkovich's character built in the movie. It's really a good movie if you've never seen it.
Not too get off track but all this 3D Gun printing makes me think of this movie. And not because I think this will happen from 3d printed guns but only because of the gun John Malkovich's character built in the movie. It's really a good movie if you've never seen it.
I once helped win at a film-themed board game (Trivial Pursuit-esque) competing against another class in film school by answering this final question correctly:
"In what film can you hear the quote "I see you standing over the grave of another dead president."
I answered "In the line of fire" by pure chance, hadn't seen the movie since I was a kid.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
You do not need untracable weapons when no one wants to cooperate with the cops who they somehow deem a greater menace.
The article I read stated 44 shootings. Either way, shootings are going to happen as long as guns exist. I like how dismissive you are of any issues that may arise from 3D printed guns though. Nice deflection. Let's continue to do nothing and keep making and selling guns as much as possible. Yeah guns!!!
Isn’t that just a step above a normal weekend for Chiraq?
No, it's actually not, and believe it or not, shootings there have been down. I would be interested to see a statistical breakdown of these shootings based on area. I would estimate that these shootings occur in the same areas over and over again. Chicago is a massive city and this is only representing the shit.
Isn’t that just a step above a normal weekend for Chiraq?
No, it's actually not, and believe it or not, shootings there have been down. I would be interested to see a statistical breakdown of these shootings based on area. I would estimate that these shootings occur in the same areas over and over again. Chicago is a massive city and this is only representing the shit.
Oh, okay, haven’t compared too much, but every Monday I see an article about Chicago’s weekend’s violence. Figured it was just a regular ol’ gangsta goodtime, lol
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
It’s less of a concern because I see it more as a novelty for those who already own guns to say they printed and made one, than for someone to try to obtain a gun who isn’t legally allowed to own one. There’s already a gun problem, there’s much easier ways to get one illegally than this. Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I don’t mean to minimize, printing one piece at a time and assembling one at a time still seems like a very daunting task, makes little difference in my opinion.
for the record, I dont think I’ve ever spent more than an hour on ikea furniture, and that’s after giving up on the directions, swearing and redrilling some new holes that properly align and doing it myself.
I think it’s safe to assume the US has at least enough unethical opportunists that it’ll be a matter of weeks before an individual has started up a business, mass producing parts on 3D printers, and hiring either undocumented immigrants or gang members to help produce and illegally distribute them for a high-profit venture (and for the customer, a low-price weapon without a background check). I don’t see that as all so far fetched.
Creating these for sales is already illegal.
Are you saying that the prevalence of these types of individuals present a problem?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Isn’t that just a step above a normal weekend for Chiraq?
No, it's actually not, and believe it or not, shootings there have been down. I would be interested to see a statistical breakdown of these shootings based on area. I would estimate that these shootings occur in the same areas over and over again. Chicago is a massive city and this is only representing the shit.
Oh, okay, haven’t compared too much, but every Monday I see an article about Chicago’s weekend’s violence. Figured it was just a regular ol’ gangsta goodtime, lol
60 shot in the last four days, good ol gun control.
Isn’t that just a step above a normal weekend for Chiraq?
No, it's actually not, and believe it or not, shootings there have been down. I would be interested to see a statistical breakdown of these shootings based on area. I would estimate that these shootings occur in the same areas over and over again. Chicago is a massive city and this is only representing the shit.
Oh, okay, haven’t compared too much, but every Monday I see an article about Chicago’s weekend’s violence. Figured it was just a regular ol’ gangsta goodtime, lol
60 shot in the last four days, good ol gun control.
Nope, good ‘ol gun sales to straw purchasers going to that Shangra la of indianer.
What’s the financial outlay to have the capability? I have read that one of these printers and ink are very very expensive. It seems like a stupid novelty item.
Because we all know that evolution doesn’t happen, right? That next generation design, innovation doesn’t exist? Because designing weapons to effectively kill and produce them is, “common knowledge?” I agree with you: 3d printers will probably become cheaper. I don't like the fact that people can print guns at home.
Again, I stand corrected but why do you gun nutters feel the need for more and more and more? Freedom of speech? You don’t even acknowledge the first amendment? 1 comes before 2. “Common knowledge amongst gun owners.” Or,”Common knowledge amongst gun enthusiasts.” I agree with you, no need to have 3d firearms. It is definitely a public safety issue. I am all about background checks.
But “common knowledge of the past 20 years?” Yes it is pretty common knowledge that you can interchange parts on an ar-15. Stocks, receivers, hand grips, etc. I mean you can pretty much do that with any gun. It doesn't make it any more deadly.
Nazis and Trump, there are no comparisons. Again, we agree.
Q. R
This is not good.
I don’t talk like that, and that’s not what I said.
You got all that from me saying it will likely take a gun expert to put together a gun from scratch and I don’t see the average person being able to do it. Nice stretch.
Does this:
look more like this
or this?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I don’t mean to minimize, printing one piece at a time and assembling one at a time still seems like a very daunting task, makes little difference in my opinion.
for the record, I dont think I’ve ever spent more than an hour on ikea furniture, and that’s after giving up on the directions, swearing and redrilling some new holes that properly align and doing it myself.
Zero common sense...again.
But the gun owners are the ones who live in fear, right?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Another win for the pro gun crowd so if your crazy uncle or crazy cousin has a weapon it can’t be taken from the nut case , great news ha ...
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Wrigley 1 & 2-2018
"In what film can you hear the quote "I see you standing over the grave of another dead president."
I answered "In the line of fire" by pure chance, hadn't seen the movie since I was a kid.
You do not need untracable weapons when no one wants to cooperate with the cops who they somehow deem a greater menace.
Are you saying that the prevalence of these types of individuals present a problem?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.