I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Meme floating around with a girl taking her senior pictures with a sidearm tucked in the waist of her jeans. Just another responsible gun owner with a weapon pointed at her femoral artery for fun. This is what happens when Tomi Lahren is your role model.
I saw the story. She's not dong any thing illegal so I really don't see the big deal.
She’s being careless, irresponsible, and endangering her life. Doesn’t really bode well for the responsible gun owner argument. If I’m sitting on the edge of a bridge with a 300 foot chasm below, I’m not doing anything illegal either. Do you see the big deal there?
Meh, looks like an excellent display of feminism in my opinion. Good for her in exercising her 1st and 2nd Amendment rights
It is not a display of feminism at all. Please stop attempting to define what feminism is, it's embarrassing and kind of insulting to women.
I guess it doesn’t meet “your” definition of feminism...
I'm 100% sure you don't understand the definition of feminism.
I’ll be the tie breaker. Can someone link the photo? I tried to google it but got 100 different senior photos with guns, now it makes me curious why this one got so much attention
The issue with it is, how reckless and dumb it is to carry a gun that way. Someone mentioned how open carry and conceal carry are legal so no big deal. This is completely normal.
Thanks. I think the picture is dumb, but I don't get the hype around it. At first I thought it was said this was a high school yearbook photo, I can get why high schools would be upset. Its college, and sounds like it got more coverage because she posted it on social media than from a yearbook. Again, I think it's dumb, but who cares? That's really the worst thing posted on social media that deserves so much attention? I would also ignore all the safety comments. Its a photo shoot, First I would assume someone advocating for gun rights knows how to handle a gun, and second, a photo prop I doubt its loaded with the safety off. That goes against basic safety rules to assume its not loaded, but in this case I think it is okay to not slamm her for ignore safety when we have no idea what was really happening. This picture should have just got ignored and would have been forgotten in an hour.
Wait. Just awhile ago people were ripping on a woman for taking apart a gun in the wrong order because it was setting a bad example. But this person gets a pass?
I agree she should be ignored. She is obviously just trying to stir the pot and get a job on Fox News. I'm sure she will get a job soon too, she doesn't seem particularly smart but she is attractive.....all the qualifications you need to be a right wing spokesperson.
I'll definitely agree on the ignore. These days, the right has mostly devolved into just attempting to provoke the left, since they have few good arguments left.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
Ban rubber bands!!!!
From my cold, dead hands.
Lol, it rhymes!!! Are semi-auto rubber band guns legal in Canada? What about slingshots? I’ve got an idea...why don’t the Canadians come over with their rubber bands and take away all of the USA citizen’s guns. I’ll grab the popcorn!
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
Ban rubber bands!!!!
From my cold, dead hands.
Lol, it rhymes!!! Are semi-auto rubber band guns legal in Canada? What about slingshots?
Slingshot are legal as long as you purchase them from a government approved slingshot store. Are over 25 Pass a background check along with drug and psychological testing. Take a mandatory slingshot ownership class. And wait the mandatory 6 weeks after purchase to get your slingshot.
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
Ban rubber bands!!!!
From my cold, dead hands.
Lol, it rhymes!!! Are semi-auto rubber band guns legal in Canada? What about slingshots?
Slingshot are legal as long as you purchase them from a government approved slingshot store. Are over 25 Pass a background check along with drug and psychological testing. Take a mandatory slingshot ownership class. And wait the mandatory 6 weeks after purchase to get your slingshot.
What about concealed carry slingshots? Do you have to go through another class and more background checks?
I wouldn't say it is the beginning of the end but I do agree that no one needs a bump stock.
Agreed, although I also realize that it is a pretty simple device that could be mimicked by a large rubber band...Beginning of the end, no.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Add a paper clip to the mix and you can someone's eye out.
Ban rubber bands!!!!
From my cold, dead hands.
Lol, it rhymes!!! Are semi-auto rubber band guns legal in Canada? What about slingshots?
Slingshot are legal as long as you purchase them from a government approved slingshot store. Are over 25 Pass a background check along with drug and psychological testing. Take a mandatory slingshot ownership class. And wait the mandatory 6 weeks after purchase to get your slingshot.
What about concealed carry slingshots? Do you have to go through another class and more background checks?
Sorry no concealed carry for slingshots in Canadia
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Be careful at those waffle houses. A naked man with a rifle might get you. They should have armed employees and metal detectors.
4 killed at Waffle House in Tennessee
By Holly Yan and Janet DiGiacomo, CNN
Updated Apr 22, 2018
(CNN) - Four people were killed and at least two others were shot at a Tennessee Waffle House on Sunday morning, Metro Nashville Police said.
Police say the gunman was naked except for a green jacket when he opened fire at about 3:25 a.m. (4:25 a.m. ET) in Antioch, part of the Nashville area.
The assailant later shed his jacket, police spokesman Don Aaron said. He said a customer intervened. "The man who wrestled the gun away is a hero," Aaron said. Authorities are asking for the public's help in finding 29-year-old Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois. Police said the gunman arrived in a vehicle registered to Reinking, though the gunman was last seen walking away from the scene nude.
So far, the motive for the shooting appears to be random, police said.
Be careful at those waffle houses. A naked man with a rifle might get you. They should have armed employees and metal detectors.
4 killed at Waffle House in Tennessee
By Holly Yan and Janet DiGiacomo, CNN
Updated Apr 22, 2018
(CNN) - Four people were killed and at least two others were shot at a Tennessee Waffle House on Sunday morning, Metro Nashville Police said.
Police say the gunman was naked except for a green jacket when he opened fire at about 3:25 a.m. (4:25 a.m. ET) in Antioch, part of the Nashville area.
The assailant later shed his jacket, police spokesman Don Aaron said. He said a customer intervened. "The man who wrestled the gun away is a hero," Aaron said. Authorities are asking for the public's help in finding 29-year-old Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois. Police said the gunman arrived in a vehicle registered to Reinking, though the gunman was last seen walking away from the scene nude.
So far, the motive for the shooting appears to be random, police said.
I'm helping a friend move in Murfreesboro this weekend. We were at a storage shed in antioch yesterday. Hope they catch this clown soon.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
He can be an idiot all he wants. That doesn't offend me. And it didn't warrant an offended article to be written.
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
He can be an idiot all he wants. That doesn't offend me. And it didn't warrant an offended article to be written.
It's how you lose the middle.
I see it as being part of the problem, the glorification of guns. It’s like if you don’t have a gun or interject a gun into the conversation or have one to make a point, you’re either weak or not tough enough. It also reinforces for me that his daughter is a little damsel in distress, incapable of either making a choice about who she dates as someone who will respect her or she’s incapable of protecting her own honor, whether through informed decisions regarding sex or being someone who will honor her father by waiting until marriage. Why not just say,”I took the boy outback and told him he’d be dealing with me and my chainsaw if he hurt my daughter.” Why the gun? I thought “Responsible” gun owners didn’t pose, show or otherwise flash the gun unless they were prepared to use it?
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
He can be an idiot all he wants. That doesn't offend me. And it didn't warrant an offended article to be written.
It's how you lose the middle.
I see it as being part of the problem, the glorification of guns. It’s like if you don’t have a gun or interject a gun into the conversation or have one to make a point, you’re either weak or not tough enough. It also reinforces for me that his daughter is a little damsel in distress, incapable of either making a choice about who she dates as someone who will respect her or she’s incapable of protecting her own honor, whether through informed decisions regarding sex or being someone who will honor her father by waiting until marriage. Why not just say,”I took the boy outback and told him he’d be dealing with me and my chainsaw if he hurt my daughter.” Why the gun? I thought “Responsible” gun owners didn’t pose, show or otherwise flash the gun unless they were prepared to use it?
Right, you're seeing precisely what the author wrote. I don't see any of that and I have two daughters. I see a dad making the oldest parent joke in the world. Wouldn't matter if he had a handgun, shotgun or lead pipe. Same joke.
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
He can be an idiot all he wants. That doesn't offend me. And it didn't warrant an offended article to be written.
It's how you lose the middle.
I see it as being part of the problem, the glorification of guns. It’s like if you don’t have a gun or interject a gun into the conversation or have one to make a point, you’re either weak or not tough enough. It also reinforces for me that his daughter is a little damsel in distress, incapable of either making a choice about who she dates as someone who will respect her or she’s incapable of protecting her own honor, whether through informed decisions regarding sex or being someone who will honor her father by waiting until marriage. Why not just say,”I took the boy outback and told him he’d be dealing with me and my chainsaw if he hurt my daughter.” Why the gun? I thought “Responsible” gun owners didn’t pose, show or otherwise flash the gun unless they were prepared to use it?
Right, you're seeing precisely what the author wrote. I don't see any of that and I have two daughters. I see a dad making the oldest parent joke in the world. Wouldn't matter if he had a handgun, shotgun or lead pipe. Same joke.
I respectfully disagree and if that were my son I’d tell him to steer clear of the nut job dad, least he be shot due to a misunderstanding or another “responsible” gun owner being responsible until they’re not.
Meh... going too far to be offended here. In particular the quote about "denying his daughter's agency", and calling her "property". Fathers aren't going to start trusting high school boys or be happy about dating any time soon.
I agree with you, nothing offensive here. People need to chill. "With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
I remember several years ago, a reporter asked Charles Barkley what he thought of boys dating his daughters. He said, "I figure if I kill one, word will get out". Everyone thought that was funny. He didn't kill anyone, and his daughters' didn't have their 'agency' taken, so far as I know.
So why pose with a gun? Does that make the sentiment somehow tougher? Give dad a bigger dick? Nice prom pic, here’s my dad between my date and I while he overcompensates for his small penis. Come to think of it, without the gun, my date would kick my dad’s ass. Sorry I was born to him.”
He can be an idiot all he wants. That doesn't offend me. And it didn't warrant an offended article to be written.
It's how you lose the middle.
I see it as being part of the problem, the glorification of guns. It’s like if you don’t have a gun or interject a gun into the conversation or have one to make a point, you’re either weak or not tough enough. It also reinforces for me that his daughter is a little damsel in distress, incapable of either making a choice about who she dates as someone who will respect her or she’s incapable of protecting her own honor, whether through informed decisions regarding sex or being someone who will honor her father by waiting until marriage. Why not just say,”I took the boy outback and told him he’d be dealing with me and my chainsaw if he hurt my daughter.” Why the gun? I thought “Responsible” gun owners didn’t pose, show or otherwise flash the gun unless they were prepared to use it?
Right, you're seeing precisely what the author wrote. I don't see any of that and I have two daughters. I see a dad making the oldest parent joke in the world. Wouldn't matter if he had a handgun, shotgun or lead pipe. Same joke.
I respectfully disagree and if that were my son I’d tell him to steer clear of the nut job dad, least he be shot due to a misunderstanding or another “responsible” gun owner being responsible until they’re not.
Oh I would too. He's a moron. My point is that the situation isn't worth writing about nor is it unique to our times or culture. The only unique part is social media in that entire equation.
The gun part makes him a dummy . The patriarchy argument is silly to me.
Ah yes... the rubber band. Weapon of choice for Canadians! I like the broader rubber band (6 inch). Accurate for distances up to 15 feet and they offer a pretty decent 'snap' upon impact.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I’ve got an idea...why don’t the Canadians come over with their rubber bands and take away all of the USA citizen’s guns. I’ll grab the popcorn!
Are over 25
Pass a background check along with drug and psychological testing.
Take a mandatory slingshot ownership class.
And wait the mandatory 6 weeks after purchase to get your slingshot.
Forget the bump bump sticks and belt loops... just remove the gun from the equation!
I fixed the problem! I solved it. Yessss. Ahhhh. I feel good.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
At this point... only the sensational gun violence stirs my senses in any way.
I don't know what this means.
Ohio Police: 2-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shot Dead By Mom - HuffPost https://apple.news/A2Lk9VWiNSyK6ZkETzRVasw
”Accidentally?” How about, “Irresponsibly shot?”
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
(CNN) - Four people were killed and at least two others were shot at a Tennessee Waffle House on Sunday morning, Metro Nashville Police said.
The assailant later shed his jacket, police spokesman Don Aaron said. He said a customer intervened. "The man who wrestled the gun away is a hero," Aaron said. Authorities are asking for the public's help in finding 29-year-old Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois. Police said the gunman arrived in a vehicle registered to Reinking, though the gunman was last seen walking away from the scene nude.
So far, the motive for the shooting appears to be random, police said.
we will find a way, we will find our place
Gun-toting dad's threatening 'joke' about his daughter's prom date didn't go over well - Mashable https://apple.news/Az05xI2ESS0CcGaeY1Bms6A
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"With the hashtag #BadBoys, Feely is clearly making a reference to a scene in Bad Boys II where the main characters threaten a 15-year-old boy taking one of their daughter's on a date."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It's how you lose the middle.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The gun part makes him a dummy . The patriarchy argument is silly to me.