wet! We've not had a dry day since before i went to the PJ gigs...
Official rainfall figures have confirmed that south west Scotland has just had its wettest August on record.
Statistics recorded at the Met Office's Eskdalemuir observatory in Dumfries and Galloway also show it was the third wettest month ever.
Assistant manager Billy Jagger said one day alone - 20 August - saw 83mm (3.25in) of rainfall.
He said the total for the month had been 373mm (15in) - about three times the average for August in the region.
"It has been quite bad," said Mr Jagger. "It is the wettest August ever recorded."
He added that it was close to beating the Dumfries and Galloway record for monthly rainfall.
"The wettest month ever recorded is February 1997 with 400mm which is 16 inches," said Mr Jagger.
"And in January 1928 we had 390mm (15.5 in) so it's not that far behind the all-time record."
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
we sould do with some rain here in sydney
we just had a very very dry august. 4mm we registered here at our place
we got 6mm today
also, it was the warmest august on record on sydney, and nearly the warmest winter on record, missed out by .2 of a degree on average
i remember only 1 really cold day, and that was back in june. August is usually cold and windy, and this year it was warm and still a bit windy, but not cold winds
which I wouldn't mind if it weren't for two things.. 1) it's probably going to be maaaaaad busy at work and 2) I have to walk home tonight. :evil:
ah well, I've still got a few hours to cuddle with miss cat before having to go.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
it's cold here. (not cold weather-wise!) the central heating hasn't been turned on yet so it's all long sleeves and woolly socks here. :?
I've noticed that I'm getting scratches all over my arms while I'm asleep. I'm completely blaming the cat! I don't mind so much as she isn't doing it on purpose (I'm pretty sure, haha) as long as she stays away from my face with them claws.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Don't be so quick to blame kitty - I used to scratch myself when I was asleep! Pretty badly too, but only did it a few times and not in years. The worst was when I got a huge scratch on my cheek, it looked like I was in a pretty serious fight!
Don't be so quick to blame kitty - I used to scratch myself when I was asleep! Pretty badly too, but only did it a few times and not in years. The worst was when I got a huge scratch on my cheek, it looked like I was in a pretty serious fight!
I know it's the kitty as she does it when I'm awake too. you know the thing that they do to their mum's when they want attention/food.. I'm not sure what you'd call it in English. sort of pressing down with her paws, kind of like kneading dough.
she drools when she does that too. bless! still a baby.
I've scratched myself in my sleep though too. luckily not my face.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
she drools when she does that too. bless! still a baby.
Jet still drools.. and he's no baby!!!
ah some cats will always drool. I think it's adorable, except for one time when she drooled on my chin.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
clearly avoiding their responsibilities as Dublin Crew members. :evil:
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
They have GOT to play here next year...and by here I mean DUBLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everytime I listen to the 02 boot I get this sick feeling when Ed says they wont be here for a long time (maybe a few months is a long time in eds world :oops: )
By the way little bro got on very well in LA...maybe exciting times ahead :shock: will let you all know when I know more
Oh and I'll never leave the Dublin Crew thread...this is our home no matter where else we see the band :twisted:
good morning all! (well, good afternoon for those on this timezone. )
if there's one place Pearl Jam needs to play/tour, it's Finland! :evil: come on guys! it's been 16 years!
Al, I just noticed that you seem to have joined (the board) almost a month after me and you've got some 300 posts more. :geek:
btw, didn't know the bro had any goings-on in LA but good to hear things are good!
wanted to share this with you guys. (to be honest, I want to share this with everyone cause I luvs it.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQPg3tQ9Os
ah, I love her. she might be the only Swede (besides Aussie-swede) that I'll ever really like.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
i'm still here, too! just in a double post-PJ, post-holiday slough of despond.
anyone hear the Xfm thing last night - and, seeing as i missed it, record it as well...? hopefully them playing 30 mins of the SBE show means there'll be a bootleg coming out...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
JRD, perhaps XFM will do an aul podcast or something? I had a look at the site, and it looks like they don't really do that kinda thing though :?
yeah, i had a rummage around but couldn't see anything anywhere obvious...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
Fever Ray, name sounds familiar.. hadn't heard anything before that song though. not necessarily my cup of tea but kinda noice anyhoo.
I also dug out the Euthanizer trailer - looks pretty cool.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
wet! We've not had a dry day since before i went to the PJ gigs...
Official rainfall figures have confirmed that south west Scotland has just had its wettest August on record.
Statistics recorded at the Met Office's Eskdalemuir observatory in Dumfries and Galloway also show it was the third wettest month ever.
Assistant manager Billy Jagger said one day alone - 20 August - saw 83mm (3.25in) of rainfall.
He said the total for the month had been 373mm (15in) - about three times the average for August in the region.
"It has been quite bad," said Mr Jagger. "It is the wettest August ever recorded."
He added that it was close to beating the Dumfries and Galloway record for monthly rainfall.
"The wettest month ever recorded is February 1997 with 400mm which is 16 inches," said Mr Jagger.
"And in January 1928 we had 390mm (15.5 in) so it's not that far behind the all-time record."
we just had a very very dry august. 4mm we registered here at our place
we got 6mm today
also, it was the warmest august on record on sydney, and nearly the warmest winter on record, missed out by .2 of a degree on average
i remember only 1 really cold day, and that was back in june. August is usually cold and windy, and this year it was warm and still a bit windy, but not cold winds
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
I just joined a gym !!!! :shock:
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
which I wouldn't mind if it weren't for two things.. 1) it's probably going to be maaaaaad busy at work and 2) I have to walk home tonight. :evil:
ah well, I've still got a few hours to cuddle with miss cat before having to go.
have fun! xxxx
I call Hadrians Wall the wall of death.
anyway...................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
fine, no more weather talk. :roll:
it's cold here. (not cold weather-wise!) the central heating hasn't been turned on yet so it's all long sleeves and woolly socks here. :?
I've noticed that I'm getting scratches all over my arms while I'm asleep. I'm completely blaming the cat! I don't mind so much as she isn't doing it on purpose (I'm pretty sure, haha) as long as she stays away from my face with them claws.
I know it's the kitty as she does it when I'm awake too.
she drools when she does that too. bless! still a baby.
I've scratched myself in my sleep though too. luckily not my face.
Don't know what it's called in English, but in my part of France it's 'patonner' (from kneading!)... cute word.
Jet still drools.. and he's no baby!!!
ah some cats will always drool.
clearly avoiding their responsibilities as Dublin Crew members. :evil:
Think it's gonna get quiet around here till there's more shows next year :P :roll:
Everytime I listen to the 02 boot I get this sick feeling when Ed says they wont be here for a long time (maybe a few months is a long time in eds world :oops: )
By the way little bro got on very well in LA...maybe exciting times ahead :shock: will let you all know when I know more
Oh and I'll never leave the Dublin Crew thread...this is our home no matter where else we see the band :twisted:
if there's one place Pearl Jam needs to play/tour, it's Finland! :evil: come on guys! it's been 16 years!
Al, I just noticed that you seem to have joined (the board) almost a month after me and you've got some 300 posts more. :geek:
btw, didn't know the bro had any goings-on in LA but good to hear things are good!
wanted to share this with you guys. (to be honest, I want to share this with everyone cause I luvs it.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQPg3tQ9Os
ah, I love her. she might be the only Swede (besides Aussie-swede) that I'll ever really like.
and it is a plus for me that she is a swede
actually, one of my fave albums from this year is by a swedish artist
Fever Ray
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
anyone hear the Xfm thing last night - and, seeing as i missed it, record it as well...? hopefully them playing 30 mins of the SBE show means there'll be a bootleg coming out...
JRD, perhaps XFM will do an aul podcast or something? I had a look at the site, and it looks like they don't really do that kinda thing though :?
yeah, i had a rummage around but couldn't see anything anywhere obvious...
**puts fingers in her ears** LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA... I didn't hear anything of the sort... LA LA LA LA
oooOOOooo.... lil' bro gonna be famous! Congrats to him... tell us more Alfred! I did check out the trailer too!
how can Swedishness be a plus?
Fever Ray, name sounds familiar.. hadn't heard anything before that song though. not necessarily my cup of tea but kinda noice anyhoo.
I also dug out the Euthanizer trailer - looks pretty cool.
Very cool for lil bro
Looks like lil' bro has a following!