The last time Pearl Jam graced the crown jewel of the desert was over ten years ago. I was at that show with my dad, in the reserved seats, sometime in June 2003 -- one month after I had graduated from High School, with a sign clear as day, saying "Just Graduated -- It Was Hard To Imagine." They call this "foreshadowing."
Ten years since, and about ten shows or so later, so much had already changed that the song became even more fitting. I'm not sure there are words that can capture exactly what this show meant to me, but I'll damn sure try to find them for the few songs I really want to hit on.
Take for example the opener, Long Road. The first time I saw this band was in Phoenix, 2000, and that was the opener. The opening chord, the resonating D, that "bell" (if you know what I mean), was all it took to reel me in. What is that connection we find with music if not a bookmark for our lives. "I realized I was in love with Jane Doe the first time I heard SONG X in 19-blahdy blah at John Reefer's house party. His parents were out of town, and the bedrooms were wide open." BOOM, you're taken to this place. In 2000, I hadn't even heard the song, but in an instant, I was taken to a place where some things made sense.
For Release to follow immediately thereafter, with my pops in tow, was almost too much to handle. If you're as close with your father as I am, what I just wrote may immediately make sense. I had never seen Release live before. My dad is not a HUGE Pearl Jam fan, but he definitely is a fan and he "gets" it. This one hits both of us equally as hard -- huge fan or not. I always imagined the moment I heard this song live, I'd just be thinking about my pops the entire time. To have him there to experience that with me was one of the most profound moments in my life. Immediately after the start of the song, we locked eyes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and did not let go, and sang (if we can call concert-singing, singing) each word right in his ear. The moment was priceless and a gift I will forever cherish.
But this concert, THIS CONCERT, in Phoenix (PHOENIX?!), Arizona was the gift that kept on giving and did not stop. I know people have hit on the ten years since and what not ad nauseum, but I mean, there's got to be something to it, right? Can you imagine a PJ-head without the means to see these guys outside the state and being deprived for ten years? Nov. 19, 2013 was a gift to those, especially.
So they next gave us Low Light. The lyric that stands out most and defines the song for me has to be "'Reeling' is what they say, or is just my way?" If you think about that for more than a minute, apply it to your own life, the implications are enough to drive you insane.
I had purchased four tickets to this show -- two through ten club and two more through Ticketmaster. Who were my guests, you might ask. Well, my dad, my sister, and my mother. In other words, my entire family. In August, my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary and I decided to take them, along with my sister, to the show for their gift. I took my mother to see EV in Phoenix, in November 2012, and if she wasn't in love before, she certainly was after. Of all ironic topics to speak about that night, EV starts talking about his pops, how Jeff's parents were in attendance, and how it was their anniversary, and Stone's parents and how long they had been together...just all this stuff that made sense for that particular night. I'm a lucky Pearl Jam fan, and not because of anything else but I have the unique experience of my family digging these dudes and experiencing a show with them. There were no objections to going to this show -- only sought-after reassurances from me that they were really going to this show. In a sense, my gift to them was a gift for me.
My dad used to own a bar in Phoenix for about 17 years. Things happen, as they do, and that bar is no longer his. But it once was and other than having the greatest wings in the valley, it had a pretty amazing jukebox. Ten was in this jukebox and my pops had a patron who would as sure as the nightfall play Even Flow every time he walked in that bar. And each time he played it, he would proclaim to those sober or close enough to hear him that he was the mayor of Puerto Rico. Pops told me this a long time ago and after we went over the lyrics, it all started to make sense to my old man why this guy would play this song. Needless to say, as soon as this song came on, we looked at each other and, without skipping a beat, said "I'm the mayor of Puerto Rico." *FYI* After the 2003 Phoenix concert, more PJ made its way to the jukebox.
When I took my dad to see PJ in 2003, he was exposed to DTE, as well as drinking Jack Daniels at a rock concert, for the first time, and these two things quickly became a combined favorite of his. When DTE came up this time, I'm not so certain I've seen a man of his age, size, and stature rock as he had rocked during that one. Again--the gift that kept on giving.
I'm not sure if you're still reading this, but I'm just going to hit Hard to Imagine. What can be said about this song that's not already written? That's not already contained in its lyrics? You know, there are some people out there who are of the opinion that those who don't like avocados or bacon can't be trusted (which is totally legitimate)? This song. This song is that for me. I'm not sure there's any other lyric out there that encompasses the definition of change in as many different contexts as "Things were different then, all is different now. I try to explain, somehow." Some events do not have words to attach themselves to, and to say as much about the event suffices and does the event itself, justice. I think, but am not certain, that this is the root of why the song is so in demand and so lightly, but delicately, played. Since I've been pining for this song, let alone the ten years since seeing these guys in Phoenix, the song never held more value than it could have on that night.
Before the show, I had explained to several fans waiting for the GA assignments how this one, this one single song, was the song I had been chasing. It's all I've ever asked of from this band. To have gotten it, and for it to have been as though I was in a living room with friends and family, was once again, priceless and made for the perfect bookmark (and end of my review).
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did reliving it. Excuse the stream of consciousness style -- could not help myself.
To the above poster...My first show was also Phoenix 2000 and I have the same feeling about the opening chord of Long Road. Your experience was very similar to mine, although I was able to travel once in 2006 to hit 2 shows but had been the 10 years since a hometown show. I took my wife to her first show this time after taking her to Ed in 2012 also. It was a treat to see how she reacted to the night and I drew comparisons to my first show and how I kept reacting after each song. I digress, but back on topic, I also wanted Hard to Imagine more than anything. This show was perfect, top to bottom. Only thing that could have been better was a Yellow Ledbetter closer but I was happy how everything turned out. Thanks for your review, well said.
"Not only do you have sunshine but you have better thunder...fuckers." -Ed, Phx 10/21/00
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
I'm not sure if you're still reading this, but I'm just going to hit Hard to Imagine. What can be said about this song that's not already written? That's not already contained in its lyrics? You know, there are some people out there who are of the opinion that those who don't like avocados or bacon can't be trusted (which is totally legitimate)? This song. This song is that for me. I'm not sure there's any other lyric out there that encompasses the definition of change in as many different contexts as "Things were different then, all is different now. I try to explain, somehow." Some events do not have words to attach themselves to, and to say as much about the event suffices and does the event itself, justice. I think, but am not certain, that this is the root of why the song is so in demand and so lightly, but delicately, played. Since I've been pining for this song, let alone the ten years since seeing these guys in Phoenix, the song never held more value than it could have on that night.
Before the show, I had explained to several fans waiting for the GA assignments how this one, this one single song, was the song I had been chasing. It's all I've ever asked of from this band. To have gotten it, and for it to have been as though I was in a living room with friends and family, was once again, priceless and made for the perfect bookmark (and end of my review).
I am so with you. I have been waiting for this song for nearly 20 years and when I heard those first few notes, I lost my mind. The people next to me looked at me like I was some sort of lunatic. (Why anyone who was on the rail at this show WASN'T excited is beyond me). It was almost too much for me to handle, and everything I'd ever dreamed it would be.
God I love this band.
When the stars exploded billions of years ago, they formed everything that is this world. Everything we know is stardust...
I finally completed uploading all my videos from the Phoenix show to YouTube. The only two songs I didn't get that night were 1/2 Full and Spin the Black Circle. The videocam battery nearly made it all the way through. It finally gave out after Alive, so I ended up using my iPhone to record Rockin' in the Free World and Indifference. All the videos have audio from Edgar's amazing audience recording.
Here's a playlist I compiled of all the videos in setlist order. So if you have 2 hrs and 40 minutes, you can just hit Play All, sit back and relive the concert.
Thanks so much for putting all of this together, It's awesome. I was in the pit and I am amazed at how much of the little things I missed while at the show. Of course, that could be due to location, whiskey, whatever...either way, it is great to go back and re-live it! Thanks!
I waited to add my 2 cents until the tour was over. From beginning to end this show easily was the best of west coast tour. The first encore was without a doubt the best encore in years. The energy throughout the shows was unbelievable. Thank you Pearl Jam. I was completely blown away while the first encore was being played. I was always a little jealous of Grand Rapids '06 first encore until I was able to witness this one. Now I feel whoever was at Phoenix has witnessed one for the ages. The acoustic sound of Around the Bend, Hard to Imagine and Footsteps leading into the energy of Jeremy, Alone and Porch was mind blowing. Not to mention them throwing in Go after Betterman to end the first set. I thought the set was going to end after Betterman and all of a sudden they break into Go. The red lights surrounding Matt as the song ends with him pounding on the drums is etched into my memory. Every one dancing to Rockin in the Free World with the house lights on showed the excitement of a show for the ages. Walking out of the stadium after Indifference sent me home to Chicago feeling the trip to Phoenix was well worth it. Thank you Pearl Jam
The last time Pearl Jam graced the crown jewel of the desert was over ten years ago. I was at that show with my dad, in the reserved seats, sometime in June 2003 -- one month after I had graduated from High School, with a sign clear as day, saying "Just Graduated -- It Was Hard To Imagine." They call this "foreshadowing."
Ten years since, and about ten shows or so later...
I absolutely LOVE this post. I felt the same way about Hard to Imagine. Post of the tour if you ask me...
I finally completed uploading all my videos from the Phoenix show to YouTube. The only two songs I didn't get that night were 1/2 Full and Spin the Black Circle. The videocam battery nearly made it all the way through. It finally gave out after Alive, so I ended up using my iPhone to record Rockin' in the Free World and Indifference. All the videos have audio from Edgar's amazing audience recording.
Here's a playlist I compiled of all the videos in setlist order. So if you have 2 hrs and 40 minutes, you can just hit Play All, sit back and relive the concert.
Thanks very much! I love this. At 4:18 of 'Release' you can see my grandson being lifted up by my daughter (which drove me nuts) and then Ed handing him a tambourine during RITFW at 7:10. Glad to be able to relive those memories.
The last time Pearl Jam graced the crown jewel of the desert was over ten years ago. I was at that show with my dad, in the reserved seats, sometime in June 2003 -- one month after I had graduated from High School, with a sign clear as day, saying "Just Graduated -- It Was Hard To Imagine." They call this "foreshadowing."
Ten years since, and about ten shows or so later...
I absolutely LOVE this post. I felt the same way about Hard to Imagine. Post of the tour if you ask me...
I appreciate the feedback! It was important that I write this one down as it was one for the books. I wouldn't change a single thing about that night -- and I don't think I could have made it up in my mind any better than how it actually went down.
I finally completed uploading all my videos from the Phoenix show to YouTube. The only two songs I didn't get that night were 1/2 Full and Spin the Black Circle. The videocam battery nearly made it all the way through. It finally gave out after Alive, so I ended up using my iPhone to record Rockin' in the Free World and Indifference. All the videos have audio from Edgar's amazing audience recording.
Here's a playlist I compiled of all the videos in setlist order. So if you have 2 hrs and 40 minutes, you can just hit Play All, sit back and relive the concert.
Thanks very much! I love this. At 4:18 of 'Release' you can see my grandson being lifted up by my daughter (which drove me nuts) and then Ed handing him a tambourine during RITFW at 7:10. Glad to be able to relive those memories.
Yes, that is his big head
Ed - Santa Barbara Bowl - July 09, 2011
PJ - Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 03, 2011
PJ - Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 04, 2011
Thanks to DesertSkyAZ for the fantastic YouTube Clips of the Phx show. This was my first PJ concert and it was fantastic.
The clips are great and they allow me to relive the show many times over. Which is good thing, because I may have imbibed a bit and without them I would have had to fill in the details with my own imagination.
So anyway, thanks.
Fan since the beginning, but 1st PJ concert ever -- Phoenix, AZ 11-19-13
Love boat captain
Take the reigns,.. steer us towards the clear.
M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
Good fuckin show! My first, I'm sad to admit. What the old school show-goers were great to us newbies...made some cool new friends...stayed elevated all day...hung out all day in line for GA...Got to stand in front of Stone all night at the rail! What a gift! Love that guy...he's a great song-writter and player...He sure doesn't rock out like 93, but he had some pep about him!! I know he saw me nod at him that night and smile! Got to have some of Ed's fine wine! and I found a Jeff pick on the floor. The hotel I stayed at is another issue...fuckin 'ell!
When will the boot come out? They kind of cooled down on releasing them. Hartford was the last release and they haven't released one at their previous pace.
"Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven." - Jean P. Richter
Phoenix 2013, LA 1 2013, Ft. Lauderdale 2016, Miami 2016, Philly 1 2016, MSG 1 2016, MSG 2 2016, Fenway 2 2016.
Nugs, the company producing all of the boots, is on hold for now because they keep messing up their products and upsetting Ten Clubbers... I don't think they were prepared for us.
They screwed up a few of my recent orders and I just received some things that I'd purchased over a month ago...
I heard through the grapevine that they might start releasing new boots in the next week or around Jan 29... We'll see...
6/27/98 - East Troy, WI
6/29/06 - Milwaukee, WI
9/25/11 - Vancouver, BC
11/4/12 - (Eddie Vedder) Phoenix, AZ
11/1/13 - New Orleans, LA
11/19/13 - Phoenix, AZ
11/21/13 - San Diego, CA
10/12/14 - Austin, TX
10/22/14 - Denver, CO
8/22/16 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley 2) 5/9/22 - Glendale, AZ 5/18/24 - Las Vegas, NV
Now that I have had a chance to hear the show a second time via the boot what an amazing night that was. Encore 1 was a magical experience to be there. Hearing Ed say "lets play the other one also' and Footsteps starts right after Hard to Imagine. Absolutely amazing and a show that goes up to the list of best shows I have seen with Nirvana New Years Eve 93 and Waters doing the Wall a couple of years ago.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
Now that I have had a chance to hear the show a second time via the boot what an amazing night that was. Encore 1 was a magical experience to be there. Hearing Ed say "lets play the other one also' and Footsteps starts right after Hard to Imagine. Absolutely amazing and a show that goes up to the list of best shows I have seen with Nirvana New Years Eve 93 and Waters doing the Wall a couple of years ago.
I agree! I listened to it last night. It was amazing. Best experience I've ever had by far!
I will be ordering this as soon as I get home from work. I had no idea they were up to getting this one out already, with the delays and one per week schedule. So pumped to hear this again.
"Not only do you have sunshine but you have better thunder...fuckers." -Ed, Phx 10/21/00
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
Finally got to listen to this again. I had heard the audience recording a couple of times but was so excited to hear the official boot. I was not disappointed. So many standout versions of songs. Release gave me goosebumps, Lightning Bolt and Mind Your Manners sounded so energized, Half Full absolutely shredded, Go was so good, Around the Bend is always a treat, Hard to Imagine was one of my favorite versions I've ever heard (and it was my white whale) and Indifference sounded better than I remember it sounding during the show. So many other highlights. The banter was great and Eddie was in great spirits the whole night. So glad I have this now.
"Not only do you have sunshine but you have better thunder...fuckers." -Ed, Phx 10/21/00
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
Finally got to listen to this again. I had heard the audience recording a couple of times but was so excited to hear the official boot. I was not disappointed. So many standout versions of songs. Release gave me goosebumps, Lightning Bolt and Mind Your Manners sounded so energized, Half Full absolutely shredded, Go was so good, Around the Bend is always a treat, Hard to Imagine was one of my favorite versions I've ever heard (and it was my white whale) and Indifference sounded better than I remember it sounding during the show. So many other highlights. The banter was great and Eddie was in great spirits the whole night. So glad I have this now.
I was thinking the same thing about "Hard to Imagine." Its one of my favorite songs, and definitely the PHX version is in the tops for me. I just saw a fairly negative review on it.....
Finally got to listen to this again. I had heard the audience recording a couple of times but was so excited to hear the official boot. I was not disappointed. So many standout versions of songs. Release gave me goosebumps, Lightning Bolt and Mind Your Manners sounded so energized, Half Full absolutely shredded, Go was so good, Around the Bend is always a treat, Hard to Imagine was one of my favorite versions I've ever heard (and it was my white whale) and Indifference sounded better than I remember it sounding during the show. So many other highlights. The banter was great and Eddie was in great spirits the whole night. So glad I have this now.
I was thinking the same thing about "Hard to Imagine." Its one of my favorite songs, and definitely the PHX version is in the tops for me. I just saw a fairly negative review on it.....
Where did you see the negative review? Curious what that says.
"Not only do you have sunshine but you have better thunder...fuckers." -Ed, Phx 10/21/00
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
Weird review. I'm glad I didn't have his experience. He mentions the song flows in the first set but those songs were broken up by banter at times and it didn't really have an impact on the flow in my opinion. To each their own, I guess.
"Not only do you have sunshine but you have better thunder...fuckers." -Ed, Phx 10/21/00
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
Weird review. I'm glad I didn't have his experience. He mentions the song flows in the first set but those songs were broken up by banter at times and it didn't really have an impact on the flow in my opinion. To each their own, I guess.
I agree with you. I loved the show and the boot. I don't think I can listen to this one at work (like I do with others) because I won't get anything done.
Finally got to listen to this again. I had heard the audience recording a couple of times but was so excited to hear the official boot. I was not disappointed. So many standout versions of songs. Release gave me goosebumps, Lightning Bolt and Mind Your Manners sounded so energized, Half Full absolutely shredded, Go was so good, Around the Bend is always a treat, Hard to Imagine was one of my favorite versions I've ever heard (and it was my white whale) and Indifference sounded better than I remember it sounding during the show. So many other highlights. The banter was great and Eddie was in great spirits the whole night. So glad I have this now.
I agree that RELEASE was on of the best versions I have ever heard, even better than the original TEN recording in my book. I have blasted that song quite a few times since the show. Ed fucking nailed it. I know his voice trailed off a bit but his power into the main lyrics was just amazing. Love that version.
Also agree on the luck of having HARD TO IMAGINE and FOOTSTEPS back to back. Fucking killer. That was worth the price of admission.
1/2 Full was badass also. Great show and feel so fortunate to finally see them and for them to nail it. (like there was any doubt.)
P.S. I was really please that we got to see Bee Girl also. I think that is the first time they played Bee Girl since 2006 (could be wrong).
I think the band wanted to have a special show for PHX due to the fact they have been away for so long. It was amazing.
My family is going nuts and my co-workers are teasing me because I pretty much have been PJ exclusive since the show.
P.S.S. I had to go to Seattle recently on business. I took the STALKING SEATTLE grunge tour. I HIGHLY recommend this tour. It was a lot of fun and the guide is phenomenal.
Fan since the beginning, but 1st PJ concert ever -- Phoenix, AZ 11-19-13
Love boat captain
Take the reigns,.. steer us towards the clear.
M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
Any new realizations... would have to wait... Til he had more time,... more time... Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye, To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
Can't wait until they come back to Phoenix again!!
6/27/98 - East Troy, WI
6/29/06 - Milwaukee, WI
9/25/11 - Vancouver, BC
11/4/12 - (Eddie Vedder) Phoenix, AZ
11/1/13 - New Orleans, LA
11/19/13 - Phoenix, AZ
11/21/13 - San Diego, CA
10/12/14 - Austin, TX
10/22/14 - Denver, CO
8/22/16 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley 2) 5/9/22 - Glendale, AZ 5/18/24 - Las Vegas, NV
Ten years since, and about ten shows or so later, so much had already changed that the song became even more fitting. I'm not sure there are words that can capture exactly what this show meant to me, but I'll damn sure try to find them for the few songs I really want to hit on.
Take for example the opener, Long Road. The first time I saw this band was in Phoenix, 2000, and that was the opener. The opening chord, the resonating D, that "bell" (if you know what I mean), was all it took to reel me in. What is that connection we find with music if not a bookmark for our lives. "I realized I was in love with Jane Doe the first time I heard SONG X in 19-blahdy blah at John Reefer's house party. His parents were out of town, and the bedrooms were wide open." BOOM, you're taken to this place. In 2000, I hadn't even heard the song, but in an instant, I was taken to a place where some things made sense.
For Release to follow immediately thereafter, with my pops in tow, was almost too much to handle. If you're as close with your father as I am, what I just wrote may immediately make sense. I had never seen Release live before. My dad is not a HUGE Pearl Jam fan, but he definitely is a fan and he "gets" it. This one hits both of us equally as hard -- huge fan or not. I always imagined the moment I heard this song live, I'd just be thinking about my pops the entire time. To have him there to experience that with me was one of the most profound moments in my life. Immediately after the start of the song, we locked eyes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and did not let go, and sang (if we can call concert-singing, singing) each word right in his ear. The moment was priceless and a gift I will forever cherish.
But this concert, THIS CONCERT, in Phoenix (PHOENIX?!), Arizona was the gift that kept on giving and did not stop. I know people have hit on the ten years since and what not ad nauseum, but I mean, there's got to be something to it, right? Can you imagine a PJ-head without the means to see these guys outside the state and being deprived for ten years? Nov. 19, 2013 was a gift to those, especially.
So they next gave us Low Light. The lyric that stands out most and defines the song for me has to be "'Reeling' is what they say, or is just my way?" If you think about that for more than a minute, apply it to your own life, the implications are enough to drive you insane.
I had purchased four tickets to this show -- two through ten club and two more through Ticketmaster. Who were my guests, you might ask. Well, my dad, my sister, and my mother. In other words, my entire family. In August, my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary and I decided to take them, along with my sister, to the show for their gift. I took my mother to see EV in Phoenix, in November 2012, and if she wasn't in love before, she certainly was after. Of all ironic topics to speak about that night, EV starts talking about his pops, how Jeff's parents were in attendance, and how it was their anniversary, and Stone's parents and how long they had been together...just all this stuff that made sense for that particular night. I'm a lucky Pearl Jam fan, and not because of anything else but I have the unique experience of my family digging these dudes and experiencing a show with them. There were no objections to going to this show -- only sought-after reassurances from me that they were really going to this show. In a sense, my gift to them was a gift for me.
My dad used to own a bar in Phoenix for about 17 years. Things happen, as they do, and that bar is no longer his. But it once was and other than having the greatest wings in the valley, it had a pretty amazing jukebox. Ten was in this jukebox and my pops had a patron who would as sure as the nightfall play Even Flow every time he walked in that bar. And each time he played it, he would proclaim to those sober or close enough to hear him that he was the mayor of Puerto Rico. Pops told me this a long time ago and after we went over the lyrics, it all started to make sense to my old man why this guy would play this song. Needless to say, as soon as this song came on, we looked at each other and, without skipping a beat, said "I'm the mayor of Puerto Rico." *FYI* After the 2003 Phoenix concert, more PJ made its way to the jukebox.
When I took my dad to see PJ in 2003, he was exposed to DTE, as well as drinking Jack Daniels at a rock concert, for the first time, and these two things quickly became a combined favorite of his. When DTE came up this time, I'm not so certain I've seen a man of his age, size, and stature rock as he had rocked during that one. Again--the gift that kept on giving.
I'm not sure if you're still reading this, but I'm just going to hit Hard to Imagine. What can be said about this song that's not already written? That's not already contained in its lyrics? You know, there are some people out there who are of the opinion that those who don't like avocados or bacon can't be trusted (which is totally legitimate)? This song. This song is that for me. I'm not sure there's any other lyric out there that encompasses the definition of change in as many different contexts as "Things were different then, all is different now. I try to explain, somehow." Some events do not have words to attach themselves to, and to say as much about the event suffices and does the event itself, justice. I think, but am not certain, that this is the root of why the song is so in demand and so lightly, but delicately, played. Since I've been pining for this song, let alone the ten years since seeing these guys in Phoenix, the song never held more value than it could have on that night.
Before the show, I had explained to several fans waiting for the GA assignments how this one, this one single song, was the song I had been chasing. It's all I've ever asked of from this band. To have gotten it, and for it to have been as though I was in a living room with friends and family, was once again, priceless and made for the perfect bookmark (and end of my review).
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did reliving it. Excuse the stream of consciousness style -- could not help myself.
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
I am so with you. I have been waiting for this song for nearly 20 years and when I heard those first few notes, I lost my mind. The people next to me looked at me like I was some sort of lunatic. (Why anyone who was on the rail at this show WASN'T excited is beyond me). It was almost too much for me to handle, and everything I'd ever dreamed it would be.
God I love this band.
Thanks so much for putting all of this together, It's awesome. I was in the pit and I am amazed at how much of the little things I missed while at the show. Of course, that could be due to location, whiskey, whatever...either way, it is great to go back and re-live it! Thanks!
I absolutely LOVE this post. I felt the same way about Hard to Imagine. Post of the tour if you ask me...
Thanks very much! I love this. At 4:18 of 'Release' you can see my grandson being lifted up by my daughter (which drove me nuts) and then Ed handing him a tambourine during RITFW at 7:10. Glad to be able to relive those memories.
PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
I appreciate the feedback! It was important that I write this one down as it was one for the books. I wouldn't change a single thing about that night -- and I don't think I could have made it up in my mind any better than how it actually went down.
Yes, that is his big head
PJ - Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 03, 2011
PJ - Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 04, 2011
The clips are great and they allow me to relive the show many times over. Which is good thing, because I may have imbibed a bit and without them I would have had to fill in the details with my own imagination.
So anyway, thanks.
Love boat captain
Take the reigns,.. steer us towards the clear.
M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
The hotel I stayed at is another issue...fuckin 'ell!
"Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven." - Jean P. Richter
Phoenix 2013, LA 1 2013, Ft. Lauderdale 2016, Miami 2016, Philly 1 2016, MSG 1 2016, MSG 2 2016, Fenway 2 2016.
They screwed up a few of my recent orders and I just received some things that I'd purchased over a month ago...
I heard through the grapevine that they might start releasing new boots in the next week or around Jan 29... We'll see...
6/29/06 - Milwaukee, WI
9/25/11 - Vancouver, BC
11/4/12 - (Eddie Vedder) Phoenix, AZ
11/1/13 - New Orleans, LA
11/19/13 - Phoenix, AZ
11/21/13 - San Diego, CA
10/12/14 - Austin, TX
10/22/14 - Denver, CO
8/22/16 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley 2)
5/9/22 - Glendale, AZ
5/18/24 - Las Vegas, NV
Fuckus rules all
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
PJ * 10/21/00 - Phx * 6/7/03 - Phx * 6/29/06 - Milwaukee * 6/30/06 - Milwaukee * 11/19/13 - Phx *
EV * 11/4/12 - Phx, AZ *
Also agree on the luck of having HARD TO IMAGINE and FOOTSTEPS back to back. Fucking killer. That was worth the price of admission.
1/2 Full was badass also. Great show and feel so fortunate to finally see them and for them to nail it. (like there was any doubt.)
P.S. I was really please that we got to see Bee Girl also. I think that is the first time they played Bee Girl since 2006 (could be wrong).
I think the band wanted to have a special show for PHX due to the fact they have been away for so long. It was amazing.
My family is going nuts and my co-workers are teasing me because I pretty much have been PJ exclusive since the show.
P.S.S. I had to go to Seattle recently on business. I took the STALKING SEATTLE grunge tour. I HIGHLY recommend this tour. It was a lot of fun and the guide is phenomenal.
Love boat captain
Take the reigns,.. steer us towards the clear.
M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
from bootleg view
the first disc is relentless an continues...great set
being there must have been the bomb
Til he had more time,... more time...
Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
6/29/06 - Milwaukee, WI
9/25/11 - Vancouver, BC
11/4/12 - (Eddie Vedder) Phoenix, AZ
11/1/13 - New Orleans, LA
11/19/13 - Phoenix, AZ
11/21/13 - San Diego, CA
10/12/14 - Austin, TX
10/22/14 - Denver, CO
8/22/16 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley 2)
5/9/22 - Glendale, AZ
5/18/24 - Las Vegas, NV
Thanks to everyone who helped make the Phoenix Pearl Jam show and Wishlist Foundation pre-party such a great experience.
Here's to hoping Arizona Pearl Jam Fans don't have to wait another ten years for another one!
Click to visit the Arizona PJ Fans Page
PHX 98|ABQ, PHX, Seattle 00|PHX 03|Arras 10|PJ20 1&2 11|Missoula 12|PHX, SD, LA 1&2 13|Denver 14|Telluride 16
Vegas 1&2, PHX 12|Ohana 16
LA 16