also i am sick & tired of seeing & reading & hearing about how in today's day & age one does job searches online. horseshit. face to face is the only way i will ever, ever conduct my job searching tasks, thank you very much. old fucking school through & through. who the frig fills out bullshit forms online when applying to truck shit up to alaska or be a fucking captain on a cargo ship? frickin stupid. i love the internet but when it comes to jobs face to face. travel your happy ass from denver to god damn miami if you want the job selling whatever they sell in miami.
i see a sign on the supermarket i shop reading, apply online... fuck you!
walk in the door & ask someone to speak with the manager. when face to face w/ the store manager you ask for a job application because you are intrested in working at this store. blah blah blah & basically you just need a fucking job
I agree about face to face - nothing like it - but the initial foot-in-the-door sometimes does come from online searches and communication. Employment agencies, for example, or people you've previously worked with.
Also depends on the industry in which you're working.
Yup. Still have yet to read the rest of this thread, but I know the time I spent with my father at the hospice three days before he died had NOTHING to do with work, but of the life he lived and the kind of man and father he was. A fucking good one at that.
Pandora, I don't get your comment about those fathers who've passed were not hardworking nor good examples. If you've clarified or corrected this subsequent to your post up there, then my apologies.
My father is remembered by the world for the work he did. I remember him for his heart.
Unfortunately there are fathers who fail not only those who love them but life itself.
Ah, to be remembered for working all the time rather than being a good human being, or a good friend, or a good father to his family, or for doing good in one's community. The last thing I would want anyone to be remembered for was being a "hard worker". There's so much more to life than work, but many people are fooled...
Why must it be one or the other? good lord the negativity abounds.
So you are saying one can not be a hard worker, remembered for their accomplishments and also be a good human being, friend, good father and much more...
you must see that is incorrect.
My father was an inventor remembered for his accomplishments and all of the above!
Yup. Still have yet to read the rest of this thread, but I know the time I spent with my father at the hospice three days before he died had NOTHING to do with work, but of the life he lived and the kind of man and father he was. A fucking good one at that.
Pandora, I don't get your comment about those fathers who've passed were not hardworking nor good examples. If you've clarified or corrected this subsequent to your post up there, then my apologies.
My father is remembered by the world for the work he did. I remember him for his heart.
Unfortunately there are fathers who fail not only those who love them but life itself.
That's wonderful about your father. I was talking about your earlier comment, though, which doesn't make sense to me:
Many of our kids friend's fathers have passed. Those who have
were not hard working nor good examples for their young men
(you don't need to further explain, by the way; just wanted to clarify on my end)
yes the disappointment of failing loved ones and life itself speaks for itself
Ah, to be remembered for working all the time rather than being a good human being, or a good friend, or a good father to his family, or for doing good in one's community. The last thing I would want anyone to be remembered for was being a "hard worker". There's so much more to life than work, but many people are fooled...
this is true in many ways. we are fooled a lot in this country.
i know a steel worker who erects buildings in mystery city. like the trucking industry he is pushed (when working, he is laid off a lot) to work unreal hours. is that safe? 150 feet off the ground and he's been walking around on I-beams the last 12 hours doing his thing. they be having a deadline & shit.
i gotta tell ya how he got hired. zero experience for starters. walked up to a steel worker dude & said do you folks need help im looking for work? the man says, "do you drink beer & smoke marijuana? my dude says, "fuckin-A i do" the steel worker says, "see that guy in the blue shirt go talk to him"
"hey man im looking for work up here" steel worker boss dude says, "you be here tomorrow & on every friday you buy the beer & we'll get high up here"
since then he's been erecting building high as fuck
I am not against companies paying a minimum wage. I am against the government telling the companies what that number should be.
With no minimum standard... this sets up for abuse. If the government has any role in the dealings of a country... this is an area.
Economist Walter Williams said "It is important to note that most people acquire work skills by working at “subnormal wages” which amounts to the same thing as paying to learn. For example, inexperienced doctors (interns), during their training, work at wages which are a tiny fraction of that of trained doctors. College students forego considerable amounts of money in the form of tuition and foregone income so that they may develop marketable skills. It is ironic, if not tragic, that low skilled youths from poor families are denied an opportunity to get a start in life. This is exactly what happens when a high minimum wage forbids low skilled workers to pay for job training in the form of a lower beginning wage."
People must have the right to offer their services in the marketplace for whatever price they choose, whether they are workers serving employers or businesses serving consumers. It is by this process that productivity, wage rates, and prosperity are maximized. Government has no more business objecting to a low wage rate for a menial job than it has objecting to a business that offers its services or products for a low price. Government intervention in these matters distorts economic decision-making
I work 32.5hrs a week, have 33 days/year paid holidays/bank holidays, a further 10 days/year unpaid... And I enjoy all my time off - don't feel the need to go into work on days off. I must be a little weakling!
Oh.. forgot... I earn a decent salary, have decent benefits, a nice pension pot, etc....
Suppose you run a small business and have to pay a minimum wage. Three people apply for a job opening a Black, a Hispanic, and a White. Now, you must pay all of them the same wage, at the point of a government gun stuck in your ribs. Which one of them will you hire?
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
Notice, Black has no effective way to fight for the job. He cannot, under the various Federal and State laws, including the minimum wage law, that relate to workers, say:
"Look sir, I am Black and I know you might rather hire a White or Hispanic, but I am a good worker and want a chance to prove myself, therefore, in order to get you to give me this job, I will work for a dollar less per hour, and put in unpaid overtime to help the business, and myself, because I know that once you get used to my good work, you will value me more, and that in order to keep me you will pay me more in due time, until I will make what the others make in order to keep a good worker like me. This will get me started, and I will get good experience here and be able to move on up, even if you don’t want to pay more to keep me, someone else will.”
This transaction, where the minority workers can realistically compete to get a piece of the pie, is totally illegal by federal and most state law, enforced at gunpoint.
These minimum wage, and other workplace laws are, in effect, discriminatory against all sorts of minority workers including women, hispanics, catholics, jews, persons with disabilities, and just about anyone other than the cream of the crop, most prefered, workers.
These laws totally benefit the fair haired boys, and girls, at the expense of everyone else. It hurts the Black worker in partiticular and protects his already favored White worker competitors.
By FounderChurch
I work 32.5hrs a week, have 33 days/year paid holidays/bank holidays, a further 10 days/year unpaid... And I enjoy all my time off - don't feel the need to go into work on days off. I must be a little weakling!
Oh.. forgot... I earn a decent salary, have decent benefits, a nice pension pot, etc....
Vive le france!
jk I have no idea where you live.
I'd have a few more holidays in France!
Working the 32.5 hours is my choice but it is only 1/2hour a day short of full time. From some posts here, I guess I'm just not 'up to it' and hard working enough!
Economist Walter Williams said "It is important to note that most people acquire work skills by working at “subnormal wages” which amounts to the same thing as paying to learn. For example, inexperienced doctors (interns), during their training, work at wages which are a tiny fraction of that of trained doctors. College students forego considerable amounts of money in the form of tuition and foregone income so that they may develop marketable skills. It is ironic, if not tragic, that low skilled youths from poor families are denied an opportunity to get a start in life. This is exactly what happens when a high minimum wage forbids low skilled workers to pay for job training in the form of a lower beginning wage."
People must have the right to offer their services in the marketplace for whatever price they choose, whether they are workers serving employers or businesses serving consumers. It is by this process that productivity, wage rates, and prosperity are maximized. Government has no more business objecting to a low wage rate for a menial job than it has objecting to a business that offers its services or products for a low price. Government intervention in these matters distorts economic decision-making
This is merely speculative fluff and misleading to say the least. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for the intern: the internship is merely in a holding pattern and jumping through one hoop before becoming licensed and making the big bucks.
"It is ironic, if not tragic, that low skilled youths from poor families are denied an opportunity to get a start in life." What a crock of shit. The irony here is the fact that Williams utters this statement while defending the right to pay workers like shit so they can advance in life. Apparently Williams doesn't understand the costs associated with attending a university and procuring a degree that might be a stepping stone to a job that pays significantly? How is a kid from an impoverished family supposed to generate these funds working for shit wages and when his family can offer nothing- paying bills and living day-to-day while earning shit wages as well?
Lastly... the world is rampant with examples of exploited workers. While some companies will operate with a minimum level of ethics, most would just as soon shit all over their baseline workers- especially when not motivated to compete with other organizations who also take advantage of lax occupational laws.
Suppose you run a small business and have to pay a minimum wage. Three people apply for a job opening a Black, a Hispanic, and a White. Now, you must pay all of them the same wage, at the point of a government gun stuck in your ribs. Which one of them will you hire?
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
Notice, Black has no effective way to fight for the job. He cannot, under the various Federal and State laws, including the minimum wage law, that relate to workers, say:
"Look sir, I am Black and I know you might rather hire a White or Hispanic, but I am a good worker and want a chance to prove myself, therefore, in order to get you to give me this job, I will work for a dollar less per hour, and put in unpaid overtime to help the business, and myself, because I know that once you get used to my good work, you will value me more, and that in order to keep me you will pay me more in due time, until I will make what the others make in order to keep a good worker like me. This will get me started, and I will get good experience here and be able to move on up, even if you don’t want to pay more to keep me, someone else will.”
This transaction, where the minority workers can realistically compete to get a piece of the pie, is totally illegal by federal and most state law, enforced at gunpoint.
These minimum wage, and other workplace laws are, in effect, discriminatory against all sorts of minority workers including women, hispanics, catholics, jews, persons with disabilities, and just about anyone other than the cream of the crop, most prefered, workers.
These laws totally benefit the fair haired boys, and girls, at the expense of everyone else. It hurts the Black worker in partiticular and protects his already favored White worker competitors.
By FounderChurch
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
Offensive. And why there are discrimination laws in effect. Do you wish to do away with these laws as well so that the undesirable workers can work for shit and prove themselves the equal of a white, fair-haired worker?
The arguments you have presented for a lower minimum wage are digressing. History itself has shown the propensity for companies to exploit the worker. Industrial Revolution serves as an extreme example. Sweat shops serve as a more modern example.
Leaving the wages to be set by the employer would have disastrous results. Obviously.
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
I find your whole post perplexing but the above even more so. The most desirable candidate is White and desirability decreases as skin colour increases????
Black has no effective way to fight for the job. He cannot, under the various Federal and State laws, including the minimum wage law, that relate to workers, say:
"Look sir, I am Black and I know you might rather hire a White or Hispanic, but I am a good worker and want a chance to prove myself, therefore, in order to get you to give me this job, I will work for a dollar less per hour, and put in unpaid overtime to help the business........
So the darker the skin, the cheaper you have to sell yourself?
I'm flabbergasted. Don't know what kind of point you are trying to make (apart sell yourself cheaply to get a job) but bringing race into it? If not you making these assumptions (because you saw this on some other site), but perpetrating this?
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
I find your whole post perplexing but the above even more so. The most desirable candidate is White and desirability decreases as skin colour increases????
Black has no effective way to fight for the job. He cannot, under the various Federal and State laws, including the minimum wage law, that relate to workers, say:
"Look sir, I am Black and I know you might rather hire a White or Hispanic, but I am a good worker and want a chance to prove myself, therefore, in order to get you to give me this job, I will work for a dollar less per hour, and put in unpaid overtime to help the business........
So the darker the skin, the cheaper you have to sell yourself?
I'm flabbergasted. Don't know what kind of point you are trying to make (apart sell yourself cheaply to get a job) but bringing race into it? If not you making these assumptions (because you saw this on some other site), but perpetrating this?
I guess I must be missing something :?
That post is merely one example of why minimum wage laws dont work. The author or that post used race, but you can substitute the white guy, the Hispanic and the black guy with a 48 yr old male, a 24 yr old woman, and a 30 male. The concept still applies.
That post is merely one example of why minimum wage laws dont work. The author or that post used race, but you can substitute the white guy, the Hispanic and the black guy with a 48 yr old male, a 24 yr old woman, and a 30 male. The concept still applies.
I don't see how, in that (and obviously depending on the type of job) there'd be a disparity of experience between someone who's 24 vs one who's 48. That wouldn't be an "all things being equal" scenario.
I'd think the majority of people want the best-qualified person working for/with them. Anyone who'd hire someone based more heavily on race, gender, age, etc. than ability is doing themselves and their company a disservice.
That post is merely one example of why minimum wage laws dont work. The author or that post used race, but you can substitute the white guy, the Hispanic and the black guy with a 48 yr old male, a 24 yr old woman, and a 30 male. The concept still applies.
No. The post never explained why minimum wage laws don't work. If anything... it argued for minimum wage laws because it points out the fact that immoral attitudes exist within some companies and given the chance to act without ethics... they will.
Your 'concept' is non- existent. One hires the most desirable candidate. The one best suited for the job - the best match to the requirements. Disregarding selling yourself cheap, no two candidates will be 100% equal. There will always be something to make one more 'desirable' than the other, whether skill, personality, etc.
That post is merely one example of why minimum wage laws dont work. The author or that post used race, but you can substitute the white guy, the Hispanic and the black guy with a 48 yr old male, a 24 yr old woman, and a 30 male. The concept still applies.
No. The post never explained why minimum wage laws don't work. If anything... it argued for minimum wage laws because it points out the fact that immoral attitudes exist within some companies and given the chance to act without ethics... they will.
My mistake, poor phrasing. Its an argument against the minimum wage laws.
if marijuana were legal straight across the board we would not be having this debate as our government & all of us included would not be in large debt. fields of hemp should be growing for fabrics & things. marijuana farmers & marijuana shops booming would create jobs, invent unique thoughts & inspire new traditions & bring us out of this gloomy ass state of affairs
many are scared to even give marijuana a god damn chance. being scared of a mild & calming flowering plant is pretty crazy. many be believing the marijuana plant = cocaine plants in brazil
if marijuana were legal straight across the board we would not be having this debate as our government & all of us included would not be in large debt. fields of hemp should be growing for fabrics & things. marijuana farmers & marijuana shops booming would create jobs, invent unique thoughts & inspire new traditions & bring us out of this gloomy ass state of affairs
many are scared to even give marijuana a god damn chance. being scared of a mild & calming flowering plant is pretty crazy. many be believing the marijuana plant = cocaine plants in brazil
Not to derail the thread but the WA state govt is insane with the taxation plan that will come forward. No one will be paying the high prices to buy it from a store.
The whole hemp thing is ridiculous though. We should have been using this forever.
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
Complaints about "losing jobs" to workers overseas always bug me. It seems so self-centered. I mean I would way rather be unemployed in the US or Canada, than be unemployed in Indonesia or China or Mexico. People in those countries need jobs too.
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
and because people like mr. mitt romney buying up failing companies here & taking business to china or wherever where people work slave labor & they love it or they are basically forced to or are practicually starving so they will work long hours for small wages as mitt romney & his screw ball asshole buddies share in a tidal wave of green backs & gold coin
for arguments sake, I live in Minnesota, I have slightly more connection in life to someone who lives in Florida than I do to someone who lives in Indonesia.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
Complaints about "losing jobs" to workers overseas always bug me. It seems so self-centered. I mean I would way rather be unemployed in the US or Canada, than be unemployed in Indonesia or China or Mexico. People in those countries need jobs too.
I would rather not be unemployed at all because my company gave my job to someone in China.
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
Complaints about "losing jobs" to workers overseas always bug me. It seems so self-centered. I mean I would way rather be unemployed in the US or Canada, than be unemployed in Indonesia or China or Mexico. People in those countries need jobs too.
I would rather not be unemployed at all because my company gave my job to someone in China.
i wouldn't buy weed legally if it were $200 a 1/4 bag. no. they could be selling 1/4 for $50 all day & all night long 365 days a year & make soooo much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ their heads would be spinning
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
No, because republicans kept in place tax cuts for companies exporting jobs. Really, your ideas with minimum wage laws are just outrageous.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
So you are saying one can not be a hard worker, remembered for their accomplishments and also be a good human being, friend, good father and much more...
you must see that is incorrect.
My father was an inventor remembered for his accomplishments and all of the above!
i know a steel worker who erects buildings in mystery city. like the trucking industry he is pushed (when working, he is laid off a lot) to work unreal hours. is that safe? 150 feet off the ground and he's been walking around on I-beams the last 12 hours doing his thing. they be having a deadline & shit.
i gotta tell ya how he got hired. zero experience for starters. walked up to a steel worker dude & said do you folks need help im looking for work? the man says, "do you drink beer & smoke marijuana? my dude says, "fuckin-A i do" the steel worker says, "see that guy in the blue shirt go talk to him"
"hey man im looking for work up here" steel worker boss dude says, "you be here tomorrow & on every friday you buy the beer & we'll get high up here"
since then he's been erecting building high as fuck
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
With no minimum standard... this sets up for abuse. If the government has any role in the dealings of a country... this is an area.
Economist Walter Williams said "It is important to note that most people acquire work skills by working at “subnormal wages” which amounts to the same thing as paying to learn. For example, inexperienced doctors (interns), during their training, work at wages which are a tiny fraction of that of trained doctors. College students forego considerable amounts of money in the form of tuition and foregone income so that they may develop marketable skills. It is ironic, if not tragic, that low skilled youths from poor families are denied an opportunity to get a start in life. This is exactly what happens when a high minimum wage forbids low skilled workers to pay for job training in the form of a lower beginning wage."
People must have the right to offer their services in the marketplace for whatever price they choose, whether they are workers serving employers or businesses serving consumers. It is by this process that productivity, wage rates, and prosperity are maximized. Government has no more business objecting to a low wage rate for a menial job than it has objecting to a business that offers its services or products for a low price. Government intervention in these matters distorts economic decision-making
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
Notice, Black has no effective way to fight for the job. He cannot, under the various Federal and State laws, including the minimum wage law, that relate to workers, say:
"Look sir, I am Black and I know you might rather hire a White or Hispanic, but I am a good worker and want a chance to prove myself, therefore, in order to get you to give me this job, I will work for a dollar less per hour, and put in unpaid overtime to help the business, and myself, because I know that once you get used to my good work, you will value me more, and that in order to keep me you will pay me more in due time, until I will make what the others make in order to keep a good worker like me. This will get me started, and I will get good experience here and be able to move on up, even if you don’t want to pay more to keep me, someone else will.”
This transaction, where the minority workers can realistically compete to get a piece of the pie, is totally illegal by federal and most state law, enforced at gunpoint.
These minimum wage, and other workplace laws are, in effect, discriminatory against all sorts of minority workers including women, hispanics, catholics, jews, persons with disabilities, and just about anyone other than the cream of the crop, most prefered, workers.
These laws totally benefit the fair haired boys, and girls, at the expense of everyone else. It hurts the Black worker in partiticular and protects his already favored White worker competitors.
By FounderChurch
I'd have a few more holidays in France!
Working the 32.5 hours is my choice but it is only 1/2hour a day short of full time. From some posts here, I guess I'm just not 'up to it' and hard working enough!
But... I have a life.
This is merely speculative fluff and misleading to say the least. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for the intern: the internship is merely in a holding pattern and jumping through one hoop before becoming licensed and making the big bucks.
"It is ironic, if not tragic, that low skilled youths from poor families are denied an opportunity to get a start in life." What a crock of shit. The irony here is the fact that Williams utters this statement while defending the right to pay workers like shit so they can advance in life. Apparently Williams doesn't understand the costs associated with attending a university and procuring a degree that might be a stepping stone to a job that pays significantly? How is a kid from an impoverished family supposed to generate these funds working for shit wages and when his family can offer nothing- paying bills and living day-to-day while earning shit wages as well?
Lastly... the world is rampant with examples of exploited workers. While some companies will operate with a minimum level of ethics, most would just as soon shit all over their baseline workers- especially when not motivated to compete with other organizations who also take advantage of lax occupational laws.
Anyone would hire the most desirable one. The one where you get the most for the money you are spending. Typically, all things being equal, you will choose to hire first the White, then the Hispanic, lastly the Black.
Offensive. And why there are discrimination laws in effect. Do you wish to do away with these laws as well so that the undesirable workers can work for shit and prove themselves the equal of a white, fair-haired worker?
The arguments you have presented for a lower minimum wage are digressing. History itself has shown the propensity for companies to exploit the worker. Industrial Revolution serves as an extreme example. Sweat shops serve as a more modern example.
Leaving the wages to be set by the employer would have disastrous results. Obviously.
I find your whole post perplexing but the above even more so. The most desirable candidate is White and desirability decreases as skin colour increases????
Then this...
So the darker the skin, the cheaper you have to sell yourself?
I'm flabbergasted. Don't know what kind of point you are trying to make (apart sell yourself cheaply to get a job) but bringing race into it? If not you making these assumptions (because you saw this on some other site), but perpetrating this?
I guess I must be missing something :?
That post is merely one example of why minimum wage laws dont work. The author or that post used race, but you can substitute the white guy, the Hispanic and the black guy with a 48 yr old male, a 24 yr old woman, and a 30 male. The concept still applies.
I'd think the majority of people want the best-qualified person working for/with them. Anyone who'd hire someone based more heavily on race, gender, age, etc. than ability is doing themselves and their company a disservice.
No. The post never explained why minimum wage laws don't work. If anything... it argued for minimum wage laws because it points out the fact that immoral attitudes exist within some companies and given the chance to act without ethics... they will.
My mistake, poor phrasing. Its an argument against the minimum wage laws.
many are scared to even give marijuana a god damn chance. being scared of a mild & calming flowering plant is pretty crazy. many be believing the marijuana plant = cocaine plants in brazil
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Not to derail the thread but the WA state govt is insane with the taxation plan that will come forward. No one will be paying the high prices to buy it from a store.
The whole hemp thing is ridiculous though. We should have been using this forever.
but nooooo let's give our jobs to overseas countries as well as we'll need our marijuana from mexico & canada & elsewhere screwing over our talented farmers in our own flippin back yard
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
And why are we losing jobs to overseas markets? In part, because of the minimum wage laws in this country.
Complaints about "losing jobs" to workers overseas always bug me. It seems so self-centered. I mean I would way rather be unemployed in the US or Canada, than be unemployed in Indonesia or China or Mexico. People in those countries need jobs too.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
for arguments sake, I live in Minnesota, I have slightly more connection in life to someone who lives in Florida than I do to someone who lives in Indonesia.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I would rather not be unemployed at all because my company gave my job to someone in China.
What makes it "your job" and not just a job?
No, because republicans kept in place tax cuts for companies exporting jobs. Really, your ideas with minimum wage laws are just outrageous.