Australia and NZ tour rumours going around Part 2 (No Bullshit)



  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    How come went I went to this link it had INXS and then pearl jam, but when I went in thru the official website thingy (after checking out the brissy mmm site, where Pearl Jam were absent) there was no Pearl Jam to be found? Instead they had Nickelback?? Is some some cruel joke, cos I ain't laughin'!
    I'd say that MMM got word of the shows (maybe they're presenting it again), so put it on their site straight away only to be told (maybe by the promoter) that the news was not to be made official yet so they took it off. Just a guess.
    ||| ||| Pearl Jam Fans Unite Down Under
  • the good thing is that they did have it on there...if only for a couple of minutes.....gotta hve come from somewhere for them to post it :D:D
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • "It feels like this is the end of the world and we all got a good seat"

    God Damn what a line. What a freakin great clip! I love it I Love it I Love it!!!

    Wanna taste the guac before the cookin time is up tho......damn snippets getting me hungry.
    That was so cool.......OMG...I WANT IT NOW!!!!! :eek:
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • Hey Mel. Hows things in Warwick today. It was fuckin hot on the Gold Coast...i saw people walking round with sunburn marks!! damn it was hot!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    hmm, well that's okay then, cos if Pearl Jam had morphed into Nickelback there would've been problems....
    it'd be a world wide suicide!!!
    Bitch Be Cool 8)
    BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
    Christchurch 2009
    Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands

    come say hi on facebook
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    We had schizophrenic weather that couldn't decide between hot and muggy or cool and windy, so we had a bit of both. So much for the thunderstorms we were meant to be getting!!!! No need for sunscreen anyway! I miss living on the gc that's for darn sure!!!! Lucky thing you!

    yeah, its a nice place to live....but it has so many crappy points too....i guess the sunshine keeps people relatively happy tho :) hooray for Sunshine!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    "It feels like this is the end of the world and we all got a good seat"

    God Damn what a line. What a freakin great clip! I love it I Love it I Love it!!!

    Wanna taste the guac before the cookin time is up tho......damn snippets getting me hungry.
    That was so cool.......OMG...I WANT IT NOW!!!!! :eek:


    i concur :D
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    I'm replying to my own posts here, but anyhoo!! Sanity (who you guys might recall I have a bit of a beef with) have the album as being released on May 1 2006, and their site shows the blue cover with the avocado and has it for a couple of $$ cheaper. Seeing as there's only Sanity in Warwick I'll have to get it from there anyway, but it sux that it'll be a couple of days after it comes out at other places. I'll just have to live vicariously thru you guys!!!!

    I cant stand sanity either but there is one close to me. Unfortunately the other day when the grates cd was released i had to buy it from there because i was too keen to listen to it. Hard to forgive myself
    Wave came crashing...
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    That's okay, don't be hard on yourself. Sometimes we gotta do things we don't like doing. It's hard, but hey there's just no other way around it. Sadly, I too will be handing money over to Sanity once the album is released cos there's nowher else. I could go to Toowoomba, but I would again have to hand money over to Sanity. They're a bit like Starbucks, freaking everywhere!!! Mind you, Warwick doesn't have a Starbucks and I love their coffee frappucino's.

    I have never seen a starbucks in west australia!
    Wave came crashing...
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471

  • wheres the avocado?
    Wave came crashing...
  • wheres the avocado?
    pants don't like to make it easy do a search

    marker in the sand rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bitch Be Cool 8)
    BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
    Christchurch 2009
    Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands

    come say hi on facebook
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    pants don't like to make it easy do a search

    how do you not see an avocado :eek:
  • thats sux Mel :( looks like you might have to make a trip to the gold coast for the weekend :)

    and btw...i live in the Mudgeeraba Caravan Park....i love it!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    ha, ha????? Maybe things have improved since 2002/2004. My bf loves the casino (altho it doesn't reciprocate the feeling) so there's soemthing for him too. GC weekends rock, but he does shift work and almost always gets stcuk with the weekend. Our next big adventure is Townsville for a wedding. What is there to do in Townsville in July? (i'm asking cos i don't have a clue, not cos i'm being a brat!!)

    :D:D:D:D:D HAHAHAHA yes.....i dont live there but i thought it would be funny as hell if you believed me!! Sorry, sick sense of humour here :p

    Townsville...Ziggy and Murder live there. Ask them, they are your best bet :)
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    you biatch!!!!!!! those mudgeeraba caravan park people are scary arse, had to tread softly in case you came out here and chopped me up into little pieces!!!! funny shit, i like your sense of humour!!!!!!

    LMFAO :D:D glad you got a larf out of it girl :p i got a larf too :)

    hwo many shows you planning to do Mel?
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    Well actually, it's funny you should ask that. I was planning on just doing my usual 1 Brisvegas show, however my sister and I joined 10c this year and seeing as she'll be coming all the way from Longreach we have hit on the idea of her buying her tix for the first concert, and mine for the 2nd so we can go to 2 Brisvegas shows. I know the alleged tour dates only have 1 for Brissy, but that's always the way, they always add another show after the first one sells out in 2 seconds!!! I'm not planning on going interstate and doing the whole Oz thing the way a lot of you lucky buggers are, my mortgage doesn't really allow for such extravagances, and unfortunately I recently blew a wad of cash on my cruise, so it's my partner's turn to spend up big time.
    How about you, will I live vicariously thru you for the rest of Oz shows??!!!

    P.S: I have recovered from the mild attack your joke brought on!!!!! That was some funny arse shit, that'll learn me!!!

    HAHAHA, glad to hear your'e ok :D:D

    I WANT to go to Melb Syd and Bris of course, all shows...butttt.....Andy and I just bought our first house so i dont know what it will be now. We are pretty good with money tho so i might put a llittle away each week and see how i go. if things arent looking good money wise when they get here im afraid it will be 2 Bris shows only :( actually, were getting married in Feb so it looks like it may only be Bris! might ask mum and dad for a super dooper birthday pressie this year :p:p tell em to sell a few cows to fund my Pearl Jam "No Bullshit" Aus tour :D:D they'd probably do it for me too! damn fools!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • hey there are u?
    let me ask you a hypothetical...say if eddie vedder left pearl jam and noel gallagher became the new lead singer...would u still like PJ?
    Wave came crashing...
  • HAHAHA, glad to hear your'e ok :D:D

    I WANT to go to Melb Syd and Bris of course, all shows...butttt.....Andy and I just bought our first house so i dont know what it will be now. We are pretty good with money tho so i might put a llittle away each week and see how i go. if things arent looking good money wise when they get here im afraid it will be 2 Bris shows only :( actually, were getting married in Feb so it looks like it may only be Bris! might ask mum and dad for a super dooper birthday pressie this year :p:p tell em to sell a few cows to fund my Pearl Jam "No Bullshit" Aus tour :D:D they'd probably do it for me too! damn fools!

    you've gotta make the road trip to perth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    who will i talk to? Stella isnt gonna cross the nullabor :(
    Wave came crashing...
  • hey there are u?
    let me ask you a hypothetical...say if eddie vedder left pearl jam and noel gallagher became the new lead singer...would u still like PJ?


    personally, to me, IN MY OPINION :) a band is never quite the same after a key member is replaced.....but after saying that, there are so many bands i like that have had replacements.

    ok....honest me....Pearl Jam would not be Pearl Jam without Ed, they would not be Pearl Jam without Mike, not be Pearl Jam without Stone, without Jeff or without Matt....I have been listening to them for so long now and I have seen the rise and fall of many drummers....i can still say with pride that Dave A was my Fav and i was heart broken when he left......but i really do love Matt...and he does fit into the band so well, i mean it has been what...7 years now. So in saying that, and having a think at the same time about the original question.....i would have to say that i could not see Pearl Jam as Pearl Jam without Ed. there you go..i hope i have answered your q and confused you at the same time :p
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • you've gotta make the road trip to perth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    who will i talk to? Stella isnt gonna cross the nullabor :(

    LMAO!! help me fund it man and we are so on the road together!!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    just a screencap from the promo vid

    can ANYONE guess why i find it so amusing :D cmon there's a tv reference in there :D

    makes me want my guac NOW :eek:
  • PJ_Mad_Mel wrote:
    Well we'll just have to enjoy those 2 shows and party enough to make it feel like we went road tripping!!!!!! Don'tcha just love parents? Although I'm not sure my dad would sell a couple of extra hay bales to fund the Pearl Jam extravaganza, but you never know. He did recently get a pretty big knock to the head!!!!!!
    Whereabouts are your mum and dad? I went to school in rocky, it seemed like everyone's parents had cows!!! You and Andy must be brilliant with the moolah if you've got yourselves a house on the GC, kudos to you guys!!
    Hey, my next post should be that special upside down number!!!!

    HAHAHA, you norty thing!!

    that could be my wedding present from them!!!
    My folks are in Victoria. I grew up in the bush, milking cows, what a life..Loved it. Moved to the Gold Coast when i was 21...massive thing to do, my family have been within a 10 km radius our whole lives :( got myself a great job, which im still in, found myself a great man and never looked back! Miss my Family so so so much. ACtually, im surprising my sis next Saturday for her 39th bday! im gonna send her a pressie from here tomorrow so she doesnt think anything of it, then im gonna surprise her. I cant wait. I have 5 days to have a party with my sis and plan my wedding :eek: HAHA omg its gonna be crazy!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • just a screencap from the promo vid

    can ANYONE guess why i find it so amusing :D cmon there's a tv reference in there :D

    makes me want my guac NOW :eek:

    damn, i think im in love with Ed's boots :D:D

    Makes me all crazy seeing the boys rockin out in that Vid! I wanna tour now!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    damn, i think im in love with Ed's boots :D:D

    Makes me all crazy seeing the boys rockin out in that Vid! I wanna tour now!

    ditto :o to-ur to-ur to-ur to-ur to-ur :D

    you sound like you're gona be damn busy tig! :eek:
  • gonna be a huge 2 weeks....i probably wont get to post a whole lot in about a weeks time....go to Vic get back, pack pack pack..move work..holy crappola :eek:

    I'll be fine...there will be a nice fresh batch if Guac in there to get me fired and keep me going :)
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • i will catch you cool cats later
    dont do anything silly
    to Stella baby and Trudie..i better see u 2 cats in perth for the PJ stopoff.


    Pearl Jam is:
    Ed Vedder - vocals
    Mike McCready - lead guitar
    Stone Gossard - rhythym guitar, backup vocals
    Jeff Ament - Bass, backup vocals
    Matt Cameron - Drums
    Boom - Keys
    Wave came crashing...
  • i will catch you cool cats later
    dont do anything silly
    to Stella baby and Trudie..i better see u 2 cats in perth for the PJ stopoff.


    Pearl Jam is:
    Ed Vedder - vocals
    Mike McCready - lead guitar
    Stone Gossard - rhythym guitar, backup vocals
    Jeff Ament - Bass, backup vocals
    Matt Cameron - Drums
    Boom - Keys

    Night babe..have a good one....tomorrow i want your answer to that same q :) and if i get to are so veing drunk under the table!! jk
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    love the way you think tig! :D yeh the guac will keep ya going :o

    byeeeeeee rhys, be good :) dont forget, 1 JUMP FOR 1 MARK BABY :eek:

    perth huh :)
  • Night babe..have a good one....tomorrow i want your answer to that same q :) and if i get to are so veing drunk under the table!! jk

    drink me under the table u reckon...u probably could...i cant handle my alcohol!!!!

    haha catchyas
    Wave came crashing...
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