Stan let them go because his weakness is his heart. Philip and Elizabeth have known this since season 1. That scene was crazy intense though.
I felt like the whole episode was intense without them needing anyone getting shot or being locked up. Renee's glance back at the Jenning's house tells me she probably is a spy. Poor Stan. His life is now just as fucked up or more than anyone else's.
The scene where they called Henry to say goodbye without saying goodbye was so sad. Whole episode was just so depressing but I think it worked out really well because Philip and Elizabeth deserved a depressing ending for they way they lived their lives the last 20 years. I liked it.
Stan let them go because his weakness is his heart. Philip and Elizabeth have known this since season 1. That scene was crazy intense though.
I felt like the whole episode was intense without them needing anyone getting shot or being locked up. Renee's glance back at the Jenning's house tells me she probably is a spy. Poor Stan. His life is now just as fucked up or more than anyone else's.
The scene where they called Henry to say goodbye without saying goodbye was so sad. Whole episode was just so depressing but I think it worked out really well because Philip and Elizabeth deserved a depressing ending for they way they lived their lives the last 20 years. I liked it.
Oh yeah, the whole episode was definitely intense. I was just surprised that there was no violence or arrests at all. That garage scene was probably the best scene the show ever had...going to have to re-watch that one again. The more I think about it, the more I like the ending.
Poor he'll never be able to fully trust Renee. His first marriage fell apart because of his job and now his 2nd wife may be a Russian spy! But I bet he'll be the one who ends up taking care of Henry so at least he has that going for him.
I posted this elsewhere, but I thought the finale was the perfect Russian ending; no one ended up happy. They all suffered and lost.
In regards to Stan letting them go, I think the switch turned for him when Paige asked him to take care of Henry. Up until that moment I didn’t feel that he was going to let them go.
Overall, I was very happy with the finale. I’m left with lots of questions, but they’re all about their futures. Will P & E stay together? Will they have any support? They’ve basically betrayed half the KGB and the Centre. Will Oleg eventually be released with Glasnost? Will Paige and Henry ever reunite with each other? With their parents? Will Stan choose to continue with the FBI? Will his suspicion of Renée destroy that marriage as well. Did Claudia make it back to the USSR? Will Henry become an NHL player?
Job well done by the creators, the actors and the crew. This was an amazing series that I will continue to re-watch over the years.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
Just catching up on season 6 on Amazon Prime now that it's available and man, what a season so far! I just watched the 5th episode where the 2 Russians get killed while their son is watching TV (Babes in Toyland of all things). I think that's the saddest part of the show yet. All they wanted to do was get out and have a normal life. They never even really did anything, but crazy Elizabeth must seek vengeance on behalf of Russia. Elizabeth has gone off the deep end. And the way she used Phillip so he would get Kimmy to meet up with him in Greece; devious. Thankfully, I think he's starting to figure it out and finally intervening more with Paige. Elizabeth lies to her so much and hides the truth about what she does, but then criticizes the US constantly. Ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it when I finish this show. Been a great run.
Yeah, Elizabeth is/was completely walking the razor’s edge. I thought Keri Russell did an amazing job of conveying Elizabeth’s single-minded determination whilst also conceying the physical and psychological toll that it is taking on her. I’m really hoping her and Rhys are recognised by their industry with Emmy’s this year.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of the season.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
Finished the series yesterday. Whew, what a show. Probably in my top 5 right now with everything still fresh in my mind. The character development and acting were superb throughout the series, but they really stepped it up for season 6. If they don't get some Emmy's for those performances, than something is wrong. Always hard to see one of your favorite shows finally be done, but I'm happy with how it ended. I think it made sense and worked, only because of the character development we've seen. I really wish we could see the Jennings family happy and together in some alternate reality. Even though Elizabeth was driving me crazy at the beginning of the season, her turn at the end, though minimal, was nice to see. I just can't believe how devoted Philip was to her. He's a tortured soul. Great show. Most definitely need a whole series rewatch since I straggled out the first 4 seasons over 4 years and then binged the last 2 in about 2 weeks.
I’m of two minds on Renee. The first is that she’s a proto-type 2nd gen agent (like Paige has the potential to be) and that she is keeping an eye on all three targets. My second theory is that she is a red-herring, meant to distract, but ultimately will have no direct impact on Philip and Elizabeth.
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
I've been thinking red-herring as well. Stan can't have his best friend and wife both be Russian spies!!!
It feels like there is so much left to cover and there's only 2 episodes left. Can't wait for Wednesday.
I've read that actress who plays Renee is apparently pretty well know and has a pretty hefty salary. She had a big role in the Walking Dead but I never knew of her before this show. So if she is a red herring, it would be a pretty expensive one by the producers...
I have followed that Rene actress for years. She first popped up as Mulder's new contact with the government on the X-Files. She played some major roles in I think seasons 4 and 5 of that show and then kind of disappeared. Ever since then, every time I see her I think of the X-Files. She's got a pretty good track record with hit TV shows as a supporting character. She is also responsible for giving Vic Mackey from The Shield his immunity.
I felt like the whole episode was intense without them needing anyone getting shot or being locked up. Renee's glance back at the Jenning's house tells me she probably is a spy. Poor Stan. His life is now just as fucked up or more than anyone else's.
The scene where they called Henry to say goodbye without saying goodbye was so sad. Whole episode was just so depressing but I think it worked out really well because Philip and Elizabeth deserved a depressing ending for they way they lived their lives the last 20 years. I liked it.
Oh yeah, the whole episode was definitely intense. I was just surprised that there was no violence or arrests at all. That garage scene was probably the best scene the show ever had...going to have to re-watch that one again. The more I think about it, the more I like the ending.
Poor he'll never be able to fully trust Renee. His first marriage fell apart because of his job and now his 2nd wife may be a Russian spy! But I bet he'll be the one who ends up taking care of Henry so at least he has that going for him.
In regards to Stan letting them go, I think the switch turned for him when Paige asked him to take care of Henry. Up until that moment I didn’t feel that he was going to let them go.
Overall, I was very happy with the finale. I’m left with lots of questions, but they’re all about their futures. Will P & E stay together? Will they have any support? They’ve basically betrayed half the KGB and the Centre. Will Oleg eventually be released with Glasnost? Will Paige and Henry ever reunite with each other? With their parents? Will Stan choose to continue with the FBI? Will his suspicion of Renée destroy that marriage as well. Did Claudia make it back to the USSR? Will Henry become an NHL player?
Job well done by the creators, the actors and the crew. This was an amazing series that I will continue to re-watch over the years.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of the season.