So this season was pretty bad huh? Things were moving so slow....felt like not much happened. And how do they leave Oleg out of the finale completely? They've been following his story in Russia all year and then absolutely nothing in the season finale? Hopefully they finish it up strong with the last 10 episodes next season.
I don't think it was bad but I agree it was very slow. It kind of reminded me of the Sopranos season that led to Tony and Carmella seperating during the Whitecaps episode. With the focus more on their family, I think this season was basically setting up next season and how/if they end up getting out of this life.
The Yellow Brick Road scene kind of reminded me of the Don't Stop Believing scene in Sopranos too. Thought it was intense and was waiting for something bad to happen to Paige
So slow. I get what they were trying to do, but I feel like they had already clearly established these family issues in previous seasons. We know Phillip doesn't like this life anymore and Paige is having trouble accepting all of this. And yeah, I was definitely expecting something bad to happen during yellow brick road.
My prediction for how it ends is Phillip turns himself into the FBI and him and the kids go into witness protection and Elizabeth goes back to Russia on her own.
I'm curious to see what happens with his son's in Russia and also Martha. It seemed like they were building up those storylines and then nothing happened...
Mishca is living with Philip's brother now and looks like Martha is going to adopt a child so those 2 stories may be tied up.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
So this season was pretty bad huh? Things were moving so slow....felt like not much happened. And how do they leave Oleg out of the finale completely? They've been following his story in Russia all year and then absolutely nothing in the season finale? Hopefully they finish it up strong with the last 10 episodes next season.
I don't think it was bad but I agree it was very slow. It kind of reminded me of the Sopranos season that led to Tony and Carmella seperating during the Whitecaps episode. With the focus more on their family, I think this season was basically setting up next season and how/if they end up getting out of this life.
The Yellow Brick Road scene kind of reminded me of the Don't Stop Believing scene in Sopranos too. Thought it was intense and was waiting for something bad to happen to Paige
So slow. I get what they were trying to do, but I feel like they had already clearly established these family issues in previous seasons. We know Phillip doesn't like this life anymore and Paige is having trouble accepting all of this. And yeah, I was definitely expecting something bad to happen during yellow brick road.
My prediction for how it ends is Phillip turns himself into the FBI and him and the kids go into witness protection and Elizabeth goes back to Russia on her own.
I'm curious to see what happens with his son's in Russia and also Martha. It seemed like they were building up those storylines and then nothing happened...
Mishca is living with Philip's brother now and looks like Martha is going to adopt a child so those 2 stories may be tied up.
I hope the Martha storyline is finished. It's tied up neatly with a potential happy ending for her. Mischa might still meet his father if they are ever successfully exfiltrated from the US. I'm not sure what I want to happen with the Jennings at this point.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
I am really enjoying this final season. Anyone else? This week's episode was an hour and 20 minutes too.
Loving it. That episode the other night was so intense....poor Kimmy! Only 5 episodes left and I have absolutely no clue how it's going to end.
I just can't wait to see Stan's face when he finally figures out that Philip and Elizabeth are Russian spies. Kinda like in Breaking Bad when Hank figured out that Walt was Heisenberg.
That Marilyn scene was so f’n tight. Weirdly it reminded me of the basement dental scene. I have no idea how they are going to end this story. All this tension is amped up to 11 . . . Do you think they have the balls to end the story with Philip and Elizabeth going “back to sleep” so to speak. Or do you suspect that a major character or characters will die? Going to be gutted when it’s over, but for now I am so enjoying the ride.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
That Marilyn scene was so f’n tight. Weirdly it reminded me of the basement dental scene. I have no idea how they are going to end this story. All this tension is amped up to 11 . . . Do you think they have the balls to end the story with Philip and Elizabeth going “back to sleep” so to speak. Or do you suspect that a major character or characters will die? Going to be gutted when it’s over, but for now I am so enjoying the ride.
Yeah that scene in the parking garage was wild. Reminded me of when they stuffed that one chick in the suitcase.
I can't imagine both Philip and Elizabeth are going to survive. I think Elizabeth will be the one to go....she has so much shit going on here with the big summit coming up. Poor Stan....realizing that his best friend is a Russian spy!!!
I can't believe there is only 3 left. I hope the finale is 2 hours. Yeah the Marilyn scene was crazy. Made me think of how different things were back then before there were security cameras everywhere. Feel so bad for Philip. You just know he wishes Elizabeth would see things his way and that they can just leave this life behind them....but that's not happening--especially with her telling Paige to apply for an internship at the state department at the end.
So now Philip knows what's going on right? Oleg told him to find out and stop Elizabeth if need be. I bet the finale has some sort of feel to it where Stan figures it out and converges on them and Philip is presented with the opportunity of killing Elizabeth or something to stop that plan. I don't know. So many ways this can go. Definitely feels like the end of Breaking bad. Such a great show.
Also--man, this is going out on a high note, huh? This seems like one of the better seasons they've had. Definitely the most tension filled one...
Just caught up with the last 2 episodes and wow. The title of the last episode isn't out but one of the next 2 is titled "Jennings, Elizabeth", which someone eluded to as a possible obituary. Should be a great finish.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
What do you guys think of Renee? I've been reading this Americans reddit page. Lot of people thinking she's KGB sent to keep an eye on Philip and Elizabeth and to kill them if need be....or she's another Russian spy trying infiltrate the FBI through Stan. Stan's weakness is his heart gets in the way of things so they're using that against him. Something's up with her right? Now she has a job at the FBI. Gotta think she plays a role in how this ends....
How bout Roy Rogers getting some screen time? Miss that place. Closest one here, I believe, is a rest stop on the AC Expressway
I’m of two minds on Renee. The first is that she’s a proto-type 2nd gen agent (like Paige has the potential to be) and that she is keeping an eye on all three targets. My second theory is that she is a red-herring, meant to distract, but ultimately will have no direct impact on Philip and Elizabeth.
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
I’m of two minds on Renee. The first is that she’s a proto-type 2nd gen agent (like Paige has the potential to be) and that she is keeping an eye on all three targets. My second theory is that she is a red-herring, meant to distract, but ultimately will have no direct impact on Philip and Elizabeth.
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
I've been thinking red-herring as well. Stan can't have his best friend and wife both be Russian spies!!!
It feels like there is so much left to cover and there's only 2 episodes left. Can't wait for Wednesday.
I’m of two minds on Renee. The first is that she’s a proto-type 2nd gen agent (like Paige has the potential to be) and that she is keeping an eye on all three targets. My second theory is that she is a red-herring, meant to distract, but ultimately will have no direct impact on Philip and Elizabeth.
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
I've been thinking red-herring as well. Stan can't have his best friend and wife both be Russian spies!!!
It feels like there is so much left to cover and there's only 2 episodes left. Can't wait for Wednesday.
I've read that actress who plays Renee is apparently pretty well know and has a pretty hefty salary. She had a big role in the Walking Dead but I never knew of her before this show. So if she is a red herring, it would be a pretty expensive one by the producers...
I’m of two minds on Renee. The first is that she’s a proto-type 2nd gen agent (like Paige has the potential to be) and that she is keeping an eye on all three targets. My second theory is that she is a red-herring, meant to distract, but ultimately will have no direct impact on Philip and Elizabeth.
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
I've been thinking red-herring as well. Stan can't have his best friend and wife both be Russian spies!!!
It feels like there is so much left to cover and there's only 2 episodes left. Can't wait for Wednesday.
I've read that actress who plays Renee is apparently pretty well know and has a pretty hefty salary. She had a big role in the Walking Dead but I never knew of her before this show. So if she is a red herring, it would be a pretty expensive one by the producers...
Yeah, she was a main character on the walking dead for the first few seasons. But I don't think she's a highly sought after actress who is commanding a huge salary. Is it Wednesday yet? This is one of the rare shows that I actually watch live and don't watch on DVR a few days later.
Tonight's the night. Yeah I usually watch it on dvr about 20 minutes in to skip through the commercials. Hoping for an hour and a half or more tonight. Really want the finale to be like a two hour movie
During the last episode, my wife was so nervous about Elizabeth (mostly) and Philip (a little bit) getting caught.
What the hell is wrong with that woman? They deserve to get caught (and Elizabeth kinda did) and fucking waterboarded while their fingernails and toenails are ripped off their flesh for the rest of their natural lives! Death is too good for them.
Can't wait for tonight. I definitely don't want this show to end, but it's awesome how strongly they are going out.
What an episode. Man! How about the scenes between Stan and Philip....Stan and Oleg....Elizabeth and Claudia.....Elizabeth and Paige....fuck the acting on this show is so far and above most of what you see on other shows.
"YOU'RE A WHORE!" How is Paige just realizing what she does? Hasn't she been in this life for like five years now? Either way---wow. Fucking awesome.
What an episode. Man! How about the scenes between Stan and Philip....Stan and Oleg....Elizabeth and Claudia.....Elizabeth and Paige....fuck the acting on this show is so far and above most of what you see on other shows.
"YOU'RE A WHORE!" How is Paige just realizing what she does? Hasn't she been in this life for like five years now? Either way---wow. Fucking awesome.
Some great scenes last night....especially with Stan and Oleg. When Philip started sprinting, my heart was racing. That was wild. And yeah, surprising that it took Paige this long to figure out what Elizabeth is really doing out there. On my DVR, it says the finale is 90 mins.
Holy crap! Finally had a chance to watch the episode (arghh, stupid work causing a delay). That was crazy. I was holding my breath for do much of this episode. They’re knocking it out of the park this season. I see that they’ve got Canadian passports. Looks like they’re making a run for the border. The look on Elizabeth’s face after she got the go signal, Interesting end to Tatiana. I may have more thoughts later. So much to unpack in this episode.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
Still not sure how I feel about the finale. A little underwhelming that neither of them were arrested or killed, but losing both of your kids is a horrible punishment. And I'm still not sure if I buy Stan letting them go from that garage.....that scene was incredible especially when Philip dropped that bomb about Renee at the end, but why on earth would he let them leave????
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Can't believe there's only 9 episodes left....can't imagine this is going to end well for anybody. Can't wait to see what happens.
Nice! I was just searching for this thread. I love what they are doing. Awesome episode last night.
I just can't wait to see Stan's face when he finally figures out that Philip and Elizabeth are Russian spies. Kinda like in Breaking Bad when Hank figured out that Walt was Heisenberg.
I can't imagine both Philip and Elizabeth are going to survive. I think Elizabeth will be the one to go....she has so much shit going on here with the big summit coming up. Poor Stan....realizing that his best friend is a Russian spy!!!
I can't believe there is only 3 left. I hope the finale is 2 hours. Yeah the Marilyn scene was crazy. Made me think of how different things were back then before there were security cameras everywhere. Feel so bad for Philip. You just know he wishes Elizabeth would see things his way and that they can just leave this life behind them....but that's not happening--especially with her telling Paige to apply for an internship at the state department at the end.
So now Philip knows what's going on right? Oleg told him to find out and stop Elizabeth if need be. I bet the finale has some sort of feel to it where Stan figures it out and converges on them and Philip is presented with the opportunity of killing Elizabeth or something to stop that plan. I don't know. So many ways this can go. Definitely feels like the end of Breaking bad. Such a great show.
Also--man, this is going out on a high note, huh? This seems like one of the better seasons they've had. Definitely the most tension filled one...
which someone eluded to as a possible obituary. Should be a great finish.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
What do you guys think of Renee? I've been reading this Americans reddit page. Lot of people thinking she's KGB sent to keep an eye on Philip and Elizabeth and to kill them if need be....or she's another Russian spy trying infiltrate the FBI through Stan. Stan's weakness is his heart gets in the way of things so they're using that against him. Something's up with her right? Now she has a job at the FBI. Gotta think she plays a role in how this ends....
How bout Roy Rogers getting some screen time? Miss that place. Closest one here, I believe, is a rest stop on the AC Expressway
We’ll definitely find out soon! I’m so excited and sad at the same time.
It feels like there is so much left to cover and there's only 2 episodes left. Can't wait for Wednesday.
I've read that actress who plays Renee is apparently pretty well know and has a pretty hefty salary. She had a big role in the Walking Dead but I never knew of her before this show. So if she is a red herring, it would be a pretty expensive one by the producers...
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
What the hell is wrong with that woman? They deserve to get caught (and Elizabeth kinda did) and fucking waterboarded while their fingernails and toenails are ripped off their flesh for the rest of their natural lives! Death is too good for them.
Can't wait for tonight. I definitely don't want this show to end, but it's awesome how strongly they are going out.
"YOU'RE A WHORE!" How is Paige just realizing what she does? Hasn't she been in this life for like five years now? Either way---wow. Fucking awesome.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer